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CTR Nitro Fueled includes a racially insensitive skin for Tawna
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Yeah? Whatchu gonna do about it?
I think it's referring to the color scheme of her clothes...
Brown fur = brown skin?
People will find anything offensive these days.
Clearly, but her skintone is noticeably darker. Someone should have caught this and said "hey wait a minute, maybe we should call this something else."
Why? Not my problem nigs are fragile. Based Beenox.
Man, what a whirlwind of emotion I just went through.
"Oh a dark skinned skin for Tawna, that's actually pretty coo- FUCK ME RUNNING!"
Jesus christ you guys...
why the FUCK are turn characters so fucking bad
why the FUCK are balanced characters slower than acceleration characters
Thinking that is racist is racist
>its real
Kill yourself
>Dark fur
>OP thinks it is racist
Lol, Smash Ultimate has this racist color.
based beenor
thanks doc
>being this edgy in 2019
This Ain't It, Chief
I am surprised that blueggers are not triggered by Blue Tawna skin.
I can tell this thing has its pronouns in its twitter bio without even looking at it.
>why the FUCK are turn characters so fucking bad
Most turns are better done by sliding.
But is it called watermelon Incineroar?
It's just unintended implications
Can you only talk in memes or something?
Cringe as fuck.
Do women even know what an iron looks like any more?
What is N(igger) stand for?
not him but fuck off
Yea Forums cant be this bad.
Please say sike ....
I don't understand. What's offensive about a pink and green shirt?
>someone should have
Fuck off retard, back to resetera
>Black people can't eat watermelon or chicken without reinforcing negative stereotypes
Poor guys
>outfit is green and pink
>she doesn't even have visible skin just fur
>not everyone associates blacks with watermelons
It's pretty ironic how racist the retards at resetera are, they're pretty much the only ones who 'noticed' this, which is what happens when you literally spend every day on a board dedicated to looking for stuff to be offended by.
Uh if you're the one who sees watermelons and associates it dark colored skin then you're the racist, sweaty.
Everyone else sees a pink colored shirt with black spots like a watermelon and not the color of Tawna's skin.
Why are you being racist, user?
>OP and are the only ones seeing race from a cosmetic
OP do you have something you want to say?
Black Zem is better.
you were correct
Stop shilling your twitter OP.
Someone should have aborted you
Of course it would be a tranny too.
>beat N. Tropy's ghost on Polar Pass
>my time is better than the Oxide by a second
>race Oxide
>see him take the shortcut at the turbo u-turn
>mfw realising I can annihilate Oxide's time
At least Dave Chappelle lives up to it.
Sup, niggas
So if the leaks are true, will Baby Tropy require you to have unlocked standard Tropy first? Unless they make his unlock somehow time trial related too.
Can someone please post the N. Fant pictures and the made up dialogue that got posted a few threads ago? Made me kek
Why is it called watermelon Tawna?
>miss muslim avatar
Checks out.
To be fair living in Egypt would give you a nice tan.
yikes oof this aint it chief
Think they're just making reference to Boris Johnson?
Why is Beenox so based?
Zem (56%)
Looks like black cortex is back on the menu.
Isn't ready for romantic relationships yet.
says the one ending their post with a meme
Can you do this one too?
Black Cortex but he has an afro instead of clown hair
Or we can use the word as it's intended and not try and force a racial association onto this, thereby doing a more effective job of countering the incorrect usage by embracing the normal one, instead of letting the racists win who thought it up originally.
What does it stand for, anons?
It stands for neo, it's a pun on his name being neo cortex and his head being so big, implying he has a big brain.
That is some great information user, thank you!
Can somebody please explain to me why my missiles imediately pivot into a wall when everyone else's chase me for entire half laps?
I have literally never hit someone with a missile if it isn't point blank. What am I doing wrong?
Hey, user...
I miss when Cortex was less cutesy
>its fur, not skin
>it's red fur, not dark brown or black
seems like this retarded tranny saw the word watermelon and immediately thought "black people"
>cringe as fuck
If you think its a meme (which it isnt), maybe its because you're being cringe as fuck all the time?
It's stupid. Were the missiles this retarded in the original, I don't recall it so.
cringe is a meme on Yea Forums because it's a commonly used buzzword like yikes or cope.
He's a loser for complaining about you saying cringe but everything is a meme so he's not wrong.
Anyway, you guys should check out Yea Forums if you want to really see what an overload of cringe, based and finna looks like. Not that it's a bad thing.
Imagine having to respost someone elses vocaroo.
>this thread
"Well, haven't we gotten far for a pair of nappy negroooeeesss?
>not a meme
Is this how N Tropy looks like in the remake of 3?
user this is terrifying
>unironically linking know your meme
This is why youre cringe
No, make N. Tropy an Asian.
Yes and he's cute
>This is the skin complexion and hair color of a black woman
Have you ever stopped to consider that -you- might be racist, OP?
>This is why youre a meme
You make no sense
Why is it racist that black people like water melon? White/brown/asian/native/etc people eat it too, but it's not a problem. Let people eat melons.
I don't get this one.
That's it. I'm ending this little charade!