Is this the greatest success story of the entire fucking decade?

Is this the greatest success story of the entire fucking decade?

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Maybe. Greatest F2P game.

what success? they cant even keep their playerbase interested for a full week after working for a single update for 3 years. no one is interested in the same content every fucking year.

>here is your game bro

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I played the game for 700h and still playing it. It's trash and one of the worst games I have ever played.

is warframe the gacha of pc games?

That game is shit though and its player base is declining.


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PoE and Warframe both have that success story.

I like warframe because it's not only a fun game, but it's also a skilless player filter

Is the game still gg meme strike everything?

I love Warframe, I've paid all the neetbucks for my favourite frames and shit because I feel they deserve it, but boy do I not give a flying fuck about the latest updates. The Nora Night grindfest is as unlikely to pique my interest as it can be.
Seriously need to focus on new maps and more storyline releases, the filler in-between does nothing.

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Wait, haven't they reworked melee? I quit right before that, though.

Yeah its shit.

death stranding might be the only thing to come close. but i dont think it could compare with its gameplay/aesthetic

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>literally every video games

so they released a trailer saying improved the new player experience. Did they just add cinematics? What about RETURNING players. Everytime I play warframe and drop it for a long stretch of time they add new content but its just dropped in the game. It took me like 30 minutes to figure out what planet and how to get to that new open world content. Warframe gets too convoluted for its own good and needs a content squish.

wow is this supposed to make me hate DE lol. This just makes me hate shitposters even more now.

They need to slow the game down - back in the day it felt more like a third person shooter with powers and flips for good players. Now it's this constant horde mode shit where everything dies in one hit and it's big crowds.

At some point I got burnt out and realised I'd experienced about everything there was offered. For a whole year there has been nothing - a quick cinematic quest and this nightwave shit which is basically just passive challenges and some voice overs. Juptier being reworked doesn't mean shit because I've already beaten that planet so who cares. I need a new planet like the Kuva Fortress or something. Even Venus was actually boring because the world is cool but it's filled with the same fucking enemies as the rest of the game - these hording weak constantly coming fucking enemies used everywhere else and everyone you matchmake with is super hostile guys who have this shit down on "farm" so no fun is allowed.

overwatch is, only rng loot is from relics that fucking drop from missions or just use faction standing to buy loads of them
have to open them through rifts though

I don't even play it but FF14 is that clear winner of that.
Went from a massive failure that was so catastrophic that it jeopardized Squeenix's future to their primary money maker.

It's one of the greatest redemption stories honestly.

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Absolutely disgusting.

And you keep playing because you have autism?

>make a half-assed copy and paste of FFXI with no soul in it
>it fails, who woulda thunk
>remake it into an even more soulless WoW clone with anime shoved up its anus and down your throat, so much so that most of the game is literally just memeing quotes and characters from previous FF games and low tier japanesse humor
>the game is still undeniably abysmal in every way, from writting, to design, to its non-existent gameplay
>but you filled it with incessant no-brain pandering to appropriate the WoWfugees

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Over the years they just keep building up gimmicks to pad out gameplay as "the endgame" and that means there is like all these leftover end games.

Assassinating used to be the end game. Oh what about The Void. The Derelict? Kuva Fortress? Raids? Kuva Siphon? That grineer fake arena thing? Elite Sanctuary Onslaught? Fishing? Bounties? Dark Zones? Index? Killing Alad? Leviathan? Luna caches? Relics? Invasions?

PvP lol?! The thing I've never done.

So on one hand it's super cool that there are all these activities from the last however many years - but each has it's own currency; materials; keys; and mechanics.

I think they took some steps in the right direction with the re-worked Plains; fixed the currencies and reputation a little. You just know that we'll be collecting fucking horseshoes to grow our own horses soon; and farming space shit for our Railjacks.

Maybe keep the latest two or three currencies and roll the rest into something more generic? Even pushing materials across the galaxy beyond their pigeonholes?

This. Also, the content they add doesn't have longevity either, once you max standing with the new factions (which is time gated to make it take an artifically long amount of time) for these open worlds, there's almost no more reason to play that ever, only exception is farming arcanes and stuff like that. It doesn't help that all content is made trivial with an endgame setup, making it way more boring to farm than it should be.

>what success?

Tried the game on the alpha? No.


poe devs have more competence but their model is more greedy and unfair

>more competence
>the best they could come up with is a washed out Diablo 2 clone wrangled up in effectiveness metas

They've been kinda dropping the ball for the last year

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devs are literally d2 oldfag players, no fucking shit its inspired by it retard

You realize that's not a positive argument.

Maybe if it wasn't terrible

so what did they show at the tennocon?saw 5 fucking ads about it with a CGI trailer

I read it as gayest, they are woke as fuck too and it's annoying.

The game has only gotten worse since then. I should have stopped playing when they added 2nd dream. most shitters dont know what the game was like before 2nd dream and sour grapes saying it was terrible with nothing to do.
Whales dont make a game successful. as soon as they get bored the game will be stagnate until it eventually dies.

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>complain about having to farm kuva to reroll one dogshit riven more than 100 times until I god something remotely useful
>find out about how things work with item rerolls in PoE from a friend
Not that "it could be worse" it really much of a valid reason not to complain about rng bullshit but still warframe is baby compared to PoE on that.

warframelet cope

I hate the new Nora nigwave in general. In the past we would have gotten every new thing from the nigwave as "tenno reinforcements" which could be bought with platinum, now we need to wait 15 weeks to get the best prize in the nig[ht]wave and all that plat that I hoarded is useless.

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Game is alright.

The community and cringe that comes out of it is unbareable.

link to video?

What the fuck do you mean by soul.
Speak like a human being and explain what the game is missing or fucked up you fucking nigger

You not posting what these comments are based on basically confirms they are probably 100%.

>He forgot about rivens which are pure trash and the worse form of rng rewards in the history of gaming

holy fuck, that UI takes me back. I started playing when Excal Prime was around but it became just too repetetive after a while. It was basically the game that ran in the background while I listened to podcasts.

>this kills the solo
also the nepotism is disgusting

they had some interesting frame quests though, if only there were more of them
instead all the new frames are now locked behind tedious grinds

Botw is
Do you ever stop and think about just how amazing it is that one of the worst games ever made and probably the worst game nintendo has ever made somehow became one of the most beloved games ever.

Personality, you fucking uneducated manchild. The game has none. It literally just copies everything in an ever-regurgitated mess of tropes, steals scenes from FFXI, VI and XII and changes terms to get starved fanbucks, or outright shoves "ha ha would it not be so cool if lightning was in Eorzea XD" meme tier shit events so that you purchase their shovelware nobody wants.
Everything they write and make is just lazy, uninspired pandering in which you can almost feel the hatred for their own creation from the makers of the game. They didn't even bother thinking of an original take on the "primals" situation, they just outright went with Granblue Fantasy's, from top to bottom, to in-depth detail, because it was the popular game of choice at the date the game was being first re-released.
The races are garbage, the visuals are clusterfuck, the " "dungeons" " are embarrasing single-path farmfest, the raids are just HP bloated DON'T STAND ON THE FIRE minigames, and jesus fucking christ have I mentioned the absolutely disgustingly bad writting that barely managed to get better by the end of HW only to again completely shit the bed in the following two expansions?
It is inexcusable in any level beyond "i like anime/final fantasy and WoW, but now WoW killed itself and there is nothing else for me to play that fits that criteria."

kill yourself misan

It is.
Company nearly went bankrupt from being attached to corporate-directed cashgrabs, went all out for their dream game and it became a huge success
It's in the same league as FFXIV and Larian Studios as a whole

I think ti's fine for games like that to exist though. They're not the best game but they're good enough to fill in time between bigger releases.
The biggest issue has just been that it keeps getting closer down to the "enough" line. It needs "endgame" content, whatever that looks like

i was talking about f2p model but that too
in warframe there are shitton of advertisement of buying plat and paying to skip shit and all that "pay for conveniences" and cosmetics stuff left and right, but if you dig just a bit deeper you'll know that you can get almost all of cashshop without spending a dime yourself.

And there is poe where you couldn't list your items for trade without "premium tab" or prepare to jump through one of the most convoluted trade system imaginable, and even then be prepared to face scammers and price fixers and everything that comes with free market.
No way of getting those tabs without spending real money, no way of getting anything from shop without spending money, map tab, currency tab, div card tab and fragments tab are essential good luck managing your space without those and almost every new league they implement new currency or stuff to pick up that unsupported by your current premium currency tabs
also mtx 80-100$ armour that looks like shit most of the time.


It's just a grindfest with no skill involved

Sissyframe as a game is ok but its really just chase the carrot on the stick but when you finally get the carrot you feel nothing and theres nothing else to do until someone puts another carrot on the stick, i guess what im trying to say is that the gameplay gets old quickly and its really not satisfying in the long run and unlocking stuff is just like collecting stamps

And the community is favored by queers and gays and all sorts of degenerates and the devs are a huge hypocrites

Granblue Fantasy came out after both FFXIV releases...

Don't forget about premium currency discount, every day you have chance of getting a premium currency discount that goes up to 75% in warframe that makes it way easier to buy the cosmetics you want.
path of exile does NOT offer that shit.

free players not having access to currency tab is disingenuous and borderline criminal

I started playing last year, I thought it was fucking amazing. One year and almost 1500 hours later I've lost almost all interest and I don't think it's going to change, WF has all the tools for something seriously cool but it's squandered on casual retards and horny nerds who care more about the ass on their infested war machine's !!! $$ NEW $$ !! prime/deluxe skin than fun gameplay.

For people who don't know, this is marketed as a space ninja stealth/action game but power creep hit everything so hard that you only use acid fart sprayers and one of a handful of "hit 4 to wipe the entire map" nukers. No stealth, no tactics, no gunplay, just braindead W+M1 flamethrowers while hitting a key to wipe the map. Oh, I almost forgot to mention, the melee is just using macros (ideally) or button mashing to slide around instakilling everything 15 feet away from you, if you aren't using a polearm/whip/heavy blade you might as well not even bring a melee weapon.

Honestly that would probably go to fortnite.
That game started doa.

Yeah, the most fun I have with the game is playing the game solo and using a bow and katana and going full weeb.

meta rule in multiplayer game no shit nerd, play solo if you into that kind of gameplay and stop complaining

probably Minecraft
turning FFXIV around was insane too.

My vote goes to Larian Studios. They went from being the whipping boys of publishers and making educational games, to making games they really wanted to make that were considered "too niche", to securing a dream project in Baldur's Gate 3.

Attached: 280px-Larian_Studios_Logo.png (280x420, 64K)

I stopped playing this when the open world came around because I didn't like the direction the game was taking. Has it gotten worse?

14 is objectively shit though by any metric other than 'how many normies like this game?'

When you have almost 40 "characters" and several hundred guns, you have FAILED as a developer if people use the same 2 guns & handful of frames. It's not a case of weird shit like the dart guns or bows being irrelevant, it's EVERY GUN THAT FIRES BULLETS being outclassed by TWO weapons that aren't even satisfying to use.

WF's gameplay is completely braindead, it's a parkour platformer with some shitty combat slapped onto it, which is made even worse when you realize they're switching to open worlds that de-emphasize parkour.

Turning 14 around consisted of making a high budget wow clone that rides the coat tails of games that are better than it. The game has ZERO innovative or interesting ideas.

You're basically praising a company for turning a game around by basically just admitting they're unoriginal.

user, I love you

ff14: orange circles, the game
community too busy ERPing to play verminion
ancient library mobs have less spells than on super nintendo
in heavensward, the only ability that was not from a western game was holmgang
summoner is a port of warlock instead of an actual summoner
palace of the dead less intresting than in fft or bahumet lagoon
krile is a fucking potato
cant invent a new healing class, devs only know WoW, never heard of WAR or COH
cant play a strength tank anymore
dragoons cant jump on buildings outside of combat
class=weapon system totally pointless, gw2 stole the idea and did it better
blue mage? not a real class, its side content

>army of paid 14 shills post the 'but we have 40 buttons meme' in hw era constantly
>yoshi p promises full combat rework
>legion drops, people like it
>people realize that those 40 buttons are nigh meanginless beacuse you dont play your class, you do a very strict rotation where in legion you have to manage fluctuating resources
>so in the next expansion they add job gauges instead of overhauling combat so first level is fun

i went back and played ff11 this year and it was actually a charming minimalist mmo. Too bad they fucked up 1.0 so badly by not paying their mappers

>reinstall since TennoCoon made me feel slightly hyped for new content
>interesting content won't be out until the end of the year at the earliest
>Balancing is still fucking broken
>more fucking grind
>community is even worse
>new UI is a chore to navigate
What the fuck are these chinks/Canacucks doing? I went away from the game since Fartuna dropped and it's gotten even worse? Fucking hell

>minmaxing metafag is a flaming autist
Yea that fits.
Just play solo and have fun with the combat.

whats the point of this game? all i saw was repetitive missions and grind for no reason.

Yeah I dropped it around 50 hours cause it was insanely boring as fuck and you fight the same generic shitty enemies all day easily while acting like a crack-head ninja robot wearing cringy armor and posing like a faggot. Game is good for awhile in the beginning but once you play it more it's fucking boring and pointless, plus story is somewhat okay.

Gotta get to Neptune to start the main story quests. Literally didn't even finish the tutorial

They're just as bad as DE. Larian's only good game is Divine Divinity.

nobody forcing you using it you flaming retard

I'm kinda wandering at this point.

I'm not done with all the story quests, but my brain is all like "you gotta fill up all the other meters before you can continue with X quest"

I try to max out one thing, then do a quest. I.e. max out cletus standing. Then do octavian anthem

I see the game as a power fantasy. You can shit on stuff in so many ways.

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By that logic what is the point of any modern MMO?

I liked that all content could be done at my own pace but Nightwave requires you get on every day.

Do not believe in their lies. Mark the on the the calendar, set a reminder on your phone, but don't get hyped.

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I wish I had enough time to play this game again. I quit when my clan kicked me for a week of inactivity while I was traveling.

Stay mad retard

Nah that'll have to go to Fortnite. I've never played it but it's undoubtedly the most popular game ever. The fact that it's on every game is trying to implement a battle royal is proof of it's success. Games like Warframe, Rocket League, Fortnite, Minecraft and so on shows that indie developers are superior to their AAA counterparts.

Sure the AAA's can rely on safe, profitable annual releases like COD, Asscreed, FIFA, 2k and so on but those games seem to get WORSE every year. And when they've tried to make new IPs the results are at best lukewarm (ex. Destiny) to disastrous (ex. Anthem).

It sucks that the future of gaming will be "free 2 play" but it works best when it's done like Warframe (where damn near everything can be obtained by grinding) or like Overwatch / Rocket League (where most purchases are merely cosmetic).

I gave up after plains update, it was some next level "grinding to grind" because the shit you did there had no value outside
Who the fuck uses operators anyway

Kill yourself you buttfucking shill

you first you retarded metaslave autist

FF14 should have been a ivalice game.
I'm fucking sick and tired of the potatos and blue tall humans.

It's interesting to compare Blizzcon's presentation with Tennocon.
One screams corporate that needs 7 layers of approval before being presented, the other just wings last night's work out.

No? You can literally do all the missions in the last day of the week, except if there's a "do X sorties" quest. What the fuck are you talking about?

I'm done playing until they let me convert my PS4 save to PC so basically I'm don't forever

I tried playing when wisp came out but the nightwave shit is so boring

it's a diablolike but tpp. There's not much going on in those games you just farm to get that 1% increase to your dps so you can farm faster. If you don't like those types of games you won't like warframe.

is this supposed to make de look bad ? it was 3 years ago , shit happens , i've returned to the game few months back and i'm having fun , also has anyone of you see n=the new trailers ?

>Unironically defending de

Get the cum out of your eyes and go look at what the game actually is.

>99% of players use the same handful of items and frames
>Just play this co-op mmo offline you dingus

Are you a moron?

so literally like poe?

>Got actual ships that you can pilot before Destiny
Why is Bungie so incompetent?

I played it when it first came out and it was fucking trash. Tried it again a couple of years ago and it was surprisingly addictive and appealed to the buildwhore in me, but that hold only lasted a month or two. It's a decent f2p game to burn some time, but gets stale fast.

>So like this other garbage game

Yes. They're both fucking terrible.

It seems to me you just dont like those type of games.

>tfw have my favourite prime frames
>nova (specially her), frost, ember, and zephyr
>get some weapons potatoed and with high level mods
>only thing left are sorties and maxing the mods
>dropped the game months ago
what's the point on playing

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You had your point for playing and you fulfilled it.
I play until I get bored or complete the newest content.
You know. like people do for MMO's
Just like how a vast majority of FFXIV players are going to straight up stop playing when they finish up Shadowbringers content.

It's impressive for sure. Too bad mobile fucking gacha eclipse everything else in terms of success.