>game by Yea Forums
>soundtrack by Yea Forums
>character design by /fa/
How would it turn out?
Game by Yea Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
fucking deplorable
>code by /g/
a buggy mess
>story by Yea Forums
>engine by /agdg/ from /vg/
>vehicles from /n/ & /o/
>preproduction done by /i/ & /ic/
>models done by /3/
>kickstarter done by /vip/
Honestly the worst thing ever to grace the concept of reality. I might get every government in the world to target you as most wanted because you suggested this shit user.
>a game made by Yea Forums
absolutely horrible
I don't want to think about it.
Try out pokemon clover. An incredibly well done game.
>>game by Yea Forums
i used to wistfully think about a future where all the main devs got together and made some gigantic fucking masterpiece game combining all their decent traits and making something huge and never to be seen again
but thinking of Yea Forums doing something like that has the opposite effect, i cringe so hard internally i haemorrhage
> script by Yea Forums
> code by /g/
> public relations managed by /lgbt/
>> public relations managed by /lgbt/
uh I'm gonna have to say no
>game by Yea Forums
It's a dating sim
>soundtrack by Yea Forums
With trap flavored beats/industrial synths
>character design by /fa/
characters wear rick owens
>story by Yea Forums
It's a postmodern masterpiece
>engine by /agdg/ from /vg/
That doesn't run
>game by Yea Forums
A literal movie but every 10 minutes there's a choice. The choice doesn't matter it's just two buttons and you can click one or the other.
Also exclusive so that means it's good
It would likely be some kind of third-rate JRPG
>That doesn't run
they're working on it user
using a premade engine is cheating & you might as well not make a game at that point
If gays and trannies are in-charge of public relations, no one will be able to claim that the game is homo/trans phobic
Don't forget the animated intro by Yea Forums
> /tg/ writer
> /trv/ world building
> /vr/ game and music
> /his/ director
you'd have a game with terrible frustrating and autistic gameplay, weird unpleasant music and pretentious homosexual fashion. You'd have a better game with Yea Forums in charge of music, /fa/ in charge of gameplay and Yea Forums in charge of design
>terrible frustrating and autistic gameplay, weird unpleasant music and pretentious homosexual fashion
And this a million times
yeah they will, since the actual devs aren't fags.
Also lgbt will create their own dumpster fires with tweets about their dilations or even start problems internally in the "studio"
i'd just slap the soundtrack from interstellar on it and call it a day
it wouldn't turn out because every subcomponent of Yea Forums would seethe at the others' prospects and the game would be in development hell until a fucking shooting occurs to sway opinion
wouldnt get made
like shit
>game by /g/
>soundtrack by Yea Forums
>character design by /m/
How would it turn out?
Buggy unoptimized mess of a Mecha fighter with THE best soundtrack of the generation
>game by /g/
It would be an anime wallpaper and not a game
>soundtrack by Yea Forums
Just a copy of "hybrid theory" by linkin park looping in the background
>character design by /m/
Thinly veiled copies of popular 80s mecha
>character designs by /trash/
>gameplay by /vr/
>art by /vp/
>writing by /pol/
How would it turn out?
>extremely thicc furry bait - a Yea Forums productions game
Ethnic Cleansing 2: Half-assed Buggy Boogaloo
>>soundtrack by Yea Forums
Retard alert
>Cartoon Spinoff made by Yea Forums
Which role would /pol have?
>weapon design by /k/
>character design by /fit/
how would it look bros
Unfinished since it would devolve into a faggoty shitshow of discord drama.
Yea Forums doesn't create OC any more, it just regurgitates it, ala OP's pic.
>>character design by /m/
>not mecha design
eth(n)ics department
Yea Forums has always been like this. There are a handful of instances of genuine OC in the last 15 years of this site.
if it had OK-ish gameplay I'd play it
>gameplay by /m/
>OST by Yea Forums
>character design by /vr/
Please don't talk about shit you know nothing about.
Grinman didn't get reposted with unfunny edits for over a decade.
It's always been a shitshow full of forced memes and low effort reposts. It's just that it was slightly more insular so the shitposting didn't make it to other sites quite as quickly. Half the stuff that people remember is only popular because it was constantly reposted, or even stickied by moot/mods.
>enemy design by /x/
everyone is a skinwalker
>It's a 4X game
>each general is a faction
>you fight each other for dominance over the board
>>enemy design by /x/
dude that'd actually be fucking neat
>models done by /3/
so it would be a donut game?
no, a teapot game
Unironically the Yea Forums part would be best
everyone would look like a great value jojo character
very based
No way
Neither of these boards agree on anything, so I can't give an answer at all. It probably wouldn't exist, infinite development hell.
Like, are we getting people from Yea Forums, or is it literally just the whole of Yea Forums. Two very different questions. I get you want the meme answer, but still :v
>>soundtrack by Yea Forums
dog shit weird zoomer music
>writing by /r9k/
Fallout 77
>4channel being able to make anything other than Pepes and Wojaks.
An unironically ironic pretentious shit so far up it's own ass and loaded with cringey "inside jokes" that would give YIIK a run for its money.
You see this at least was a game.
i’d pirate it
i need the script
Out of every board, they care the least. So they'd do it magic.
i'd say it's possible, you just need the right people
>modding by /mlp/
writing by /y/ and /x/
art by Yea Forums
>>>preproduction done by /i/ & /ic/
All of the concept art is poorly drawn anime girls and loomis mannequins.
reminder this is a Yea Forums game
and it WILL be released
That's DMC, FF and Persona
>marketing ARG by /r9k/ + /biz/
>ripping of Undertale
That's a new low, even for Yea Forums
>How would it turn out?
It wouldn't.
>game by Yea Forums
it would be some dogshit jrpg.
>art by Yea Forums
Yea Forums is by far the absolute most retarded about their board topic
I tried making a game with Yea Forums before. Too many people who have no idea what they're doing try to involve themselves and clutter up communication. It was like trying to pull teeth from a 30 horses just to figure out a general direction.
So, obviously there has to be an order to this.
Yea Forums, /o/, /fa/, and Yea Forums are the idea guys.
Now, everybody knows that gameplay>story, so naturally Yea Forums starts the brainstorming
Maybe a thread where people pitch gameplay ideas, and then in a later thread on Yea Forumsanons vote for their favorite gameplay ideas and discuss? From there, the next thread would have to move to Yea Forums, who would take the gameplay ideas and make a story around them. If there are multiple consensus about the story, then there will just have to be another strawpoll on Yea Forums to decide the winner. Rinse and repeat that two-thread pattern on /o/ for the vehicle design (if any) and /fa/ for the characters, and then there would have to be one last thread on Yea Forums to hammer out the final details before moving to /g/ to find programmers (protip: /g/ doesn't work for free, so this is a pipe dream anyway)
I doubt it would be anything amazing, but it sure would be fun to watch
>It was like trying to pull teeth from a 30 horses just to figure out a general direction.
sounds like you were all horsing around too much
Have you been to Yea Forums ?
Oh, and I forgot /3/ would have to have a thread before /g/ to make assets.
Also, it should be noted that, since literally every thread before /g/ will involve people who don't understand programming, there's a good chance many of the idea guys upstream are gonna vote for or pitch ideas that are technically unfeasible, so it may have to be that the whole process gets repeated after the first time it reaches /g/ since they could easily say that much of the gameplay or art direction simply isn't possible on current hardware.
>character design by /k/
>engine by /agdg/ from /vg/
It's a low poly space shooter side with a 2D platformer overworld
>>/tg/ writer
sounds pretty fucking based
You get a more colorful Hatred
Cult claassic
>character design by /fa/
>everybody would be a tight jeans faggot
If other boards are doing the programming, graphics, music, and writing, then what the hell is Yea Forums doing? Just play testing it?
Doing what we do best
Calling it shit and waifuposting
>Just play testing it?
I wouldn't even give them this, leave it to /ck/
>game by Yea Forums
feature creep vaporware
>soundtrack by Yea Forums
pretentious probably, I don't know
>character design by /fa/
gay and impractical looking characters
I will when it's actually released.
In 2030.
World concept by /tg/
World lore by /his/
World design by /trv/
World content by /out/
Game design by /g/
Script by Yea Forums, Yea Forums and Yea Forums (tonal whiplash and studio-infighting)
Directed by Chris-chan
So why not make it?
Just go ask Yea Forums,/fa/,Yea Forums,/ic/,/3/ and they probably join right?
>character design by /fa/
Basically just a JoJo Character Action game
With no vision, you're more likely to end in development hell. This isn't recruiting people from boards, this is literally the entirety of those boards. There would need to be at least one person that would be able to lead the project in terms of getting the boards to cooperate rather than full anarchy.
Good luck if people can even agree on a genre. I don't know, it could happen, but there should be some thought put into just how you'd carry this out. Total anarchy will kill this project from the get go if anyone even bothers. I think this works best if no one actually cares and the game is designed to be modular.
>selecting boards from their literal title
>not selecting boards based on their actual strength
Watch this:
>story, setting, lore and style by Yea Forums, /x/ and Yea Forums
>gameplay mechanics by /tg/ and /vr/
>balancing, polishing and soundtrack by Yea Forums
>weapon design and reloading animation by /k/
>character visual design by /c/, /cm/ and /jp/ (actual writing done by Yea Forums)
>kickstart and funding by Yea Forums, then hire anons on /g/ to work on it
Out of curiosity.
Utter shit
>/m/, Yea Forums, and Yea Forums would be the most broken due the crazy shit that goes down in their respectful mediums
Awful because nobody on this board has any creativity
>Risk of Rain
>Devil Engine
>A dozen other smaller titles /agdg/ made
>KO Mech
>Wave Break as soon as it releases, it seems pretty far along
>if you count VNs, Katawa Shoujo
>multiple /vp/ fangames
>>character visual design by /c/, /cm/ and /jp/ (actual writing done by Yea Forums)
I don't want cute males in my game tho
I want brick wall males, which is likely something /tg/ would be good at
What if we let /fit/ do character design?
What if we let /h/, /s/, /hm/, and /lgbt/ do the character design, for maximum sex appeal?
I like my men above 6', thank you user
I swear there's a correlation between gymrats & manlets
>merchandise by /toy/
>tv adaptation by Yea Forums
I think you're on to something, user. Multibillion dollar franchise.
Quality control
>OST by /x/
localization and voice acting by /int/
>Every single localization is made by people who hate the country it's for so they just yell the 6 or 7 words they know of the language over and over into a shit microphone instead of translating or hiring VAs
Just learn japanese brah
None of them could work together or recognize their strengths and weaknesses.
All of these are boards for discussing other people's creations, not making their own. It would be a disaster even in the impossible best case scenario where all of them have great taste in the subject matter because they'd just be "idea guys" anyway
I've mentioned this in the thread, I think it's obvious this is more about a chuckle. Like, no one would have any hope in "what if Reddit made a game" more than "what if Yea Forums made a game". It would look like those modding Discords that recruit everyone but have no direction. At best you'll see bull shots, but no actual progress.
It's not that "Yea Forums are total plebs, they don't get games like *I can*", it's just that this route makes no sense. "What if the entirety of Zimbabwe made a game, lol"
>let Yea Forums help out with plot
Go to the WAYWT threads on /fa/. Die laughing.
>music by /biz/
>graphics by /gd/
>character design by /po/
>script by /diy/
Kino or mess?
All 3 boards are full of incompetent autists. The game would be a historic flop.
>music by /biz/
>music by /biz/
Mother fucker you beat me to it
Every time I see anything visual about this game I instant cringe. Possibly because of just the general proportions and the way they're drawn rub me the wrong way (sort of chibi 20-something year olds, but not reallly so it's just uncanny), possibly because the fashion is pretty much just "hip and happening millennial", and that busts out the connotations.
>game isn't even post modern
Now do tell what open internet community could pull this off with zero leadership or vision. I'd like to know a community of exclusively triple digit IQ telepaths, such as myself.
The game's themes etc are post modern it just doesn't make sense unless you actually play the whole thing.
Just let Yea Forums make each part
>Actual child in the middle
Sasuga, /fa/.
>game by Yea Forums
so a jap hentai game starring a self insert user, gotcha
We publish it.
super based
we taking the egs exclusivity deal?
didn't a bunch of 4channers get together and make some anime dating sim game that turned out to be bretty gud?
We feign rumors of an Epic exclusivity deal, but ultimately release on Steam.
Do we get the Kickstarter ready?
sounds like a good paper mario rip-off
>Extremey thicc immobile furry bait with oversized body parts wearing messy/pissed diapers that are leaking and constantly transform into different things
I would play it.
>We feign rumors of an Epic exclusivity deal, but ultimately release on Steam.
That'll give us the spotlight first, and pats on the back ultimately for not taking the deal
Absolute trash
poorfag underfunded anons will end up taking Mr Tim's chink money
>take mr tim's chink money then release a torrent at launch with twice the content
It would look like shit, play like an uninspired copypaste of some jrpg and sound pretentious. See YIIK for a close example.
>>character design by /fa/
It's shit. It's a pokemon game with shit pokemon game mechanics and unfunny jokes.
Illuminating comics by Yea Forums is funny tho
They sometimes do
Dead in a week due to internal strife, conflicting visions and a team full of no-talent "idea guys"
>school shooter on the right
holy fuck, who did this
>story, setting, lore, character arcs, overall writing by /tg/
>primary gameplay mechanics by /k/, /ck/, /o/, and /m/
>secondary gameplay mechanics by Yea Forums and /an/
>balance and soundtrack by /jp/, /t/, and /i/
>all polish and QC by Yea Forums and /vg/
>weapon, designs by Yea Forums
>armor/clothing designs by /out/ and /fit/
>character designs by /h/, /aco/, /s/, and all o the porn boards
>kickstarter by /i/, /ic/, and /p/
>/biz/ in charge of the kickstarter
>Spend all the funds investing into crypto currency and loses it all
/biz/ convinces Yea Forums to make the game only purchasable through shecklebux, because it's going to be big in a few months.