what the fuck was his fucking problem?
What the fuck was his fucking problem?
Suck my dick retarded nigger. RT @Anonymous: what the fuck was his fucking problem?
dealing with retarded tranny weebs on twitter would probably make me lose it too
he's short, bald and he's Japanese so you know he has a small penis
you do the math
whats your problem bro you make this thread every day
He fully embraces the shitposter persona because he knows it's pointless to answer the same question repeatedly. One doesn't reach 17000+ blocked people without some dedication to the cause.
>That guy that asked him to show his blocklist at a Japanese con
>17398 at the time of the video
As he has said 10000000000000 times, insects should stop asking him the same questions 100000000000000 times. HIS BLOCK BUTTON IS BIGGEST.
Autism. They had to cancel Scalebound because this literal down has no idea how to establish a social relationship
>I enjoy reading braindeads
what's your problem?
>Manlet tries beating up cocky American bosses
>Claims to take time off for "mental health".
Not vidya. RT @469503631 what the fuck was his fucking problem?
That guy is great. He also flew to japan to see the old Dominos pizza Japan CEO who did that miku commercial.
>somehow left his play button at domino's jap hq
>it's still there
Twitter is a shit medium and the people who take it seriously deserve ridicule.
>tfw I got blocked without ever even tweeting to the man
does anyone have the four page comic strip he made?
shit thread btw
If a white guy or a woman with the same track record of games spent half as much time acting like a moron on Twitter Yea Forums would be calling for their head on a spike
Too many insects.
calling twitter trannies retards will never not be based
...He's probably into it.