Was he right?
Was he right?
No he wasn't. Pannen was correct
Daily reminder that TJ did literally nothing wrong.
You either press the damn button, or you don't. It is a binary option, 1 or 0, the concept of a "half press" is non-sense. Holding the A button during a loading screen is still an A press as far as the console itself understands.
I'm sorry I must have missed 60 Minutes.
Who is this supposed to be again?
But he never fucking presses the button in Watch for Rolling Rocks. He pressed it at some point earlier in the game, but never specifically in the Watch for Rolling Rocks mission. He simply held it down. He only uses half of the functions of pressing A, specifically everything you can do with holding down A, but he never jumps, which is the act of pressing A.
For simplicity, it's called a half press.
Pannen irrefutably proves you wrong
Pressing is pushing something. Has nothing to do with a release, so he's right. However informally we use it to describe any press and release like clicking with your mouse. So he's really just being faggot.
How do people miss the point so hard.
You are correct and Pannen acknowledges this when it comes to a full run of the the game, but for individual levels this is not the case.
There are, in fact, three parts to an A press. It is not binary because the held state gives you functions unavailable from simply pressing or/and releasing.
So for an individual level run, the most technically accurate way of notating A presses to anyone who actually understands Mario 64 is as a half a press as the A press as the A button is never actually pressed but you make use of its functions.
In fact, if it was binary as you claim, it would not count as a press at all because he is not pressing it at all for individual level despite him utilizing functions of the A press in it's held state.
Try again when you know half as much about the game TJ """"""Henry""""""" Yoshi. Meanwhile Pannen will be enjoying a scuttlebug jamboree with his pen waifus.
What's up with that sprite? Is it just an eyepatch covering one of its eyes while the other eye is near the nose and the head is actually inclined?
do any game development and you will see why you a wrong.
Each button has a push, a hold and a release effect. technically it's 2/3 of an A press.
No, Pannen is always right.
imagine Yoshi's eyes but with Godot's visor over them.
Release does nothing except allow you to press again though, so it's excluded from the equation.
he was half right
A "half press" is an abstraction. Since the hold state goes on for multiple frames, and you are holding the A button from before the level starts, the two halves of the A-Press are "Press, hold" and "hold, release". You can definitely say that it's only a half to abstract the A-press count for single star runs.
Of course he was
He wasn't right at all.
it's honestly a full a press because releasing it doesn't complete the action. A being pressed and held both serve a function necessary for traversal while releasing it only returns Mario's state to neutral.
But if you really want to be anal about it, It's more like 2/3 of an A press because he performs 2 of the 3 parts.
Tldr:Pannen is wrong according to his own rules
i havent kept up on pannenkoeks no a press progress, did he solve it yet?
How must this guy feel being so ruthlessly and effortlessly BTFO.
Release also removes the effects on holding the A button down.
GOD FUCKING DAMN IT, IT'S JUST FUCKING NOTATION. It's just something to dignify the button being held from another level, of course there's no actual fucking half-press. All you fucking autists putting so much thought into it need to fucking stop. Who gives a shit about the parts of the press, it's just fucking notation.
I assume you're joking, but you're actually right. "Henry"'s right in the sense that a "half-press" doesn't exist, because it doesn't in the context of a full run. On the other hand, fuck him for not taking the five seconds to indulge in Pannen's autism.
Any dictionary will tell you that there is a difference in definition between pressing something and holding something down.
in terms of binary where 0 is A not held and 1 where A is, pressing A would be changing the 0 into a 1. Instead it's a 1 the whole time. The 0 never changes into 1, because Pannen keeps it on 1 the whole time.
t. TJ
Of course.
>Oh look at me I pressed A before the video starts so it doesn't count!!!
fucking coping autists
Never does anything beneficial, should have noted that. So long as there's 1 A press in the ABC, he's going to hold that fucker down right after he presses it for the rest of the run.
except we treat 1 differently on the first frame than we do on the 2nd frame and beyond.
The 0 to 1 binary input isn't the only thing to consider.
Any% is solved on the wii VC, at least BitFS is. Not sure if all the other strats required to get to that point work on the VC though.
But this is a segment of an entire run. It only counts the mission "Watch for Rolling Rocks" and the gameplay in Hazy Maze Cave. The 1 in the first frame provides the exact same function as the 1 in every other frame.
It's been like what 4 years? How do people still not understand that a half press is just the term for segmented runs.
Wii VC isn't ideal for TAS which is why we aren't getting a video of the Any% run until a way past the pole is found on a different system, like N64.
It's a conflict of terminology.
In programming, button presses are binary states, as are the software processing of button states, it's either in a pressed position or it isn't.
Software will also track the moment a button is pressed (typically "on press") and the moment a button is released (typically "on release"), and functions can be tied to these events.
As an end user, the action of pressing a button might be described as the complete motion of pressing and then releasing the button. If you keep the button held down, it could be construed as only being half-way through the motion.
I personally prefer the notion that the A press doesn't not include the release, press and release are two separate events, thus cannot be measured in halves.
Unless we're talking analogue buttons or something, which do exist, but aren't applicable here as these are digital buttons.
TJ """""Peach""""" Yoshi
"half A press" is just a simplified way of saying "Holding down the A button but not releasing it or pressing it again"
What's it like being a yoshi, bros?
I wonder how it smells like ha ha.