>"Ah, time to look at some reviews for what to get on my switch"
>every video has a variation on this comment
Why are people like this
>"Ah, time to look at some reviews for what to get on my switch"
>every video has a variation on this comment
Why are people like this
Other urls found in this thread:
>buying a switch
He's right though. Why would you willingly play the worst version of any game?
If you have a PC or PS4 why would you settle for inferior versions of multi-plats? Portability isn't very appealing when the game looks and plays like shit
you might not like it but that faggot is the only normal person in that comment section
the rest are vapid normies who can't think for themselves
go to any upcoming AAA game and check the comments, its full of people posting shit for the express desire for thumbs up
only true chads enter such a cesspit with the noblebright intention of trying to teach these faggots how to get some self respect
>owning a ps4
Look at this faggot
>Look up trailer for any video game
>comment section looks like this
Why are Switchfags like this?
>owning anything
Looks at this retard
Nintendo has always specialized in making fun games on limited hardware to keep costs down.
This triggers the pc and ps4 fanboys because graphics is the only argument they have for why you should buy their shit
Look at the PS2s success. People are all about the cheap easy option.
If Nintendo are so good at making games, why are Nintenfags the biggest port beggars on the planet?
>the rest are vapid normies who can't think for themselves
As opposed to vapid Yea Forumsirgins who can't think for themselves?
Not comparable at all since when PS2 launched, there was no Gamecube or Xbox. Only a failing Dreamcast.
Switch released AFTER PS4/Xbone and even then has the worst version of every game.
>I’m a simple man
>DOOM runs on switch at a solid 30fps with very little drop in graphical quality
>can also play it on the move
>ps4 and pc fags, drooling over their keyboards
That image is purely due to crapcom seperating DMC to screw over consumers like how much they charge just DMC1 on the Switch
>Defending Capcom over consumers
I hate these types of shills.
Oof look at that avatar
>PC or PS4
Why would you own a PS4 when you have a PC? Switch at least is portable and his its own games.
>DOOM runs on switch at a solid 30fps
I love how Nintenfags went from "only 60 fps games are playable" to "30 fps is great" to "sub 30 fps is fine" in the span of a single gen.
>ps4/xbox use amd hardware
>switch uses nvidia hardware
Hmmm really makes one think.
This was last year before the Switch port of DMC1 was announced
Is this some kind of esl reading comprehension?
When did Nintenfags ever say "Only 60 fps games are playable"?
No nintendo game has EVER run at 60 fps
Thats more of a pc cuck thing
Doom runs on pc in 4k in 120fps even on 3 year old hardware. Doom is the rare case of extremely well optimized game on vulkan.
>This was last year
Right and Capcoms MO hasn't changed.
They did EXACTLY like we all feared which is charge exhuberant prices for each game seperately
Fucking jews.
Switchfags aren't human.
Nah, he is automatically triggered because he saw PS4 being mentioned.
>When did Nintenfags ever say "Only 60 fps games are playable"?
During the Wii U era.
Nobody owned a Wii U so I'm calling bullshit
>conservatives aren't human
Fuck california and fuck you.
Nintendo games are the best in the industry, we don't need other games
>Also Nintenfags
>literally the most graphically intensive area in the game
>still above 20
You did not pose two opposing statements, both can be true.
Nintenfags are just about the most soýboy manchildren you can find. The type that convince themselves that they love bing bing games as their open relationship wife is getting railed by some junkie on Craigslist.
Capcom are literally ripping everybody off with this and you are trying to use it as a "switch owners BTFO"
Enjoy your inferior version of games and shut up retard
>conservatives are manchildren
Great argument
>SMO looks nice for a Switch game and runs very well
>Fucking Bloodstained is capped to 30 FPS and is unstable as fuck
Every time a game is announced NOT FOR SWITCH, Nintenfags always resort to the "it's because they're too afraid of Nintendo quality games" card. Always.
although the dmc games could be on switch just fine and it's pretty stupid, let's not pretend like switchfags don't do this for like literally every game
Switchfags aren't human. I don't care if they get ripped off.
>LITERALLY get the games seperately for three times the price
>i-its not CAPCOMs fault!
No stop.
not objectively wrong but hard cringe
>playing a shooter at 30fps
I love my switch but jesus user, have some standards. I'd rather stare at a wall than play doom on 30 fps.
There were literally dozens of us!
He's right. The switch is a tablet with worse specs than its other tablet counterparts. Nintendo is probably the stupidest gimmicky game company to ever exist
>literally defending EA
The absolutely state of (You)
>>still above 20
that isnt something to be proud of mate
Switchfags aren't human. Capcom is smart enough to realize that Switchfags buy Wii U ports for full price. So all they do is follow Nintendo's example and start to overcharge somewhat hilariously for their games. They're just following Nintendo's predecent.
>conservatives aren't human
Why is this meme so widespread now adays?
Titanfall 2 is better than any Switch "shooter", including your pedo paintball game.
>stealing images from Yea Forums
RetardERA may be more your speed EA bootlicker.
troll face avatar
That was also me
>i-it was me
I am fine with my investment. I get why people loathe the WiiU though
I guess you are retroactively right
I'm talking about stealing an image from june last year
>why are Nintenfags the biggest port beggars on the planet?
Sonyfags would like to talk with you.
>No nintendo game has EVER run at 60 fps
Name one
No I mean those posts were also me at various points. I dont take new pictures of my same collection. Just reupload the same one
>pc fags
Don't lump them in with sonyfags.
>absolute state of shitposters
you play literally at 20fps and half the pixel count compared to even the XBOX One. That alon is like rendering 1/6 of the pixels on XBOX One/PS4. And thats in docked mode. Not even taking into account the sub low textures and effects. Whats switch docked performance? 200GFLOPS? thats below PS3 LMAO
Good answer
>No nintendo game has EVER run at 60 fps
They always try to aim for 60. In fact the only ones that don't are the particularly large games like Xenoblade or Breath of the Wild.
you have to be over 18 to use this site
Snoytards do the least port begging of all the fanbases. There's more petitions to keep games exclusive to sony than anything else.
This is funny when RetardEra is the Nintendo cocksucking site number 1.
Have you recovered yet from this absolute embarrassment? You were so certain you had it.
>pc cuck thing
>60 fps
WHO plays pc games at anything less than 144fps in the year 2019 god damn
>Why are people like this
Because parents only let their children have a single console so brand loyalty kicks in. Poorfags gonna poor.
i LITERALLY just said it was stupid how dmc is handled on switch you retard, use some context clues and that tiny nigger brain of yours for once
>made up of memebers from sonygaf
>No nintendo game has EVER run at 60 fps
Do you have actual brain damage?
RetardEra cockrides Nintendo and Switch 24/7. Their Media Create threads are basically bragging about how well Nintendo games sell and nothing else. Kind of like the ones here.
>Snoytards do the least port begging of all the fanbases
I hope you're kidding because they still have an ongoing salt mine for games like Bayo 2, octopath and now Astral Chain. Not to mention all of those years of hoping Nintendo goes third party just so they can see their games on ps4.
>There's more petitions to keep games exclusive to sony than anything else.
So not only do they port beg they don't want to give anything back.
How did the Persona 5 petitions go?
Their game awards do not reflect this post.
What embarrassment? No one wanted persona on Switch outside of Persona fans who already owned the games.
Meanwhile across the pond none of you have lived this down
Let's not pretend anyone gave a shit about that overrated SNES-tier indie game. The PC release was dead quiet for a reason. Nobody but Nintendo fanboys gave a shit and solely because it was "exclusive".
>w-we didn't want Persona 5 anyways
LMAO This is not what Yea ForumstendoGAF sounded like just a few months back.
But hey, enjoy paying for DLC of Playstation exclusives.
I love how sony fanboys are always so clearly underage
>Let's not pretend anyone gave a shit about that overrated SNES-tier indie game
Tell that to the petitions and octopath for ps4 trending at one point.
He's not wrong.
>no evidence of this outrage outside of 'anonymous' Yea Forums posters
>tons of evidence of the opposite
>just a few months back.
You're right. Before Royal was revealed as a ps4 exclusive you guys turned your back on persona entirely because you thought it was leaving.
Even the Switch board on Reddit was on meltdown little toddler.
Take your pills nintenschizo.
>no evidence
>just some random reddit post
Maybe you should head back.
Man I didn't know you tried to force your narrative on reddit too.
It's literally a Switch circlejerk board. And they were extremely disappointed their port begging all fell flat on its face.
>all these "b-b-but on Reddit" posts
Go back. No, unironically go back.
wew looks like a certain manchild editor was bootyblasted over not getting Persona 5 despite paying for Joker DLC in Smash.
Switchfags are literal Redditors.
You mean that game everyone already got to play on better hardware years ago?
Not him but there's this too
Sonyfags don't quite understand what first party means
They're not the ones posting reddit as evidence.
They even begged for roblox
And for their own game
The begging
They're the ones crying on Reddit for not getting P5.
>r/PS4 - 2,535,429
>r/xboxone - 1,476,358
>r/NintendoSwitch - 1,198,371
It's almost like PS4 is the objectively more popular and better console of this gen. Cope.
See Oops, that backfired on you.
Here it comes.
One of these consoles released in 2013 and the other in 2017.
Want to guess which is which?
Remember the xbone?
Remember when that thing existed?
They didn't cry about p5 at all
Not like you lot and fucking sea of thieves.
Hey kiddo, the port switch one contains mostly ps4 begging.
Technologically speaking the world is out of hand, Yea Forums. Take the switch. The whole idea behind the switch is to be able to play video games when you leave the house. The whole idea behind leaving the house is so you aren't at home playing video games.
its almost like the word switch does not just apply to the console
What do any of these have to do with Nintendo fans?
Costs down for them, because their games and consoles are expensive as fuck
I don't get the Gimtendo insult.
>solid 30fps
>your mother gave birth to a solid retard
Did you even look at that?
There's more pc and ps4 begging than anything
Nintendo + gimmick
Literally every first party game.
>solid 30 fps
>in 2019
Not even in 2009 would solid 30 fps be acceptable
I don't know about you but I'd love an ice cream port to switch
Sounds tasty.
Bing bing wahoo
Almost every.
Why does every post a Nintenfag make border on mental illnes every time?
And most of the PS4 results give petitions for Switch port beggars who include what system the game is currently on, plus club penguin for some reason.
>solid 30fps
>very little drop in graphical quality
Actually most of them are ports to the ps4.
Brainlets don't realize that the appeal of the Switch is that it's portable.
Most people have PS4 or PC but neither of those is portable.
>visits reddit
wew go back
The Switch version is always the most expensive. It has a wider appeal because it is currently the only handheld gaming console at the moment. And because it's a "hybrid" it's capable of playing a lot of console-tier games. That's why there's so much port begging: many people actually do value "muh portability."
>STILL struggling with sub 30 fps
Jesus fucking christ
mario kart 8 you absolute bingbong brain
those who can't afford the schizoprices of 144hz monitors.
Don't be this retarded please.
Yea Forums doesn't care about portability because nobody on this board ever leaves the house
Are Switch fanboys seriously denying that there was RAMPANT Persona 5 port begging? Really?
jesus christ if I knew you faggots would lie so brazenly, I would autistically screencap everything
>massive laptop
>extremely limited charge
>not all games are going to run
>need a mouse or stuck with a touchpad
>can fit in a side pocket
>5 hours charge and small enough to be charged from a powerbank
>all games available are going to run
>very light
>all the controls you need are stuck right to the console
>can be plugged into the tv when you get home
Oh please, gaming laptops are a meme. Not only do they have shit battery life if you try and run anything more complicated than Asscreed 1 it'll melt your balls off if you were to actually play it on your lap so you need a table.
Not to mention those fuckers are massive.
Probably 99% of people. Only 5% of Steam users have above 1080p.
>implying portability is only useful outside the home
Go back to /r9k/ faggot.
>Needing to play anything in public other than a mobile game
>Too fucking weak to hold a laptop
>Half as powerful as an average laptop
Considering most of the port "begging" here was just speculation about joker's inclusion?
I wouldn't say it's denial as much as it is telling the truth.
you forgot to mention how the fan goes WWWWRRRRRRRRRRRR
>implying portability is only useful outside of the home
>implying it's a matter of strength and not the heat it gives off
>implying power matters over optimization
Fuck you sonyfags know nothing. Go back to begging for Nintendo games already.
I'd like to know what you consider an "average laptop"
Most people I know who own laptops haven't purchased a new one since 2008
Nobody but business men buy NEW laptops these days because your phone has nearly everything you need in that regard.
I forgot that most of Yea Forums has such good awful diets that they spend 80% of their free time sitting on the toilet
>>implying power matters over optimization
Except even a laptop can run Doom at 60fps 1080p
>Go back to begging for Nintendi games already.
Nah that's your job lmfao, if we need games we make our own emulators or you port them anyway because there's not enough Switch players to fund games
Idk man i know a fair amount of people who buy laptops every few years, and it’s because they’re in IT and just like having them or they’re appledrones.
>Nobody but business men buy NEW laptops these days because your phone has nearly everything you need in that regard.
Students as well. Walk into any college arts lecture hall and half of the people there have brand new macbooks bought with daddies money.
Wow, toilets or outside. You sonyfags really do lack any kind of imagination.
I'm on your side, moron
You are the one who started arguing that Yea Forums cared about portability
Do you need to strap yourself to the ceiling to play your bing bing wahoos? Crawl between pieces of insulation in the attic to get the edge in mario kart?
>Except even a laptop can run Doom at 60fps 1080p
Yeah no, even some high end desktops still struggle to run it on high. The only way you're going to get a laptop to run it like that is if you get some kind of ridiculously expensive custom build which is only going to be bigger and hotter than whatever you're thinking of.
Are you even paying attention to the thread?
Unironically because they hide behind PC to bolster their games catalog. So it just sticks. Also, making the same mistake with Xbone. When E3 hit their true colors showed when people started asking who won who won who won. Competing brands are competitors, not fwiends.
Since when could you get Nintendo emulators on ps4? >When E3 hit their true colors showed when people started asking who won who won who won.
>this is your brain on Nintendo
Let them be. They are on the verge of complete mental breakdown after being refused yet another Japanese RPG. I feel sorry for them.
Isn't it funny how this was supposed to be Nintendo's E3 yet nobody even gave a shit about them this year?
>trollface PFP
user, you’ve been had
The fuck are you talking about? No one cared about the brands at this E3 it was all about the games they showed off
Uh, most of the good jrpgs are on Switch.
Every E3 once its over people make threads where anons give grades to conferences and some have strawpolls. Since there was only Xbox and Nintendo on the last day there were some mental gymnastics.
>Nintendo doesn't count because theirs was a direct and happened the day after E3 ended
>xbox won + why can't you admit for a change that xbox can win E3 just once
Something like The mistake was cozying up with xbox in the first place and vice versa. It was disastrous for both. But I'll let them keep doing it.
Sony's probably laughing their asses off seeing what complete mess MS and Nintendo made of it having open field to score. Especially MS given how they overhyped their own conference for absolutely nothing. Now all eyes will be on Sony next year instead. Bravo!
>where anons give grades to conferences and some have strawpolls.
Yeah I know, but that has nothing to do with brands whatsoever.
Well, outside of the people who were saying Sony won this year for obvious reasons.
Switch is the best console ever released
Fight me
because people are autistic. it should be pretty obvious OP.
He's not wrong. Any games that are multiplat is best played on PC. The only time I played downloaded a multiplat for my switch are for light indie games like stardew valley. Same thing with my ps4 pro but I only use it to get an early access on MHW and to play the exclusives. There is literally no reason to use consoles aside from exclusives.
>inb4 comfy portable experience and couch experience
That's a valid argument. I travel a lot and bring my switch with me. I don't know why anyone would play a non-exclusive game on xbone/ps4 though.
>watch some review on YT
>check the comments
>always the same NPC tier jokes like ''am i joke to you?'', ''i'll ruin this man's whole career'', ''no one: '', etc
>watch some review on YT
>check the comments
>"you are now breathing manually"
He's right though. Got the Switch version of Bloodstained, big regret.