Is anything besides Ezio trilogy worth playing?

Is anything besides Ezio trilogy worth playing?

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>Ezio trilogy
>Worth playing

Rogue is the only good one.

IV and maybe I if you want to see how series started

so this is what a retard looks like

IV is a decent game, a shit AC game though

>I don't actually like AC but here's my shitty opinion anyways

black flags

AC1 was an interesting concept that should have been the template for the rest of the series and is also the only one that even has pretensions of being a stealth game.

2 killed the series by adding RPG elements and a bunch of superfluous fluff that took away from the core experience.



okay, except for Revelations. Wears out its welcome and the Desmond part is insufferable. Just watch the cutscenes on youtube or something if you're really interested.

Should you actually consider to complete the Ezio ''trilogy'' then play AC1 also. It ties directly into Altair's storyline - who is an actually decently written character - and Revelations concludes them both.

>press square to perform awesome the game

Unity. Gameplay wise is what AC should be. Not this rpg bullshit we got now.

what happens when you press square in an assasins creed game user?

if the ass ass in order was created in origins, what happened in odyssey?

I'd say Black Flag, Unity and Origins are the big ones.

I'm pretty sure that the current writers of that series fucking loathe working around the obligatory baggage of the IP and just want an excuse of having historical games with RPG and fantasy elements stuffed inside them.

how the fuck did these games go from being smart, historical-fiction with very unique, original, and stylish aesthetics to the shit we have now?
I know the answer to this but I still want to pose the question seeing how the series went from being a spiritual sequel to Prince of Persia, with all the implications that brings + being loosely based on lesser-known periods of time, to pretending to be historically accurate while being far from and ripping off movies like Pirates and 300.

>focus groups
because gamers are only care about chasing the next dopamine hit and nothing else

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The answer is actually that Patrice Desilets and Jade Raymond both no longer work a Ubisoft. They were both the soul of the series and kept the momentum going until Revelations.

Play I and II. If you like II, Brotherhood is the way to go. Then IV and if you like it, pay Rogue. That's it.

worth playing: 2, Brotherhood, Black Flag
not worth playing: the rest

The creative lead got fired because he vehemently disagreed with the notion of making the IP into an annual series. He basically wanted each game to be in a different time frame with different lead character, not to milk dry an installment which was deemed popular by the masses, e.g. the 'Ezio trilogy'.

Brotherhood was the last game he worked on.

Support the Greek setting!
Also Black Flag for summer feels.
If you are American you might enjoy 3.

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AC1 had the best after boss fights cutscenes. Reaching Spec Ops The Lline bleakness.

Fucking who?

AC 1 is the ultimate pleb filter
prove me wrong

unity could have been so good