adaptation when????
Adaptation when????
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Hopefully never, no game or company would be able to do it justice.
>what is Capcom
>what is PlatinumGames
>what is From
Thanks for agreeing with me.
seething western tranny
So you're going to turn those books into a shitty overrated button masher, MHW Lite, or Dark Souls 5.0? Fuck off.
see and dilate
CUHRAYZEE mix of DMC with Kingdom Hearts, imagine god of war but with good combat
3d person secret of monkey island clone based on platforming, puzzle-solving, and and general exploration
I think Simpsons air for decades now???
Already adapted.
Both are mentioned in AC: Gay Greeks Edition
>or Dark Souls 5.0
>dark souls with ancient greek skin
I mean, I'd buy it
Being a pleb like you are, I don't doubt you user
Videogames can only do the Heroes' Journey. That's it. Nothing else, story wise, fits into a videogame format.
homer simpson's odysneed
Nintendo really missed an opportunity to actually base Mario Odyssey on the Odyssey
most of the story is completely lost to time anyway
Youre retarded. Finish school.
>play RTS game where your strategies are constantly fucked by divine intervention
>halfway through it turns into a adventure game where you kill one monster then spend a decade on an island doing nothing but lounging around while your crew gets turned into pigs and just runs around
sounds like a fucking blast
What's the difference between the 2 books is one a sequel? American by the way.
Nice larp, Canadian.
>Gets cucked
>Cries for his mother to help
Why was Achilles such a fucking bitch?
A game based off the premise of The odyssey would be pretty great
Worst of all, he gave his legendary items to Ulyses instead of Ajax fucking up his friend forever.
No one posted this yet?
>implying Three Kingdoms isn't just Homer: China Edition
>implying Creative Assembly couldn't do it
Mario and AssCreed did one of them
>Adapting a higher medium to toys for kids
Wouldn't fit.
I could see some Roman stuff getting focus in a Mario game, though, since he's Italian.
>routes entire trojan army
>Kills countless amounts himself
>Single handedly forces the whole army back into their city
>Kills Hector
>Has literal god tier armour
>Beats a river god
Get the superior Aeneid instead
pic related was one of the first games I ever played, and it's pretty much why to this day I love adventure games and ancient literature
is there anything dogs cant do
I played that. God it was shit
>dies to literally one arrow
Hector was fucking based and didn't deserve that death, Achilles was a bitch who only won due to cheats and died when he got struck in his only non-cheat body part.
He was also an homosexual crybaby.
it is though
Aenius is a way better protagonist than Odysseus
>He doesn't like the official Roman Empire prequel
Make like Dido and kys
The protagonist is Aeneas, not Aenius.
Also, as much as the Aeneid is cool, Odysseus is fucking based.
Why are you such a fag?
Odysseus is a self-absorbed asshole who gets all of his crews killed
>>what is From
fucking lol
a fromfag thinking they could adapt the iliad into a videogame is peak from fanboyism, well done
Fitzgerald translation a best
Even if someone manage to adapt any of them, it would be linear and cinematic, unless they took some liberties.
He is self-absorbed, but his crew is a bunch of fucking idiots who got themselves killed by doing literally everything they shouldn't have, everytime.
If they didn't eat those cows, maybe some of them would have made it
>Odysseus is fucking based.
I mean, there's Aristeia Total War, a mod. That's all I can think of. I absolutely adore them both. Diomedes is my spirit animal.
>beats Ares
What a fucking Gary Stu