And sadly, it will sell gazillions
Pokemon Sword & Shield is the laziest piece of shit ever
>literally copy/pasting a thread from /vp/
why not?
Ever heard of crossposting (x-post)? We do it all the time on Reddit
I frankly find that the overworld in both games is hideous. why cant it look like BOTW ?
They created /vp/ for a reason you brainless dickless retards, it's a containment board for all of this bullshit around your shitty video games. Fucking go and stay go
Then fuck off back there faggot
>Comparing a game made with Switch limitations in mind to a game made from the ground up for PS4 then ported
How is that fair at all?
Sony fags have a weird obsession with Nintendo games because they dont have anything fun to play on their check-board “4k” machine
the animations in S&S look better though
hey guys /heem/ here. my fav fighter was ko'd in 5 seconds. can I hang out here?
Sorry Pokémon just looks better in general.
>sadly, it will sell gazillions
Yup, feels good knowing that you wasted months of your sad pathetic life shitposting about - like you do with every Nintendo exclusive - and then the game gets released to glowing reviews and strong sales as usual.
First Pokemon game I'll skip. I'll see if the 3rd/sequel version is any better.
>>Comparing a game made with Switch limitations in mind to a game made from the ground up for PS4 then ported
DQ XI S was basically created from the scratch and that doesn't excuse Gramefreak laziness
Gamefreak were able to make 2 original Pokémon games for Switch in roughly the same time it took Square Enix to port DQXI despite the fact they said they intended to release it back when the Switch was known as the NX.
Sounds a lot like every other garbage tripleA normie games that come out for the past decade, like the many Call of Duties, then the recent Battlefront 2 and Fallout 76 shit.
I just want another game industry crash already.
Switch didn't support an updated version of UE4 by then, that's why it got delayed, and they are adding lots of new stuff to make up for it.
That means pokemon should look better than dragon quest switch you colossal retard.
left: soul
right: soulless
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is switch exclusive and has a better overworld as well.
>Neptuniablade Cringeicles
Stopped reading there
Nobody is arguing against it at this point.
Sounds like you’re super cool and have some niche genre games you enjoy. It must really suck to not enjoy your hobby and play all these fun games because your life is so miserable and filled with bad shitposting
Seething weeb
Sword and Shield has a lot more interesting striking graphics and locations rather than Dragon Quest's generic copy-paste setting.
>pokefag trying this hard to divert attention
So the game made from the ground up for the Switch should have a huge advantage. What is your point?
oh god, this picture has less polygons than a ps2 game
It's not all about the graphics if you want graphics go play a PC game.
Pokekusoge is garbage too, but it doesn't hold a candle to Neptuniablade (Yea Forums's most hated game)
Maybe, but at least it isn't Cringeblade Chronicles 2.
God, what a piece of shit game.
You're full of shit, pal.
Fucking based. The pushback is real
I like to imagine that there riots in a town, and in the center of a town there is a giant Pikachu statue. After lots of people get their shit slapped and buildings become half-rubble, the populace shifts its attention towards the statue, and begins to tear it apart. Once it falls and even crushes some people to death, that one DUN DUN part of Nightmare on Bald Mountain is playing.
Lmao what a dumbass
Why is all of the footage from Pokemon from the wild area? That area is the only one that looks that bad due to Game Freak making it open world and being completely inexperienced at doing so.
>That area is the only one that looks that bad due to Game Freak making it open world and being completely inexperienced at doing so.
open world switch games in a nutshell
Because that's most if not the only actual footage of the game we have so far.
That's what they've been focusing on so far.
>GF apologist is the anti-Xeno2 shitter
While I hate xeno2 babs, at least I see the truth and can turn them on pokefags.
it's not even open world, do you consider ocarina's hyrule field open world?
besides every other nintendo game with open fields looks better
This looks like a fucking gamecube game
I bet the old fucking Colosseum games look better than this shit
pokefags when they buy this garbage
I'm going to buy Three Houses, Astral Chain, NMH3, Trials of Mana, BotW2, AC, & will continue to buy the Smash DLC. Cry more, Gamefreak apolocel.
>This looks like a fucking gamecube game
I bet the old fucking Colosseum games look better than this shit
Can't wait until your life ends, fanboy.
Man, if you sounded any more like a typical undergrad Switch drone, I'd think you were Stealth posting anonymously.
imagine dedicating your life to shitposting a game on Yea Forums
Which one is that? Because none of them I know of look like that, not even the red faction 3 remastered port.
>Comparing a game made with Switch limitations in mind
The fuck kind of excuse is that? Switch is by no means powerful, but that doesn't mean games built specifically for it will look like shit. If Square put forth the effort with Dragon Quest's port then the graphic hit shouldn't even matter as long as it's able to keep a stable 30 with very few drops god willing. Sword and Shield on the other hand looks like an upscaled 3DS game with slightly better textures than a game specifically built with Switch hardware in mind.
seriosly it looks like a Unity game made in 2009 by a bunch of guys who upgraded from Rpgmaker.
>literally still uses the 3DS models
>somehow couldn't implement all the old pokemon even though the models, movesets, stats and data exist for them all
why do people defend they hate gamers?
>That user posts switch exclusives that will be better than the new Pokemon game
>Call him a switch drone
user what the fuck?
Pokemon games deliberately have bad graphics because that makes them look safe and wholesome to parents.
I wish I was joking, but that was their justification with LGPE.
This is the dumbest post I've ever seen on Yea Forums.
I wish I was shitposting, I truly wish I was just pretending to be disgusted by XC2. But it was that fucking bad.
it makes 0 sense.
conventionally exclusive games tend to look and run a lot better than ports on any platform.
>buying good games is bad, but supporting bad ones is good
Are you insane?
reminder to buy the game day 1, inject hacked shinies, trade them online to ruin the market then return the game.
No, friendly artstyle. Not bad. SS has bad graphics. And I believe that was more for music than graphics, anyways.
Looks like a ps4 exclusive to me
I genuinely don't understand the outrage, the game looks fine, great even
if you think those textures look good youve never touched a hd platform in your life.
This is a game released in 2008 that was made with a tiny budget by a team of less than fifty people and meant to run on toasters.
What is this? Graphics Whore HQ?
Zwei 2: The Ilvard Insurrection
>getting upset that the nearly 1,000 Pokemon models don't have unique animations for every move
You guys might be autistic
>he doesn't know
It’s containment for the TCG, anime and March. Fuck off. If you don’t want to talk about video games on a video game board, go back to r/gaming and sell out for upvotes
I'm glad you saw the "nearly" there and knew that I obviously meant "exactly"
no, you fuck off asshole, i'm going to keep creating these threads just so you get assblasted again and again
if they aren't even considering adding pokemon in updates the number of missing pokemon has to bee significant, so it's not going to be anywheere near to 1000
>he really doesn't know
where the fuck have you been, buddy?
Pokemon it's the biggest franchise in every media ever, there is not excuse for this fucking shit.
You missed the point, dipshit, gamefreak is excluding at least half of the pokemon this time
im playing Nier and loving it. how about you, still having fun with smash?, placing little blocks like a retard child in MM?
fuck off asshat
>comparing a small studio like gamefreak to the work of square enix
wtf? if you develop for a target platform then your shit should look better than something just ported over
Why the fuck are they a small studio? They make one of the biggest franchises in the industry. And they still have 150 people, they should be able to make something thag isn't uglier than a gamecube game.
Wrong. I made this thread yesterday about a Pokemon VIDEO GAME and it was moved to /vp/. See the last post.
Sethical pls now's not the time
>I think it looks good
>no it doesnt
oh you mean like every pokemon? Every pokemon is fucking lazy, and the same exact game. And people (I wont even say pokemon fans because it truly is everyone) defend it EVERY SINGLE TIME. Pokemon is the only series allowed to side step the turn based arguments, it's the only one normies look past, and game freak doesn't even particularly jam pack that much quality in these titles or anything for how much money they make.
Actually you're the one in the wrong. As of E3 GameFreak has confirmed that not all 900+ Pokemon are going to be in Sword and Shield. From Gen 8 forward they're hardlocking the number of Pokemon per game so if a particular favorite of yours isn't within that region's PokeDex, you can't catch them or even import them from your bank for the entirety of that generation.
>And sadly, it will sell gazillions
At our 4th of July dinner, me and my cousin were shitting on this game for dropping Pokémon even though it looks the same, but our autistic little cousin were making excuses for Gamefreak saying they had to make room for dynamaxing. You're probably right.
Lol no
No, THIS is the dumbest post. Designers who know the limitations of the system are able to stretch the system as far as it can go. Porting from a more powerful piece of hardware will undoubtedly require shortcuts and cutbacks which make the game look significantly worse because the entire game wasn't built with the hardware in mind.
>move your A-team to the literal who-tier game you want to beat Pokemon
>move your B-team that hasn't done shit onto Pokemon
>Pokemon manages to one-up how shit it can get in one go
Genuinely surprising. It's like committing suicide, taking the biggest franchise on the planet and spitting on it in hopes that your newest game can outperform it.
Who's ready for the sub-1k sales for their other game lmao
ePSXe cranked up to 1080p and a widescreen mod? Nice. What PS1 game is that anyway?
The game does unironically look fine. People cry over everything these days.
>they had to make room for shitty gimmick
>going to /vp/
you are the real faggot here
It looks bland and sterile, especially the fucking attrotious character models.
>pokefags will still eat this wet watery shit
defend this
Better than SM.
I'm still buying it, not because I think it looks good, but only to spite all autistic facebook faggots that hop on the #muhnationaldex bandwagon because its the trendy thing to do for these normalfaggots.
>Sony fag
You’re still playing a ps3 game thats less than 10 hours long? You really are retarded and desperate for games.
>released in 2009.
>team had no experience with open ass fields.
>Still manage to be one of most impressive games.... On fucking Wii.
Seething pokefag
lmao cope
>hes back
Go on, post the dance webm. Make it to 800+ reposts
Good goy. Have a (You).
>big tittie anime lady that sleeps in your bed
is this what XC2 is? I guess i'll be buying two copies of it instead of Sword and Shield
did you even click on the image dumbass? lmao