What are some hidden gems for pic related?

What are some hidden gems for pic related?

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Fuck, man, there's more obscure good games than there are known ones.

>Chaos Legion
>Mark of Kri/Rise of the Kasai
>Magic Pengel
>Graffiti Kingdom

What method do you use? I load them from the HDD with OPL. I find this solution the most elegant.

Crimson Tears

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eoe eve of extinction. got shit reviews and maybe it sucks but at the time i thought the graphics were incredible and it had a part where you have to manipulate a chandelier to affect the light to hurt a shadow boss, and i had never seen anything like that so it was very impressive.

also Oni is a perhaps underrated cult classic

Play this.

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I like Downhill Domination a lot.
As well as both Maximo games.
Space Fisherman but it never got a U.S. release only and english demo lol ..

Somebody say....hidden gems?

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Why did Square let this die?

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Wasn't profitable for them. It sucks that happened, but whatever.

Oh god, this fucking melting golem and his delusion that his goatee hides his bloated double chin.

it was a beta for kingdom hearts

Is there an easy way to unlock all the tracks on downhill domination?

Drakan: Ancients gates

Akira Psychoball

idk I thought they unlocked as you beat them and I can pretty much beat super career in almost one sitting nowadays..
might be a cheat code or something.


SSX 1-3 aren't hidden, but still a must play


Extermination is really good if you like RE type games

The Punisher, although I'd recommend the PC version, playing it with a controller is hell.

Blood Will Tell.

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everybody usually prefers 2 or 3 but Revenge was my personal favorite

I prefer 3. revenge made it too easy with you having the ability to mow through traffic unaffected

yeah, that's fair. I guess revenge just felt "new and improved" to me so it was like the apex of the series.
>at least it was before paradise fucked everythang up

Revenge had an edgier aesthetic little me liked, so it's still my favorite.
You're forgetting where the ball really got dropped.

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Wow, I don't even remember this one for some reason.

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how is that a hidden gem in any way? and before someone derails, I didn't mean it's not a good game, but the "hidden" part

I'm gonna be honest, I just shill burnout on every thread I possibly can.

Lotr: return of the king

timesplitters games

Okage sucks dick

>What are some hidden gems?
>Uh, play one of the most well known games on this system
God Hand fags sure are dumb.

Warship Gunner 2
Romancing SaGa: Minstrel Song
Shadow Tower: Abyss
Growlanser 2
Drakan: The Ancients' Gates

The bouncer

shadow of memories is a really cool time travel 3rd person adventure/puzzle game, it looks like it's some anime shit but it's not, ihate anime but it's more westaboo like metal gear, it's set in the west, some really nice story and places, it was one of my first ever ps2 games

>Shadow Hearts
>Shadow Hearts Covenant
>Shadow Hearts from the New World
>entire Midnight Club series
>Terminator Dawn of Fate
>Jak X racing

Shadow of Rome

Deus Ex port
Gradius V
Stretch Panic
Gitaroo man
Dragon Quest VIII and remaster of V
Klonoa 2
Killer7 (inferior to the Gamecube version, but all on one disc)
Michigan Report from Hell
inferior ports of Viewtiful Joe 1-2
Wipeout Fusion and Pulse
Jak X
God Hand
Way of the Samurai
Dark Cloud
Shadow Tower Abyss

It's the only solution. For some reason the people on PSX like to over-complicate everything such as wanting to make FMB work on a 90000 model, FTP-ing the games over a network or emulating a wireless controller with OPL's PADEMU. I'm just sitting there are thinking

>for fuck's sake use a FUCKING computer, buy a fat PS2, use Winhiip or HDL dump and buy a brook Dualshock 2 to Dualshock 3/4 adapter.

It's like they want to make their lives as difficult as possible

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Transformers (2004)

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Bushido blade 2, nigga

I grew up on 3 so when I finally got around to Revenge and learned about the traffic checking mechanic, I was like
>This is the game literally cutting it's difficulty in half

The devs said they wanted to try something new and not make Burnout 3 again so I can respect that.

>Magic Pengel
>Graffiti Kingdom
>tfw I was going put these three in my list
Excellent taste! Adding to that though, Dual Hearts and Harvest Moon Save the Homelands.

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>Steambot Chronicles
>Deep Water
>R-type Final

My dad rented this from blockbuster and I forgot about it until now. Thank you user.

The Matrix: Path of Neo

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Dominator was great

my buddy and i rented Malice once and beat it in one sitting. decent 3d platformer

This bad boy right here. It's little hard to get into it at the beginning of the game but once you get the hang of it it's an awesome game.

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shit i somehow missed that, i tried kf and shadow tower on ps1

you're gonna have a big late fee

my nigga

Not exactly a hidden gems, but:
Dark Cloud 1 and 2
Champions of Norrath 1 and 2 (with friends)
Aggressive Inline
Def Jam Vendetta
NFS: Most Wanted
SSX Tricky
Freedom Fighters
Guitar Hero 1-3 if you're a youngster who missed that phenomenon
Cabela's Deer Hunt 2004
Tiger Woods 2005
Castlevania Lament of Innocence
Destroy All Humans 1 and 2
Escape from Monkey Island
The Hobbit
All 3 LOTR games for different reasons
Hot Shots Golf
Mister Mosquito
Pirates: Legend of the Black Kat
The Punisher

All I can think of

It never made to the west. Luckily there's a fan translation that makes it playable. KFIV is also pretty good.

Op play it. This game is awesome

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