You do have a CRT, right?
You do have a CRT, right?
no but i have a massive horse dick that slaps my legs when i run
>not playing on a black and white tv for maximum soul
zoomers disgust me
Unless all you play is cutsceneshit, you need one.
I do. Good bye!
>you do have a gf, right?
No, I actually grew up during those times and there is no fucking way I'm going back. Only underage hipsters still use CRTs who want to look like epic gamers.
kys underage
I've been trying to get a hold of one over the past 6 months, now that I have my own house and thus the room for it. But the used market in South Australia is garbage, so it's either "150 dollars, I know what i've got" or they're shitty little ones 70km away.
idealy i'd like a 16:9 sony trinitron but at this point i'd take anything to hold me over.
My Saturn needs using ;-;
>tfw no cute gf to play mariokart 64 with
CRTs are for games in the ps1/saturn/n64 era and prior. Consoles that had didn't have options for component video.
To be fair I was never a braindead consoletard. I got a NES and never really bothered with this garbage anymore.
Just emulate you fucking subhuman. You are like faggot weebs that won't watch dubs.
>thinking black and white tvs were common by the time consoles existed
being a zoomer is bad enough, but zoomers pretending to be boomers get the rope.
I still have best CRT.
>dubfag is also a tasteless emulating LCD loving pleb retard
Not surprised in the slightest.
I used to but I gifted it to my grandma
I owned a black and white TV as a child and I'm under 40.
I do emulate, a lot.
But I also like to collect, and have shelves full of old games. It's nice. And playing those games on a CRT looks great. Playing with original controllers on original hardware is fantastic. As much as I do love the benefits of emulation, there's something special about the experience of playing them as they were intended.
But based on your entire post, you seem like a fucking moron, so, whatever.
I'm 27 and also had a black and white CRT as a child.
Mind you, we were poor as fuck, and it was my mothers TV shes had since the late 70s.
I had a beta player but that doesn't mean anyone supported it.
I had one of those, too. It was actually very well supported for the time.
I'm also 27. We had one of those 70s wooden tv's that are like tables kinda. Hard to explain.
No I know exactly what you're talking about. It's exactly what I had too.
What the fuck
>Oh user thanks for inviting me over. Maybe we could...oh it that....a crt? Uhm. I think I have to go.
I actually do. It's my old TV. It's from the time I actually watched TV the last time, so over a decade ago. It's now just used as a kind of shitty little table.
Nah, PS2 480i looks awful in a modern tv, but its okay in a crt
CRMeme is more of a meme than "gamer" branded stuff
I just tabbed out of the cop shooting thread and instinctively thought that women had her entire scalp off
No serious gamer uses an LCD.
I literally played all of San Andreas for the first time on a PS2 with Component on my modern TV, forced into 4:3 mode, and it looks great.
No it doesn’t
Yeah, it does.
I bet you play Smash Melee on an LCD as well
I don't play melee because I like playing Ultimate casually. Undocked.
>not playing it on PC
>playing Super Cringe Bros
only to play Duck Hunt
a good crt is hard as hell to find now