>it will have the same engine as oblivion
>it will have the same engine as oblivion
at least its not on unreal, Creation engine has SOUL
it will have 40 times the detail of fallout 76
They need to go the Assassin's Creed route with cities. That was my favourite part of every Assassin's Creed game, running around the huge city.
At this point, having a city with 14 people just feels weak, it was cool back in the day with Morrowind and even Oblivions cities felt really cool, but now it just feels bad
>cities with 4 houses
>terrible animations
>shit combat
>ugly graphics
I'm not defending fucking bethesda of all companies, but in elder scrolls games you're supposed to be able to enter every building. You can't do something like that with the scale of an ass creed game
It's also set in niggerville so I'm pirating it. I'm not paying for shitskins in my game.
Witcher 3 delivered that. 5 years ago.
It is truly the best game ever - great storyline, great quests, great graphics, big fucking world and one giant city like from fucking assassins creed! It has everything!
And the soundtrack is amazing
Easily game of all time
Boy, that engine just can't handle the ambitious scope they continually try to throw at it. Looking forward to more "grand epic battles" with 8 actors zoned in at any one time.
What's more immersive? A huge bustling imperial city with crowds of hundreds of people walking around the streets full of chatter and background characters just living life?
Or being able to go into every single one of the 14 houses in the capital of the empire and talking to the 4 people on the street
They will finally achieve chim by adding functional ladders to the game and Todd willl be triumphant.
woah. can i preorder
>*corrupts your saves*
nah creation engine is fucking trash and needs to be scrapped ASAP
Also am I the only one who thinks the landscape presented in this TES 6 teaser screen looks pretty fucking boring?
its a cinematic trailer
its going to look 40x worse in-game, i guarantee it
Ass Creed has a shit story and immersion-breaking SJW garbage
>it will have the same dev team that made Fallout 4 and 76
How is anyone moderately excited for this based on their recent track record?
Safe normieville fantasy. Forget exotic landscapes like Morrowind, that'll never happen again in an AAA game.
oh gee can't wait to walk around town talking to the same voice actor on 7 different npcs and go inside all the 13 buildings of which theres close to nothing inside
>muh every building must be enterable
if by soul you mean ABSOLUTE DOGSHIT, then yes
Literally can't walk in a random thread without some witcherbum jerking himself off.
Take that disgusting behavior to /vg/.
The marketplace from Ocarina of Time feels more alive than any city in Skyrimjob
I'm talking purely about the cities, the story and gameplay are irrelevent you dumb ass Reddit niggers need to learn to read, as soon as you see Assassin's Creed you go into a blind rage, finish reading the sentence before you get so booty blasted dumb cunt
They literally give you mini morrowind in skyrim dlc.
>Make teaser in UE4
>Make game in Creation
Why they do this?
I'm excited to see what modders will do, that's about it.
Don't care if they eliminate load screens completely
Better get used to us whiteboi, we aint goin nowhere
>playing nu-AC
No one to blame but yourself
Fuck redguards and fuck kajits
"immersive" doesnt mean "it looks good on screenshots", though. This is a videogame, you're supposed to play it.
Large ass creed cities with nothing to do are worse than a scaled down city with higher interactability.
>streets full of chatter and background characters just living life
None of what you just said is gameplay mechanics.
Please leave this board now
>pic related uses GTA 4 engine
Yet Rockstar makes sure to reprogram it to make it top of the line to handle modern features and mechanics, ergo there's barely any gamebreaking bugs, texture breaks and glitches. Why can't Shitthesda do the same with this Morrowind Frankenstein engine? I remember a documentary where this Shitthesda coder says
>"it's pretty cool to still see this code that was used in Morrowind"
I've been on this board since 2006 kid, how about you fuck off?
I'm tired of this 4 houses in a major city bullshit. It was fine 20 years ago it's not anymore, I don't want to be able to walk across the map in 20 minutes, i want a gigantic map that would take hours to go across, with huge cities, a fishing village should have 10 houses not the capital it's ridiculous.
Oblivion runs on Gamebryo and not CE.
it just works
it is completely false to say morrowind runs on gamebryo. Stop saying that.
It's the same thing. Don't believe shitthesda's jewish wordplay. Like socialism and communism it's the same fucking thing.
>aint going nowhere
Sure, for now.
I say they should put the effort into making a deep and balanced RPG system that lets me make creative and fun builds.
But to each their own. You instead want a cinematic movie-game, and that's fine. It's your shit taste and you get to keep it.
Now leave.
Can we agree that Kingdom Come Deliverance had the perfect settlement sizes?
and yet rockstar's physics get more boring with every game
Yes but the goal of wanting every building to have an interior and an owner makes Ass creed size cities very difficult. Those really are not fair comparisons. Hopefully bethesda will take notes from whatever cdlr ends up with for 2077.
No it doesn't you lying nigger.
I don't want cut scenes in my game, I want an immersive world that will let me feel fully absorbed in the game world.
I want more gameplay not cutscenes, there shouldn't be a single cutscene or even third person view in Elder Scrolls games
You just want to roll for a class like this is world of Warcraft or something instead of immersing yourself as the character you made in this world,
Maybe the 4 buildings is enough for you because after you're done clearing a dungeon you can sell your loot and sleep at the inn you don't need anything else and that's fine for a casual like you who wants to take the R out of RPG
Why does making a game good make it a cinematic movie nowadays? Why don't you just play Dwarf Fortress if you don't care about actually using your eyes in games
Fuck off poltard
>imagine being Bethesda
>new product's success is tied to how quickly some autist will make Vvangs of Vvardenfell and you can't compete with what your previous product grew to be
And it'll have the same braindead game design as Skyrim
Who cares
Ehh..they were good but not perfect. They made sense, larger settlements having walls, ghettos, farms outside etc. I would say they all, even the smaller ones, could have been 25% larger though. Some of the small ones felt tiny. The one with the Cathedral was good size but I hate its layout.
He doesn't want gameplay, he just wants to click a class and then go loot some dungeons.
The kind of immersiveness I want I'll admit is extreme (hunger, thirst, I even want a bathroom metre) but I don't understand how you can defend elder scrolls Cities, yeah oblivion had nice cities and they're still my favourite in the series but they're tiny and cramped
Fucking rekt. I hate that fag sucking up to Bethesda as well
I dont understand why everyone complains about the engine. What do you actually want to see in their games that the current engine is incapable of?
>nearly 20 years of desperately trying to figure out how to make ladders that work
>still nothing
Except this time they will do away with skills all together.
>Discusses a relevant aspect of a VIDEOGAME in a VIDEOGAME thread on the VIDEOGAME board.
>Fuck off poltard
On topic, I still don't know how Bethesda can have id under their ownership and not use their engines, especially after Rage 2 proved that current idtech can push an open world no problem.
i have no problem with the engine because i unironically enjoy the static nature of their games. these are RPGs, not action games.
Rage 2 uses Avalanche studios engine for some reason. But either way I'm sure that IdTech can handle open world or relatively easily be modified too. Bethesda is just too lazy and not interested in spending money on it since everyone will buy Elder Scrolls jank either way.
Ladders, proper AI, physics improvements (ex. when you pick up an item off the ground and everything around it goes flying), etc.
To clarify, the extra months it would take to get Bethesda studios aquainted with idTech, is not considered worth the trouble.
You'll get jank and you'll like it.
I wouldn't even care if they made the graphics look like Final Fantasy X or something, I just want a huge interactive world.
I want hundreds of different armour, one set of iron armour doesn't make sense, every region should have their own style, they should have imported armour from Morrowind made in the dunmer style for example.
I want lots of different flora and fauna, and different varieties so it doesn't feel copy and pasted.
I want more customization, a more interactive world it's these little things that make an RPG more immersive
You retarded chucklefuck
>they should have imported armour from Morrowind made in the dunmer style for example.
Even if they were unique sets with the same stats. Could easily of had some sidequest with the Dunmer refugees regarding their family heirloom armor or something
Do people want BotW style traversal for the next Elder scrolls?
All rockstar had to fucking do was let you watch your body ragdoll after death rather than forcing the death screen on you.
I want to watch my fucking guy tumble down a hill, Sk8 had this shit figured out
Yes it does dumbass. The physics in RDR1 were more fun than RDR2
This. Everyone who complained about graphics in FO4? ... *crickets* TES-VI is going to apologetically kick ass and I can't wait to see all the butthurt trolls when it comes out
>>Fuck off poltard
There was that whole 'controversy' where they didn't include niggers in the game so now the little leftist who responded to you is bootyblasted by all things that don't agree with them
Fast travel checkpoints (unlocked upon visiting or maybe as quest rewards) or something that uses a consumable/gold (the latter letting you go anywhere and not just predetermined destinations) would be ideal imho
you can quite easily do so, you'll just have to sacrifice polish and it requires some classic tricks like rapid unloading what you can't see and loading in.
Implying they won't just say it looks bad, like they always do.
Based retard