do you think many third party devs will switch from Sony to Nintendo due to forced censorship?
Do you think many third party devs will switch from Sony to Nintendo due to forced censorship?
It's already started.
As gamers where do we stand? We don't like diversity either.
>Due to
No, probably not, but it'll be one of the biggest factors, along with the fact that the Switch is selling faster than the PS4 did, works on the go (good for Japanese businessmen having to take the train), and is the current cultural zeitgeist in anime/manga/porn. Ever since 2018, whenever a game system is brought up, it's always the Switch, when prior it was the PS4.
And that's a good thing. Fuck Sony and fuck censorship.
Not if they want their games to sell.
Indie games sell better on the Switch than anywhere else.
No, they'll switch to PC.
No they won't.
hopefully. I hope this'll teach Sony interactive entertainment a lesson or two to stop being a bitch ass group of loser onions chuggers and actually be cool with 3rd parties again
>and a good parenting
truer words couldn't have been said
since the switch already has a bigger installbase in japan then the PlayStation 4 and most japanese games arenĀ“t really relay on strong hardware chances are pretty good
Yes they will, especially now Japan has latched onto the PC market.
Sony knows its userbase and know they can't count on good parenting
But alot of modern gamers feel that ESRB and CERO is useless as well as
>Having kids at all when they're a sinkhole of money sanity and time
Sony needed to step up
Japan hasn't latched onto the PC market, you don't know what you're talking about. It's always been a tiny market for them just because of how their society is structured. PC's are pretty much only used for eroge or shitposting on 2ch.
Handhelds are still king in Japan, and the Switch is a handheld console, making it double king.
But Nintendo is still censoring games?
They are?
censored games on PS4 sell better than non censored on Switch so no
He's going to post the compilation of smash ultimate stuff CERO forced for the A rating.
Useless how? And in what way? I've never bought a game and went shit? This is only rated T.
I figured.
Have this for when people say there's a Nintendo Bonus. It shuts them up real good, or derails the conversation to them having to defend themselves saying great games are bad from a horde of nostalgia-fags.
do you have a single fact to back that up? you're talking out your ass.
I'm glad Nintendo is taking this stance but where was this attitude during the WiiU/3DS era?
I think he's talking about how many kids still get access to M+ games. Which is true, but it has always been true. I've been playing Mortal Kombat since I was 3.
I think omega labyrinth went to switch but can't think of any other examples
Well duh, All snoyfanboys do is play EA games and movies
>forced censorship
No, Nintendo already cleaned up the Vita devs due to them no longer having a platform. The PS4 has a very solid install base that would be poor business to ignore. Most publishers or devs won't give a shit about some Papua new Guinean rolling scrolls forum squealing over minor art changes; if they do a chop job, that's another story.
No. Nintendo is desperate for attention.
I don't need ports that runs like shit.
couldn't care less about "hur dur lewd vidya"
the kind of people that cry over this are the ones that own bodypillows so fuck em lmao
Just look at the Langrisser cover and compare the PS4 and Switch one.
>navels are bad, we have to censor them
>no problem here
There is seriously something wrong with your company if you censor stuff even Sony let's through.
Navels aren't sexual at all, what the fuck is Nintendos problem?
Looks like a navel to me buddy
Not in Europe honey.
>blaming nintendo for nisa's incompetence
Looks to me like the disagreed with the title being on top of the characters. So since the switch case is smaller than the ps4 case they had to move the characters down which cut off the navel.
The fact that there's tons of doujin games for PC, that Japan's sales via Steam has sky rocketed and more and more devs are releasing for PC than ever before. Is it still small? Yes. Is it much larger than it was five years ago and growing? Yes.
The european PS4 version has the cover at the bottom just like the Japanese Switch version, only the european Switch version has it at the top.
I'd still say nisa is more likely to be behind this change than nintendo. Since the nip art is unaltered after all.
Boxarts can look however they want for me, as long as the game itself is uncensored. Also, I hope more Senran games comes to Switch (and PC)
>june 30
Get more current shit faggot
>It shuts them up real good
I'm not sure what this image is supposed to convey other than shovelware is trash and I really have an urge to replay Pilotwings 64. I don't own a WiiU or Switch though so maybe that's it.
>Mystery Dungeon
>Luigis Mansion
>DK Tropical Freeze
In what world is an 83 a bad score, or has it been so long that you actually slurped up and unironically belive the IGN rating system of 9.0-9.9 as the true scale and 8.9 and below is "I didn't get paid enough"
No one said anything about scores
Then why are you comparing Luigi's Mansion, Splatoon, Paper Mario, and Tropical Freeze to "Amiibo Festival", mystery dungeon, and that soulless pikmin cashgrab.
No. Nintendo's market is geared towards casuals and kids. They may not care as much that 3rd parties show ass and tits anymore but they just don't have the consumer base that would give much of a damn about such games anyway. 3rd party dev's best hope is that Microsoft pulls its head out of its ass and makes the next gen console worth a damn. That or one of the major publishers like TTWO tells Snoy to go fuck themselves while plastering their AAA games with tits and ass.
if they cared about censorship they would just move to pc instead of consoles
>3rd party dev's best hope is that Microsoft pulls its head out of its ass and makes the next gen console worth a damn
They already did, most people now are looking at switching to Microsoft's next gen Scarlett now or the Switch, if anyone still has faith in Sony, it's either fanboys or this place.
Iwata was president, and NoJ let NoA do whatever they wanted to do.
It's when Kimishima was president that NoJ said to NoA to stop their bullshit. Furuwaka just continues along this path.
I'm glad Microsoft has the same policy as current Nintendo now after Don Mattrick left.
>specifically posts a compilation of metacritic scores
>"No one said anything about scores"
Congrats Nintendo, you can have the alt-right crowd.
Why would they if they can just release on both platforms?
>the alt-right crowd
And the otakus
and the weebs
and the normies
and the moderates
and the lesbians
and anyone who likes boobs