And so I go fast
Not because I want to
But because no one else will
CTR Crash Team Racing Nitro Fueled
Other urls found in this thread:
>Get in the retard lane buddy
How did beenox get away with this?
Reminding them
I hope beenox gets cancer for this shitty game, and that the community fucking crumbles to dust
>pipe physics will never be fixed
>we'll never get wall jumps
>we'll never avoid barrels, spikes, or lasers by jumping over them
Have you received your daily dose today user? If not, then it's time to fix that
Fuck yeah
got missiled off the track on clockwork wumpa
cam back at the end with the mid air u turn brake at the finish with usf and come first
this only makes the coco hotter
>have fun playing singleplayer
>have fun playing local multiplayer
>have absolutely no fun playing the shitty online
>game only rewards playing the latter while anything else gives you fuck all
>time gated garbage
>grindy garbage
>we fortnite now
just why? you had a perfectly good video game and yet you had to go and ruin it all.
lol no
Sewer Speedway shortcut is fucking broken and only consistently possible by people who have A grade military tier weaponized autism and have not seen the outside of their parents basement for well over 30 years.
and thats 1800 championship points for rank ~230
i think i got this one in the bag lads
i feel like allowing the 2x weekend multiplier to apply to offline coin gains wouldn't be asking too much.
>user, you are already at 5% are you, are you ?
>which percentage
I hope you all fucking die I hate you all so fucking much please fucking kill yourselves. Also post more Coco
>pentaposter has shit taste
It's easy, you just need to make sure your kart is actually on the ground while going up the ramp.
The game actually takes a bit of time to tell that your kart is changing angles so you can't just jump into the half pipe and jump again like in the original.
>took the speedpill
>suddenly win all races
Wtf guys you told me speed was advanced but it's just an autowin button for toddlers
The level itself is broken. They might as well put flat walls on the side and just have a small road going down the middle. It'd be the same experience.
handling is actual hard mode
You just became advanced.
i have beaten oxide and have platinum relic on SS but i still cannot figure the shortcut out
i could do the shortcut in the original in my sleep
Just afk farm. 2 days and you will have everything.
i have a full time job and after 10 minutes of practice i hit the shortcut almost 100% of the time
it is all angle m8
You retards have a fucking general. Now fuck off so I can have more "leak" threads to laugh at
what is the method for afk farming anyway?
>setup turbo controller to keep pressing X
>play any Crystal Challenge
Theres all equal my friend. Do not start anything with the Nitro Squad
>Yes I do main Zem, how can you tell?
>beat toddlers on training wheels with a sports car
requires a third party turbo controller
I really hope this series is getting revived. Need me some more platformers and Crash.
You disconnect halfway through lap 1
what about limit battle with 2 pads and you kill enemy as fast as you can ? its literally 30 seconds or so
How are you going to set it up to do it automatically?
Finally unlocked Fu-Manchu clockman, it feels pretty good, but kinda feels like kick in the groin area that I have to beat Oxide's times for his last skin.
how does this fit into the crash lore
>Still no rating system so i'm stuck getting DNF with autismos
>turn characters
>better than anything
How about they fix the level so it's not a load of crap and goes back to being one of the best in the game alongside Hot Air Skyway and Polar Pass?
Who talked about stats, I was referring to breeding potential
It doesn't.
Going to ask here again, as the thread is new. Anyone been able to play with friends on the Switch? Every time i try, we get told neither of us are joinable. Anyone know any fixes?
Ami is for working a long day on projects around the yard and house then retiring to the porch and wiping the oil off her nose then sharing a few drinks together.
Liz is for teasing her for being too lewd and convincing her to take lewd selfies and making her horny enough to not care about how degenerate the pictures are.
Isabella is for cooking delicious meals and wandering into the kitchen only to see her wearing a naked apron and having her tell your her wumpa pie is for dessert.
Megumi is for going out on a Saturday night to Akihabara and hitting otaku dance clubs, partying from the last train to the first train, then holding hands in the cold Tokyo winter until you find a ramen stand near the water and eat together at sunrise.
The only ones I'm failing to finish are the Nitro Kart levels because I haven't played them in 15 years and can't remember a damn thing about them. Assuming you're smart enough to not get bogged down in the pack right at the start it shouldn't be hard to at least be less than 30 seconds behind the leader.
what should be other options ?
it aint automatic lad, it would be the fastest probably to do
What's your excuse for not going fast?
>waaah waaah the coin system is broken and sucks
Oh fuck off Ami. Just put on a strapon already and get it over with.
If you are going to manually do anything then it's better to play online.
But automatic farming solves the issue of grinding because you will get enough coins/nitro over night while you do nothing.
Prime opportunity and they missed it. Yes, no, maybe, I don't know.
Fuck you, Twinsanity time bitches.
Why do they even have this survey shit, given the fact that online is broken and never fun at all due to lack of matchmaking, and everyone voting in the exact same maps, and picking the exact same character/car combination.
>grinded autistically offline
>paid for those coins AKA paid for online
>Can't get enough money to buy the characters I want to play
>Muh free content
There's no point in free content if you need to pay for online to have a chance of unlocking it
>the rest of the lobby leaves and now it's just me and some guy
>duke it out for 15+ races with no one entering the lobby
Whoever/wherever you are, EN1GMA, good shit.
Congrats, you can now buy 1 pack
Ah, so you have both poor taste AND intelligence, then.
You get 8000 WC every night though
Exactly my point. You can grind out some money in online, but the online mode in this game is about as much fun as being an african mine worker.
user there was already a thread up at like 100 posts. What the fuck are you doing
I like getting into those situations but they always leave since I'm not fast enough
>racing someone of equal or greater skill
is there anything sweeter?
How about not asking for miracles?
same thing happened to me. we just farmed the 10 online team wins for both.
>Carpel tunnel playing up
More like 5000 if you aren't among the top 1% autists who get to dominate the remaining 99%
I fucking hate this game
>never fun
I've chosen fun almost every time :3
What I don't get is what it accomplishes. It's not specific about anything. Why was it fun? Why was it not fun? If everyone votes no fun, what do they try fixing?
"Hmmm, maybe they want more clocks? It'll balance things out, right?"
jokes on you, I already got them all
>Tryhard Racer Crunch
>Thinks he's hot shit but beat him everytime
>Whips out digital n. tropy as if it were an achievement
>Don't care, play DIngo and beat him again
Is there a better feeling?
Yeah and its literally some twitter screencap tranny bait thread
But best tracks are Cortex Castle and N. Gin Labs.
that thread isn't about video games
>I've chosen fun almost every time
Fucking remove yourself, subhuman, and fix your shit taste.
You get 15 WC/minute by afk farming
That's 7200 in 8 hours
Do you guys use D-pad or analog? I don't find the D-pad comfortable at all myself.
Exercise your forearm muscles and remember to stretch your wrists often, but not in a stupid way.
Do it with default Crash to really rub it in.
Yes, to unite with a fellow dingobro
analog stick is too slow and imprecise
Balanced characters are super slow, you can't really win against someone competent with them.
I hate using the stick
they don't need to be fixed nor will they ever be, they're different on purpose. If you want the exact same thing just play the original
D-pad all the way. That way I can break both of my thumbs simultaneously.
Dude was clearly better than me, but I won a few matches and definitely had to make him work for some of his wins. Pretty motivating to get even better.
These are too stupid to not be funny
If you paid for them. Probably $60.
anyone on EU (idk if it matters) switch want to complete the friend challenges in Twilight Tour? add me
Aren't the balanced characters the second fastest in the game? Or do the Accel characters perform better somehow?
How about you have fun and a blessed day? :D
WHy would I? I already got them all
YASSS Queen. She is so brave
same, I miss those platformers adventure games. Nowadays it's retro pixel shit or le epic storytelling game
Would help dilate
Jannies just killed that thread because it was bait and wasn't gonna be 100% Crash like this one.
I was using dpad but I tend to hold the controller too tight and really press my middle fingers into the hard plastic controller leaving red marks on my joints so I switched to the stick. There's just something about the PS4 controller that doesn't agree with all my fingers.
>all those shit tier boosts
Jesus, no wonder why you kept losing to someone.
i dont have the game, but I love this fucking chipmunk so much.
You scrubs are so delusional
Thank you
I wish this was ironic
She wouldnt have the op.
The stats lie and accel is actually faster than balanced.
Always analog. I've played the original game with the analog stick for more than 10 years and that's what I'm used to. The d-pad feels really awful in my opinion and I can't understand why people keep recommending it so much.
The game stats lies to you, AGAIN
Balanced characters are slower than Accel character and have less acceleration than handling characters. They're by far the worst class.
>only good boosts
>completely avoiding fruit to stay slower
Doesn't sound like you made him work for his wins.
she's real in your heart
The part I find offensive is they drew everyone else fairly accurate (for their art style), but Coco looks.... Nothing like Coco
this was ment to
How is that not fact?
>You get 15 WC/minute by afk farming
Sounds like online to me. Paying for coins.
Godammit, Beenox!
I love her bros ;_;
the analog stick, it's just as precise if not more and I can still use my left hand after a while
>update comes out
>all new characters introduced are furfag waifu fapbait for lonely virgins
leaves a bad taste in your mouth if you don't happen to browse e621 on the regular and just want a fun, colorful kart racer
>Can feel the whole lobby going against me
>Still get 1st place multiple times
Normies rise up
Leaves a good taste in your mouth if you're a normal person who doesn't know what e621 is and just sees some cool looking girls to race as now
The thing is that Im not afk farming. Im just winning 95% of races
Here's Handling vs Balanced to compare
accel vs handling
speed vs handling BLUE FIRE
Cal arts Coco
Do I have to do the time trials twice to bean N.Tropy's time? I know the tracks pretty well and beat his time on the first try but I have to beat it a second time...
Keep crying bitch nigger
Yes, online, the most effective way to get coins without grinding, which is paid for
unfortunately yes
Good thing I have a job I guess
if you're on ps4 you don't need to pay for it
there are ways, user
>mfw yet another online lobby with 4 x Ami
For N.Tropy and Oxide you have to unlock their times, then make sure you activate their ghosts while going into the race.
>Papu’s pyramid
>6 orbs while in first place
>Atleast there weren’t any clock spams
If a turn character and a speed character have USF, do they both go at the same speed or is the speed character still faster
I'm gonna clock you in the face, moustachelet.
el goblino...
Anybody know why I'm not getting the goal for winning two skyway races without falling off?
Is there something different I should be doing than single races on easy?
Speed character is still faster. The speed increase that characters get from USF is the same but the base speed still plays a role in the overall speed. This has been confirmed by the way even though a lot of people argue otherwise for whatever reason.
Me too and I pay for online. I'm just 100% correct that money gets you further in this game.
>that strained smile on Pinstripe
Wow balanced is trash.
Check your totals to see if you have it, I think the notification on that challenge is bugged.
Green and purple is such a good color combo in general. Thanks doc.
based spyro killing thots
Thanks, Skrillex! I forgot about that website.
>the left drawbridge box in Cortex Castle's Relic Race
This is OG CTR stats I think. NF gave all classes a buff but balanced in particular is a lot better. imo it's now the second best after speed
You're welcome, DJ Tiësto.
What are you even trying to say? Those who play online have an unfair advantage to those who don't?
What were they thinking? Balanced characters should be second best in every stat. Right now they're just slightly faster handling characters, but with worse handling.
>win against coco player as Tropy
>he switches to Digital Tropy then leaves the lobby
Was he mad?
What the fuck is wrong with missiles in this remake? They do NOT work at all, even when i'm driving straight they immediately turn right into a wall. Do i need to have 10 wumpa apples for them to work like they did in the original?
The 2nd and last one are correct.
Stop spreading lies. Classes only factor in with SF, not USF. It was already confirmed that USF is the same max speed for all characters.
>use character that is easier to win with
>wtf i'm winning more
>he plays coco
>he plays penta
>he plays pura
>he plays crunch
No, it was confirmed not
Keep up bud
analogue. fuck the pro controller d-pad with a rotting bargepole.
Nope. Try again. The reddit fag that tried to say it wasn't normalized completely fucked up.
>It was already confirmed that USF is the same max speed for all characters.
never mind I'm retarded, didn't read the above posts
whats wrong with crunch
some racer crunch still your podium or something??
Literally go play any USF stage you want with a turning character, then swap to speed/accel and tell me it's the same speed with USF. I fucking dare you to lie to my face like that.
Only tryhards play him, and there is no place for him in the roster as long as based Tiny exist.
>Bandicoot Power!
What did Coco mean by this?
Is this like White Power but for Bandicoots?
If you like him you're a gay furry
I come to these threads just for images of bandicuties. I don't care about the game. I'm not a furry, right?
That's somewhat furry, so yes, you're a furry
It's one of the levels from Cortex Bandicoot on the PS1
How can we defeat the Pentachads?
Why is the shortcut in sewer speedway so much harder to get now? I used to have a 99% success rate but now even after 101% the game I still haven't managed to get it a single time.
Yesterday I got the glitch where I come first but go back to the bottom position after the race ends. Three times. And second place was always Racer Crunch.
Fuck Racer Crunch stop stealing my coins during wumpa time.
They have to be done in a row. I got it just fine doing with bots.
Then again, I love schooling waifushitters with my boy Nash. Just so you know amifags,the day of the fang is coming and you'll be the first victims.
I did them in a row
how many times have you complained about that in those threads?
Fellow non game player, but a fan of the animal puss puss
they're just playing them for the nitro bonus retard
Looks like blackface Lanky Kong
D-pad. It used to destroy my thumb but after a while it stopped hurting and I didnt even notice
>Need to win one more online match of Twilight Tour
>Won't fucking show up in the voting stage
>is giving online players up to x10 as many coins as offline players unfair?
yes. is that not obvious enough?
t. Amishitter on damage control
I had that problem too, kept at it and eventually I got it. Although I had my suspiscions that it disqualified you if you even jumped past the bounds, like if you tried to jump over more land from a big turbo jump.
The entire physics of the level has changed, you can't drive up walls either any more.
It seems like they changed the shortcut so speed doesn't factor in as much as before and instead there's some extremely specific angle you have to approach it to trigger a boost in your height.
It feels kind of artificial and counter intuitive compared with the original
>finish online race in 1st
>says I came in 3rd
>not even on the podium
>got zero coins for the race
Negro wut
Actually Tawna is the blackface of CTR, didn't you hear?
I'd play emo-Ami if I wouldn't get mad bonus from the stupid jumpsuit. After bonuses end, I'm gonna go back to N. Tropy and Dingodile.
>reminder that all anthro "women" are built for human cock?!??!..
Considering it's purely aesthetic I don't see how that "advantage" matters.
Just happened to me
>subtitled: I aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin't having that shit.
This is the first time, I'm trying to get the platinum relic and I'm having a hard time.
>you can't drive up walls either any more.
This is bothering me, a lot.
God dammit, i love when they pose characters like this
would seeing a digital tropy make mistakes and eat shit due to items make people feel better about their own driving/luck? i don't care about styling on people i just think he looks cool.
That's freaking Meg from Goof Troop!
>pictured: 1001 reasons to buy the game.
>tfw i've got every position in crash cove except 1st
Why the fuck does anyone think that Tawna is hot is beyond me. She was hot in original Crash Bandicoot, but in N. Sane Trilogy she became ugly ass plank and hasn't improved much in CTRNF. Coco improved a huge amount from trilogy to NF, but Tawna is a mediocre soccermom with her sexy smoker voice being only redeeming quality.
I found that to be the easiest position to get
Anything past 3rd was the hard part
>started off as a Lizfag
>bought into the meme that Megumi is a butterface
>now Megumi~chan is my main girl
What unexpected turn of events.
>hol up, so you be sayin we some kinda *smacks lips* Nitro Squad
Use the airplane mode exploit
anyone knos if I can just restart a race for the 25 perfect boosts after I get one?
I have the first 5 so far.
Feels dumb to wait others to pass me on last lap
Megumi is not my thing. She seems like weeb fanservice. I like all the other ones though.
1. Ami
2. Isabella
3. Tawna
4. Liz
5. Megumi
Liz would be fine were she not a fucking turn shitter. She's not even the cute goth gf, since raccoon Ami trumps her in both looks and playability.
>gotta win 1st in Twilight Tour with Tawna
>finally pops up after an hour
>12 clocks are hit throughout the race
>final lap has 3 warp orbs circling the track
>come in 3rd after an asshole hits me with 3 rockets up my ass at the last jump
I hate online mode so fucking much
>want to play as norm, fuck legendary skins and etc
>can't play as norm because there isn't an ingame challenge to unlock him so you have to grind
it's the little things
Good list
I think you need to complete the races. Why would you restart for that, just play and this challenge will be done naturally.
What's with this game and OC creation?
I don't see other games getting this treatment.
For me, it's:
Tawna > Isabella > Liz > Ami > Weebfanservicegumi
That's a fucking turbo autist that probably spends the whole day playing
You've still got to grind online. You've just got to grind less, but that's a by-product of competing with others online. If you're only interested in the cosmetics and don't want to establish your worldwide dominance then that's on you for having your priorities in the wrong place.
>twilight tour shows up
>3 people switch to tawna for the challange
>autistically hold USF, get sub 2:20 time and make sure no one else even gets to finish
El Zambo de la luz extinguido
I play offline and dont care about this cosmetic shit for autistic retards
chill out
>worldwide dominance
>look mom, I can make a python script and leave PS4 on 24/7
thats a somewhat recent reddit meme
Do you not remember how much OC Devil May Cry got after 5 was merely announced? Then it went into overdrive after release. Crash is the same, but with the added bonus that there's months of planned free content to look forward to and a bunch of characters right now to sexualise.
a mixture of nostalgiafags, autism skill requirements to git gud and furfags wanting to fuck every character, OC is a plenty.
It's not terrible but the grand prix prizes and challenges and the 1 hour a day of 2x coins being the only time you can unlock anything at a decent rate does nothing but encourage everyone to be absolute shitters to everyone else.
2x Wampa coin rate should be the normal rate you get coins and grand prix prizes should be able to be all obtained at a good rate. Plus make offline coin rate as good as online.
They should at least change balance to 4 in everything on the stats screen to make it more accurate. That and change accel's speed to 5 and handling's accel to 5.
>they're just playing them for the nitro bonus retard
The amount of nitro you gain from online games is practically zero. With all of your waifu boosts you get like six nitro instead of five per race, it doesn't make any meaningful difference.
>mfw laughing at waifufag excuses
please play Battle Mode
its so lonely here
Imagine being so bitter about offline wumpa coins that you take my post to mean anything but wanting to simply beat everyone else in online races.
>Really enjoy watermelon motifs
>Apparently everything to do with watermelons are racist now
No it isn't
I tried it yesterday and that room filled up quick
I tried it once and nah
>play online
>some asshole always finishes 20-30 seconds ahead of literally everybody else
i might be shit at the game, but at the end of the day this just doesn't feel very fun or rewarding
I like this mode but im not gonna pay sony for ps+
Her hair looks like bacon.
wth is a crystal cup? I thought it was one of those adventure 4 race vups or local play but no. Pls help
>He cares about beating people on a shitty 'do daily chores and win an ugly kart if you're part of le 5% (top 10000000000 btw)
>Oh wow I'm so good at the game even tho I can't drive for shit
>Let's stream and let everyone know how good I am at the game by putting that I'm top 5% in the title xD haha
>uh uh Oh don’t chu be jumpin on dem crates on our anniversary dinner ya hear?
real shit
I only toss on the bonus gear for the first online race of the day, since that usually sets off like 4 challenges of 140~150 (rather 100) each. Then its back to the preferred
There's so much to do so much to see so what's wrong with taking the backstreet?
You'll never know if you don't go.
You'll never shine if you don't glow.
I think I have a furry porn addiction.
>python script
I love Crunch in this game
Switch Tawna and Megumi and you have my list
battle mode in a car game is like a beat em up in a platformer.
it just don't fit
Go to local arcade and select Cup Race
Nobody fucking cares. Why do you fucking autists always have to scream about this shit? Are you 12?
Eventually all of that rage she is suppressing will explode. Which nitro-thot will she take it out on?
You seem to be complaining about someone that has absolutely nothing to do with what I've said.
Can they just permaban people who finish way ahead of everyone else, and by doing so, steal their coins?
They make up 1% of the player base, and without them the game would be more enjoyable for all remaining players.
That's because I'm fucking drunk
I want /ourslut/ to get in.
This is me literally 2 and half years ago after playing unteralterbach
thank god it hasn't evolved past 2D
Psychotic breakdowns usually are acted out on innocent parties it seems, so Liz would be her victim
>someone got finally made a decent Coco 3D SFM model to replace the current one
>it's still off model and the tits are pretty bad
At least the blowjob animation with it is still good.
They unironically ruined the game for me with this shit.
>Its a Coco/Penta player that ragequits after not winning 1 race episode
lmao i see it. thanks for helping a brainlet out
Really needs a tier system for online.
Being such a 1 for 1 remake of ctr you've got people out the ying yang that's played the maps some to an autistic amount.
It's one thing to say get gud but theres no way for newer players to stand a chance when even the good experienced players are being blown the fuck out buy the elites
Unironically, why is Ami the only character to share the iconic, titular characters main phrase? WOAH!
She LITTERALLY says WOAH when you click her on the character screen? Why is she allowed to say it? Why doesn't Coco or Tawna say it? Ami can say Crash's line?
>Add an objective benefit to winning
>Be surprised when people look for another lobby when they aren't winning
I'd prefer that the shitters would have a lock on online until they have beaten Oxide the second time. I'm not particularly good at the game, but if I manage to lap someone or someone loses to a fucking NPC racer, they have absolutely no place in online races.
>give five more furry sluts and now CTR is fueled with furryfags
it's working
they're getting more art and free marketing the game
Stay triggered, shitter.
She says Woo
You can't just ban people because your salty ass can't win a race
I can only hope that other publishers follow suit.
there are 2 more coming
>"minorities are only ok when i am in the minority" t. /vpol/
face it, your tryhard kind is unwanted in this game
That's not what he meant idiot. He's saying that these guys don't want to race, they only want to have a guarranteed win to get their nitro challenges. If they can't win in a lobby because they're not good enough they'll move until they find one they can dominate.
cool enjoy your waifubait 24/7 threads
fuck this gay shit
we will
>ban good players
>bad players become good
>ban them too
mate I just want more in-game challenges, unlocking N.Tropy, his digital skin, Hot Rod Oxide, and the platinum paintjob is far too little to work towards. I had fun with them but if you look at the character select you're still missing a large amount of characters because of it.
>Big Norm
>Real Velo
That's almost 50% of the entire game's roster. At least you can put in "work" to unlock the 5 main-game bosses, Fake Crash, N.Tropy, and Tawna*. Then the process will repeat with each further Grand Prix putting a bunch of characters in the Pitstop and 1 as a nitro challenge reward.
*for the duration of the Grand Prix, afterwards she's in the same bin as every other Pitstop character.
When the game inevitably stops being supported years down the line, that will be a vast amount of content inaccessible to players unless they deliberately add in a backdoor or offer in-game challenges as unlock conditions for them.
>going so fast you jump OVER those boxes
That's a new one to me.
Ami can do what she wants
Why restart? Take another lap and practice.
Even if they add in some kind of alternative, that's going to be an update and therefore still entirely reliant on them providing access to servers. It's real sad.
>those airborne boxes
Imagine if you unlocked a trophy girl for coming first in each original arcade cup on hard, and hard was actually, well, hard. Instead of maximum pit stop grinding.
What is this SA2?
what the fuck is going ooon
This was a huge problem for me. Especially the CTR challenge in Oxide Station. You would either jump over the letter or go under it 90% of the time.
So, you're saying that majority of the community is shit at the game, but the dedicated people who care about the series should stay out?
Do everyone a favor and go offroad on Pinstripe's track.
Based DNFbro.
Maintaining an update server is different from needing to maintain matchmaking and account servers. It's one of those things that can be left on the backburner and handled by the distributor rather than needing constant upkeep and even uptime. The real tragedy is that all of the content isn't on the disc/cart so you can't just throw it into a console and play it in 20 years' time with your kids like you could with the PS1 copy.
As long as a PC version exists down the line, we'll be futureproofed but it's still a general concern for console users.
im so fucking done with this game
3 or 4 times today the game just froze and now all my womb coins are gone
I 100% agree with your post, but i just ignore this shit i dont need all characters with same stats or new car pait job etc.
all of this is fucking worthless you dont need this cosmetic shit to 100% the game and enjoy it
I like your idea to put all this shit in challenges
instead of buy shit for wumpa coins in jew stop
buy online or enjoy grinding forever lebit xd
Servers down?
What bothers you so much about that character?
How does it feel never being able to unlock save rewinder man?
>Servers are broken and I can't earn nitro points or complete challenges
Is there a new electon avenue shortcut?
This just seems absurdly fast
Jokes on them, I got the platinum without getting every box
This is racist af.
Why didn't they make Cortex black?
We all know Egyptians were black!
>still unable to scroll the challenge lists on xbone
>have to look up the challenges online
Why does everyone have such a shit taste?
Here is the objective list:
How does it feel never being able to have sex?
seems like a daily event! They should make it a nitro challege.
Would you guys cop the Supersaiyancrash skin at the pit stop?
>tfw we're all going to have to play baby characters next month
what's the requirement for hot road oxide? I unlocked it without trying
God I hope not.
That'd make one more level I'm not allowed to fully enjoy. RIP Thunderstruck.
>unlock rocket
>it has a checker pattern skin
fuck yeah I was really hoping for this
now I can play N. Gin as he was meant to be
thats 100% some glitch where they skipped 2 laps somehow
despair is waiting for us
>Bardock Bandicoot
>Jecht Bandicoot
>baby characters
They possibly couldn't come up with anything more lame could they?
Hilarious that that Thunder Struck shortcut hasn't been patched out yet.
Not talking about the glitch lap skip but the one that is far easier to do and lets you skip over half the track. I fucking lapped Oxide on that track.
I don't know what's worse, red shells that are a free hit or this retarded auto targeting that somehow targets the kart that's behind me instead of the one right in front of me.
lap glitch twitce and probably another shortcut that the fucker won't share because he's a crybaby who wants to keep his 1st place ona glitched level leaderboard.
get rekt lmao
whats the lap glitch?
He cute.
>slowly drift into the most obvious hazard ever
Game fucking sucks am I right? Fucking item spam garbage.
how do I git gud? I never played the original
I can only hope that a CNK adventure mode is formally included so that we have an in-game method of unlocking Krunk, Nash, Norm, Big Norm, Geary, and Velo (both forms for any% and 100%). Then throw Crunch, Zam, Zem, and N.Trance as unlocks for CNK's 4 gem cups instead of fucking basic skins that Ripper Roo, Papu, Joe, and Pinstripe got.
Then figure out different challenges as unlock conditions for the characters that exist outside of CTR and CNK adventure challenges like encouraging people to explore the alternate modes some more.
The grindstone approach just isn't fun and engaging. It feels more like a job than an objective.
Advice for Oxide: Learn Speed characters.
You have a much greater margin for error I've noticed. For instance on Hot Air Skyway I convincingly beat a clean Time Trial run that barely beat Oxide with a Balanced character with runs I fell off the fucking stage.
Also note for Blizzard Bluff you don't have to do the fence skips to beat him, at least not if you use Speed characters.
Can't wait bro
>out of time
>clocks only
not everything is an attack on the game, it was just a funny "everything goes wrong at once" moment
send this clip through Activision's support site
this is unacceptable
>why yes, I have mastered the technique of concealing vials in drop crates. how could you tell?
>game stopped giving me nitro points
Lap glitched all 3 times, actually.
>sit on your lazy ass and autistically study every track and shortcut for dozens of hours
>go online and effectively steal coins from everybody else
>enjoy free gibs in form of first places on the back of all other players
>get called out on your bullshit
>"dindu nuffin! git gud!"
the literal niggers of crash team racing, containment queue when?
Literally me online.
I'm pretty sure this is why we got the mutant games
Servers are fucked I think.
Legit try using a Turn/Balanced character.
Sooo are the hard bots gaining speed by some magic? I'm pretty sure I've haven't seen them boosting yet they seem to gain speed from somewhere
we need normal races without fucking crates with items
fuck this RNG bullshit
>mostly accel and speed with one handling at the very back of the pack
very epic meta
Motorsport Liz when? I need to complete my collection of motor thots getting consumed by the shark.
That's right, stay mad while I'm sitting on a pile of coins that I don't even need at this point anymore.
That shit needs to get patched.
>autistically study every track and shortcut for dozens of hours
How the fuck do you study a shortcut? You see it once and it's forever in your memory. You play a track once and you know the layout now. What is wrong with you?
I got the thing in the end
I don't think using a different kind of character would make much difference, the jumping is just fucked in this game
Another kart racer, srb2kart, only allows the lightning-equivalent to show up 30 seconds after the last one appeared. Wish they'd do something like that.
Can anyone let me know when PS4 servers are back up please?
she was out yesterday, she's just handling so nobody plays her
first Thunderstruck
now this
fix your shit Beenox
I have sex on the regular AND I have unlocked clockman without save rewind. Truly feels like top of the world.
An user informed me that in the original CTR only one player could hold the clock at a time.
I don't play this shit every day, I have more important and fun vidya to play, so when I do come back every couple days to do some races, I tend to forget about that.
>playing electron avenue
>a bunch of retards drive off literally before the first jump, take first place easily
>coasting through first lap, getting close to the finish line
>"race ends in 30 seconds"
>put in hard work
>develop skill
>perform better than others
>get rewarded
>this is somehow a bad thing
I just find it easier to drive into boxes with those two classes.
Anyway, congrats my dude.
>*heartbeat rises*
>"Just don't look at her, Tawna. Face forward and eventually she'll look away."
Do you yell out CTR quotes while having sex?
With the waifu boosts you get 15 nitro per online race instead of 10. That's big enough.
it was a legit online lobby lol
I haven't played it yet, but I'm having trouble telling what's a meme and what isn't. Did they really remove jiggle physics from the SNOY version and not the others?
>perpetually offended busybodies face when they see Watermellon Tawna
the original CTR was also built for at-most 4 human players and CPU players never got clocks or memeballs in the first place.
The CPU restriction even exists in NF until you go into hardmode or into online mode so get you get shit like
>getting clocked and ballspammed by 3 easy-difficulty CPU players and 1 mario kart immigrant
You don't have to, and not even for hours. A race is around 3 minutes and if you see anyone take a shortcut, boom, learned. If you played 20 minutes every now and then you'd have perfect track knowledge.
>What a swell time!
>I'm blowing up the place!
>Fully inflated tires!
>Up, up and away!
>Get pumped!
>Wii game? Other game?
>Round and plump; perfectly proportionate!
>Ballooning to 1st!
>Oooh, I'm bloated!
>Deflated yet again...
>Electron Avenue gets selected
>It's Wumpa Time
Sensei forgive me
>he doesn't scream "THE TROPHY'S MINE" at the moment of ejaculation
neither did I and I rarely lose online
then maybe get your head checked
i havent played ctr after like 2004 and could still remember all shortcuts in NF
>see someone else do it
at that point it's already too late, and the next time I come across said shortcut they will be already half a lap ahead of everyone else
He's mad because all of his finger dexterity is wasted on dilation.
I don't understand why I can't place the flag in my base thing sometimes, can somebody explain?
all you get for playing offline is shitty recolor skins
with actijews we are doomed
I like your idea, jews dont
enjoy grand prix for autists
thank god i have judgment to play and simply dont care about this unfun grand grind prix
removed from all versions
me approaching women online and offline
cant score if your flag is away
good lord that became annoying quickly
If your flag is stolen, you can't do that
Starting to get really fucking pissed with this game and Grand Prix challenges not registering or you go to the list and there is a tick and you never got the fucking points for it. Fucking shit is glitched.
>It's like I'm babysitting!
>Put a pacifier in it!
>Come to Daddy!
>You'll like this toy!
>Don't play with that!
>Young and ripe!
>Fiddle fiddle diddle!
>It's the fuzz!
>I didn't commit any crime!
>Victory will never grow old!
Yes. Last time I didn't manage to pull out in time, I accidentally said "bad timing"
Ok thanks
all this furry pussy perfection. I need to pick this game up soon.
Beenox really ought to implement the 1 clock limit.
>disconnect at the start of Electron Avenue during Wumpa Time on the weekend
>continue to obtain the easiest 800 Wumpa Coins of my life
Pshh...nothin personell...bandicoots...
Your team's flag also needs to be there. If it was stolen you can't place the flag you took from the other team.
yfw realizing that when the PC version is announced/released, that the modding community will be insane
I'm not talking about winning, I'm talking about knowing what to do next time. I don't play this game every day either. Same with Mario Kart 8. Every time my friends and I got together I'd remember a shortcut I saw months ago. It doesn't take studying and most don't need practice either.
>having to dc to win
lmaoing at your life
This is the face libtards make when you own them with facts and logic.
>not n.sane
Yeah the paletteswaps will be nuts.
Well, if I'm not winning then what's the purpose, given the fact that this game requires you to win 10 online races per day?
I was good at the original and just bought this shit, getting recked on hard in the first stage of adventure mode, what the fuck?
I'm waiting to see how the pc community fucks up the game
servers are back
>he doesnt just USF the whole race and DNF everyone else
oh nonono
God help us all, I'm going to need 4 hands for all the fapping that will go down
They will regret removing the jiggle after the modders have their way
>having to
more like having the courtesy to not subject people to a 1-minute sequence break for maximum coinage, they can have their regular race but I'll be rolling in the coins
You have to learn it again, it's a different game.
>Try to beat the “play limit battle” and “play capture the flag” challenges on the specific maps.
>Doesn’t work; think it must be online only.
>Go to pit stop to see how much money I earned at least.
>Fucking 0 Wumpa in my account.
What the legitimate fuck is happening?
PC mods are dead in modern games.
>topless bandithots and anime characters in
>tons of custom tracks similar to twilight tour, easy to maintain USF
reboot, servers were down
Jiggle? You mean THIS jiggle was removed?
Say it ain't so.
hard mode is as hard as super-hard mode was in the original CTR. Crash Cove is also notoriously simple so getting a lead is legitimately pretty tough to pull off, god help you if you try the CTR challenge for that. When I did my hard adventure mode attempt I only one that one by a single frame.
>enter pit stop
>0 coins
>do stuff
>chellanges gives 0 nitro points
Yes, it was removed.
>When the game has always online DRM
Yea right
Racing games always have autistic modding communities, just look at Mario Kart. Only reason 7 and 8 dont have huge hacking communities is because Nintendo makes them hard to crack open
>Baby T will be the main one so his alt costume will be unlocked last
Servers are offline, you dunce.
This JUST happened to me.
Servers are also down for me.
Maybe it's happening to alot at once.
>tfw Ami is best girl, but you're too bad to play speed characters so you just play Isabella
Isabella's accent is really hot though.
That ain't gonna stop me editing the files on my computer mate
That said I doubt there would be any mods for this, unless you can show me a playable Fake Crash in NST or something
>play on switch on my commute to work
>can't earn coins if you are connected to the internet
I'm just speaking of shortcuts and track knowledge.
Winning comes from finding what works best for you and doing it faster each time you play.
Or you can just not focus so much on winning because it's fine if you don't. No one wins 100% of the time. Even the people who DNF everyone else get rekd occasionally.
Does CTR play decent on the switch?
Yup same here, just did a fucking challenge that has taken forever and got nothing, no nitro or Wumpa points. Fucking annoyed
Reminder to back up your saves. Game crashed when the server went down and corrupted my file.
Same here. It's a completely new game. Fun once you get the hang of it. I don't think I would have as much fun if I was a god from the start.
>game requires you to win 10 online races per day
what the fuck are you talking about
It does, the loading times are fucking atrocious though and the visuals are really bad, it doesn't even have grass in it.
>tits ballooned much larger than they should be
Isabella is next best girl but you really need to learn Speed characters. Practice that mid air u turn.
Speaking of not allowed, did Beenox remove thunderstruck from the Online pool of levels until the bug is fixed? I have not seen it appear all weekend.
>Beenox in charge of making games
It should be illegal to make games that broken
Definitely removed, been playing like crazy since the event began and it has not showed up once.
Is Hyper Spaceway the most botched level in the game?
>They turned the coliseum into a jail for some reason
>They also got rid of one of the coliseum jumps
>The engine antigravity room is entirely gone, no replacement
>This causes the soundtrack to not be in sync with the rooms in the first lap
>This also makes the shortcut in the outer coliseum unbalanced since the first half of the track isn't longer
>Then the third section no longer has the strange feeling of being in the middle of outer space due to TUUUUBES
>And to top it off, they fucked up Velos asteroid, by making the head have a volcano in it, instead of being where the coliseum is
The changes are so baffling that it makes me wonder if that they're gonna put in a new Nitro Kart story mode that has a story that takes place after the original, explaining the Hyper Spaceway changes or some shit. Probably not, but still, what's the fucking reason behind all these weird choices for this one specific track. None of the other courses miss the mark this badly.
Switchchads win again
Holy fuck I wish that VA would fucking die
whats the best way to collect those boxes behind the start of n gins labs relic race? I know i did this in the original, but I just don't remember now.
I'm not sure but now that you mention it I haven't seen thunderstruck in many hours.
Apparently she's blacker than the standard Tawna, but the only thing she has different besides the clothing is the brown hair.
Are servers down I can't get a game?
drift into them
I just consider electron avenue to be the final cnk level now. Hyper spaceway is a crime.
If we get coins and challenges during the outage, do they get added to our accounts once the servers are back, or is it all in vain?
is there any similar skips like this?
Most of the CNK maps got fucked because the Beenox engine is really limited and shitty, it can barely handle the half-pipes in Sewer Speedway let alone doing sick anti-gravity shit and Sonic loops.
The servers are down on Switch as well.
I keep restarting the game but it won't connect.
>No challenge unlocked
Does this mean the servers a fucked?
I actually really like Hyper Spaceway but I've never played NK. I thought the portals were cool lmao.
Look up a youtube vid, just get them before the last lap.
Why did the game stop giving me nitro points all of a sudden?
just stop and drive through them all at the end of the second lap
you never want to pick any of them up on the 3rd lap because the time they save would be wasted
lol no, wait till the servers are back
You are using the down time to do the proper stretches to prevent carpal tunnel syndrome, right user? I would hate for you to miss out on future gaming.
Oh good. Maybe the guy who was here Friday claiming to be a beenox employee wasn't bullshitting us then. One of the complaints we told him about was Thunderstruck not being fun online because of the exploit.
servers are offline
While that would be optimal, this is what happens to me usually
>Jump down and get a crate
>Drop it instantly
>Still get bombed
>Start drifting
>1st is already building a nice lead while you are wrestling with kids in a ballpit of 8-3
>Manage to make some distance to them
>Clock ends
>Warp orb(That you swear you dodged) hits you
>Manage to drift after 2nd racer
>1st place is almost finishing the first lap while you and 2nd have barely exited the tunnel
>You and 2nd keep hitting each other with bombs and rockets while some autistic default Crash keeps clocking everyone and sending juiced up warp orbs
>Barely make it to the finish line, 3 seconds left before DNF'd with the other player
It's always fun to be on first place, but it's horrible to be second or third. Usually winner is decided on the first corner with a coin flip
how do you mid air u turn?
Then why does it continue giving me coins?
Not any different from the PS4 version besides obvious graphical downgrade.
how long will the servers be down? I was just doing shit and should have unlocked something what do?
if you mean that i should spank my monkey to Bandicoochie until the servers are back online
youre right, im doing that at the moment
No - they don't get added, or no - they do get added? ESL sorry
I fell in love with Ami the second I saw she was speed class. I don't even need other girls.
still going back to dingo once the GP is over though, especially now I got the painter skin
not hard to maintain when there's like 3 players
I just now got back into the servers finally.
They connected before but neither the Pit Shop would let me purchase items and the Grand Prix screen wouldn't load.
I say the increased speed somewhat makes up for it. Still have no idea why they took out the first section when it's not even the craziest anti grav section to recreate. Fucking electron avenue had the most absurd twists and ceiling rides and shit and at worst the NF version is somewhat uneventful.
Is it just me, or even in the full release game, Ami blinks at different times, making her look retarded
are servers down ?
No, they do not get added
2D concept art Tawna was the best Tawna IMO
Jump, let go of accelerate, brake+direction you want to go+Down, let go of all that and hold accelerate right before you land. Sounds complicated but it's easy. Practice at Cortex Castle time trial. When the path splits after the spider, use those two ramps as u turn practice, trying out left and right u turns.
Eventually you'll learn to do it quickly off a flat ground jump. It's fun picking a speed character at Papu's Pyramid and making those 90 degree turns perfectly.
Oh darn, ty user
Post Tropy webms
All the animal characters in the Crash games underwent the same Evolvo Ray mutation and Cortex Vortex procedures, user—the same procedures that made Crash into Crash.
It’s a miracle that we don’t see more neurologic symptoms among the cast.
I'm starting to feel things.