Kinobringers thread.
FFXIV: Shadowbringers
"I challenge you."
Back to /vg/ with you
can't think of another game in history that's been played and praised so much simply because a game it's competing against is shit
Home..... Riding home....
I've never played WoW, I just like Final Fantasy and this is the only good recent game in the series.
I want you to rate every expansion from best to worst.
"It ends this day. One way or another, it ends."
>cleared titania ex and vauthrey ex today
fuck vauthrey ex being a dodgefest though
can you solo HW primals at 80?
I wanna play FF14 as a ninja cause it looks cool. Is the story content good cause that'll probably help decide if I wanna level up and go through all that.
Been playing FF since I was a kid, this game is the first one in almost two decades to wow me like they used to. And it's an mmo no less.
ShB -> HW -> SB, I don't think anyone will contest this.
1. Heavensward
2. Shadowbringers
3. ARR
4. Stormblood
5. 1.0
How the fuck do you even recruit people for an FC without spam inviting? Been shouting for weeks and only 1 person responded.
the job quests? they're alright
God, I'm gonna miss him. I just knew he'd be the type to die dignified and with a smile. After all, a smile better suits a hero, and he was very much the hero of his own story.
Ask people who pass by who don't have a fc
SHB=HW > ARR > SB > 1.0
I soloed ARR extreme primals at 60 as SMN. What you say should be easy, though no longer on SMN since it lost the tank pet.
Is the main story good like for an MMO?
SHB>=HW>=Final patch of ARR (and only that one)>>SB>>>>>>>>Rest of ARR.
Why is everyone pretending this expansion is amazing? It's okay.
Alot of them having annoying shit that prevents it until we can burn them dead in 10 seconds.
Bismark: Adds are unkillable once they tether up, 350k~ HP to burst down in 5 seconds if you can do this it should be soloable.
Thordan: See Bismark, also the Split Spear + Tank buster hit that happens first thing post adds will kill pretty much everyone.
Sephirot: Green/Yellow will kill you alone.
Nidhogg: Nail and Claw would have to be skipped to solo.
Sophia: Should be soloable now.
Zurvan: Would have to kill before the Ice/Fire stuff happens, might be possible with more gear this expanion.
You've seen everyone blowing their load over the recent expansion, and a few years ago people would have been blowing their load over Heavensward (and some stuff leading up to it.) Stormblood was...Well, it doesn't compare but I don't think it was *awful.*
Long story short, most of it's pretty good. ARR is decent, HW is stellar, SB is meh, Shadowbringers is mega fucking good.
At this point its better than most main line FFs
ARR is acceptable but helps set things up for future expansions
Heavensward is good for an MMO, on par with a mid to high-tier single player FF
Stormblood is worse than HW but not /bad/, and I wouldn't recommend skipping it
Shadowbringers is unironically one of the top FFs and has one of the best villains in the entire franchise, if not the best
oh I thought you meant leveling an alt job, everyone will have their opinions, as far as my goes
1-50: the story is based on things from 1.0, which hardly anyone played so for the most part you have no idea what's going on and it takes a pretty long time
50-60: pretty good, doesn't drag on either
60-70: drags on sometimes but was overall enjoyable
70-80: the current expansion, it's probably the best one so far, it feels like as if they took what they learned from the previous expansions and started over, it has bits from previous stories but isn't completely reliant on old storylines
ShB > HW > ARR >>> SB >>>> 1.0
god sb fucking sucked.
I'm very hesitant to put SHB above HW because it's not finished yet and they didn't add male viera and added fucking bara furries instead so fuck you. At least HW added hot edgelords.
The more I think about Stormblood and compare it to Shadowbringers the less I like it. So many aspects of it were lacklustre, even the 3.2-3.3 Doma story that I liked didn't have many memorable moments.
Shadowniggers story is what I really wish modern mainline FF was.
Time travel stories are bullshit.
>shitters dislike his English voice
Why does Heavensward have me going between Ul'dah and Ishgard? Is it filler or is it actually important?
I want to use Feo Ul as an onahole for my Viera’s futa cock!
She looks like shes about to mug me for some drugs.
Yeah I heard that some big cool stuff happens storywise, that's why I kinda got interested cause I've seen this game on my peripheral vision
Isn't the villain like setting up some race war? Cause I am all down for that shit
Shittt, sounds like the endgame has the top content, at least the end of the road has something to look forward too
Faes have no gender, they are the spirits of children who died.
keep in mind that you need to have a lvl 10 character to unlock the rogue job, I have no idea why they have this in the game, it makes no sense, but because of that I recommend starting a job in limsa lominsa, like arcanist and once you get to lvl 10 then switch over to rogue, who are near the fisher's guild in limsa lominsa
at lvl 30 rogue changes over to ninja
>Time travel stories are the best
Edited for taste
Feo Ul is male in english and female in jap, fact
why do bunnies all have resting bitch face?
>Watching a pro streamer do Innocence EX with MCH
>He says that MCH is only fun for casual players and terrible for optimization
>Thinks SB MCH was much easier and better
Feo does refer to themself with a feminine pronoun once and while I'm tempted to take it as canon, it may just be a translation error or something.
The Thordan adds are killable after they tether. I would know, I spent 10 minutes just killing those assholes on PLD before getting to the post adds death.
if I was a tranny i wouldn't give a shit about males
I'm a fujoshi, don't get it twisted you fucking cunt
fuck trannies, they're an embarrassment and a blemish, i hope the 40% becomes 100%
Cheers for that, kinda odd you have to be level 10 to get that. But whatever that's all fine.
You got ears that big and everyone around you is pretty much a screaming child. Every Viera has bitch face mastered before they can string their first bow.
Obviously not
>""pro"" streamer
Kill yourself, honestly
When you ring the retainer bell she refers to herseof as she.
yeah it's weird, it's not like leveling 10 takes time or anything, it's just randomly a requirement
The story is good for a game, period. Although the amount of filler brings it down. It makes me want to cry when I'm a level 70+ warrior of light who has saved the world several times and they manage to write in excuses for you to do menial fetch quests in the main storyline.
It's pretty good throughout but Shadowbringers is next level, the last hour or so is the most hype I've ever been from any game.
Well I think you will enjoy it a lot if you are one of us lorefags who read everything, discuss it here and try to puzzle it together. The story has strong Leitmotifs since 1.0 and concepts get introduced and used few expacs later for the MSQ. Its a very consistent world and I can't think of anything in the story so far that felt like an asspull.
This isn't wow, don't watch shit tier streamers.
"NO U."
The best when done RIGHT. I'm willing to say this one was done all sorts of right, mainly because it didn't focus on the Time Travel and mostly just had it as a one shot culmination that happened off screen.
Variation for MCH is low because of uptime, most of the variation is a mixture of buff condition and just shitters in general. Maybe this is what they're trying to get? But saying SB MCH was easier and better is just someone being butthurt.
just killed Titania EX for the first time
didn't get my weapon but it was fun
It's because Rogue/Ninja is the only job that was added in an interim patch instead of at an expac launch.
They have no gender.
Still the whole aspect of them being dead children is kinda fucked up to begin with.
Based fag lover.
My dick is rock hard. I'm in
There are no "pro streamers" for FF14.
make sure you do the legacy of allag storyline too before playing shadowbringers
Its weird, since in the German translation they don't. Maybe its just english in general and Nael all over again.
The mythology these fae are based off of is fucked up top to bottom. The first rule of dealing with the fae folk is DO NOT DEAL WITH THE FAE FOLK.
>english dub
>"our character is a mischievous and playful pixie but also fiercely defends her friends. we'd like a Scottish accent also that would suit the mythos that this character is based off of."
>JP voice acting
>"uhhhh can you do anime princess voice exactly how you did it in the second season of neko neko doki paradise?"
Oh shit, you're gonna love every expansion zone then, the main theme of that expac shows up *everywhere* within those zones and fights. Sometimes it's noticeable, sometimes it's a little more subtle, but its great every time.
He's just butthurt that MCH doesn't fit in TA obsessed rotations.
god apex arrow is underwhelming, why do most of the level 80 abilities seem so boring this time around
The Warrior of Light started as a nobody and is thus not above doing menial chores. He probably enjoys doing them after all the SUFFERING he goes through.
Then what do you call people who skip the story and only play raids/ex/savage?
>try free trail
>make character
>stiff as fuck combat
>try different classes
>all have the same move list
>start with normal spam move
>learn proc move
>learn boring buff self only move
>learn long cooldown stun
>no buffs you can use on other classes
>no reason to even interact with other people
>tedious GW2 like events but completely soulless and boring
>quests straight from MMO hell (fetch, deliver, kill XX)
>very bland 2d looking world
>heavily instanced
>game requires a sub to go past lv 35
I'll note that down.
Thanks for the fucktons of responses guys. The nicest Yea Forums has ever been to me. I promise I won't be a shitter.
Hellll yeah, I am looking forward to that OST then.
They put your most important skills a few levels earlier so you don't feel gimped until 80.
>Shibata posting
Bless you user.
Just don't rush it, enjoy the ride and don't let them tell you post ARR till HW sucks, anons who say that can not appreciate world building. Also some of the stuff is really comfy.
Not just the Music tho, also the story does have alot of them.
Except her voice doesn't impart a sense of "Mischief and playfulness." She sounds like some rude old grandma being a cunt. Historically in popular media pixies/fairies have been represented with cute, high pitched silly voices and the JP voice hits closer.
>neko neko doki paradise
I'd watch that
A leitmotif is a musical theme, not story related...
but if that was what you meant then yes FF14 does have that, but they're not as good at using them as other FF games. Like how Emet-Selch gets introduced with a new song that becomes his leitmotif, but then they also use that song in all sorts of random other places in Shadowbringers, like when you meet those random trolley NPCs. It's annoying.
>That scene when they're fucking with the eulmorians. I wouldn't be surprised if people got fate worse then death
What was your single favorite moment from ShB's MSQ?
BLM gets a single target instacart Foul at 80. I'm so happy I switched from monk before the expansion
Man's been fighting on the front lines against Sin Eaters for like eighty years, he's probably good at what he does. Namely kicking someone's teeth in with his bare hands.
I wish we could take Ryne to the golden saucer and play games together
You'll be a shitter for sure. But it's fine as long as you have the will to improve. We were all shitters at one point.
skipping every single cutscene
It's disgusting to me that you want male viera but still, based statement
Congrats, you got filtered.
Boy do I love our pleb filter.
Should I worry about dress-up and glamours before I'm at level cap?
The game keeps giving me these really ugly cowls, but I just assume that it will stop eventually.
Lyna's breakdown
Thancred's vs Ranjit
Arbert's and you final standoff against Emet
The Fey's fucking around with the soldiers.
I honestly couldn't pick it had some really good moments.
Let expanse contract, eon become instant! Champions from beyond the rift, heed my call!
calling him by his name.
Ran'jit was just poorly presented. They needed to introduce his past a little more, maybe with a flashback of him killing hordes of sin eaters and training with Minfilia.
They could've explained his oneshot of you by explaining that it's just a technique you weren't prepared for, too.
>bad design and gameplay will filter out people in our game xD
Grats I guess.
>listening to a balding clown from luxembourg who draws views by witch hunting fflogs "padders"
you only get the shitty cowls at early levels, later on the gear you get looks pretty good, that said I just got the pvp glam at like level 15 and have been using that through leveling
it takes like an hour to farm it and look pretty good
You have no idea how little you know.
Why is that motherfucker a better MNK rep than anything or anyone from Stormblood. It's not fair.
you posted this already
For the Roulette Rewards, if you entered the roulette before the daily reset, but cleared the dungeon/trial/raid after the daily reset, which day does it count as having been done for?
BLM feels glorious starting from lv72 and upwards (as if it didn't feel good enough already at 70), they better not mess with it in patches
user a leitmotif is something that comes back. Even story beats, now think back on all the major 'villains' you have encountered and try to make out what makes them similar to each other. Even those who turned into friends later on.
I've beat Titania Extreme, how difficult is Innocence in comparison?
Ardbert inn room brooding scenes.
Anyone else feel SMT vibes from ShB?
Every SINGLE thing leading up to the final dungeon and trial. Seeing Aumarot, learning about the Ancients, finally gathering the full scope of Emet-Selch's character and how he honestly believes he's the hero of this story, culminating in our clash against him. His past versus our future, world isn't big enough for the two of us. It's stellar top to bottom and I wish I could do it all again.
I will never get tired of seeing the entire world burning at the end of the Final Days dungeon. That shit blew my mind.
What role?
>Kinobringers thread.
This man did absolutely nothing wrong and we killed him for it.
You didn't even see a glimpse of the gameplay or design. Not exaggerating.
I think we will see more of them come 5.X since he just vanished and did not die.
>Square pays thousands to top twitch streamers for playing XIV for one hour so every stream is just them using jump potions and skipping everything in the story
>like to change hairstyles each time the expansion changes to really get into the feel of it being a brand new chapter of the story
>all of the remaining choices look like garbage
To be fair most of ARR feels absolutely awful gameplay-wise, and keeps doing so until at least level 60 or even higher for some jobs. You really gotta enjoy the world, music and story to enjoy ARR, although it shouldn't be hard to do that if you try.
I had the biggest smile on my face just seeing the earth below.
>Welcome to the final days of Amaurot...
He made a classic mistake of trying to kill 2 ascians in a row.
It was HW tier till lvl 76 and after that instance with Please let this work.. it succeeded kino and became uber kino
Showing the Crystal Exarch my Wind-Up G'raha Tia
Getting an echo flashback of Urianger and the Exarch creating their plan to save you.
It seemed like the WoL would've cried if they didn't want to impose feelings on you too much.
>Did nothing wrong
>is an elf
Speaking of voices, did Biggs and Wedge ever have voiced lines before ShB? Threw me for a loop when I heard them in those introductory cutscenes for the expansion.
I'd say harder. It's mostly about self preservation and not fucking up the orbs.
>What, all by myself?
MNK is a Mhigger job. The only way for it to look good is a universe where Ala Mhigo never existed.
Ishgardian Elezan are nothing like fantasy elves. They are just tall medieval humans.
ONE BRINGS SHADOW ONE BRIGHTS LIGHT. Also post final boss cutscene
BLM is doing absolutely stellar right now and has highest player job satisfaction.
As a Samurai I'm peeved and want BUFFS, but good for you guys.
>being retarded
Leitmotif is a musical term, idiot. The only times it's used in a non-musical context, it's because idiots like you don't understand the meaning of the word.
i think they had some lines all the way back in the arr msq, but they would have been different actors anyway
Tranny races pls go can I get some cute midlanders here instead.
>it gets better 50 hours in
I got reported because I was discussing Emet's betrayal and Innocence in shout at the tempest.
Someone got mad because they skipped cutscenes and were gonna watch it later.
Was I in the wrong?
leitmotif exclusively refers to music
>Average WoL loses at LEAST once to every trial boss
Pic related is the only hairstyle I like
>6.0 comes out
>get a third stack of xenoglossy and the ability to cast ultima every third xenoglossy
I can't wait
bard or mch bros
>he's narrating everything to you in the final dungeon as the world falls apart around you
God my fucking DICK.
I wish we could have worked something out. The story's never gonna be good again. Elidibus and Zenos have no hope of comparing.
>trailer song starts playing
>that entire final zone, dungeon, and trial
>one of the greatest antagonists and storylines in the series, maybe out of any game ever
MMOs have finally peaked and we were here to witness it. I don't know if they can ever top this and it makes me sad.
Nope. Fuck 'em.
No, cutscene skippers are cancer.
>those faces
user, there is this thing called personal space which I think you need to start learning about
New player here,
I heard there's two types of congested, is this true?
I'm trying to get into tonberry where all my friends are.
The best buff would just make Shoha a 60 second 500 potency oGCD without meditation bullshit.
hopefully zenos and elidibus just fuck off in the next patch and we get some better characters
you look like the autist from the FFIX threads
>discussing major spoilers on a public channel in the area where said spoilers are about to happen for anyone who's just getting there
I'd perma ban you
Of course a twitchy underage retard like you posts a pepe face. Off yourself.
everyone point and laugh
Everything he was talking about takes place in the zone BEFORE the tempest.
>anime poster
You idiot. It's stuff that's already happened.
nvm I skipped your post
ummm actually no sweety it gets better like 200 hours in
user, he discussed something that everyone in the area he was in should have already seen.
I'll have a look for it, thank you.
servers that are officially labeled congested cannot have characters created or transferred for any reason, but even non-congested servers may be temporarily locked for creation
Everything he's talking about is before Tempest and required viewing to be able to get there.
la HEE
That would be a buff, but a bit of a boring one.
I understand that they want meditation not to be just "Use this to fish for a lucky server tick unless there's a phase change", but Shoha is absolutely not the way to do it.
>Tfw sometimes Shoha doesn't even give you all stacks of 5 even if you meditate the full duration thanks to it being tied to server ticks.
Fucking THANKS Yoshi.
he'll never love you tranny bitch
At this point the writers are clearly of the mind that the Warrior of Light is as great of a hero as they are because they will do literally anything and everything to help others, including washing your rags in the river and feeding your farm animals.
So I know the rest of you guys noticed when he directly quoted the gremlin from the trailer, right?
People like you are why everyone is laughing at us, animeposters.
Gremlin doesn't exist
Yes, and thus it keeps ADHD frogposters like you out of the game. It's the secret to our mature community.
every other answer is wrong
unironically worst area theme in ShB
Welcome to SB MCH SAM cuck
When is the next time that we'll get the WoL cheering after a dungeon? You always look sad during the victory scene for each one.
I noticed and was like "Hey, neat!"
really like how we went from depressed look to dead inside during those
Probably in a joke dungeon during one of the extra patches.
either that or the gold saucer glam when you unlocked it, the gold saucer one takes a bit longer but it's the one I'm using on my main now because it's shadowbringery
Emet personally spent hundreds of years training the gremlin to be the most efficient shitposter ever.
>mature community
Surely you're joking, the game is already filled with skip potion users who do extreme content without knowing about stack markers
And it's still such a jam
With how much darker and grittier this expac is, might be a bit out of place.
unironically shit taste
Both are good at the moment, but BRD is easier to learn
I had to stop for a few minutes to take it in, holy fuck this was legit kino, all the way.
It really hit the high note when we see Amarout for the first time, it was mind blowing and then it just peaked at the dungeon and continued until credits.
I don't know where we can go from here, they are going to have a hard time to beat this.
Yoshi-P needs to keep Ishikawa around for sure, she did a fantastic job writing this, Soken outdid himself too with the themes, like that akademia theme.
>at the Tempest
Nah, if anything you did the *right* thing
i thought you went bun
>watching Pat
>he actually cares about the game and story
>his ShB stream was such a comfy ride
watching him being blown away by Amaurot was pretty funny
>Mature community
>Ignoring the shit ton of passive aggressive behaviour
>"If you could take one more step, would you?"
>"What, all by myself?"
>trailer music kicks in
I went bun post msq
ah heck