Are you playing with Japanese or English voices?
Which one is better?
Are you playing with Japanese or English voices?
Other urls found in this thread:
you're doing this on purpose
If the game is made in a certain region, I always default to that language if it's available.
Made in Japan? Japanese voices
Made in France? French voices
etc etc
Any comments are either made by ironic weebs wanting to listen in english or they are mentally deficient.
As much as I like the English dub I always feel like some lines, they try to focus more on getting the accent correct then having the right tone.
Japanese dub is a bit more consistent because they don't really use any accents.
>restricting yourself by 'it's original'
There are things that have been objectively upgraded through later dubs, such as Dragon Ball.
You're certainly right to have that opinion.
However I feel like if the creators are japanese then they had a vision when picking the voice actors. So in their mind, Goku is supposed to sound like who they picked. Therefore I'd rather listen to how they wanted him to sound than listen to a dub.
I guess I see where you're coming from. I think Toriyama's retarded though, so his pick doesn't really do anything for me. Masako nailed Black though while Schemmel still doesn't know what to do.
One of the few good dubs, not perfect but has amazing charm all its own.
English ever since Hw has more soul than the jp voiceovers
Kinda wish Lyna had more of a role. Her English voice actor was really good.
Parsefags have been egging on YoshiP and SE in general to give WHM raid utility and rdps to bring parity between them and the other healers. YoshiP took those comments and decided to bring WHM's pdps to where it should be, with the tanks. Current WHM is where is should, without losing its identify, it just sucks that SCH/AST got butchered in the same patch.
Don't listen to parsefags, they just want all rdps for all their healers so they can flex, bring back old SCH and AST and WHM will fit right it.
I think I'm in love with this man.
>Zeno's jap voice sounds like he's just reading the scrip with 0 emotion
>Zenos English VA literally went all out while performing in SB
English is hit and miss sometimes but honestly it's far superior to the Jap voices
Japanese because that's the way it's supposed to be and how it was made from the get go.
When the English dub is good, it's really good.
Makes it worthwhile to bear through the less stellar performances.
>English dub is so much better even the CGI trailers are lipsynced to it
weebs BTFO
Do you have The Thunder God in Japanese to compare? I can't find it but I thought they did a great job too.
>That cutscene where she flips her shit because she wasn't strong enough to protect everyone
Her VA was fantastic. I hope we get to see more of her in the 5.x story quests.
Zenos' insane babblings are great in English.
he does it for free
What is that :eyes: shit I keep seeing? It's so revolting.
This is probably the most cordial I've ever seen a Dubs vs Subs argument be settled, goddamn. If this were Yea Forums at least one of you would be in a frothing rage.
I'd rather English but English VA's are fucking garbage, and then they wonder why they don't get real work in animated movies.
Some of the english VA's in this game are actual actors.
discord uses : : for emojis
>muh english is bad
>japanese thunder god shouts "balance break"
Most of the Japanese ones are garbage too. You just don't can't speak the language so your ear doesn't pick up on how bad it is.
I lost it when her voice started breaking, I thought that was done well, though I was already broken from Ardbert just before
and the gulf between them is enormous
>objectively upgraded through later dubs
>such as Dragon Ball
wew, I almost fell for it
JP for consistency
Mods are confirmed fags. Tell the mods to fuck off and let us discuss Yea ForumsIDEOGAMES
>Urianger, Emet-Selch, and ARR!Gaius exist
Boy if you're trying to tell me those voices don't sound amazing for their roles, you're deaf.
I generally go dubs anyway, but ff14 does have an actually good dub (post ARR of course)
I'm not totally averse to subs, if that's the only option then I'll go for it without complaint, but I generally like playing/watching stuff in my native language.
>All this talk about how good the story is
Man this'd be the fourth time I'd resub, I'm still stuck at level 40 because despite how much I play vidya n general ARR feels like such a giant waste of time and I always lose motivation after a week.
Yet at the same time I can't stop watching videos of all those fantastic boss encounters, or just listening to the music. I wish I could just absorb all this game has to offer without having to trudge through tens, if not hundreds of hours of standard mmo fare, and pay monthly for it on top.
Jesus fucking christ.
That's the same as hearing someone say
Or other such abbreviations when speaking.
unironically the best FF story in more than a decade
It's less than ideal, but if it gets you through it, you could consider getting a jump potion to start at HW. That's where the game picks up. You might need to watch some youtube videos or else go to an inn and watch the cutscenes you missed, but it's a solution.
>there are people that played resident evil games or metal gear in japanese because it's made by japanese devs
What server are you on? Might be more fun with fags from 4chins
>english dub: actual classically trained actors featured on british television, stage plays and shows like Game of Thrones
>japanese sub: some try-hard kawaii uguuu children voices from "actors" trained in dubbing hentai and singing cringy jpop
mmh idk
That's the one that always gets me. I remember people complaining that DD on PC didn't have japanese options so they couldn't play it "the way it was meant to be played".
I mean I'm all for having options, but they were so dumb.
This game isn't for you. It's okay.
I think you just need to knuckle down and muscle through. The game gets a little stale post ARR but on the leadup to HW, the story alone will carry you forward.
Isn't the Japanese dialog objectively worse than the English dialog in XIV? I remember hearing about that even being the Sentiment on the Japanese servers. Something about it being really dry and having no character or charm.
Played through ARR in Japanese because everyone said the English VO was bad, and now it just seems too late to change when I've already gotten accustomed to the Japanese voices.
>playing on japanese voices
>missing out on the best boys dub voice
Don't even know, don't have the game installed, Zodiark I think? I'm in europe
I'll be done with exams in a week so thats when I'd start at the earliest
Well its kinda both which is why its such a big dilemma for me. I mean I got myself through the Trails games too so its not like I can't appreciate a slow burn, but ARR just feels so basic and mind numbing it just makes me overly aware of how much time I waste on videogames
What are the scions power ranking?
I think it's a bit of a hyperbole. It's just the japanese dialog speaks like normal anime stuff and the english VA tries to go for a more shakespearen approach.
Jap actors literally just read the scrip with 0 emotion.
this could be you
Characters are a lot more straightforward and direct in the JP dialogue. Less subtlety and flowery language, sometimes entire emotions can change a bit. Some folks feel it detracts from the interactions.
Even Japanese people complain about the Japanese VA's no?
Thinking about playing this game. What class uses european style straight swords? Is it only paladin? I don't want to be a tank that deals 0 damage. Any DPS with straight swords?
They use formal japanese to copy the ye ol english and that's known for coming a lot as dry and emontionless. That's why even the japanese players prefer to play in english.
Scree! Er, I mean-- LA-HEE!!
>missing out on the best boys dub voice
I agree Emet-Selch's english actor is truly outstanding
>JP Cid
>EN Cid
It's wasn't entirely bad, Gaius, Merlwyb and maybe a couple of others I forgot were good
That’s wrong tho,
Paladin is Sword and Shield, Dark Knight is Greatsword, Red Mage has an Epe - red mage is a DPS.
english but I have no friends nor am I in an FC so it doesn't matter
Is the localization by the same people responsible for all the ivalice titles? Has the same style and aesthetic, and I keep hearing that those localizations are genuinely considered superior to the originals
Are you people crazy? Urianger and Emet sound way better in JP.
Only other job that uses straight swords is Red Mage which is in the domain of estocs and rapiers.
>yfw "tis good to see you awake, G'raha Tia
Ardbert is probably best boy in Japanese too anyway
>twitch is all that matters, ffxiv is dead
nice bait
friendly reminder to put every sissy netflix healer in their place whenever you have a chance.
tanks do this by wall pulling
dps do this by running in front of the tank and pulling trash for him
if your healer is not capable of healing wall pulls feel free to tell him that he should reconsider his job choice
different people i think, but they did use the fft remake as a base for the ivalice questline in this game so they're fans of the translation
I don't get why people are defending the current state of nu-Blizz and nu-WoW if I still had vested inrterest in WoW. I'd WANT competition to change things up, it seems nu-Blizz is trying to course correct and thats whats important.
"How our hearts SING in the chaos! Wild and pure and FOREVER FREE!!"
So there's no class that will let me 2 hand a long sword? Closest I can get is Paladin sword+shield which I assume does 0 DPS and just tanks?
Gunbreaker is fun until you learn the optimal rotation. Then it's brain dead and boring.
Who else faggot here?
Asmon Layer...
This. Zeno's english VA is arguably the best of the whole cast.
>people actually have problems with healing
But aren't you a bit skeptical? XIV denies all the common metrics that are pretty accurate for nearly all other games, yet you blindly believe the developer claiming the game and its sub count are so huge?
Its sort of a coincidence. It just so happens that most of the npcs you deal with are from a very scholarly nation and speak in a very educated way
>remove pet health bars
>now fighting by myself feels like everything can kill me in 10 seconds
Goddamn, SMN is squishy, if I don't use Titan I'm dead
>Pick "I'm tired, I'll save the lecture for later" instead
>Thancred butts in and ruins the moment
You son of a bitch, you should have died there.
Stop being dumb, why would you assume you do literally zero damage. Everyone does damage. Dear lord...
Why are XIV content creators such shit?
They have the right idea on what videos to make but their personality is way too weabooish(?). I don't know the word for it but the dumb skits with their own characters are so cringy and stupid.
Then you have Ethys with his dumbshit lore videos and CU CHULLAIN
>What are the scions power ranking?
As far as overall power?
>God tier
Warrior of Light
G'raha Tia
>Top tier
>Mid tier
>Low tier
Scion B-Team like Hoary Boulder etc.
>Not a Scion tier
>plays pokemon in Japanese because muh authenticity
>Only man has the wisdom and clarity to embrace violence for its own sake.
So good.
Urianger went to god tier from me once I discovered he can cast insta death on trash mobs. The absoltue mad lad.
Tank DPS is fine.
If you want a European sword, either such it up and tank, or don't be an absolute chad and stick to some wimpy nip sword on Samurai instead.
>God Tier
Warrior of Light
>Top Tier
Most of the adult Scions
>Mid Tier
Urianger, Alphinaud, Alisae
>Low Tier
B-team Scions
>We don't talk about Lyse
dark knights use two handed claymores
samurai use a katana
gunbreaker uses a sword that produces explosions
This is a good example how the JP version comes out a lot dryer compared to EN.
>>Zeno's jap voice sounds like he's just reading the scrip with 0 emotion
>>Zenos English VA literally went all out while performing in SB
You got it reversed, jap voice sounds like he is having the time of his life, while the bong voice sounds like a generic psychopath
>people want BLM nerfed
The playstyle already invalidates it for anything but speedruns and it has absolutely zero utility.
You nerf the damage, you kill the job.
>Zenos is literally insane and just lives to fight people until he dies
>People praise him and pretend hes a deep villain
luckybancho census is closest thing to easily accessible accuracy. if you don't trust them then parse the numbers yourself.
I'm playing the game, I can see the amount of people playing for myself.
Why the fuck would anyone watch a stream of an MMO when they could be playing? Only WoWfags are actually that retarded and the proof is right there, WoW is the only MMO that does well on twitch.
Too bad the subs are literal trash.
I dont trust some random individual skimming numbers.
The one million number isn't from the developer.
I played in english since 2.0 and now it feels weird to hear them in Japanese. But hearing them in all the different languages is interesting.
>while the bong voice sounds like a generic psychopath
Perfect then.
where do I get amaurot music? not the dungeon
not the tempest shared fates
They're by commiesubs
Its because you can't award someone for playing a turret job by having them know the ins and outs of otherwise easy extreme trials.
tanks do anywhere from 3/4 to 1/2 of a dps class' output in this game, there's a lot of focus on individual damage output compared to other mmos
Well I guess that's what happens when the game only has two youtubers worth watching
okay then parse the lodestone data yourself. it's open source and available to the public. go crazy unless you're a super brainlet.
>"People praise him and pretend hes a deep villain"
>Being so retarded you somehow come to the conclusion that this is what people are saying
Stop having sex with your family. Incest is bad.
The sub is 12 dollars a month.
Subs are also the gate keepers that prevent your game from being flooded by Russians and Brazilians.
>generic psychopath
So the character the actor was hired to voice?
It's the tempest's "night" music technically, so that's going to come in a later patch like all the rest of the night music.
No one likes Zenos because he's deep, people like Zenos BECAUSE he's an over the top edgy anime antagonist. His lack of depth and sheer focus on his own wants is what makes him enjoyable.
>That boy just isn't buoyant
That took me a bit to get
Urianger's jap voice is GOAT though. There's no way the english one is better.
So SAM is a dead job, then?
Talking about the dubtitles.
I assume what I'm doing is optimal (dump cartridges when possible, line up Continuation with No Mercy) and no it's still fun to me.
Aren't the people who praise Zenos just fujoshits who want him to fuck their catboy?
I was hoping of stuff that's actually discussing the game and not skits. Although these skits are way better than some of the other shit I've seen.
Considering how Minfilia let herself be completely absorbed by Ryne who's an inexperienced fighter, God Tier only has WoL and G'raha in there.
Meanwhile Urianger is easily the strongest regular scion in terms of power and skill.
>Can cast death on trash mobs
>Can rescue people into pits
>His barriers actually save people, unlike Y'shtola's
lol retard
He's so good that they've kept him for the longest time.
I learned the optimal rotation and I'm still having fun.
>Apex Arrow
You forgot the part where he get aroused in the heat of combat
Please also use story and gameplay segregation. Just because they're OP as a trust, doesn't mean that they can do the same thing in the story.
He's not a deep villain. Just an honest one. Which is refreshing in a game where pretty much every other villain is some grand Keikaku Man.
And since Emet-Selch showed up, every other Keikaku Man has been overshadowed, while Zenos still stands on his own.
Anyone notice that the trees in Amaurot have a mix of green and purple foliage?
then do it yourself using the tools provided which do nothing but skim publicly-available player data, and automatically account for players that haven't reached a certain point of the game and/or haven't reached a certain level mark that's typical of RMT bots, go the extra mile and prove you're not just mouthbreathing with your doubts about the game doing well
C'mon man, how many times has Y'shtola nuked dozens of mobs by charging up a big fuckoff spell even a Black Mage would blow their load at? And she was doing this back when she was still a damn conjurer, nominally.
fek snek
SAM isn't locked in place for the entire fight if it wants to do good damage.
the servers are so full that literally all the NA servers are locked from making characters at certain times. there's also queues to log in and shb areas are so congested that they have to split them into different instances temporarily.
i do both based on feeling
Every single servers is full to the point of not accepting new characters and having login queues of thousands of people right now, and we have 50+ servers, each of them allowing 10k+ players online at the same time, and with players being autokicked after 30 minutes of afk. That's 500k+ players online at any given time, and obviously less than half of the subscribed players are playing concurrently considering time zones and such.
It's a million+ active players for sure.
See If anything the Trusts are *nerfed.*
>damage way too close to DRG and MNK despite having literally no utility
Yeah it's pretty fucking dead at the moment, may as well play DRG since it's just as fun and can buff people and doesn't feel like shit to play like MNK
Heavensward content is actually decent story, im playing through stormbringers right now and seems on par so far.
ARR story is shit though but at least at 50 you do some really cool boss fights
SAM suffers being a melee with missed positionals and lost uptime if the boss moves.
>I was hoping of stuff that's actually discussing the game and not skits.
There was one guy who made decent videos about healing but he like disappeared around Heavensward, such as shame
>Although these skits are way better than some of the other shit I've seen.
Probably cause it's relies more on cinematography and editing rather than the creator inserting themselves for humor
>tfw Zenos' VA got cucked out of an award by 9S
Remember to take your daily dose
>the servers are so full
You act as if you know the capacity of the servers. If a game's servers could only hold 1000 people at once were full would that make it a huge game? Not so much.
JP has great FFXIV content creators if you're into bard performance or event showcasings
>get Yol during MSQ in Stormblood
>see the Amaro
>oh cool guess I have that to look forward to
>check achievement tab
Whose fucking idea was this nonsense?
>G'raha Tia ended up seeing every Scion naked because he only ended up summoning their spirits or some shit in his tower
>the one Scion he actually probably wanted to see naked got teleported a few miles away from his tower, fully clothed
how frustrated must he be feeling
You can literally search how many people are online in each zone in the game.
>Doesn't want to rule the world
>Doesn't want to destroy it
>Just wants to satisfy his battle autism
>Considers you, the only person than can best him his only friend
>Tells you all of this and an heros when he loses
He's just the best sperg I could ask for
What to buy with Company seals?
I like it. It's finally a good reward instead of the usual shitty looking crowns absolutely nobody uses.
I just really want someone doing lore videos or just fucking around.
However, most xiv youtubers are hooked up on xanax or obnoxious weaboo fucks.
They'll probably give different colored Amaro or some shit as a beast tribe reward later on, just be patient I guess.
And that's a good thing, Punished 9S voice acting was absolutely amazing.
do playersearch in-game and it will show you how many people are in each area.
The wording of the healing buff changed from "healing spell" to "healing action" but it still does not affect healing abilities.
Remember when zenos was a pirate?
>He saw Alisaie and Y'shtola naked
The only frustration here is mine.
>Omega has 300ppl queue
It's the most dead realm, even at the launch it had only 60-100 people queues
What the fuck, ffxiv bros?
Can you buy teleport token things with company seals?
Cordial, retainer ventures, borax, glamour prisms
ventures and cordials
Hey, whatever happened to Drak? His videos were fun.
English because there's some background voiceacting that is not subtitled.
We've seen Y'Shtola naked twice.
Formidable can suck my fat dick, fuck this FATE
My point was more that the trees in lakeland are purple, while most trees on the Source are green.
is it worth to get healer skill 10 on healer chocobo?
If you want white mage barding.
If you're on leviathan/primal it's should be spawning soon on instance 1.
SCH still buffs only healing magic on both Dissipation and Fey Illumination. Only job to get cucked in this way.
It's not enough
the whole thing is like 3 fetch quest inside a bigger fetch quest.
>oh no ala mihgo want to fight the empire
>proceeds to get their shit slapped
>we need aid from doma!
>they get their shit slapped so hard they rather be slaves
>we need aid from the fucking lizards
who the fuck wrote this shit? this story is ass compared to heavens ward and ARR
So that's why he took an Elezen body.
Green Mender
Totally. Go get it now.
>If you could take one more step, would you?
>Would you save our worlds?
>[What, all by myself?]
I heard it's shit skill but maybe the barding is cool
Nuuuh but you can't trust theeeeem!
Probably streaming or something I don't know
Kind of like Merri and likewise his videos probably suck now too
>buy game to see what all the fuss is about
>create character
>none of the worlds are accepting new players
What do I do?
Kinda wasting the free sub time that came with the game by not being able to play.
If you're talking of the chocomedica spam glitch that was fixed.
create a character in the morning, a lot of worlds should be open then.
Huh, that's odd. Temperance definitely affects Tetra, Asylum, and Assize, and the healing magic potency buff on Neutral Sect affects, ED, CI, and CO.
Are any of the other SCH oGCD heals affected by Dissipation's healing buff or is it just something weird about Lustrate?
The Azim Steppe was the best part of Stormblod though
Geographically, Lakeland is comparable to Mor Dhona. It's quite possible there were purple trees before everything got Aether nuked.
dunno why you would watch a lore video when there are already 2 full size lore books directly from the developers. videos won't cover as much or they will skim through the details to not drag on too long.
It sucks but right now the servers are at capacity, you're best bet is to make a new character at like 3 or 4 am in the morning. But even then, be prepared for like 100-200 person queue times during peak hours. I wish they would add a few more servers to primal.
>ever willingly listening to that tinnitus inducing squeaking bird language with their autistic over emotional screaming and other faggot shit
I know, I've been here for the past seven hours
You might not like it, but this is what peak Ascian performance looks like
Emet's favorite genre is city builder
You think Omega was dead? I've been playing on Spriggan which was literally completely empty when Shadowbringers launched because it was a new server, I was the only person in many of the new zones. Zero queues for the first few days but now there's queues even here. Still almost nobody in Shadowbringers zones though, but the starting cities are fucking overgrown with sprouts.
Not really. The glitch was fixed, but I don't ever see a time where my chocobo would be using it so I don't want it to bother using it at all. If im with others in a FATE I want my chocobo to prioritize me.
server status refreshes every few minutes
if you're trying to make a character at prime time you're fucked but you can still try refreshing until something opens
otherwise wait until morning / night or when people are at work during the week
if you're on NA try making your character on the Crystal data center, it's the least congested one
Lakeland = Mor donuts
Kholosia = La Noscea
Ahm Areng = Thanalaan
Rak'tika = Twelveswood
They also does not affect the fairy abilities so I'm assuming it's still only spell magic.
Why did you buy a game that has an unlimited free trial up to level 35?
japanese sounds gay, english dub always
they're most likely going to kneejerk react and add a new server to each NA datacenter by patch 4.1
Must be comfy to be a sprout and go to leveling dungeons with every party member being a sprout as well.
Well, your Fairy is kind of gone while you have the healing buff from Dissipation so obviously it's not going to affect those no matter what.
Also happens to be the part written by the lead writer of ShB
nobody on Yea Forums thinks dubs are better though
I hope so, Primal was already packed way before they moved a few servers to crystal. Inadvertently by doing so they made primal even more packed, since now the former primal guys who were moved to crystal were transferring en masse back to primal. 2 weeks before the xpac launched Excal had 50 - 100 person queues.
Why the fuck are you on such a new server?
>Ahm Areng = Thanalaan
This part pissed me off as a lorefag because thanalan was a lush forest until the calamity of fire which burned everything and the presence of fire elementals in the area turned the place into a desert.
Dang the time lapse effect on that second video is well done.
English sounds like any bum you can pick from the streets, just terrible
How do i get into XIV without wasting too much money?
I have a feeling that the reason his eyes are always like that is that he's not looking at us. He doesn't need eyes to know where we are and he is in fact using his eyes to look into another dimension or up some girls skirt.
you mean 5.1
To be fair, 9S was great.
The issue with Dragon Ball as an example is that no matter what language you're watching it in, it's a shit anime that is a wholly inferior experience to reading DB in manga form
Fey illumination and Asylum healing buff are still a thing tho
by starting with the free trial
There are a few exceptions to that like Cowboy Bebop and FMA:B
Play the trial up to 35 for every job that you have access too
Just buy the base game that comes with a free month sub and shadowbringer
Skulk around G2A and other key resellers for deals, don't buy it on Steam (you will never get a sale), keep just the one character so your bill is $12 a month instead of $15
Complete edition, starter sub for $13.
Make the perfect character so you don't pay 10$ for fantasia. Choose a good name so you don't pay 10$ for name change. Choose a good server so you don't pay 18$ for server transfers.
Yeah I had the same reaction as well. None of the quests in Ahm Areng even hint that it was once a forest so I think they just forgot about the lore.
Nah, there are a bunch of people who just straight up say all dubs are garbage without any allowances.
Dude why the fuck did you have to say something, I forgot all about that. But here's another one, it was hinted that Lalafells were made by the allagans that dont exist in the source.
free trial up to level 35 -> arr key from reseller for $15 (includes 30 days of gametime and goes up to level 50) -> heavensward is free and goes up to level 60
>Open your eyes to the darkness and drown in its loveless embrace. The gods will not be watching.
>Implying he lusts after imperfect girls
And those people are retarded and don't deserve to have opinions. Any who submit to the hive mind deserve to be shot.
He only lusts after the WoL
Is his Shakespearean dialog really the same in JP? Like a direct translation or is it just Koji hamfisting it in like all the Cockney accents?
it's a mixed bag. some characters sound better in japanese, some characters sound better in english.
Yes all eng dubs are garbage. Fmab and bebop are nothing speical.
Alamhigo is still there but being so close to the border it might be unhabited.
>it was hinted
That was a player made theory because a fish is sprouting lala hands, the lorebook clearly says the allagans experiemented on the 5 races, the 5 races being the ones at the start of ARR.
>Implying he doesn't just view all females as sex puppets
Reminder, he had at least one kid (who died).
Please let this work... please let this work!
>They redrew the map in a different style for the First
It was a nice touch.
>Bad healer day
>Many deaths and many almost wipes
>Switch to Dancer
>Holy shit.jpg
>Queue is triple
Ok guess i need to heal with the healer drought
Adrbert and Emet in English are much better than Japanese but in general the Japanese dub is higher quality.
It's hurts all the more that he tried to live in the new fragmented universe and just couldn't be satisfied with it.
People like him because he's literally an MMO player.
>just wants hard fights
>just wants better loot
>gets mad if the fights are boring
He just has imortal syndrome. Even if he fell in love the people he loved would just die in the end.
I think we just needed to get him a hobby like fishing.
People see it's high damage on what is essentially target dummies and are getty a little antsy. Admittedly it's hitting pretty damn hard and it's maximum is simply way out of this world.
solution: invite 1 healer and the queues become instant
People like him because he's a Sephiroth clone
People like Emet because he's a Kefka clone. Le funny clown man is here to cause chaos!
>There are things that have been objectively upgraded through later dubs, such as Dragon Ball.
Imagine being this retarded.
Bebop deserves credit for the main characters having well-fitted VAs, but the other characters are the typical guy-off-the-street quality typical of american dubs.
>And those people are retarded and don't deserve to have opinions.
Dubfags are braindead.
Do you still get a free fantasia? I think it got moved to a MSQ reward instead of a vet reward now.
Ever since they brought that faggot tate along his videos have been insufferable to watch. Literally soulless now, when his HW videos had soul.
yeah it's a reward for completing ARR. but since niggers skip it they don't get it.
Is he that annoying catboy guy?
>join alliance raid as healer
>get ivalice
>not my day, just die to every single mechanic because I tunnel vision
>feel really embarassed
>pretty sure someone screenshotted how much vul I have.
>debating on changing race and name.
fuck :(
Nowhere close. People like emet because we can understand why he's a villain. All he wants is to go home and see his friends again but his dream requires everyone to die and we can't let happen.
Goodness what a stupid post.
You must quite a retard if you really think what you said is true.
The fairy acting like a mother to your character is really heart warming.
>Kefka clone
Fucking what? Are you retarded?
Alliance raid is full of shitters, so don't worry about it that much. That's just your average run.
Imagine not just dropping your ilvl to 80 and only ever getting LotA and ST in your Alliance Roulette.
Sure must suck.
Fuck this, I'm out.
So wait, if Ardbert's party is from the First, why does he have a female WHM Lala that looks like a Source Lala instead of a dwarf?
Alliance raids where everyone sucks is fun
I feel like it's the only time I really get to enjoy healing
Time to fanta.
You forgot
>was probably playing with a streamer and got clipped
>shits probably on Youtube already as well
how do you tunnel vision as healer? you only have one job. don't let HP reach 0
It's explained in the healer role quest.
>Alternate ending where you stay friends
>Teach him how to live his life like a mortal
>Seek a different path to saving both the shards and his people
>Go on interdimensional adventures with him
>Be his wingman in finding love with someone that doesn't just want him for power
>See all the sights the world's have to see
>Unfuck the void together
>Face your own mortality, but assure him it will be fine as you'll always reincarnate and always be friends across all your lives and ask him not to cry.
No one cares dude, I frequently die on purpose in Alliance raids so I can alt tab and have others play for me.
Dwarves are Lalafells with helmets and beards you fucking moron.
You mean dong expanding.
She just doesn't wear her helmet. In some job quest cutscenes she has it on.
Do I drop it right before I queue or before I accept the duty?
Yeah, I'll admit that many of the bit characters were just ok or less. Though not all of the side characters were bad.
>One of the few good dubs,
You morons say that about every single dub.
Emet-Selch already went through all of that already though.
Countless times from what he says even.
Dwarves are lalas that have a obsession about wearing helmets with beards.
Just buy a skip lmao
(but unironically)
I'm just about done with the content of ARR before the gap between ARR and Heavensward — is the story between ARR and HW good or important? I've heard the gap is insufferable and unfun, and I have some small change to buy the skip.
So is the streamer the healer?
When you queue
Holy fuck she's cute.
what the FUCK
It's pretty important.
It's very important but extremely boring. Have fun.
But has he done it beside someone that understands him and treats him like a friend for what he is, not what he appears to be?
Opinion on game modding?
The beards are fake.
fuck thanks. guess i'll muscle through. i quite like the plight of the scions.
2.1 Voiceless
2.2 Boring
2.3 Listen to Ramuh
2.4 Building Hype
2.5 Where was the hype?
How seething is japan right now that glorious western fantasy shits all over the weeb expansion and then some?
Didn't even need to read to know it was gonna be retarded.
it's for taking screenshots and little else.
It's ironic shitposting though.
Everyone sounds better and have better tones in Japanese. The moment I heart Alphinauld's english voice, I kept to JP and never looked back.
They literally stated this during fanfest
It's an unrelated screenshot. But I think he is.
It's pretty clear that there is a lot of angst behind non-Ascians having limited lives when he talks about it. It's no wonder he'd like to restore it all the way it once was.
I don't think they care about that. Plus what ruined SB was the alamhigo part.
Anyone have the pic from his speech in the Capitol combined with Solus' history from the lore book? When he was going on about how he's lived and grown old and sired children and still found your people wanting, he meant it more than in just some megalomaniac rant. Guy has had a hard life and every time he gets attached to people they end up dying or betraying him in some way.
Even you end up hurting him. He made Amaurot so that you could die with dignity among the Ancients. He was legitimately surprised that you came there to kill him.
If Lalaniggers and Dwarves are the same, how come lalaniggers are the root cause of every single problem in the Source while Dwarves are /ourguys/?
only mods worth using are:
>ACT Overlay
>Music Swapper
>HD hair/eyes
Bayonetta only works in English
>Standard raid roulette
>Get exdeath
>Entire party gets hit by void thunder
>Entire party gets frozen
>Entire party besides the healers get knocked off by vacuum blade
We didn't wipe, but it was kinda impressive how unprepared everyone was. I thought everyone knew this fight by now. Unless I just happened to somehow get a party full of first timers.
>Old Man complaining his generation was better
Complex stuff
>Not having healer friends who love you and want to play with you.
I'm sorry, user.
Can you imagine if elidibus actually failed his keikaku and the WoD he brought to the source never ended up summoning minfillia back? Now no one can stop the Flood and the whole shard gets thirteenth'd. Emet would've probably smacked him up the head
I expected some boring role quest not these fucking feels
>He was legitimately surprised that you came there to kill him.
He was surprised that we didn't turn into a sin eater, when he invited us to go meet him he meant for a monstrous sin eater to go meet him.
Though there's a slight hint that maybe he wanted to die while helping us, his fight was what helped us spend our excess light.
>Everyone talking about Solus betraying you
>None of them realizing he just wanted to take you home
>tfw you betrayed someone who wanted to be your friend
>Shinryu starts
>everybody gets blown off
I thought this would never stop being funny but I can't be assed to even laugh anymore.
almost every raid roulette has one or more first timers. plus the fight is like 2 years old now so people may have forgot.
>tfw feo ul will never get offended that you never call her for sexy times, even though she stresses that her adorable sapling can and should ask her
In a sense, that stemmed from the fact that he was incapable of seeing the "lesser souls" as capable of anything higher than primal (heh) emotions.
During the scene after absorbing Innocence, he fully expects your allies to turn against you and try to kill you next since you are slowly turning into a sin eater. He figures that he alone is giving you a way to die with dignity, he can't begin to comprehend that your allies would support you until the end, even at the risk of their own lives.
why did they summon minfilia back btw?
Long, comfy and once you start get to 2.3, actually interesting
>where was the hype
2.5 was Before The Dawn you dumb fucking nigger. It was the best single quest until Shadowbringers.
He's a sad man but at the end of the day he is a hardcore zodiark man, who will cheerily genocide the entire population of the source even after the rejoining in the name of his dream of restoring his fallen people, which may be bullshit considering zodiarks darkness boner.
He deserves sympathy but he still needed taking down, he had wiped out entire worlds full of people and was going to continue doing so until he capped it off with our own.
That's one thing I don't understand, a flood is apparently bad, but isn't Emet for the flood winning?
I've only done the tank one but I want to give Granson a hug and go on adventures with him
Because somebody told me you can't join guilds in the trial, that's like the whole reason why I play MMOs
Plus I tried it already and liked it enough to buy it
Yeah he is. The other gay catboys were annoying as well but they were tolerable, unlike tate
Just muscle through it. It definitely does get interesting as you go towards HW and the plot improves but yeah, it's a lot of fetch shit.
I recommend doing at least the Crystal Tower raids as well if you haven't already due to the fact it comes into the MSQ later on.
>have a SCHfriend who is insufferable 100% of the time and will never stop bitching about WHM
More like pale imitations.
>tfw feo ul is the chance of adding a mode to access our retainers anywhere.
to be blunt you chose a stupid time to get into the game, you should have made your character the week before the expansion launched early access at the latest, now all you can do is wait for the server congestion to die down and try and sneak in at dead times of day.
They don't want the world to be ENTIRELY consumed by the element, just mostly.
And at the right time, that's important. Everything they set up in the shards has to be timed with events in the Source or else it's wasted. The Source wasn't set up to accept all the dark aether from the 13th, so they missed their chance. The source was set up to accept all the light aether from the first with the Empire being ready to unleash black rose.
just a bunch of sinners slaying those wicked whites
German and French are better dubs than English
3.3 was way better than 2.5
Because I'm not a retard like you so I logged out on Spriggan before release to avoid all congestion issues during launch. You know server visits are a thing right?
Emet wants a proper rejoining, which does require an overflow of light aspected aether, but not a complete flood of it.
>make a Hrothgar based on one of my favorite characters from another game
>think i'd get people messaging me saying they get the reference if anything
>just a bunch of people thinking i'm a furfag
Kill me why do I have to play as a human
Do you have to update HD hair/eyes for each patch or some shit or does it just werk?
>should we ask the faries?
>Faries: "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DIDN'T INVITE US?! I mean sure we said we wouldn't come and odds are we wouldn't have if we didn't feel like you were trying to have fun without us but STILL!"
It's bad when the flood totally consumes the world.
Emet just needed Vauthry to push a little more to destabilize the world to the point of a Rejoining.
>Think Giott was some old drunk guy for every quest and then suddenly this
>Just makes it better
Which is a better EU DC for just doing savage content, Chaos or Light? I did all I wanted to do before the split and have no idea how the population sorted itself out.
If anything there's a huge QoL difference from ARR to the current expansion. It's like they learn from their current mistakes and grew as a whole.
If i would suggest just skip everything that's not a cutscene that's voiced. Those are usually them talking in circles and not explaining the plot.
That's what I love about him. He was a huge hippocrite and he kept denying the sanctity of life in front of him despite all the evidence to the contrary. He throws a fit when Alphinaud insists that they are they same. Everyone, even the Scions, understand where he's coming from and try to end it without a fight but Emet is too proud to let that happen. When he finally dies and lets it go, he does so with grace. He knows you were right all along.
Well then you may enjoy it some. You'll definitely enjoy the final patch.
And as people have said, make sure to do Crystal Tower. For one thing, it unlocks raid roulette which is just great for experience, and it'll have plot implications in Shadowbringers. It isn't mandatory, but you'll get more out of ShB if you do it.
>tfw no spicy scottish gf
Fapping to Feo Ul is all I get
Oh shit there's multiple annoying youtube catboys, I just checked and tate isn't the annoying youtube catboy I'm thinking of but he's probably really annoying anyway
I legit thought this was a GW2 character for a second
>Final boss of Shadow Bringers
>Two raid trannies with UCoB title
>Have to peel them off the floor the entire fight because they don't have a Mr Happy guide.
But that's not all.
>A rank Hunt
>Raid tranny rides on in on tranny bot
>Dies to a fucking AoE
What happened to all that big talk? That bravado? Was it all bluster? Is this the true form of the raid tranny?
Fun to mess with during content drought.
>materia vi gives more stats than vii
Suffer through it until you get to Keeper of the Lake, after that it's nothing but kino and you'll thank yourself you didn't buy the skip once you hit the 2.5/Before The Fall content.
you don't, play whatever you fuckin want.
people are gonna give you shit regardless of race, there's always a problem, a hyur is boring, a giraffe is longnecked and ugly, etc.
>tranny bot
What are you even talking about
Flood has to be "just enough". Its laid out in the final role quest. Like 99% of a full progress bar, if it goes 100 it becomes like the Thirteenth, which was a failure. So Urianger's grand double cross was actually factored into the ascians plan
minfillia showed up because urianger brought the crystals of light together in the 3.4 storyline. At the time they thought they would be able to save the first from the flood but it turns out that was actually what the ascians wanted
2.5 was perfect and all Heavensward did was reverse the decisions in it. Everyone likes to forget that HW had a slow, boring start where everything set up in Before the Dawn is slowly made moot. Nanamo living, Raubhan escaping to do nothing, Lolorito just hand waving your exile, that all happens before you even meet Hraesvelgr.
Zenos is not an autistic psychopath with an identity crsis whose only solution is to destroy the planet and merge with The Thing because it happened to be put in stasis half-way through transforming into a sexy woman, so he mistakes it for his mother like a sperg.
Zenos is an autistic psychopath who just happens to be board out of his fucking mind until you show up and offer him the potential for a challenge.
Emet-Selch is not a misfortune riddled man who was so heavily experimented on with Magitek wizardry that he turned into a nihilistic psychotic jester who just wants to watch the world burn while using fun as an excuse on the surface, but the reality is that deep down he just wants to end it all because he's a product of the world that made him what he is and he has nothing left in him but hatred.
Emet-Selch is an eons old hold-over from a long dead civilization that just wants his world and family and friends back, even if it means killing a bunch of other worlds to do it. Had his ideology been different, would there be a way to achieve his goals without causing untold, wanton destruction, he'd probably do that instead, and we'd probably help him do it, because at the end of the day his cause is noble, but there is no noble solution to achieve his cause.
Neither of these two characters are clones of the characters you compared them to.
Materia 7 are for overmelding
If you don't have any 7s, feel free to use 6 in the meantime
VI can't be pentamelded
Dont be a fucking pussy, do as said. Lionbros are actually pretty damn based. Better than those shitty limited buns.
Clearly they're not actually trannies, maybe they're cis girls or even worse; boys or something I don't know
Just lure them with deep fried mars bar and haggis.
Japanese > German > English for this game.
Some reason its materia viii you need and not vii
So, fellow tank mains. How do you all feel about GNB? I have WAR DRK AND PLD at 80, just leveled GNB to 71 and I like it so far, but I think the decision to make the DoTs and that one attack that uses a shell GCD and not oGCD. It just feels really awkward when the class seems to be made for and all about weaving. Also, Is there any stat or anything at all that can make my brutal shell not a tissue paper?
>Emet Selch is slightly flamboyant
>He clearly must be a kefka clone
Are you serious?
holy fuck these new A ranks suck as melee dps.
>red cactus boy knockbacks all melee, stuns them, and then one shots anyone not a tank in his line of sight with 90k needles
>harambe bangs his fucking chest 5 times with each one getting damage up and unavoidable unless you're 20yalms away
>great mighty poo aoe is one shot if you don't avoid it unless you're a tank
HEARTLESS slapping why didn't you call your beautiful branch to jerk you off in your time of need?
I need to punish you
it's more to do with matching it up with an appropriate untimely event on the source to cause all that aether to sweep into the source like a deluge and bring the shard with it.
black rose for instance kills by stopping aetherflow, and light aspected aether as we find out is associated with statis and lack of activity.
so consume the first in light just as the empire deploys black rose and suddenly it's buffed to the point that it wipes out half the population of the world including the people who released it and backfires horribly.
I don't get their naming conventions though. At first I thought -ott were males and -itt were females but i was proven wrong multiple times.
Credit where credit is due, I kinda hated the Ascians simply because they always felt kinda generic to me
Then Emet came along and like, damn.
Fair point. Forgot Nanamo was even alive.
>english va
>every single female character sounds like a 50 year old woman
>everyone formulates their sentences like a faggot of the highest caliber instead of just talking in normal sentences
For some fucking reason the A ranks are harder than S ranks. One of the S ranks I did literally just fucking stood there until it died.
Wanted to keep it until next op for good thread, but anyway
What 70lvl story dungeons would you want to see hard modes in shb?
who the pirate
Assuming Zenos didn't kill Varis, what do you think he would say if we told him the reason his Ascian granddad wasn't showing up anymore is because we killed him on the first.
>everyone formulates their sentences like a faggot of the highest caliber instead of just talking in normal sentences
It's like they wanted it to be a fantasy land or something.
redpill me on the great serpent, whats his endgame?
I'd like a hard mode of The Twinning just for more of the music
Is there anything SCH mains don't bitch about?
Emet is clearly a mix of Ardyn and Garland from FFIX. But its stupid to reduce a character's base traits to a simple statement and claim he's a clone of another because despite that, Emet is still wholly unique. His archetype is quite common, from Zod in Man of Steel to Doctor Who, but its the details and execution that makes the character. People don't love Emet-Selch because he's flamboyant chaos-man, they love him because he's a well written, nuanced, charming, villain.
>japanese VA
>Nearly every single female character has a high pitched voice
>everyone reads their lines in flat dry tones
So much better.
>wait a minute, that filename looks familiar...
>check my FFXIV screenshots folder
>same filename right down to the min/second
Glad I could provide reaction material for you bro
The Burn and Swallow's Compass
>>everyone formulates their sentences like a faggot of the highest caliber instead of just talking in normal sentences
>bro why aren't people living in a fantasy world talking like they live in modern day tokyo
yeah wtf why dont the people in this fantasy world just talk like every retard i hear on the street outside??
The cinematography in the last part is amazing
>I mean sure we said we wouldn't come
They said they normally wouldn't. Feo will whatever it takes to protect you and the other fae find it necessary to return the favor after what you did in Il Mheg.
It wouldn't be the same, but it might be cool to have a dungeon in current day Aumarot, already destroyed Aumarot.
Otherwise Dhon Mheg Hard probably
Hell's Lid (Hard)
Sohm Al (Harder)
The Burn (Hard)
answer this RIGHT NOW or your mother will fall asleep in her sleep tonight
it just werks but it's a good idea to backup your original file just in case it breaks for whatever reason
The Burn
Looks more epic on a lala.
We learned more about the Ascians in the final hour of ShB than we did in the 6 years ARR has been around. It really helps one's opinion on an antagonist when you actually know what they're about.
Daily reminder that Emet was the last good ascian
Someone please explain this La Hee shit, I don't get it
I personally read it more as the Faries would totally have not bothered to turn up, they specifically said no mortal conflicts, but the fact they didn't get asked makes them feel like they're missing out on the games.
I feel bad for Elidibus, not only because he is a massive jobber but he's between two absolute titans of villains.
>Zenos covers the whole psychopath, murderhobo villan, if Eli turns out to be this he's just going to feel pathetic compared to Zenos and his hunt autismo
>Emet was the master keikaku, any master plan Elidibus does is going to be compared to Emet and feel kinda weak
They really have to pull off something unique with Eli
SB didn't had hard modes of it's own dungeons, so doubt shb will
Emet is Ardyn if he was in a story with decent pacing.
>The other fae call her "Feo the Mad"
>Realize later this is because Feo has this matronly desire to protect her non-Fae charges, which to the other pixies must seem insane.
>Dealing with a group of actual literal scholastic nerds
>Surprised when they talk like nerds
You brought it on yourself.
That was pretty nice.
truly a ff3 reference
Hitting floor webm would be better
To be fair, his other unsundered brethren was lahabrea, who is frankly an ultimate jobber, I burst out laughing when some minor asciens tried to use his name to boast in the SMN job quests.
I wouldn't have saved it if it hadn't reminded me so much of the screeching jannies constantly sucking blizzdick. But thanks, you were there when I needed you most.
they call her madbloom specifically, funnily enough Feo Ul appears to translate to "treasure moon" or something along those lines.
I can see Eli dying in the patch cycle, probably at the hands of a stronger villain
Glad my boy is back, tho. He was the best part of SB. I hope they give him his new NT costume
there's also a new SS rank monster, it has very specific spawn conditions. JP are calling them NMs.
>unironically using twitch views as a metric for an MMO
It works for most other games, but MMOs are a lot more time-consuming than your average twitch faggot wants to spend his time watching. Not fast enough, not enough action, etc. FFXIV moreso, because it's about a damn good story, characters, etc.
In short: Noone gives a fuck about watching it on twitch because we all play it instead of watch it. Unlike WoW, it's about a lot more than just endgame raids. WoW had a decent story, and cutscenes/movies are one of the very few things Blizzard still does decently, but it pales in comparison to Squeenix's pedigree for it.
>I can swim, but... alisaie, will you be ok?
>I'm glad you asked. Alphinaud can't swim but i'm good at swimming.
>That's right, Alphinaud can't swim!
>I can swim well enough. How about you Alisaie?
>Oh like a fish, in contrast to my doggy-paddling brother.
>Somehow the boy just isn't very buoyant.
So what are the odds that we put down Zodiark and/or Hydaelyn. Alternately, what are the odds that we keep one or both alive out of necessity?
Time to take the black mage pill. Of all of the A ranks the only one I really had to move for is mudman and that because it has a attack that you have to be inside of him. I also hate the deltascape snake but red. Other that him all others are easy .
Lvl 50 PLD here
How do I find people to play with I'm super scared on queuing with randoms due to anxiety that i'll screw something up since I don't know content. should i just switch to a tunnel vision DPS, and if so, which one
I honestly love how much they act like real siblings.
That story no doubt will be covered in 6.0 when Garleans blow a hole in the earth and awaken the same force that destroyed Ascian civilization
haha do you think vauthry would let me have some of his eggs
Only to help everyone then disappear. I hope they add a dungeon with him and he transforms into a horrible ugly snake.
Zenos is an autist and wouldn't understand why anyone would care. He didn't know Emet-Selch like we did and he is probably one of the examples that Emet used to justify calling people sub-human. Fuck Zenos. Autists don't deserve to live.
We just need to deal with Zodiark if he breaks free from the Moon.
Was half expecting his expansion to paint Mother is a negative light, but after seeing the Ascian society it seems like a good outcome
When I see this girl I get all excited someone is posting best girl zombina but then am disappointed.
Weren't the Ascians brought down by their own creation powers?
honestly Fell Cleave should just be Nacent Chaos without the use of Infuriate. Infuriate should just give 100 Beast Gauge and Inner Release should double the potency off all weaponskills while active additionally to its current effect.
I'm getting Metal Gear Rising vibes from my SAM now
>Somehow the boy just isn't very buoyant.
Nips and weeaboos SEETHING that they can't compete with this wordplay.
Gideon was far better. Looking through the current studio's actors and they've had no roles of any note. Shit like voicing CBBC nursery cartoons lmafo.
How's the weather up there on the moon?
Grow a pair of balls
Make mistakes
Learn from them
Git gud
Move on with your life
No not really, he just generally speaks more politely
I know right? I was expecting the reveal that she's a primal to turn her villainous, but so far she seems to be on the up and up.
First the elements stopped functioning like the beginning of FF1, then they heard a horrific sound from inside the planet that made them lose control of their creation powers so they just started spawning nightmares everywhere.
Post Feo Ul's garbage voice during Mt. Gulg.
pull out your tampon and use the goddamn duty finder, tanking amount to sit in the group of enemies and spam your AOE with your tank stance on.
if you want to get really advanced, you dodge the aoe's and make sure to clump them together and face them away from your party.
considering that nearly all of the class stories in Stormblood were awful and the quality of the role quests, I'm more than happy with the change.
A fell sound came from beneath the earth that caused their creation powers to go out of control
Something caused them to panic, and that panic multiplied when they started accidentally summoning
I'm actually autistic and I agree with you, but I accidentally clicked send before I finished typing. Meant to specify what Varis would think, assuming he's still alive.
>the actors aren't good if they aren't even from hollywood
Japanese game. Japanese voices.
If you don't play Metro in Russian, The Witcher in Polish or Valiant Hearts in French, you're doing it wrong.
>not paying attention in Amaurot
holy shit the healer roles forum is just a dumpsterfire at this point
there's also the fact that most of the popular games on twitch are all games with competitive pvp scenes. games with little or no pvp scene have low views unless propped up by an eceleb or there's some sort of thing going on like a world record speedrun.
Should I play DW in Cantonese you absolute weeb
>the darkness grows still
>that final push on hades at the least 10%
Tankbro, listen to me.
Just get in there. Fucking do it.
Every tank worth their salt now was worried about fucking up in a group, but the very fact that you have that worry in the first place is a good sign. Stay alert, ask fellow tanks for tips, and do what you can to avoid hitting the dirt. You'll do fine
the official forums is a goddamn tire fire from the start, these are the same people that thought the fighting fakezenos duty was too hard, the one you can win without ever actually doing anything.
I want to see what Black Cauldron looks like
notice how its all scholars and astrologians complaining. meanwhile white mages are laughing at them.
The Burn.
My condolences. Varis probably would be happy but not really change his mind much. He knows the WoL has killed Ascians before and still he wants to go through his retard plan of "give the Ascians everything they want, and only then can we overthrow them". Varis isn't autistic like Zenos but Zenos was right to call his faculties limited. The man has room temperature IQ.
Reminder 1 stack every 30 seconds is better than 3 stacks every 60s.
its like whm has nothing to complain about
I've seen it once because I had a terrible group that was half dead by the time the QTE happened, and it's honestly not that impressive.
At first, NIP, then ENS. And yes, I play and main GBK.
>Emet and WoL were probably the smartest/most level headed Ascians on the council
Both are fine. The two big raiding worlds on Chaos are Ragnarok and Cerberus, whereas Light has Odin and Phoenix
Leviathan truly is the best server
this is gonna get me so many upvotes on reddit
Memba us Dawgs, we wuz kangs n shiet
*pulls gat on the first*
t. illiterate who can't even understand Urianger or Midgardsormr
Solus told him in the last cutscene of SB that he's probably never see him again.
>one person posts a screenshot of it on reddit
>suddenly every other server is copying it for their own le epic upboat moment
GNB is fun after you get continuation. Job does highest DPS out of all the tanks. I personally don't mind the dot and cartridge aoe gcd since they don't break your main weaponskill combo. also brutal shell is supposed to feel like tissue paper, don't rely on it too much. heart of stone is all you need
Just you wait until the contest winner gear set gets released.
Unpopular opinion but yeah this.
>literal whos are worse than people in the industry for decades getting paid thousands
Yes, objectively.
It's the same event, user
>people are scared of using the LB in the dying grasp
As soon as we break free I’m dropping a meteor on that fucker
Good actors are famous for a reason user. They don't stay hidden for long.
Can we get Emet selch in Dissidia? I'd finally have a reason to play that game
Holy fuck dancer is fucking great. Fuck being a healer, Time to hang up the robes and take up the stripper pole
WHMs have reasons to complain and should complain or else they'll be left behind again.
Cure III is a worse medica II. It takes too long to get your first lily, you lose every single lily if you die and fluid aura is still a rock on WHM shoe.
>tfw no comfy prequel story about WoL and Emet trying to govern a race of gods and stopping Lahabrea's monster of the week
Do you kike worshiping shills know what stage acting is?
>tfw your dumb autistic WoL is probably the smartest person in the scions and everyone else just appears intelligent
Doesn't anyone else have a brain here? Urianger is supposed to be intelligent but fumbles with simple shit, Y'shtola does dumb shit for no reason that endangers many people's lives, Minfilia is fucking retarded, Papylymo an herod for no reason, Lyse is Lyse, and at best the twins are the smartest of the bunch but they both have crippling autism that keeps them from being useful.
>you lose every single lily if you die
No way fag, you are getting a new Zenos skin and you are going to love it.
Don't bother, NT is a horrible perversion of original Dissidia and Duodecim. I'd prefer something like a character mod for Laguna or whatever.
>Cure III is a worse medica II
this is why nobody listen to whm retards
Please all the WHMs are complaining about Aero III being gone like it fucking matters. OF is retarded
Biggest plot twist of ShB
I'd rather see FFXIV Warrior of Light in Dissidia. His gimmick is that he can swap between jobs to answer each situation.
That's because Varis was about to cause the end of the world and Emet was busy taking care of the last rejoining, there'd be no need to go back after that.
Do you know how to properly respond to the correct post?
>daily trial roulette is titania
oh no
...wait, I haven't played whm since the expansion, it's my next class to leve, but medicae 2 is still a group regen apply right?
What's the reward for doing all of the Role Quests?
>Y'shtola is too stupid to solve the pillar riddle on her own on the first try
>This is supposed to be Matoya's successor
How do you feel about the current expert roulette and how do you feel about running it every day for the next year?
SCH is upset that their job feels like ass to play. They're actually numerically in a good spot which means nothing when they don't want to play the job anymore. AST is a literal dumpster fire.
>rDPS increases aren't big enough to even equal the pDPS of the other two healers
>Have to refresh AB constantly
>AH has a 15 second CD
>Horoscope fucking sucks
>Takes two charges of ED to equal a shittier version of old ED
>CU is irredeemably shit even when stacked with CO
>gravity is irredeemably shit
>only healer with actual downtime for their throughput
>STILL has the worst mp problems which are only exasperated without CO extended LD
Fuck me it's awful.
I prefer the writing in English. Emet-Selch for better written in English than in Japanese, and the VA happens to be better too. VA quality is all over the place but that doesn't bother me as much as the writing and the fact that I read and hear two very different things if I use Japanese audio.
>Urianger is supposed to be intelligent but fumbles with simple shit
Like what? He's a lore buff and his plans keikaku the fuck out of everyone. He's extremely clever.
>Y'shtola does dumb shit for no reason that endangers many people's lives
She's a powerful mage and a specialist in ancient languages, but that doesn't mean she isn't brash.
>Papylymo an herod for no reason
He did it to buy you time.
Pretty good, music is damn good
Sure you can start in stage acting, but few good people stay in it.
What if Zenos piloted Ravana and WoL climbed inside Susano?
>Fighting Tittytania the first time
>Adds are almost dead
>Last add at 80% health at 90 Tittytania meter
>Use melee LB3
>Save everyone by a hair
Fuck. Off.
Medica II heals the full potency in 15 seconds which is what you usually get for raid wide damage. So not only you get more potency you're also spending less mp.
SCH here. I keep hearing people saying the job is boring. Tell me why its boring.
Dps rotation is Biolysis > Broil 10 times
I don't want a complex dps rotation. I want encounters that actually force me to heal and make choices that affect gameplay
>Cure III is a worse medica II
>good actors don't exist outside hollywood because if they were good they'd be in hollywood
So... this is the power of circumcision........
>they couldn't play it "the way it was meant to be played"
Because Dragon's Dogma was meant to be played in fucking english. For the original release on PS360 no Japanese dub track existed. At all. All voice acting was purely in english for every territory until Dark Arisen's release which came with a Japanese dub for them. So anybody who says they can't play Dragon's Dogma because it's not in Japanese or 'the way it's meant to be played' is a fucking idiot.
...Go on, I'm listening.
good luck healing almagast or forsaken with medica 2
use it at 35%. you get it back after that scene
I see, last I looked cure 3 was jsut for panicspamming on a stack of people taking huge damage, cos medicae 1 had better range.
VA quality is all over the place in JP too. A lot of the voices just plain don't fit or are plain bad but most people are too ignorant to know the difference. You can't listen to Feo Ul's JP voice and tell me that was good casting.
>MGS4 metal gear battle sequence but it's Ravana and Susanoo instead
I didn't say cure III isn't useful, I said medica II is better than cure III. Cure III is just even more gimmicky now.
>You can't listen to Feo Ul's JP voice and tell me that was good casting.
dwarves are hardworking and headstrong
the lalafell is deceitful and indolent
>give us trusts to finally fight alongside the Scions
>many of them have died or are effectively dead like Yda, Lyse is dead to me
>probably won't even let us party with the B teamers
>very likely won't ever get to party with Fordola after learning Arenvald has a non zero chance to give her some sexual healing
Trusts have a chance to be cool, but I"m not holding my breath
Not him but I'm too embarrassed to try healing again because a few days ago I was trying to level SMN through the SCH queues and I was healing in Orbonne but my internet went out for a whole hour so I was kicked.
they don't even have the same purpose
I don't understand the point of grinding tomestones later on when you can just get crafted gear which is not only better but has no artificial timegate.
And to add up, for a 550 potency aoe heal I rather pop plenary and use afflatus rapture if lilies are available.
How many fights have you seen with constant bursts of damage withinin 15 seconds?
Based Hades
Don't know. Don't play SCH. I've pretty much exclusively have healed as AST since it's release.
Lalas were mhach rulers, dwarfs achieved nothing
I hate how the sluttiest outfits all look like garbage if viewed without mods. I turned my mods off for ShB launch and I almost vomited looking at the clown clothes I was wearing. Modders are retards when it comes to choosing which outfits to replace.
weird question but how comes 30FPS on PS4 for this game feels smoother than the 30FPS option on PC? I'm using the same television but there's noticeable judder on PC compared to PS4.
The point is that they're different tools for different purposes dumb fuck, it's just that Medica 2 is more common
you can’t be a bitch and a tank
Every hates small pulling faggots. Playing tank well is 99% mentality. Pull with confidence and if your healer can’t keep you up then never concede that you fucked up. Never apologize as tank, even when it’s obviously your fault.
Obviously in the newest content some things hit like a truck and you can’t always pull wall to wall, but you eventually just get a feel for what you can do. The only way to get good is from practice.
you've never done anything more difficult than extreme have you
Mhach was mostly Hyuran.
don't be embarassed user, we all make mistakes and have hiccups time to time. as long as you learn from your mistake, it's all good. don't let it discourage you.
neo, final omega enrage, garuda uwu
cure 3 is also better for white hole mechanics
Urianger couldn't even find the tablet inside the altar he was staring at. He needed to bamboozle everyone with the WoD because, reasons? His plans are wholely unnecessary, he sets up and illusory trap to avoid pixies in something that could have just as easily been solved by going another direction or bringing out Feo Ul to distract them.
Y'shtola is supposed to be intelligent, you can be brash and intelligent at the same time. What she did at the end of 2.x was the opposite of intelligent. Hiding out with a cult while there's a much bigger danger going on just because you don't like a fuckboy cat not telling you everything is not intelligent. (He actually is intelligent though, Ascians can be anywhere and overhear conversations, there's secrecy in silence.)
Papylymo bought you time to what avail? To get Omega to fight Shinryu and cause more problems? Shinryu should have just been dealt with on the spot. If fucking Louisoix can't contain Bamhamut with all the power of the fucking twelve, what makes him think his plan is going to be worth a damn when Shinryu was close to Bamhams power?
>I'll just blow a weave slot and a lily for a smaller potency heal
Stop posting
>The moment has come to make your stand, to call upon the every last reserve of your strength Fight for those who shared your journey, and for those you met along the way. Fight for those who awaited you coming across the boundaries of time and space!
>From distant stars yet undimmed, you are joined by seven summoned champions, for only together can you hope to prevail against the staggering might of this ancient Ascian - the immortal and implacable Hades!
I shouldn't have said that medica II is better than cure III. I agree with you on the fact that cure III is even more gimmicky.
And group soak akhmorns, 1 hp mechanics and etcs, the point is that there aren't many attacks that require it.
50 potency is neglectable mainly if it's a lessened dps loss.
Oh that makes more sense now. I never paid attention to the enunciation but goddamn that is ingrained in my head after spending so much time there. That shit is way too much for simple zone music, that's primal music.
judging the quality of the story from the omniscient point of view is a very, very low quality argument
>tfw did Exdad when it was relevant as an AST
>Co healer was a SCH that hated healing
>Healed Almagest with clever tactics, BUFFS THAT DONT FUCKING EXIST ANYMORE, and skill
>tfw it was the first clear
Cure III was overrated.
I was wondering if you get full lb or not after you break free.
>Urianger couldn't even find the tablet inside the altar he was staring at
Because it was on the other side.
>He needed to bamboozle everyone with the WoD because, reasons?
So he could arrange the meeting with Hydaelyn.
>he sets up and illusory trap to avoid pixies in something that could have just as easily been solved by going another direction or bringing out Feo Ul to distract them.
He didn't know about Feo Ul at the time.
>Hiding out with a cult while there's a much bigger danger going on just because you don't like a fuckboy cat not telling you everything is not intelligent
She was suspicious of G'raha and did her work fighting the Light from the Greatwood. She was still doing work and fighting Sin Eaters.
>Shinryu should have just been dealt with on the spot
Nigger none of these characters are the type of people to just shrug and go "Eh the WoL can probably handle it so I'll just sit on my hands". He bought you time so you could find a solution. Without Omega you would have died there.
>If fucking Louisoix can't contain Bamhamut with all the power of the fucking twelve, what makes him think his plan is going to be worth a damn when Shinryu was close to Bamhams power?
Shinryu was nowhere near Bahamut's power and he knew he couldn't contain it forever. He was just buying time.
yea that fucking pirate lmao
Why does Arny have no chance to get with her? Dude is off fighting primal threats like a fucking G while we hang out with based grandpa and the mystery gang
How do I beat a katana wielding autistic?
Devil Niggas
you don't need it but its not even comparable to medica 2
earthly star is better than cure 3
Because PS4 plans for 30 FPS, and does shit to make it feel smoother while PC just shits it out
earthly star is the AST equivalent of assize/lustrate, it's not comparable to cure 3
It literally was not
it was
>b-but muh shantotto
>every Mhachi enemy we see is a Hyur
>High Voidmage Cessair is a Hyur
>their images of Rhalgr are Hyuran
Shatotto is one Lalafell user, not the entire country. Nym was the one that was majority Lalafell.
heres a treat from the OF for you guys
>I'd like the regen on medica 2 changed back. The shorter duration makes it feel kinda pointless to have regen at all.
not him but
>earthly star
What the fuck am I even reading right now
You can spam cure 3, you have to set up ES