The best part about this game is you can actually move FAST

The best part about this game is you can actually move FAST

Attached: TalosPrinciple_1600.jpg (1600x600, 134K)

Nah, there's better things about the game.

Best part are the characters

Well yeah I was overstating it but it is a very nice part of a very good game

best part is the options menu, you can spend hours autistically fine-tuning the performance/graphics ratio

>I am forgotten

It's quite nice to go fast, too bad it looks retarded when you bunnyhop in third person.

The best part about the game was the ambiance, I would pay a lot to own land that looked like the one in TTP, too bad I'll never be rich enough.
I mean wouldn't you just like to be able to enter those levels and walk around having a conversation, or hold hands with a girl under the egyptian night sky, read a book inside of those winter castles or have a picnic among those roman ruins?

The best part is how you are completely in control for almost the entire game outside of the intro, outro and one secret cutscene.

I never understood that, what's so bad about cutscenes if the gameplay is solid?

My favorite thing is the console interactions in the Road to Gehenna.

Also, the subtle worldbuilding and heady themes. It is a smart game but the creators had their head outside their ass. Now compare it to The Witness...

>Jump the fucking walls and skip half the stars
Only fun part of the game. I liked how going off-bounds is integrated into the story.

Absolutely love how the secrets reward breaking the puzzles and bringing puzzle tools outside of their areas

The puzzle concepts offer some challenge, it's hard not to make a point of comparison with portal though even when they're such different games, Talos Principle doesn't have a singular 'gimmick' that it centers around like many puzzle games do, makes it harder to explain to someone who hasn't played

GOTY 2014

That's clearly not what he said.
Simply stating that the game is neatly non-linear by design, and allows you to try out and focus on things at your own pace.

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Basically, everything that happens does so because of you.
You don't have to wait for an NPC so you can do something as simple as opening a scripted door (no, the final puzzle doesn't count because you actually CAN do it on your own and the devs were even aware of this), there are no QTEs or "press X for AWESOME" moments, the game doesn't suddenly slow you down so it can throw exposition in your ear or locks you into an "interactive" cutscene, etc.
Hell, if you want you can even skip almost the entire story in the game since most of the terminals are optional.

The plot is the best part.
>yfw Elohim keeps a straight face while the MC is climbing the towaer, but as the same time panics and sends Uriel before the process ends to free all the Gehenna bots that were banned for actually developing human-like traits

>the Sam DLC plot for it is the best part
God, I hope the writing for 4 will be as glorious as that one's.

What's the Sam DLC plot?

Damn I dropped the game before it got interesting

Essentially the same but Elohim gets replaced with Serious Sam who keeps shittalking you into the ground, complains about the game's reused assets and dumber parts like the disappointing messenger ending but also ends up actually asking some interesting questions and pulls off some decent philosophical stuff himself, even if a lot is of tongue in cheek nature.

They're not, it's just really nice when good videogames take full advantage of the medium's unique possibilities.

>Reading all the little notes left behind by the others
>Find out Sheep became Shepard and he even helps you at the end

I bought this on a whim and it blew me out of the fucking water. I wish there was more.

Serious Samuel 4 is being written by the same dudes who did Talos so you can count on it

How do I move fast in VR? Literally just closed the game 5 mins ago and found this thread.

Shift speeds up time

Yeah I noticed the grip buttons with my VR set do the same thing. I guess I will go back to teleporting.

I wish there was a complete game based around the console interactions

Depends on what kind of game you're making. If this game was filled with Metal Gear-esque cutscenes with meandering soliloquies and melodramatic monologues it would've deterred from the main draw of the game, which is the the puzzle solving and the game does a great job of fleshing out of universe and lore through environmental storytelling and narration which doesn't get in the way of the whole puzzle solving.

No, it's the philosophy you dumb fuck.
You cant even more fast compared to like quake 3 strafejumping.

>it's a recorder puzzle

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No, the best part was that every fucking time you enter a level there were always 3 fucking text documents on the fucking computer. All about some retarded philosophy bullshit.

since there are never any adventure game threads, on the topic of hard puzzles, what's some really hard point and click adventures? i wish i could forget the solutions to monkey island puzzles to play them again for the first time

Monkey Islands isn't really as hard as it super random.
Have you played Obra Dinn or Outer Wilds? Neither are point and click or extremely challenging but they're both about mystery solving with no hand holding, you might like them.

obra dinn hurts my eyes, i'll try the other one

and nmo matter what you change the settings to, the game looks exactly the same.

I unironically looked up the solutions to them after the first 3 or so. Wouldn't let it spoil my fun with the game.

that's kinda what i meant by hard, insane bullshit puzzles in that vein

Insane bullshit puzzles?
Baba is you might be for you, at least the later levels.

>beautiful landscapes
>beautiful music
>overall ambience is amazing
>beautiful voiceacting
>beautiful story
>need to think outside of the box to unlock the easter eggs, stars and silver parts
>maybe a little too much reading for a spastic ADHD retard like me but I still gave it my best
>educational and interesting to read anyways if you're into philosophy
>puzzles get stale at the last third of the game
Would play it even if it was just a story/ambience based game. Also being able to move super fast helps me to not get bored.

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>Error: You must wait longer before deleting this post.
I hate this

As far as the gameplay of the witness goes, its either the most intuitive puzzles ever or pure guesswork. The sun reflection in the desert? No idea how someone is supposed to figure that out, and once they do the section is very linear and easy. The environmental puzzles at the castle and inner mountain bridges? Very intuitive, force you to think about puzzles you just solved in a new way.

In the beginning were the Words, and the Words made the world.
I am the Words.
The Words are everything.
Where the Words end the world ends.
You cannot go forward in an absence of space

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I loved the gameplay but I found the computer interaction to be so tedious. Too much text, and it's not useful to have that much. I liked it at first but it rapidly became a chore.