Why did Gary want to take over the school? Was he an autist?
Why did Gary want to take over the school? Was he an autist?
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Imagine being named Gary
He was a sociopath. That was his entire character, a literal textbook sociopath who got his kicks from manipulating people. It's not very deep, but it gets the job done for someone you want to kick in the teeth.
Wish he was more of an overt presence than a "behind the scenes" guy.
He was a sociopath. He stopped taking his medication and realised it felt good fucking with people.
He spent most of the game causing problems in the background, then destroyed all the Jimmy worked all year for in literally two hours.
He explains it best to Jimmy at the end of the game;
>The thing is: If I win, you're just another punk! You win and you'll be sent away even quicker for beating up the head boy!
>Why'd you do it, Gary?
>Because, I can! Because, making little people like you and the morons who run this place eat out of the palm of my hand feels great!
he wanted to feel the illusion of power that he is never going to have which is why he probably went on to become an admin for some shitty video game or forum
He forgot to take his meds
idk why are you on here asking for our approval?
Hey was gay for the MC user don't you fucking get it?
Is a real-life sociopath just the same thing but more discrete?
this was the biggest weakness, he's there constantly in the beginning and then you almost never see or hear from him again until the last mission. Although I guess it was the same deal with Big Smoke, but GTA SA was also like 6 times the size of Bully
Most sociopaths aren't even malevolent, they're as simultaneously bored and boring as everyone else. Some sociopaths are just as autistic and over-the-top as Gary.
It's a whole spectrum.
Because he's a sadist who likes being in charge and forcing people to do what he wants.
no, Gary is the cartoon version
>Was he an autist?
No, but you are.
Yeah, for a story about high school bullying Gary should have been a constant annoying presence simply because the setting is so small and personal. They act like he was hiding in air ducts for most of the game.
How did you know?
gary was playing 4d chess the whole time
ADD, primarily. But also life, his parents, the school, and western civilization.
I'm not 100% sure but I'm pretty sure there were gonna be more missions and cutscenes with Gary throughout the game. I think he was gonna end up betraying Jimmy more later on too or something. There was quite a bit of cut content/dialogue in general for this game.
I hope it's something that they'd tweak in a sequel. Having potential on-going rivalries and the like.
Why do we talk about this game again? Did some e-celeb make a video about it?
Because is R* magnum opus.
go back to your anual shitty releases, scum.
Why have we still not gotten that Bully sequel?
>kiss girl
>they start to follow you around unless to bike away
wtf what i'm I meant to do?
Yeah, ClementJ64 did a playthrough recently.
Kiss another girl and see both cat fighting
I always favoured the ginger girl, Christy.
I always beat guys up if I caught them kissing her.
Shame there was no loyalty system in the game. In the post-game you find Zoe kissing other boys.
She was the hottest, but her voice was annoying as fuck
Just get the super mod and play as her.
>Christy is possibly related to Wade Martin, as they share both a last name and bright red hair. If so, this would make Mr. Martin her father as well. She can be seen making out with Wade on occasion, but this can be attributed to the developers not specifically programming to not do so.
>that cut dialogue where Jimmy falls into a vat of acid and dies
>got back into Bully recently
>tfw last save was august 2008
Time flies, bros.
Gay recognize gay user.
>Christy is the only girl you're not forced to kiss as part of the story
She's the patrician choice.
I'm still hoping for sequel news.
Gary was gay for Jimmy and Jimmy had a boner for everyone but Gary.
Gary was secretly gay for Petey and was projecting his sexual frustration on him
Petey was...you know.
I do want a female bullying simulator
Though less outworldly violent
Rumor spreading, clothes stealing, boy stealing, planting drugs on people, sabotaging dates, cars, setting off fire alarms at 2 am
Just tearing shit up and walking away Scott free
People joke but I'd actually be all for a Bully sequel with more than one lead character, with different protagonists pitting different cliques against each other.
this any good?
So GTAV but executed better?
imma try it out later and see and if it ill bring it up next bully thread
Pretty much. I think Bully in general would benefit more from being a smaller-scale story and setting told over the course of a year.
You can have fun going full Animal House with over-the-top tongue in cheek school-based mayhem, and you could be grounded and personal, telling the story of down-on-their luck kids just trying to fight their way through a harsh and relatable environment.
>pic related
Dorm rooms are literally 1/4 the size of that room
Yeah, and every other room in the dorm has is that size and has at least 3 beds in it.
The obvious reason you have a room to yourself is that it's a safe room to save, sleep, etc. People don't come into it.
I guess the ingame reason is that the other rooms are full, there was one left over, so Jimmy gets it all to himself. Maybe he gets his own room because of his violent past (expelled from 7 schools previously).
At least it isn't the girls dorm, which has more beds than students, and is twice as large as the boys dorm.
I play the Halloween level every year in October, pure kino
Just have 5 different campaigns with a protagonist from each clique. The whole thing could culminate in a big 5v5 against some junkie types who are getting the other kids hooked on smack or some 21 jump street shit like that
I want bully 2 to have darker tones and subjects like pedophilia rings and child exploitation.
My favorite little detail of the game was how the interactions on campus would change with the seasons/holidays. Like how you could start a snowball war in winter.
You hear about him and Jimmy and Pete mention him every once in a while. Every time something bad happened in school was Gary manipulating someone or the cliques by spreading rumors. The cliques already hated each other so it was easy for a sociopath to mess around with them, like tell one of guys "Jimmy is banging your girlfriend" when that guy was jealous or messing with someone's trophies
If you stay idle or just walk way they will eventually leave.
>pedophilia rings
I agree on darker tones but maybe not that dark, don't wanna get too edgy. However I actually could see that being done well if it wasn't too in-your-face and graphic about it, maybe just implied. like maybe a teacher (or a few) abusing their power to do sexual things to younger students and blackmailing them. I never played it but I think Persona 5 has something like that with the gym teacher abusing female students or something?
>halloween a couple of pranks
>x-mas season fucking snowball war
>Go to the kitchen and start food war
Sucks there are no cheat codes for the "kick me" sign
I want to play as the teacher abusing her power and do sexual things with the 6° grade boys.
>That one time you get the kissing interaction for Miss Danvers.
>You never find a way to get that menu option again.
I played the shit out of it during summer break before my freshman year of high school. It was comfy. I remember my dumbass thinking I could hold myself in a fight from watching Jimmy fight.
Anyone else would rather have a remake than a sequel first? The first game has so much cut content that could be reintroduced. They would be able to expand upon the later chapters so you can use the nerd battle vehicle and make the industrial zone less dull.
IIRC there was a connection between Christy and the town's motel, I forgot what it was but it implied that she was whoring herself behind curtains.
This is the same game where preps openly talk about wanting to bang their cousins. It's not unbelievable
I just realized it. A remake with a cartoonish art direction would work pretty well. The game was originally going to look more like the comics but they scrapped it for whatever reason.
As long as it was a true remake/remaster and not that Scholarship Edition bullshit. I just miss the characters, world and music.
The comic style would look great in the sequel. Sucks you don't see much of it outside of concept art or that little comic in the manual.
An easy solution would have been making Pete and Gary his roommates. They wouldn't be around much so you would have most of the room for yourself.
The boys dorm being smaller never made sense considering how there are way more male students in Bullworth.
Swegta, Is that you?
The first game had the coach hitting on Zoey.
My only real complaint about the game is that there isn't enough of it. It's short, and the map is basically small.
Imagine moving the game into the map of GTA-SA. Drop the campus near the San Fierro area, and blend the Bully map locations in there somehow. The standard Bully NPCs would still need to spawn around certain zones, kinda the way SA treats gangs. Put the Bully missions in, making adjustments for when the map is different. When You reach endless summer, unlock the rest of the map and the full range of vehicle interactions. Let Jimmy pick up his girlfriends the way you would pick up SA gang members, but include the ability to park in a secluded place as if with hookers. Then it needs a new set of missions to take advantage of the new skills, rotating the narrative over another 4 seasons.
What's wrong with SE?
based Clement fan
The smaller map fits the lack of vehicles aside from the moped/go kart. I don't get why people want the sequel to be aged up. It'll just be GTA at that point. The novelty of Bully was trying to make a GTA game but with kids and way less violence.
Found the girl annoying in the playthrough. Definitely a Beatrice/Eunice type.
A more condensed map allowed them to make it more focused and add more unique stuff here and there. The game already has enough empty space with all the bike trails.
It's a lazy remaster. It looks better, but in terms of extra features it's barebones.
>The new classes except for Geography are bad (they all just get you clothing, when the other classes get you new abilities and perks).
>The new missions are all lacklustre and are badly implemented. You're forced to do the Rudy stuff before you can tackle the greasers, you can do the Collector before Mailbox Armageddon (which makes no sense because you meet Clint in Mailbox Armageddon), and The Collector's cutscene takes place in the wrong part of town.
Also It was a broken mess for the most part. The PC port is unplayable on any OS newer than W7.
True, but I think that's all he did. I mean more than that. Maybe they originally were going to imply something worse but held back to keep down the rating, they were already getting shit from people for the whole concept of the game being about bullying in school
>IIRC there was a connection between Christy and the town's motel, I forgot what it was but it implied that she was whoring herself behind curtains.
Yeah I remember that. I forget if it was cut or not but I think it was a mission where you had to escort her somewhere and it was at/nearby a really seedy motel in the town.
One of the errands you can do is escorting Christy to the "In and Out Motel", yes.
that's usually any girl he invites, sadly. He should just stick to either solo or FTC/ BSC guests
Feel kinda silly about it now, but playing this back in the day I always felt protective of the little kids. Now though I'm remembering that one girl who had a HUGE fucking crush on Jimmy and I don't know how to feel about it. On the one hand it was cute, but on the other the meme-imitation idiocy on this board has me wanting to shitpost the C word-.
I only learned about this fact after beating the game. I got bored and used the black ninja outfit to pinch the dorm girl asses for several minutes.
BSC doesnt seem the type of playing this type of games or Rockstar games. Maybe Lewis since he talks about Shenmue and Yakuza games.
most sociopaths IRL are just regular people who don't genuinely give a shit about anyone but themselves but also know going around trying to fuck with people will get them in more trouble than its worth so they stay home and watch liveleak sometimes
why was she such a fucking bitch to him?
This is loading screen art. They barely interacted in the game, if at all.
I wonder how much Take Two paid for all this Bully shilling.
after years of no one talking about that game.
all the sudden last week it is every where.
youtube. even that fat fuck completentist made a video on it.
it's still canon m8
Gary had paranoid delusions. He wasn't just a sociopathic asshole. He believed that forces were constantly conspiring against him.