Imagine if these two made a game together.
The story would be insane.
Imagine if these two made a game together
Some people will be legitimately angry at this thread and OP
insanely terrible
>People still think Kojima wrote the parts of MGS they remember the most.
nice bait
Both are similar. They are idea guys that slave drive the actual creators of the games.
Kojima wants his games to be fun though
guy on the left, what does he have in his arsenal? what games? which story?
Literally who?
They would not agree on anything user. No story made no game.
Perfect example is that nightmare mini game kojima didn’t fucking know someone put that in his game and even weirder they had dialogue about it in the game.
Not a bad idea honestly. The jew can handle dialogue and can also be the editor to keep Kojima's autism in check whereas Kojima does pretty much everything else since he's actually creative.
He aggressively took over Naughty Dog by pushing the established creators out of the company.
But the guy on the left does typical generic shit.
>ooh action hero Indiana Jones!
>ooh zombies meet the Road!
what insane story have either of them made? kojimas stories are all retconned to fucking shit and the jew only made a game based off of "the road"
Can you imagine all the gay twists and turns?
i hope death stranding reveals kojimbo to be a hack just like inafune
Cuckmann would go insane because Kojima would insert random babe in bikini whenever he can
Imagine if kojima wrote a game alone. The story would be insane.
>le fukushima meme
What tier would you place their game?
Kojima would tell him there is a secret agenda behind it and that they'd be ashamed of their words and deeds.
Woah... two of some of the most pretentious “game” directors in the industry... no one would be able to stop the awesomeness!!
is there a more meme criticism?
This thread is obviously just bait for shitposting, but I'd actually like to see what a story written by both of them would look like. I imagine Kojima would come up with the wacky high concept stuff and Druckmann could actually reel him in a little bit with a grounded narrative throughline that still hits on all the stuff Kojima likes to tell stories about. The dialogue would also be better, but Kojima would fight for everything to still have a slight veneer of the camp his games are riddled with.
Might actually be cool.
>is there a more meme criticism?
I don’t know why you would think the word “pretentious” is a meme, but it perfectly describes the two directors regardless. I’m not saying their games are bad, in fact I really liked TLoU and the MGS series. But you either must be a dumb or naive if you can’t tell that the pretentiousness just oozes from their games.
Kojima never made a good story in his life. I can't even imagine how somebody could disagree with that. Druckmann on the other hand made a 6/10 video game story. So I guess if you put them together you would get a 3/10 story.
>muh fukushima
>when snatcher and policenauts exist and prove Fukushima dicksuckers wrong
I want it just to see what unholy abomination they could make together.
No, they will pretend to be angry to get people like you to respond.
Two biggest hacks in undustry. It would be gay romance between Reedus, Madz and tranny Ellen Page in muslim London 2122.
what if Avellone and Kojima were put in a room together?
Well then fuck that guy.
Blade Runner/Terminator ripoff
Lethal Weapon in space
What original storytelling triumphs, truly the work of an auteur for the ages
Yes I know everybody ripped off Blade Runner back in the day, but still
who is the guy on the left?
Name 1(one) good game kojegma has ever made
you'll end up with a story about a kurt russell wannabe who can't stop quipping and get his ass kicked by a soap opera actress in a bikini.
Neil Druckmann, creator of The Last of Us and (I think) Uncharted.
Paul Rudd in a Kojima game? It might be fun
>Yes I know everybody ripped off Blade Runner back in the day, but still
but nobody straight up replicates Blade Runner as Snatcher did. Pun fully intended.
The only game play would probably be the menu screen.
that literal israeli kike did not create uncharted
in fact, I'm pretty sure he didn't create the last of us either. he took over after it was created
He perfected the game in the 4th game
Thanks for the correction.
the only thing good about 4 was the shooting mechanics
the story(which was what he contributed to) was complete shit
>"we don't use the word fun when talking about our game"
He was a lead writer on Uncharted 2 and one of 4 game designers on Uncharted drakes fortune.
The story would be
I don't think they're Drumpf supporters
This isn't Yea Forums buddy so cool it with the antisemitism
all these mediocre games
whew glad that I did not buy a ps4
Cuckmann would just get mad at Kojima for trying to make the game fun and get him kicked off the team for being antisemitic.
How many ladders would there be in the game?
*dabs on Hideous Sóyjima and Neil Hershel Cuckmann*
>Keep Kojima's autism in check.
Kojima had a falling out with Konami, toured the world recruiting talent and visiting game studios, created a videogame studio, got Sony to fund a new IP, built that game from the ground up with no reused assets and will be shipping it this year.
Kojima did all this before Druckman made The Last of Us 2.
What parts of MGS that you think fukushima wrote were original storytelling triumphs?
how to spot a branlet in a split second
This. Druckman would just constantly reeee at Kojima wanting white actors to mocap the characters from
Just imagine how many hours of ladder gameplay they'd have in store for us