ITT: we thank Medic mains for making TF2 wunderbar.
ITT: we thank Medic mains for making TF2 wunderbar
Heal me more, you fucking piece of shit
Medic has always been OP, should be delted from the game
Medic and soldier are way too OP.
I'm a full on sniper main but whenever I feel like I don't want to lose apub, I switch to soldier or medic of there isn't one and it's a guaranteed win 99% of the time.
Way too fucking easy.
>Initiates vote kick
Thank you Medic
TF2 is dead and gay. Go back to /vg/
>Medic and Soldier are OP
>btw I main the one class that you literally cannot do anything about except hope they fuck up
t. useless demoknight
found the OW fanboy
See, as unfair as fighting against us may be, we still can't be as effective as soldiers or medics.
...but what if the other team has a soldier and medic? Does it become a stalemate? Or are you so godlike at the game that you still win 99% of the time?
Also I should say, it took me 1000+ hours to get to an indecent level at sniper, it only took 150 soldier hours to become a certified pub rapist, and literlaly 0 hours on medic.
Why yes I love my doctor
10 fuckin' years
played a game for 10 fuckin' years, yet come back to it like an abusive relationship
There are simply no better FPS out there(that survived)
Funny, I already heard that somewhere.
>Valve is that abusive boyfriend that only comes around once every few months and buys us flowers so we let him fuck us the whole night through and the next morning he's already gone
is this the cuck faggot who cried and said something like kill all white girls?
b4nny is the Tom Brady of TF2
>join server
>getting raped at first and 2 min left in round
>no engi
>go engi and set my tele entrance and lv3 gun up first
>get vote kicked with 20 seconds left
Incoming Yea Forums autists
>join Badwater pub
>pick soldier
>do decently well
>someone goes medic
>get majority of the heals since I'm usually the only one on the frontlines
>frag harder thanks to the medic doing a good job
>other team starts to predictably whine about tryhard soldier with pocket medic gf
>continue to annihilate enemy gamers who are now targetting us
>crocket wipes out 3 of them, switch to my whip and k-THWACK a spy coming in to stab our medic
>chat is seething
>capture the objective and win
>say, "great med" in chat
>"medicmain07 wants to be your friend"
Name a better feel in gaming
I dream of a day where a new b4nny video gets a whole thread to himself.
>stop talking about videogames wahhh wahh
>lol pepe!
>Sniper and Spy are taller than fucking Soldier
excuse me?
Same height as my main feels good
tf2g is what happens if you have trannies in your /vg/ general
>tfw she is lesbian
> still no fucking tf2 update
> valve probably learned nothing at the artifact flop
fucking retards all of them
Where is Ms Pauling in this chart? need to see how manlet engy and pyro are
no she isn't that was an out of context joke by an artist not writer
This game makes me uncomfortable because of the medic's clear fetish for nazi-ism.
>tfw 5'11" manlet Soldier main
>voiced by the sister of the biggest faggot cuck in the video game scene
>said faggot cuck tried to rewrite all LoL characters as fags and tranneis
not surprising now, is it
>medic mains
worst players in the game
>167.6 cm
>175.3 cm
>177.8 cm
>180.3 cm
>181.6 cm
>182.9 cm
>184.2 cm
>185.4 cm
>193.0 cm
>I'm exactly as tall as pyro
should I kill myself yet
>I'm taller than heavy
Medic belongs to Heavy
every moron crying for Medics who are not Heavy should immigrate to Overvagina
what are you a fucking frost giant?
Engie main here that is as tall as him I like it
And yet you love my glowing thick healbeam cock shoved in your ass
I don't need you, I have gunboats
Thanks, doc.
I used to be a lanklet but now I workout enough to have good proportions.
I actually feel sorry for short guys, I have always had way shorter than average friends and I could see the kinda discrimination they got, it really sucks.
thanks doc
Based. Retards bash games with microtransactions but still play this old piece of shit with loot boxes and eyesore cosmetics.
Maybe you can't be, because your aim is ass. Good snipers are literal cancer.
Means literally nothing
>Same height as soldier
>get back to the game
>find out the bronze mercenary badge gets handed out to new people as well
what the fuck, why
I'd bet a hand my aim is better than anyone's in this thread, the point is, sniper is EASILY overwhelmed. Send two soldiers to fight one soldier and of he's lucky, the lone soldier can defend himself, but coordinate two soldoers to bomb a sniper and it's almost guaranteed he'll die.
This bait is a bit obvious user, should've been more subtle with the wording
Yeah if two soldiers were to spawn on top of a Sniper that'd be really tough for him.
In reality that doesn't happen.
I think they should've added a "07-17" to celebrate the people who were there for the first ten years and "17 - present" could be some other name. But it's a small thing that no one uses anyways, unless you have Primeval or Certified.
I know it doesn't happen exactly like that, but a sniepr can still get overwhelmed, unless he plays really defensive and behind his team in which case he's really hard to kill, but that's boring, agressive sniping 4 lyef.
Truth will be forever ignored
>I die when I overextend
no shit dude
Who said I was complaining? Overextending doesn't prevent me from topscoring anyways...
>Who said I was complaining?
Good question, because I certainly didn't.
Back to the main point: Soldier is fine, Sniper is OP
>dude just coordinate a double bomb in a pub to kill ONE support class
Ashley, at least as far as TF2 is concerned, apparently gets the characters well. I believe she acted as a writer for Expiration Date.
Anthony can go suck a dick. I'm sure he'd enjoy that though.
>tfw taller than heavy
He's got brain problems, leave him be
Maybe I got brain problems but I'll give you head problems.
No because I know how to jump-crouch and avoid sightlines, but when that's all you can do against a class then you know the balance isn't right.
Reminder that spy and sniper are the only high risk high reward classes in the game
Instakill most of the time for the lack of a lot of health and mobility
Naon, jumping makes you more predictable, and crouchjumping doesn't fool anyone.
Also I put in the hours so I deserve to be this efficient.
>high risk
Sniper is hard to balance in any game because 1 shot kills are annoying. If I were to design Sniper from scratch, I feel like I'd nerf his quickscope headshot damage down to like 100, but make the Heatmaker effect of staying zoomed in and charging apply to all sniper rifles at all times. This way, a good sniper has to work a little harder to kill any one class, but has the potential to be putting out more consistent damage from a distance, just staying zoomed in and clicking on heads in rapid succession.
>1 kill every 5 minutes at extremely high risk
>1 kill every 20 seconds at no risk
you ever notice how all furries and faggots on steam have >1000 hours on tf2?
You still wouldn't remove the fact that, once you enter the sniper's sightline, whether you die or not is 100% in the hands of the Sniper and all you can do is make it difficult for him, not actually kill him.
It's too much of a one-sided confrontation. Thankfully he's not fun to play.
the only thing that makes sniper anywhere close to being "high risk" is fucking around with the cleaner's carbine and the bushwacka
You don't need to touch his quickscope damage, he needs to be able to kill medics. He needs more downtime and spy needs to be buffed. Removing the razorback altogether, reducing his base speed, ammo count, and a longer quickscope delay would make him much more bearable. If for example I'm playing soldier and he misses he should be completely defenseless when I bomb into him.
Manlets, when will they learn.
Thank you tranny freak for joining my game and slowing it down to a crawl.
Fuck m*dic players.
>hitting them with anime when you could be hitting them with furry porn
>tfw spy main
Hope your fag boyfriend didn't forget to spycheck you, medic.
I hate medics because they're a class you have to interact with and most people playing TF2 are braindead morons.
>Mashing E as the ally Medic just runs forward with their Syringe Gun out.
>is literally the best medigun in all (yes ALL) situations
>no one realizes it
>presses mouse2
>kills your entire team and drops your uber at the same time
How about you stop pocketing that heavy, who does fuck all and heal literally anyone else whose actually doing something.
*blocks your path*
>Give crits to anyone
>They die almost instantly
Its not fair
Thanks doc
is there anything more pathetic than a soldier main? not only does he shit damage like there's no tomorrow, no, he also gets the biggest hitboxes in the game. and as if that wasn't enough, there's splash damage. oh wow yes you're so skilled with your splash damage and high damage when the enemy is grouped up.
crit rockets are basically an instakill on any of the the classes that actually take some skill. why make it harder for the people that are already challenging themselves? seriously, soldier is THE fucking newb class. you couldn't make tf2 any easier if you've tried. at least the demos pipes have an arc, so it takes a bit of skill to hit them. and pipes don't fucking explode the second they hit a wall or some other shit.
hurr durr shoot in straight line aim at feet and splash + GIANT hitboxes take care of the rest for you. and then you get the best movement in the game and 200HP ON TOP OF THE CAKE.
how is this even fair? he has the most unlocks too, so he can be played by any drooling retard no matter the play style. faster rockets? ok. self healing ability? gotcha. le epic XD troll weapons? say no more. soldier is for you you fucking pathetic dullard newb shit.
it's like the entire game was designed around this nooblord of a class. he can do any objective without any issues whatsoever. how bad do you even have to be to main such a stupid beginner class? but what REALLY grinds my gears is how soldier mains actually think they're skilled because they hit a lucky airshot
>Kritzes heavy
>pocket kills 3 people with 1 crocket before you headshot him
wow, such a wasted uber. I won't have another one for another 30 whole seconds :(
If you can't kill a sentry nest without an uber, you suck anyway. Makes it easier to kill the engi, too.
25% fast uber build, you'll have another one in no time.
>If you can't kill a sentry nest without an uber, you suck anyway
But you have no uber, only crits that do nothing to sentries
Sentry nests go down like a house of cards in the wind when half the team is dead. Kritzkrieg on a Demo can wipe out the whole team, anyway.
>my black bull just exploded all over these other guys and i got to watch
medic is the definition of a cuck class
But can it break through the deadlock on barnblitz last point
>medic is the definition of a cuck class
What about battle meds who land crossbow shots
where's the jew version
>game has so many unique classes and mechanics
>chooses to main literally a one-mechanic point and click adventure class that plays the same as "sniper" classes / loadouts in every other FPS game ever
opinion disregarded desu.
all Valve had to do was make Artifact Free to Play and the chinese market would have eaten it up and kept it at 30k+ players every day. but no, "let's just charge $20 for it and keep it $20 even as the playcounts drop to 3 digits!".
I'm convinced that Valve doesn't understand anything but the Steam platform itself anymore.
Soldier truly is the cancer of TF2. He's loud, repetitive, and easy as fuck to play. All you have to do is aim your rocket launcher in the general area of the enemy, and you fucking win any fight. He's also way too OP, since he can rocket jump all over the place and make it super hard to hit him. On top of having the 2nd highest health pool, the strongest burst damage, and fastest mobility of any class in the game, he has a plethora of weapons designed to cater to any playstyle or situation you want. If Valve nerfed or got rid of the Soldier, TF2 would be a better game.
I thank medic for having conc grenades which lead to concmaps; one of the most fun gaming experiences around.
Engineer truly is the cancer of TF2. His sentry gun is easy to build and way too fucking OP. You need half the team to take it down sometimes, and he can get another one built in less than a minute. Plus, if there's a lot of enemy engineers, the objective is just swarmed with these aimbot bullshit guns, and the game becomes a long, boring standoff. Multiply that by 9000 if he has the wrangler equipped (fuck that item). If Valve fixed or got rid of the Engineer, TF2 would be a better game.
yore ugleh
It's a terrible game for kids. Play quake like a true boomer you cucklord
Jay Pinkerton made the joke and he is the writer though
What truth?
Is it bothering you so much you have to lie about it?
Medic slows the game down and makes it less enjoyable.
help, which team should I join?
Pocket chad with kritz
Blu for Todd so I can show him my skyrim heavy
>Solo medic with quick fix and amputator so everyone gets heals
Blue - lower average ping so less chance of an Australian or huehue
you're a wise person.
Red, DONGER will be a silent carry
>Amputator on Dustbowl offense, stage 3, point 1
No matter which you join you will be autobalanced to the other
B4nny is the only good thing left for TF2.
>karma charger broke down
>soundsmith is a faggot
>swipez is legit meme cancer
>rest of the tf2tubers are either the above two or just lazy or dead
only good ones are gmodders
I thought the spy was the tallest?
tfw engie is fucking taller than me
danke, battlemedics
keep making people seethe
If you could only play one more round of TF2 in your life, which map would you choose?
Wacky Races
Dilate more Overtranny
32 player 24/7 2fort with instant respawn and no time limit
>should I cap?
>*dances at intel*
>stop killing friendlies!
>Random crits are fair and balanced.
>*lenny face bind*
>stop interrupting our duel ffs
Good, a TF2 thread because i need to ask a question.
Lately i've been seeing plenty of bots spamming "GIVING AWAY FREE ITEMS" and shit and they even provide videos like this one:
I'm wondering if anyone tried adding those lads and seeing what's the deal
Sunshine, because phi is an absolute mad scientist who designed the most challenging middle point in the entire game.
This but unironically
>spy cums on your back
looks like he learned to not make another scout
>caring about tf2 cosmetics
post your steam profile so I can laugh at your high profile level
Mario Kart
>posting profiles on Yea Forums
Nah my dude
if you're expecting anything other than people trying to scam kids out of their items you are an idiot.
when you're WHEN YOU'RE
I am 100% sure it's a scam but i am also interested in how this scam works.
Join red, pick scout and keep killing their medic until someone switches to heavy
Then pick demo
>you could only play one more round of TF2 in your life
this made me sad for some reason
One last time...
some day we'll all have played the last round of tf2 of our lives user
What do you want see in the next update?
This is my wishlist:
>Only 6v6 games in matchmaking
>Turn off random crits
>No duplicate classes in matchmaking
>Heavy has to reload his minigun
>Everyone gets infinite ammo
>Only payload, koth and attack/defense as matchmaking modes
>Remove trading
>Add competitive rewards so more people play it
>Engineers turret upgrades automatically to lvl 2, but deals less damage
>Dispenser and tele removed
>Spy has infinite cloak and cannot instakill backstab anymore, his main damage is now his revolver
>Rocketjump gets dedicated button and doesn't do damage. It has a cooldown
>Stickyjump gets a dedicated button and doesn't do damage to yourself. It has a cooldown
>You get removed from game if you afk more than 30 secods
>Crouch jump gets removed
>Scout's doublejump gets removed
>Bonk! has a dedicated button with a cooldown
>Jarate has a dedicated button with a cooldown
>Jetpack has a dedicated button with a cooldown
>Every class has only one weapon, melee weapons have been turned into quick-melees which have their own dedicated button
>Air strafing gets removed
>B-hop gets removed
>Every 4-6 months a new class is introduced that completely breaks the meta for 1-12 months
delete the entire sniper class
Give scout a thiccer ass
Those are the worst suggestions possible holy shit
ebin pasta
its obviously a scripted video to trick kids.
from what's shown in the video the scam is them making a trade offer for your items and claiming you'll get what you asked for.
the basic stuff really
What happened to Toad 1?
too soon user
rip ;_;7
Gambino looks the best
these are some ugly fucking dogs. dog breeders are faggots
died of organ failure
Stop trying to act important, we're trying to keep a whole team up, not just you.
>killing the entire enemy team one by one with the axtinguisher
>detonator jumping everywhere or flarepunching for massive damage and instant deletion of low health classes
>reflect rocket jumping
>all the environmental kills
Why didn’t anyone tell me combo Pyro was so based?
>Do all sort of cool combos as Pyro
>"fucking wm1"
vivid plasma is the best unusual effect
Thanks Doc
Rate my boys and post your own boys
this is like getting mad at people who lennyface or whine about random crits. its all just buzz phrases and coping mechanisms for shitters, it shouldnt be taken personally
Embrace the seeth. I can play every class in TF2 and topscore but for some reason when I do well as Pyro the enemy team can’t stop seething. I’ve started collecting the hate comments in my screenshots.
learn how to aim, you useless pyro
this is the only one I'm proud of
Hijacking this thread to say hey guys, the mods of r/tf2 got back to me and are interested in starting a cross-forum tournament. If you are interested, I've created a discord that will be used throughout:
Have a good one.
If Soldier needs nerfs, these are them:
Right now, if he's jumping, he gets a self-damage reduction, even if he hits an enemy, while the effect of the gunboats does not work if he hits an enemy. Fix this so that there is no damage reduction if an enemy is hit at all.
Then fix the projectile hitboxes to be a bit smaller and make all splash damage, from any explosive, jars, flares, etc, all use the hitscan hitbox.
Both are small nerfs which make sense.
>no actual reddit thread or anyway to reach out to them thats NOT in discord
Spy needs some huge buffs.
I've stopped getting upset but I'd like, just once, to have someone acknowledge an actual good combo instead of going for the easy wm1 stupidity.
Although it's also fun to make them angrier by saying they can't even beat a wm1 pyro.
Learn to turn around every once in a while dumbass
>for making TF2 wunderbar.
Actually, medic makes the game worse. Same for engineer.
They break the flow of the game and are unfun both to play as and against.
choose your hero
blu has the least people i'd like to drop a breezeblock on their cranium so i'm going for that
heavy because ear kisses are what churn my butter and having a massive hunk cook me breakfast sounds nice
spy sounds best for the general fuck sesh but there's 100% chance of him not coming back for more while heavy will probs want to go again
I have literally never seen a Medic player who doesn't absolutely suck at it, despite how incredibly braindeadly simple that class is.
So no, I'm not thanking any of you useless retards. Keep healing some useless cunts and dying all 20 seconds.
To make people feel special I suppose, or to subtly track spikes of newcomers and rig the mannconomy accordingly.
t. soldier main who got dumped by his medic gf
>All disguise bugs fixed
>R while disguised now plays a full reload animation
>Can now toggle speed while disguised to be full speed or disguise speed
>spawn wallhacks don't work on Spies or are removed
>animations in first and third person while disguising and entering/exiting invis are synced better
>on-hit effects enemies get don't work on disguised or invisible Spies, ever (Like healing from a Black Box hit)
>revolvers recover from bullet-spread much quicker
>disguised and invisible Spies both have 20% damage resistance
>Spy can slide sappers. Will connect to buildings and to pickups, keeping pickups from despawning, preventing them from being picked up by enemies, and making them recharge 2 seconds faster
>slid sappers can be broken by 2 melee hits from any class. Placed sappers have 1 second cooldown, slid sappers have 4 second cooldown
>Spy get a 1.5 second speedboost on backstab for all knives, Big Earner gets new effect
>all classes can now see more things when looking at a teammate, and Spy can see them for enemies, too
>now heads, meters like Rage and MMMPH, rechargables, ammo stored and loaded, full loadouts, et cetera, are all visible
>while holding the cigarette case, Spy can see his team's outlines, and the outline of anyone he's disguised as. Also sees enemy team's makeup above the icons on the cigarette case. Neither work on enemy Spies
Upgrade the fucking medals Gabe
Where is this from.
>attention-whore medics give me lots of (You)s
Every time
>the backstab hitboxes are now fixed
watch as every spyfag commits sudoku
>Several hours later
>Still seething
>playing some casual match on Nucleus
>b4nny has joined the server
>"yeah ok"
>get demolished and only kill him once
>he leaves 10 minutes later
>check his stream
>it was actually him
That Medic is sick.
Thanks for the (you) fucking moron
You don't wanna know.
>he doesn't uber Demoknights
>fucking around as demoknight
>get uberred against anyone with mobilty
>they just jump up a ledge
>have to just stare angrily at then or run around trying to find someone so the uber doesnt feel wasted
stop doing this to me
This is what you get for not using the Eyelander
Are pubs retarded, or is Soldier just too good?
It's unreal that I don't even play regularly anymore and yet I can pick him and go town, even topscore most of the time.
literally shoot his sentry with explosives 3 times
>Pushing as Demoman/Soldier
>Spent my pipes/rockets and now reloading
>Medic comes up and ubers my ass
>Push into the sentry nest trying to kill it with whatever i managed to load into the weapon
>80% chance of me failing miserably
Good shit
I especially like what you've done with the Engineer, chad HWNN instead of the virgin Texas Ten Gallon
I'm a pretty basic dude
Paint your Heer's Helmet Operator's Overalls
Love your Engie, but Wild West Waistcoat or anything else might be better
I'd roll wit any of these niggas
Outside of Pyro, the rest is pretty good.
Thank you Medic Mains.
Thanks Doc.
>Operator's Overalls
Damn shit looks pretty good but i wish i could afford to buy the paint
I'll think about the engi as well, thanks.
Let's roll nigga
gracias doutor
>outside of pyro
it's the creature dude
soldier is literally TF2 easymode. no, pyro isnt constantly self healing, unparalleled in mobility, kills just by looking in the direction of the enemy or panicking and aiming down, nor is it valve's pet class and immune to any sort of nerf
Based cosmetic that are not over the top that destroy the artstyle
The wackier stuff for pyro quickly loses its humor for me, specially when it's full on wacky instead of maybe one item that's a bit weirder.
>haven't played since jungle inferno
>sudden urge to play again
The Heavy was my guilty exception, I just wanted to put together something that tard pub medics would latch on to and wasn't a walking memefest but it's really hard to put together something for Heavy that doesn't destroy the tone of the game
post yfw you enter "the zone"
>tfw demo main
>tfw exactly as tall as him
what a disgusting hud
is there a working unusual remover mod
Danke doktor
fair enough
>Playing medic
>Have uber
>Heavy is surgically attached to the cart
>Soldiers rocket jump away from me
>Demos never fucking reload
>Pyros will just stare at you like bots
>Die to crocket splash 30s later
What part of "I AM FULLY CHARGED" do you retards not understand?
stop running back into the fight
medics can you heal faster if you haven't taken damage in the last 7 or so seconds or whatever the fuck the timer was
>Take out a combo and a sniper with flare crits
>"Random crits are fair and balanced"
>Finishing off a soldier with m1 after critting it with flare
>"wm1 noob lol"
>Scunt gets killed by afterburn
>"Pyro afterburn is OP!"
>weapon was degreaser
>Fuck two scunts with pyro
>They switch to pyro
>They get fucked again
>They switch to soldier until the end of the match
I swear, people still don't know how pyro works
thanks for the dose doc
Tak Doktor
The joke is that pyro is the least w+m1 class in the game. You could unbind the average medic or scout's keyboard except forward, primary fire, and jump and they likely wouldn't notice for a few minutes.
Because somehow, as you moved forward and press M1 to shoot a flare, you will be called WM1.
Any time a Pyro is good, "WM1". Every god damn time.
>tfw wanna get back into tf2 since i played it as an early teen
>everyone i match against has been playing this game for like 7 years nonstop and just destroy me
Ooph, yeah thanks doc
>scout is taller than me by one inch
It can take a bit to get back into it but after 2 years of not playing, after a few matches I could already stand on my own.
>The joke is that pyro is the least w+m1 class in the game.
Okay, THIS is ebin.
>mom, i posted it again
You can do this same steering wheel argument with pretty much any class in the game. The only reason the wm1 argument became a thing is because newer players have no depth perception to the length of the flames so they'll run across the map holding m1.
>use direct hit rocket to airblast jump
>while in the air reflect fully charged huntsman arrow to headshot speedjumping soldier
>land behind heavy medic, puff n sting the medic, airblast heavy off cliff
>not the highest skill ceiling
>b-but muh w+m1 meme video from 2007
>le c-tap mastering so difficult, much skill XD
>point and click on heads monkey island style
>oooohh running close to someone and epic meatshotting him in the back takes so much skill muh double jump
>b-but muh aim muh meatshots XD
>muh 6s
sorry homeboys, pyro has one of the highest skill ceilings. if not THE highest. that's why comp players rarely play him, he's too risky because he's so difficult to play
any rocket/sticky jump or airshot demo and soldier can do, the pyro can do as well. with stricter timing and only when the enemy allows it, meaning you have to react faster than when you can jump at will my dudes. all scout can do is pressing spacebar twice and spamming AD with his epic null-canceling script. that's all there is to scout movement. no rocket jumps, no pogo, no headshots, nothing. even fucking engineer offers more movement options with sentry jumps.
scout mains are almost as bad as soldier mains, get your head out of your asses. play some unreal tournament or quake and realize that your 'skill' is negligible, worthless scout mains. sniperfags are even worse, he has no movement abilities at all.
medic, demo and pyro are the only respectable classes.
Reminder that Sniper ruins the game
>having literal invincibility means you can just stand there and shoot and not get killed
So basically, demoman takes skill.
>Guy with uber wins
Well, I'll be damned.
Where's your primeval badge, newfag
I actually came back to tf2 this morning since I have fuckall to play.
1890 hrs since june 2008
Oh hello user, was there something you wanted to tell me?
>medic's that aren't equipped to heal all their teammates at the same thing
Yes, vanted to say the time machine vorked.
Imagine being fucking retarded
If a short circuit gives you any amount of problems just go pyro or heavy with an uber or just bumrush the engie
>Keep your team healed and fighting while occasionally killing some nigger who gets close to you is being a cuck.
>Team Fortress 2 Battle Royale
>These guys would be player characters, with their own cosmetics, backstory, etc
>The Teufort Nine acting as support cast for specific stories, seasons, etc, but not playable themselves
You anons do have both of the badges for TF2, right? Gotta show everyone how much of a pro TF2 player you are.
neverever because of the limitations of the source engine
of course, this was before i sold all my items
Isn't Apex Legends built on Source?
There's a saying in the orient.
Loyalty to the end.
Do you know what it means?
It'd be the fastest closure to TF2 one could have.
>tfw engie could suck me off while standing upright
LMAOING at manlets and americans
Ohhh anthony... good day to remember that, at least, you are not Antony Burch.
kek this
thanks for doing your fucking job, you hoity toity shitsack
thanks doc
this last time
0 taste
What's the worst, most useless loadout that you can use in a game?
>this happened
didn't that fucking nigger twilightpsarkle make a dramatic video about how he'd stop cheating?
Pretty much everything the Heavy has
Daily reminder that you can literally double the variety of TF2's maps by simply introducing night/day variants of already existing maps.
It'd be a nice and potentially simple addition.
Looks comfy
Thank you, Medic mains.
Heavy mains
>talks shit without posting his own loadouts
>play on 24/7 2fort server
>some spy dances conga at the center
>some kid from the other team wants to join in
>cant get through because everyone kills him on the way (including me, i was pyro just spraying fire everywhere)
>he starts crying because he cant dance with the spy
TF2 threads are still the best.
>only game I play anymore is TF2
>only reason I visit Yea Forums anymore is TF2 threads
Not bad.
words cannot convey just how atrocious your loadouts are
So, the Heavy Update is coming this summer, right?
Maybe at the end of summer like Jungle Inferno? This won't be the first year without any sort of update, right?
listen, i have no problems with someone being friendly, but its their problem if they go into my line of sight WHERE I FUCKING SHOOT ON THE BATTLEFIELD and then think i will stop just for you risking my life.
just go to a corner, give me a sandwich and we can high five, but i have work to do so dont mess with me.
have your head up but still pic related
>have your head up but still pic related
Doc.... where's my dose....?
based as fuck. Soldierkeks need to be rounded up and shot.