Anime tropes: The game
Anime tropes: The game
Best girl pilots your airship: The game
Isn't that more or less how the series goes?
i dropped it after 10 hours when the mc turned into a generic anime protagonist
favorite anime tropes, lads?
1000yo loli
when you pull the old hot coffee cold coffee routine
Gotta love that anime trope where the MC genocides thousands of innocent civilians and you watch a child drowning in acid while crying for his mommy.
The series is all about classic anime tropes and subverting them.!
Honestly Luke is probably the best example of an MC that actually becomes less likable as the story progresses. Jade's also a worse person than most of the villains.
People complaining about anime tropes is the most tired trope of them all.
>subverting them
I haven't really seen that happen a lot.
It's because he is a villain, his sister is pretty hot though.
Yeah, we knew all this bad shit happening to you would happen, but we still turned our backs on you and made you suffer in confusion. While the entire world is blaming you for crimes you didn't commit.
*becomes the best Tales game*
That's kinda the point of Jade, isn't it? People think he's some kind of genius dedicated to the betterment of mankind, when he's a horrible human being with a sociopathic streak that begins to contemplate suicide when he finally gains an intellectual understanding of just how much worse his existence has made everyone else's lives.
>Symphonia: A world divided and a false religion being created in order to continue the cycle of oppression that a certain race faced that they now want to to do it back at the other race as revenge. Also deconstructing the concept of "Angels" into meaning "soulless vessels" but this is the villain's goal to make everyone "Angels" in order to end racism since everyone would finally be the same. Looks at the societal and long-term effects of racism and discrimination in general.
>Abyss: Whole story based on the ethics of cloning and "the meaning of one's birth" poses existential questions about the value of life itself and what it means to be alive. Also deconstructs the whole JRPG "chosen one with amnesia/destiny" trope as the main villain in this game resorts to cloning in order to break said prophecy.
>Xillia: starts off with the hero following the heroine simply because she was there at the time and he fell in love. Cliche as fuck. After she dies, he realizes he has absolutely nothing to live for because his only reason to live just died and he falls into a deep state of depression. Deconstruction.
that's just tales of in general
After all the fighting he went through, you'd think he could get a better job than Starbucks, or take up Dirk's craft.
Best girl is in it so I dont care
Hey guess what
the lyrics of the grand fonic hymn are just solfege, they don't actually mean anything
I want to fuck Tear
Funny how she has the most hate threads out of any Tales girl on 5ch.
I very, very much doubt that
What the hell happened at the end of Symphonia that Lloyd is working at a starbucks? I never finished that game for some reason
Nope. Tear by far has the most hate threads, with the recent one being the 61st.
Still top 5 of the series along with Symphonia, Vesperia, Graces, and Zestiria.
when the fuck is this game coming to pc
you can emulate it, either on the ps2 emulator or the 3ds emulator
Tales is very much used to attempting to be deep and failing miserably. Most games just don't have good enough writing to back up the idea behind the plot.
It's pretty much like everyone praising Gundam SEED as mature because there's lots of people dying. It's actually only edgy in a silly way:
>people die so it's mature
>people talk about racism so it's deep
do the emulators fix the super long load times in the overworld? that shit drove me nuts
Tear is a passive-agressive enabler. She goes along with all of the party's stupid ideas, lets Jade be a non-stop douchebag, joins in on blaming Luke just because everyone else is doing it, and when she is alone and able to speak her own mind, she just causes drama.
Anise for all her gold-digging and retardation was a better human being than Tear.
If your cpu is good you can increase the ps2 clock rate to make the overworld run at a stable framerate (otherwise it will accurately emulate the choppy mess of how it ran on original hardware)
Doesn't really fix load times though, if you care about that the 3ds version does load a bit faster.
Abyss cast just needed another adult character. Jade's fun but he gets free reign to be a jackass since everyone else is younger and dumber.
So is every other Tales game, and Abyss isn’t even the worst offender.
He did get framed for flooding palmacosta in that godawful sequel
Nips have actually calmed down on the Rose hate in recent years. After the anime ended up being shit, and the devs released shit that got cut from Zestiria.