It finally happened

It finally happened.

I no longer enjoy video games.

The same will happen to you eventually.

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Can't wait.

Felt that way until I switched platforms. Vidya's sweet again.

Been like this for 5 years now, still playing them. My last attempt will be classic wow and if that won't bring the fun back I'm just gonna throw my computer out of the window and go hike in the mountains

yeah okay see you tomorrow

What do you mean, I enjoy games way too much and can't stop thinking about them. The problem is that I'm afraid I will fuck my life(not that its not completely obliterated anyway) even more. Even if try to do something productive even the worst game looks extremely interesting.

>it finally happened, i no longer enjoy video games
ah, you finally belong to Yea Forums

What was the switch?

I keep pushing myself to try but the only thing I can remotely have fun with is multiplayer with friends, specially local, but we live apart now. Growing up sucks.

I still enjoy them, but in moderation. I can't play for 8 hours straight like I could in high school and college. I like to fill my free time with other hobbies, too. Makes each one of them more enjoyable.

Congratulations, you've finally grown up.
>Drop the equivalent of $2k on a PC sometime in the last 2 years, even more on monitors and prefierals.
>90% of the time just watching movies and tv shows, rest shitposting and playing.

Still, I'll never forget the first PC I built, and moving on from the PS2 to Fallout 3 and the like, my mind was fucking blown, good times.

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>Think to play a game
>Launch it
>Within 5 min think about lots of stuff that you could be doing instead
>All of them seem far more interesting

I dropped games a long time ago, I enjoy monster and 1488 now.

It happen to all of us. But still i play them

This. I play WoW still because the PvP is still pretty fun despite the imbalance, but like 5 arenas in and I'm out the door to do more exciting shit.


Epic tired gamer.
What are you, 19?


I bet you've been here all summer.

It will happen to anyone who develops a good taste. Every single game released on or after 2007 has been objectively 100% pure shit made for casual shit-eaters who don’t know any better, vidya is dead.

everything else is shit
vidya is the least shit

I'm more selective, I can't tolerate games that require grinding xp or other arbitrary time wasters to inflate the length of a game.