Do you play games because they are fun? Or do you play them because they are not fun?
Do you play games because they are fun? Or do you play them because they are not fun?
Those statements aren't in direct contradiction because TLOU 2 is a movie, not a game.
I don't understand why developers like those behind TLOU even make games. Do they not realize how self indulgent it is to shove your boring opinions into an actual fun medium, instead of making a movie where that format is more digestible and welcome?
I respect the fuck out of nintendo, I really do. Why do they make such shitty, gimmicky hardware?
this board sucks. Recommend some good boards to me.
I play various games depending on my mood, sometimes I want to play a survival horror, sometimes I want to play a cute platformer.
The only reason you play a game is if it's fun. They can have a good story, and graphics, but if you can't enjoy it then why bother playing it? Obviously, not everyone will find everything fun because everyone has a different definition of fun, but just go with what you enjoy, maybe experiment, and you might find yourself enjoying more games.
They kill fun. They fuel sjws
Gameplay>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>story. I hate that nowadays most western game devs prioritize the writing and story over gameplay, it absolutely destroys replay value(an example being these boring walking sections). If you just want to experience a story, why won't you read a book or watch a movie instead? I want to PLAY a game, not watch it.
ND games have better gameplay than shitendo toddler "games".
I mean hes right, this place is a shithole, anyone with half a brain knows that
sony will eventually stop making these artsy fartsy games and the entire trend will eventually fade out and those games will become very dated
in the future, people will go back to play some retro games from today's present and go "oh yeah, that phase..."
All boards suck. /ck/ used to be cool, but that was also flooded with takeaway pizza eating lard asses from reddit.
They make games because they're not talented enough or have ths right connections to be screen writers or directors so we're stuck with their asinine drivel in games.
I play what i want
>shit they aren't actually Sony but i REALLY want to make it that way
This is objectively false and your conflating the "maturity" of the content with dfficulty of gamplay. TLoU is far easier than many nintendo games.
Its objectively true.
>TLoU is far easier than many nintendo games
This is objectively false
I hope you're only talking about PS1/PS2 era ND.
Boy wouldn't it be embarrassing if you actually thought Uncharted and The Last of Us had good gameplay..
>Uncharted and The Last of Us had good gameplay..
Best in the genre.
And they don't even tell good stories to begin with
>Best in the genre.
Of what? Clunky cinematic cover shooters?
Yeah, bro. What a crowning achievement.
Imagine actually owning a Phony Playshitstation in 2019.
pity (You)
Third person shooter/action adventure
A genre nintendo has no games in unless you consider trash like splatoon competition.
TLOU wasn't even as good as Resident Evil 4- a game that predated it by several years.
>moral/philosophical positions lead to laws
>therefore moral/philosophical arguments at the core of stories are inherently political
I think I know what the problem is. These people can't entertain an idea without accepting it, and they think nobody else can either. Of course all stories are a direct political action if there's not such thing as considering without internalizing.
>uncharted and the last of us
>best third person/shooter/action adventure games
I genuinely cannot believe I share a board with people who have so fucking abysmal taste.
God damn, press (X) to cinematically kill yourself at 24 fps, please.
>TLOU wasn't even as good as Resident Evil 4
Its not as good but still better than any Nintendo game. What does that tell you?
Story is full of plot holes more holie than swish cheese
Retarded decisions that anyone with sense would never do
Shoving unnecessary minorities
>Errr Lets make this bad ass zombie killer gay
>durr the leader of the fireflies is a Don’t need no Black woman
Literally all video game communities are shit nowadays.
i prefer not fun games made by jews
>still better than any Nintendo game
I'm gonna have to stop you right there, friend.
I own TLOU on PS3 and I also have the Definitive Edition on PS4, but that's a load of shit.
But you probably haven't played a single Nintendo game in your life so at least I can understand where you're coming from (that is, being a flaming faggot console warrior).
Stop being a little triggered bitch, my taste is impeccable.
Why would you buy it twice
I'm sure it is.
They're too shit to make actual movies, so they make movie games that are judged by much, much lower standards.
>But you probably haven't played a single Nintendo game in your life so at least I can understand where you're coming from
Tried some and they were all shit. Galaxy? Wagglan trash. Zelda? Boring shit with ultra simplistic and brainless combat
First time was when the game came out.
Second time came with the PS4 my brother gifted me.
I don't play American games
As much of a faggot as Neil Cuckmann is, I can see what he means, he just says it in a really pretentious and smug way. I would consider a game like Pathologic 2 to be fun in the traditional sense for instance, since it's outright said by the devs it's suppose to be "almost unbearable" because the game is stressful as fuck.
yes it is.
So do the guys on the left hate fun laws?
i thought tlou was fun
>Words of one individual developer characterise a whole company
This is not videogames, this is retarded console warring bullshit, but of course this thread won't get Janny'd like it deserves and will get 500+ replies from braindead retards from both sides
You should all link arms and jump in the sea. Fuck you and fuck your gay thread, go and get in the sea and rejoin your genetic relatives
The truth is that video games are toys and will always be toys
And adults don't play with toys
That is why TLOU stuff will never actually succeed
I see, so you've played two nintendo games for 5 minutes in total and now you're able to come to the conclusion that all Nintendo games suck ass.
I was able to play The Last of Us from start to finish and can say that it's ass, my conclusions hold more value over yours by default.
Meant wouldn't
>my taste is better hurr durr!
this is almost everyone on Yea Forums yes
I tried the supposed "best games ever" from nintendo and they were trash. Should I have gone for kirby, yoshi and animal crossing instead? Sorry but im not 12 anymore.
TLoU and Uncharted: TLL are more fun than any bing bing wahoo game this generation
Reggie has never made a single video game though. Druckmann has made multiple. Why are they being compared as if they're two directors with opposing views?
>my taste is better
It is, I also have great taste in music.
>im not 12
[X] Doubt
This. Vidya writing standards are low so in comparison this shit looks like kino. Even stuff like vtmb, kotor2 and Planescape that people consider the best of vidya writing is just alright, it's just seen as 10/10 because of the competition it's up against.
>sorry i'm not 12 anymore
>bing bing wahoo
yep that says a lot and nothing in the same instance
What music do you listen to?
Cinematic snoy trash such as TLOU and Uncharted are prime examples of Nu-Fun.
Based Reggie will always be welcome in the Reich.
A game doesn't need to be "fun" to be an enjoyable or entertaining experience. Saying that all games must be fun is just limiting video games as a medium.
It's not that much more difficult to create movies than video games. Both can be a difficult process. For example, film directors only have to focus on what the audience can see within the camera that the director controls. Meanwhile, video game developers must ensure that the world is built for whatever view the player is given, which is far more difficult in open-world games. Film directors are making a concrete experience that will last for around two to three hours. Game developers have to create a significantly more flexible that will last for far longer.
Electronic music
How does one delude themselves into having fun? In that case aren't they just having fun? How can you differentiate the two?
>Sorry but im not 12 anymore.
And yet you have that urge to be seen as mature.
>A game doesn't need to be "fun" to be an enjoyable or entertaining experience.
I'd agree with that but at the same time I don't find any of Druckmanns work enjoyable or entertaining. As I said I consider pathologic 2 very engaging and enjoyable but I wouldn't exactly describe it as fun.
Don't you watch movies that aren't fun? Same with video games.
Or are you one of those braindead people who only watch fun movies?
I tried deluding myself into thinking I was having fun playing TLOU when it released because I had to fit in and because it had been hyped up so much.
It's like a placebo effect, people will tell you how great JoJo is and some people might jump into part 1 and go "wow I can really see why people love this series!".
Normalfag taste, but decent. Hard Rock is where it's at.
The way I see it it's enjoyment derived from what they should like rather than what they do.
Thats what adults do, enjoy mature things. Sure you can enjoy your toddler games but never forget or inflate what it is.
I'm assuming this Neil character is talking about the story not being fun, not necessarily the gameplay. I mean even the person who created this image put the two tweets about personal politics and story next to the article about "fun." Under that light there are great games that have not fun stories while still having dun gameplay. Look at Bloodborne, best combat in the souls series, but the story is bleak and terrifying. And under this context even Nintendo has at least partially made games like this. Ocarina of time is a very fun game but half way through the story a town gets decimated and its inhabitants replaced with zombies, it's gets dark.
I'm sure there's better examples but my point is I think you can have a fun game with an unfun story, and I think that's what this Neil guy is trying to say. And I have no dog in this race, I didn't play the Last of Us 1 and I don't care about the Last of Us 2.
or you could just enjoy whatever you want, like a normal human being.
>Thats what adults do, enjoy mature things.
You're trying way too hard.
Trying so hard to be mature is ironically enough the most immature thing you can do.
Despite enjoying "mature things" I can guarantee you never even go out or have drinks with any friends because you don't have any, you fucking poser.
Just be aware that you have shit taste.
don't worry, the gameplay won't be fun too
if you say so, i'm not the other user you were talking to but i guess you can like whatever you find fun. Videogames
People who say video games should only be fun are holding back the medium from achieving it's true potential.
Enjoyment of video games doesn't just come from fun, people can appreciate emotional depth from video games.
Must be thirteen then.
I assume he means you can have a enjoyable experience from a vidya that you wouldn't exactly consider fun, like being a good example, a game where you're desperately running around a town trying to save lives from a plague, while getting all your work done each day, trying to prevent people from getting infected and yourself, trying to not get killed by the looters and murderers taking advantage of the situation or arsonists trying to burn away the infection while managing food, water and sleep and having to maybe harvest someones organs or rob a families home.
Your taste is for cock faggot.
measuring dicks when it comes to taste in video games isn't very mature of you
>Its not as good but still better than any Nintendo game
Welp, that's one gigantic hot take. I'd be embarrassed to even live after coming out with such terrible statement.
nigga kill yourself "muh emotional depth"
I just dont want people like you spreading your shit taste.
Go ahead name me a better game made fron Nintendo and dont cope out.
It's a bit too late for that, Nintendo is the most well known name in the industry.
Mario is one of the most iconic fictional characters in media and Pokemon is the highest grossing franchise of all time.
Sorry bro.
Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Legend Of Zelda: Majora's Mask
Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild
Super Mario 64
Super Mario World
Super Mario Bros 3
>i'm not console war bait at all
yeah, why don't gameplay designers just make movies instead?
Outside of Super Mario Bros 3, all trash.
now this is shit taste
Your hot takes and contrariarism continue, I see. What a sad, sad little insect you are.
Sounds like a you problem buddy.
This thread is built on contrariarism.
>Nintendo wants people to smile and have fun!!!!
what an amazingly impactful and risky PR statement. Truly Nintendo are the most altruistic company in the world.
this board you mean? Yea Forums is something else
its quite ironic, western "devs" sacrifice gameplay for story but the story is still boring and generic as hell.
>nintendo thinks they have any leg to stand on when talking about "stories" when the most complex story they've ever written was "you good guy go kill bad guy"
but super mario odyssey coined the term nu fun
Not him but.
Pikmin 1, 2 and 3
Metroid Prime 1, 2 and 3
Wario Land 4
Animal Crossing
Any DONG game
As opposed to what, Southern devs?
Why did you just explain your sony interactive hollywood movies?
Pic related is what Nintendo is capable of when writing a story.
botw lacked gameplay and story but was well received. all that matters is if you enjoy something or not
Cuckman is sort of right but like any SJW argument he's being ridiculously reductive as an excuse to take a radical extremist position. So no he's actually wrong.
>Third person shooter/action adventure
Nigger its more casual than the fanservice games within the same genre.
>Sliding melee
>hitscan so difficulty is just doing a Dobson to the enemy health and hitscan accuracy
>Auto cover
>Walking Exposition segments
It's fucking CASUAL
Only reason to play games is for fun, kill yourself SJW faggots.
And worse than any fanservice game this generation.
Don't be a casual.
I play them to have fun, if they are not, i don't bother
Game either is fun and worth playing or not fun and not worth playing. Saying anything else is pretentious faggotry, and I wish that someone would come and kill your trannyera ass.
this, reggie provided us with a timeless quote "if the games not fun, why bother?" for a reason
>enjoy mature things
>Marvel Quips(tm)
>Excessive gore
>Having control taken away from you
In any way mature and not just Twelvie's first edge fest.
>TLOU is fun and fairly apolitical
>nintendo games are not fun and Link is a tranny.
video games are about the players enjoyment of interaction first, if you have no interaction then your just a film school drop out kojima wanna be, people play games to have fun, not to circle-jerk over a "phone bad" level of philosophy.
>here at Nintendo, we only make fun games
Clearly they forgot about Mario Party Star Rush.
holy shit somebody from bizarro earth just crossed over into our universe
Reminder that Druckmann makes a distinction between fun and engaging in the proper article.
literally every game made by both naughty dog and nintendo are casual. besides this is about fun, not if a game is casual or not
Who cares? ”Engaging” is just a pretentious buzzword, only fun matters.
They learned early that trying to win the hardware race was costing them a lot of money for little return. Combined with the directors emphasis on trying to be innovative, you end up with gimmicky hardware.
>crossdressing to get into a town only for woman so you can save the world and is considered one of the oldest gag's in the book is the same as cutting your dick off because you deluded yourself into thinking your a woman
sjw's deserve to be purged.
>console war thread
Look, I'm a Switchfag too, but you need to pump carbon monoxide into your room right now.
engagement is a buzzword they use for phone zombies who are addicted to trash apps like candy crush.
Any boards with quality discussion are too slow, any boards that are quick enough are shit. It's a negative linear relationship with only a few exceptions, like /bant/, which is both slow and shit.
/m/ and /ck/ are the best boards on Yea Forums and even them suck most of the time
And Skyward Sword, post-90s Star Fox, Nu-Metroid, etc....
It's hard to describe. The only way to understand it as far as I know is to experience it yourself and look back on it and realise you didn't actually enjoy it. It's like said. That Jojo example really hit home. I tricked myself into thinking the generic plot and characters were somehow good because they were like the good ol' days when storytelling was simple and trash.
Unironically Hotel Mario
More people have been converted to Narcissa Wrights and Jesse Coxs by Nintendo games than Sony games.
this is what nintendo considers "fun"
A survival horror can't be fun.
But Fortnite gets the majority of it's traffic from PS4.
and? this is still what reggie means by fun
i play game for entertainment
>Gameplay>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>story. I hate that nowadays most western game devs prioritize the writing and story over gameplay, it absolutely destroys replay value(an example being these boring walking sections). If you just want to experience a story, why won't you read a book or watch a movie instead? I want to PLAY a game, not watch it.
I mean there ARE games where this is done, but there is replay value. Take Alpha Protocol for instance. It got absolutely shitty gameplay and even the story itself leaves much to be desired, but it's a "choices matter" game, which makes it more interesting and replayable.
In the first playthrough I killed the "terrorist" without knowing that they are actually a useful asset to use against the real antagonist and I only learned that much later. In the next playthrough I spared the terrorist which gave me an additional hand and source of information against the main antagonist and allows me to pass a certain area for free without having to fight.
Along the playthroughs I learned what to do to get certain characters to live in the next playthrough so I played until I got the ending that satisfied me, which is actually allying yourself with everyone, including the main antagonist, only to metaphorically backstab him in the back at the very last second, and the way its presented was so damn satisfying, without a doubt the TRUE ENDING of the game for me personally.
Though interestingly enough, all playthroughs were stealth playthroughs, because violent approaches just didn't feel right.
Why would anyone play a horror game if they didn’t find it fun? Fun is the only reason to play anything.
those people were converted by speedrunning, not the games themselves
just look at the people speedrunning nintendo games, pretty much all of the speedrunning trannies are from there
That percentage can't be right, it should be higher
Kek’d as always
"fun" is just an alt-reich dogwhistle, fuck off back to /pol/
both because I like games
plus stating that tlou 2 wont be fun is just nonsense. im sure i'll have fun with it, just a different kind of fun
I play games to suffer.
>politics must be everywhere
Then i'll not buy your stupid game, Cuckman. Call me back when you will finally be able to craft a proper game not filled with your cancerous progressivism.
Are the cucks from Naughty Dog kidding themselves? They are making a multi milion dollar blockbuster about muh zombie apocalypse, it's not fucking Pathologic or LSD Dream Emulator. Their audience is not some arthouse connaisseurs, it's children and manchildren.
>"For us, with The Last of Us specifically (Uncharted is a little different in our creative approaches), we don’t use the word 'fun,'" Druckmann told Buzzfeed when asked if the team ever tries to make the combat less serious. "We say 'engaging,' and it might seem like a minor distinction, but it’s an important one for us."
How accurate is this now?
Last of us is a legit fun game to play. I replayed it recently too. The story is heavy, sure, but the gunplay and scenarios are godly and better than anything Nintendo has made gqmeplay wise in a long time, that's at least similar.
Enjoy your memes though. I'd definitely like Nintendo to start producing actual games with good gameplay instead of pretending only children play their phone tier games.
Playstation should be a movie poster and Windows should have the same game as Xbox.
>oldest gag
>link is effeminate more than ever and blushes like a fag
He's a tranny, it's why Nintendo fans tend to become trannies.
What, you don't have the time of your life bouncing on goombas for the 20th game in the series in 520p resolution? Clearly you don't really enjoy gaming
This is already in New York, retard.
>Xbox: doesn't exist
>Sony: burka
>Nintendo: same
>PC: waifu porn game
I have a Switch and there is not a single original title with good gameplay above most common games. Even Smash is beat by average fighting titles for the real meaty inputs.
I legit can't think of a single recent Nintendo game that even borders good combat or general gameplay that isn't just a remix of old shit they do, but easier.
>Sony: Cutting edge graphics, actual film directors assisting with games, complex and demanding gameplay
>Nintendo: bing bing wahoo and anime titties
>anime titties
Fucking based.
have to play on pc tho to see uncensored anime titties, no nudity on consoles
>complex and demanding gameplay
come on
Your opinion is invalid if you think a walking sim with QTE is an example of good gameplay. Seriously, all you do in TLOU is walk, occasionally fire your gun, and then do a QTE
>Smash players who shit themselves in public
>Transitioning speedrunners
>Pokemon & Splatoon child sex offenders
>Effeminate Link boys
>Waggle-labo s0ys who will buy anything except wii-fit
Nintendo has the most degenerate community even if they're not trying. At least Snoy's political influence is blatant and easy to ignore. Nintendo's is either accidental or some insidious jap psy-op.
Fun is a buzzword, like comfy, when describing a game. It's like if someone asked you
>why do you think this game is good?
and you replied
>because it's a good
If a game is good then you ought to be able to describe what about it is enjoyable
And a game doesn't need to be fun to be enjoyable, either
LSD and Yume Nikki aren't fun, but the exploration and eerie atmosphere and weird events make them enjoyable horror experiences
Dark Souls is fun because the combat is hectic and every single step made during a bossfight has consequences, so fighting a boss isn't just repeatedly pressing a button and spamming potions like in TES
Nintendoboys are unable to do this because they have brainrot and only purchase games out of brand loyalty
>why is this game good?
>because it's fun!! (and in my brain only nintendo games are fun, so the answer is really "because it's a nintendo game!!")
Do you just believe everything you hear from the internet?
Your Fisher Price games aren't complicated, sport
Because Nintendo games are fucking 90% of the games speedrun you dumbass. Also, this is untrue because the indie speedrunning scene has a much larger tranny presence because of tranny games like celest.
>user confirms fun things are not actually fun
remember that fun is a buzzword
Yea Forums and Yea Forums
Quiet, Nintendoboy.
If you think something is fun, then it should not be able to tell people why you find it fun. There is literally no more worthless a comment.
what parts about it do you like?
cave in nintenbro skulls
>Yea Forums and Yea Forums
Are flight simulators fun?
But everyone who likes nintendo games explains what they like about it other than just saying "it's fun".
Either way, you shouldn't be throwing such a hissyfit over people saying that they think games are fun, that's just fucking autistic and strange.
Hey user, guess what, I think Bloodborne is fun. Are your jimmies rustled yet?
Mario is fun because movement feels good. Mario moves in such a way that heightens reality. The environment is crafted around his moveset, which makes it enjoyable to move around in the environment. There are also challenges that involve mastering the movement that feel good when you beat them.
Zelda is fun because exploration and puzzle solving is inherently satisfying to people. Also slashing a sword and the other combat elements are made well.
Smash is fun because of the satisfaction of defeating your opponent using strategies.
Want more faggot?
Ok so everything that every other console has and more and does better
How can you say that it has good gameplay, when it is a movie game where you can’t even die?
It's all just semantics.
Some people use the words "fun" "enjoyable" "engaging" interchangeably and others have specific definitions of them.
Is this what happens when you spend enough time on snoy?
Why does dying have to do with a gameplay being good?
it's a Yea Forums thing, newfag
You type like you just had a stroke. You asked me why I find Nintendo games fun and I literally just explained why. Also name ONE 3D platformer on another console better than Mario odyssey.
>console war shit
kill yourselves
you can't die in breath of the wild either. personally i enjoyed both, botw more so, but both has weak gameplay. i don't regret playing them.
There are hardly any at all that I can recall beyond some pannick tasks where you start a generator before a swarm comes. The gunplay is visceral, fast, and you can't pause to craft. Everything is in the moment.
>Seriously, all you do in TLOU is walk, occasionally fire your gun, and then do a QTE
Try playing the game.
>video games are made with the intention to be fun
>video games have followed this rule for it's entire history
>some pretentious artfag with his head up his ass says that his game won't be fun
>but the gunplay and scenarios are godly
>only 4 types of zombies that are overly done
>humans all fight the same way
>humans are bullet sponges
>humans and zombies never interact
>no group fights between factions
>not enough ammo so using shiv and punching are superior options
>controller aiming
The only fun weapon to use was the bow. The combat in that game is fucking garbage.
>only nintendo games are fun
thank you for clarifying
based nintendo
based sony, fun is for babies
god I fucking hate fun, never got the appeal of it
This was just before tranny faggots started infesting all media and every hobby with their aids. I wish I could go back in time and keep it how it was somehow. :(
Nincel shits his pants as soon as he losrs the argument, as usual
>Mario moves in such a way that heightens reality
Why do you talk like a snake oil salesman? This doesnt even make sense.
>There are also challenges that involve mastering the movement that feel good when you beat them.
No their isnt, not anymore. Every recent Mario game has been remedial since Galaxy.
>Zelda is fun because exploration and puzzle solving is inherently satisfying to people.
Exploration enjoyment is subjective, but its objectively repetitive. Putting balls in holes and repetitive physics puzzles from Half Life 2 (2004) is hardly inspired.
>Also slashing a sword and the other combat elements are made well.
See webm. Slow mo QTEs, limited movesets, breaking weapons, and ragdoll enemies; it probably has the worst combat in recent memory.
>Smash is fun because of the satisfaction of defeating your opponent using strategies.
> using strategies.
It's a party game kid. There is an inherit randomness to almost everything the game presents unless you play like a faggot tourney loser.
>If a game is good then you ought to be able to describe what about it is enjoyable
I don't see why. Any reasons you come up with are after-the-fact justification, not actual reasons. Whether you like a game is an emotional judgment call, and not necessarily logically justifiable.
But you can die?
Having good cutscenes and writing doesn't mean the game has to play badly. Again, there is this perception that because Nintendo can't make stories or write for shit, no one else should even try. That's what it seems like at least. Nintendo just gets shitty anime writers with the same old tropes and tranny bait shit.
Tendies have gone from shitposting to actually deluding themselves into thinking that you can only have fun with Nintendo games.
Crash Bandicoot, Ratchet and Clank or literally any other fucking game
>Pretendo 69
Kek, i see that console war faggotry has been a thing since ancestral times
I'm an idort, you absolute seething loser.
You sony fanboys however are absolutely hilarious, the moment people start realizing that Sony's latest big titles (shit like TLOU, Detroit and most other cinematic shit) aren't fun, you spergs start screaming "YEAH WELL FUN IS FUCKING STUPID!!!! FUN IS FOR FAGGOTS ANYWAY!!!!!"
It's just funny, I own a PS4 so you can shut up now, little snoy. Your system is still nothing more than a Bloodborne machine. Cope.
>Crash Bandicoot
not anymore
i prefer games that aren't designed for 10 year olds. Yea Forums's obsession with playing kiddy mario games over and over is concerning
>only 4 types of zombies that are overly done
I don't see an issue when they present different encounters everytime and can easily overwhelm.
>humans all fight the same way
factually wrong, there are different humans with different loadouts.
>humans are bullet sponges
Nope, try getting a headshot. Even on the hardest difficultly, humans take only a few bullets to kill. Did you play on easy and STILL miss?
>humans and zombies never interact
Yes they do. You literally have a partner that can get hit by them.
>no group fights between factions
Yes, it literally happens at the power plant.
>not enough ammo so using shiv and punching are superior options
There's plenty of ammo if you save it between using stealth. Punching is OP though which they fixed in 2 by making a dodge and enemies that can easily counter it.
>controller aiming
Yes, its a console game.
What are some of your favorite games?
>people start realizing
What people? The millions who buy and enjoy the games? Or the Nintendo fans who are going to shit on them no matter what. What the fuck are you even talking about?
In case anyone is wondering, that girl in the playstation game is actually a boy.
Why the fuck would I play something fun? Fuck that gay shit!
I would prefer realistic, monochromatic gunplay and politics in my games than to be considered a toddler.
Screw you, NintenF A G S.
I don't play games
fuck japan
>Sony's latest big titles (shit like TLOU, Detroit and most other cinematic shit) aren't fun
I mean Detroit is fun for different reasons, but TLOU is praised for everything about it. And its UNIVERSALLY praised by people.
Maybe the issue is with you, which is fine, you are open to an opinion, but stop pretending its not a well made game with good gunplay.
Since you seem to keen on Nintendo, name a single Nintendo game in the last 2 gens that even has a shooter close to the Last of Us. Splatoon is all that comes to mind and its even more shallow as a single player game with floating island challenges and uninspired scenarios that play like shit.
>film directors only have to focus on what the audience can see within the camera that the director controls
I don't think you understand what the job of a film director is, a majority of the job is spent managing the technical crew, the production, and the cast members off camera.
The only real answer.
It depends on what mood I am in. Sometimes i read VNs because I find the story engaging, sometimes I play nintendo games because I hate my life. Nintendo games are usually not fun.
>What people?
People that actually matter. Not idiots who just buy into hype and don't actually have their own distinct taste in video games.
The kind of people who buy Anthem, Days Gone and such.
Getting over video games before they became overtly political is one of the best things to ever happen to me.
Let artsy director make pretentious shit and let the other make fun shit, why the fuck do we have this thread everyday
You don't see people complaining that some movies aren't as fun as a summer blockbuster or something
And Smash Bros.
>Since you seem to keen on Nintendo
lol what? is that what you got out of my posts, you stupid console warrior?
I was never "keen" on nintendo, I was just laughing at sony fagboys in particular because they're the dumbest fanbase of all.
>People that actually matter.
You mean two neckbeards on Yea Forums?
cutscene designers aren't gameplay designers
>why the fuck do we have this thread everyday
219 replies.
uh bloodborne, metal gear rising, deus ex, forza motorsport 7, ninja gaiden black, uncharted 4 are some I can think of right now
>I was never "keen" on nintendo, I was just laughing at sony fagboys in particular because they're the dumbest fanbase of all.
Sure thing, champ.
Matter how? Also beacuse some people like different thing than you doesn't mean they don't have their own distinct taste and they are buying things just because. You are delusional.
>Adults enjoy mature things
Congratulations you’re underaged as fuck.
Meanwhile I’ll be here buying and enjoy whatever the fuck I want because I got it like that
Yep, that too.
What, you were hoping me to contradict myself by making an exception with that game?
Ultimate was a disappointing entry into the series given how derivative of Sm4sh it was, and I just don't care for Smash the same way everyone else does. I prefer fighting games like Tekken.
>>controller aiming
>Yes, its a console game.
Not an excuse.
Why can't Sony get rid of it's ethics department, stop making cinematic experience walking simulators and go back to making good games like Gravity Rush again?
>these well educated people don't matter because they're ugly LOL
you can call a star trek fan a nerd but you can't say they don't know what they're talking about
so shit that little 10 years olds could beat
you can really tell how inferior this is to a mouse
This looks fun.
did I hurt your feelings, little sony faggot?
case in fucking point right here. you cunts are all the same.
Wow amazing, unmoving targets in a game that doesnt emphasize precision, has weapons with heavy splash damage, has massive hitboxes, and all servers run at 15 tick rate.
You sure showed me by giving an example of a MP game that has 0 competitive scenes outside Nintendo paying out the ass.
Truly a great example of a TPS for accessibility, for the disabled and tasteless. Now start pretending the single player in Splatoon is good despite having a lazy floating platform level design.
They shit themselves playing Smash and can't handle any games with cutscenes and a story I wouldn't call them educated ROFL
you seem more upset than anyone else in this thread honestly
they certainly know a lot more than you, so that must be saying a lot kek
I'm not even a Sony fan, why would you hurt my feelings? Why are you so mad Nintendo baby? Relax
10 year olds could beat a lot of games whats your point? these games aren't designed for kids whereas your main nintendo games are inherently designed for children. I enjoyed them when I was a kid.
You are not wrong, but it is much closer to mouse than it is to sticks.
>mash the shoot button and aim at the big targets
I dont see this working as well with games that give you more limited ammo, a certain time between shots or to actually have precise aim
I'm absoltely fucking fine not knowing what they know thanks
>We are well educated because we like the latest Nintendo rehash
The console wars has rotten your brain.
hopefully next gen allows mouse without some sort of adapter. aiming in re7 with psvr was ok too, maybe not as good as motion controls though. i think something like tlou would be a lot of fun with a mouse, that was my biggest gripe about it
When are these people going to get some new material? It's been how many decades now?
kek, triggered much nincel?
But I own a PS4? And I've owned it much longer than any other console this generation?
What is your end goal here? Will your just continue to fling shit at Nintendo like a monkey until you magically win the argument?
Tg is solid but niche
When Nintendo stops making games for children.
Totally agree with you, when is Nintendo going to move on from making kiddy shit?
So you dont know what gameplay is.
Not really since I'm not an "nincel" and was just playing XCOM on my PC a few minutes ago.
Is the same with movie game shit, they just keep shouting the same old arguments to each other for secula seculorum
You miss the point. Those controls are way more precise and intuitive than sticks, you don't even think about them and enjoy the game itself rather than fight the controller.
And yes, PS4 is fully capable of it.
And yes, the rest of your post is also wrong but I won't even bother with that bait.
When their games stop selling tens of millions and receiving universal praise from everyone.
Maybe when Nintendo starts making games with well designed gameplay.
>Those controls are way more precise and intuitive than sticks
Flicking your wrists like a retard will never be better than a mouse.
>you don't even think about them
Right because the vast majority of people that play actually good shooters dont play Splatoon.
to be fair movie game is only a recent issue that has evolved since TLOU's release
people are particularly upset about sony and movie games because they used to produce amazing titles and a lot of fun experimental gems in the PS1 and PS2 era
Spiderman and God of War are both amazing games. And I'd argue that God of War is super unconventional.
You honestly believe that people who enjoy The last of us or other Sony moviegames don't have a distinct taste and they just bought into the hype. Literally said that the only people that matter it's the one who share your taste, how the fuck are you not a console warrior, PS4 or not.
>I'm literally shaking
The sad part is you get retarded shitcuck fanboys from both sides shitting up other threads with literally nothing provoking them to do so as soon as either side is mentioned, even in comfy threads
Even at usual for Splatoon high sensitivity settings gyro still allows for more precise aiming than sticks. Unless sticks get auto-aim, but that is literally cheating. Slower games, like BotW for example, only turn on gyro when you are actually aiming and have low sensitivity, so they are way more precise.
>Nintendo starts making games with well designed gameplay.
oh you mean like they've been doing for the past 30 years?
creating groundbreaking titles that have cemented themselves in history such as donkey kong, super mario bros, legend of zelda, metroid, ocarina of time, super mario 64, and so on?
who are you trying to fool by saying nintendo can't design games well?
that's like saying snow white and the lion king aren't good films, literally just contrarianism for the sake of contrarianism. imagine that being your personality trait.
>I don't understand why developers like those behind TLOU even make games. Do they not realize how self indulgent it is to shove your boring opinions into an actual fun medium
You just answered your own question. They make games to indulge themselves, to stroke their own egos. They want to earn backpats and Twitter likes for their blue checkmark political views.
>I'd argue that God of War is super unconventional.
Go ahead. Please argue.
>oh you mean like they've been doing for the past 30 years?
You'd probably enjoy /lgbt/ more
>people are particularly upset about sony
What fucking people? Those games are selling now better than ever. Definitely better than any of those supposed "amazing games". You are talking like the consensus is that sony it's making mediocre games when it's totally the opposite.
>will never be better than a mouse.
But is already better than controller aiming which this conversation is about.
>oh you mean like they've been doing for the past 30 years?
>creating groundbreaking titles
Since when? This isnt the 90s/early 2000s, new Nintendo is garbage.
>who are you trying to fool by saying nintendo can't design games well?
It's a fact, its also why they fill the huge release gaps with literal shovelware like Mario Party and Mario Tennis.
>that's like saying snow white and the lion king aren't good films
New Disney has the same issue.
You are delusional.
>being this much of a snoy
Druckmann is a known homosexual sexual harasser and power abuser of co-workers and Naughty Dog got into legal issues and had to settle due to it.
His opinion on games are worth less than jack shit.
Only God Hand uses a similar camera, very few games have that swarm mentality and focus on crowd control with good movement/attack inputs.
Can you name a single action game thats even similar with how it feels?
Stop playing lazy rehashes cuck.
holy shit the 97 really broke you huh?
You live in California.
>no argument
if you can't refute it, just say so, okay little guy?
anybody who says spider-man is not "fun" or is "movie game" is a seething, buzzword-using, moron who can't form his own opinion and just regurgitate the shit seen on Yea Forums
Though i wouldn't call it amazing, spiderman was a solid 8/10 game that I did 2 playthroughs of and had a lot of fun with,. Its just the gameplay and the bosses were kinda shallow and too handholdy
Yea they made some of the most innovative games on the market... 20 years ago. Nowadays they're just dry humping the corpses of mario and Zelda.
this. Nintendo and Disney are almost the same company. Endless low effort cash grabs on 80's and 90's nostalgia and mascots.
I'm not even American. But the fact that you believe that people who are progressive are only because virtue signaling and not their genuine views, only becasue you percieve your hated Sony moviegames as SJWs, it's full delusion.
dude TLoU is super fucking easy. Easier than kirby almost
What rehashes? I'm more of a Sony and Microsoft guy anyway but I still enjoy Nintendo games from time to time so I may have missed a few but please list them out
I love how tendies always end up flaunting a review score around. You realize that the guys which opinion you value so much apparently, also gave high scores to those moviegames you hate right? Even to the point of giving more goty awards to God of War over your precious 97 game.
There's literally nothing wrong with having mascots.
>dude TLoU is super fucking easy. Easier than kirby almost
Alright dude, everyone believes you. Tell you what, why dont you play last of us on Hard and stream it right now; if you die once, its over.
Youre completely and purposedly missing the point of the comparison between the statements in OP. Fun is not being used as a recursive reason as why to explain why a game is, again, Fun.
Reggie here says games should strive to be fun. How they achieve this is a completely different matter. Neil on the other hand thinks their games are sort of above the "fun" question because he somehow thinks Uncharted or TloU actually go beyond the conventional concept of fun. They really dont. The stories and presentation are great (for videogames) but they're really as enjoyable as their third person shooter mechanics get. They dont achieve nothing significant with any other aspect of the game in what regards to the videogame conversation, which doesnt feel good to him since the actual gameplay mechanics are "just fine", and all the effort in netflix production bait storytelling doesnt really add much meat to the games, and isnt really up to movie/tv standards either.
Nintendo doesnt have this identity trouble because they understand videogames have their own language, priorities and quality parameters and in the end, if your game isnt fun, its a shit game. And yes, pathologic is a fun game by this definition. Its choices, atmosphere and everything it gives to the player to fuck around with makes it so the player enjoys himself interacting with the game, rather than waiting for the next cutscene.
What is it about this game that triggers Nincels so much?
Are you serious? All the Nintendo consoles have the same 5-6 franchises with minor changes. Mario kart, smash, 2d mario, Zelda, a million minor platformers. Thirty years of the same games over and over.
because it proves that good presentation/graphics and gameplay are not mutually exclusive, something that Nintendo fanboys can't comprehend.
Can you really say you enjoy Yea Forums?
No one likes Yea Forums, we just wish we did.
this is really funny coming from the guy whose biggest release coming out is a remake of a game already on the PS4
>GoW won more GOTY awards than BotW despite competing against RDR2
[X] Doubt
>shitty RE4 ripoff is now good gameplay
I've never played it and never will, I just hate it because I hate that dyke Ellen Page.
Everyone on Yea Forums thinks this game is overrated dude, it's not a console war thing.
It's the same relationship Yea Forums has with Bioshock Infinite, except here you have console warriors (such as you) religiously defending it because it's an exclusive
I own the game and it's one of the boringest games I've ever played, but that's just me.
AND it negates the fallacy that reviews are false, because now Switchlets use reviews to boast about their games, but always had a double standard for other releases because the Wii U constantly had games scoring in the 60s and 70s.
The Switch effect has moved these to the 80s, but the games remained mediocre.
they are only valid when they for tendies games
I prefer games that aren't fun, that's why I've spent so much time on league of legends, world of warcraft, diablo, dota, warframe, etc. - the moment to moment gameplay is NOT fun, and the games are not satisfying to play, and even once you reach your big collection and stuff, it feels like a complete waste of time. Fuck yeah!
Ellen Page was in Beyond, not in TLOU.
It's literally nothing like RE4.
Did I say there was? Low effort was the key word.
What irks me is that people here are either too stupid or too trollish and can't recognize between movie games and cinematic games.
Movie games are by definition games that present you a story in wich you have barely control and you just advance taking it easy and making decisions, The Walking Dead, Detroit and basically any other game made by Telltale or David Uncaged are movie games.
Cinematic games are games with cinematic touches, like that specific camera position, cinema-like shots and that rely plenty in cutscenes for exposition, but that still have gameplay, TLoU, Uncharted or Tomb Raider are cinematic games.
>people are particularly upset about sony and movie games because they used to produce amazing titles and a lot of fun experimental gems in the PS1 and PS2 era
In that era the PS1 and PS2 had lots of fun experimental games because they were more or less the only option. The big sharks at the time were Sony and Nintendo, and sony consoles were more powerful and had discs, so most developers opted for sony, nintendo at the times was going full retard with cartridges, so developers opted for the better option, which was discs.
Fun and experimental games nowadays are almost in their entirety PC exclusives or multiplats, because its easier to develop for PC.
And Sony doesn't make cinematic games only, member The Last Guardian, Bloodborne, Ratchet and Clank, Dreams, Astrobot, Nioh, Medievil Remake, Concrete Genie different strokes for different people, if they want more games with cinematic approach thats fine, but theye still making more traditional games and experimental things
I play games because I want to achieve something while having a good time.
If I want to watch a cinematic video game, I'd watch someone do a LP on it.
I don't mind it, I hate the hype that Uncharted got way more. The entire Uncharted series is literally nothing but shit that sonyfanboys think is GOTY.
Because california
Again, the fallacy that a game cant have a good story and presentation with rewarding gameplay. The Nintendo autism mentality.
that's funny seeing how I've seen nothing but people saying that you can't say anything bad about TLOU and Uncharted because of review scores in this thread
but it's not okay when it's nintendo
Never played tlou have you
except uncharted games have way better gameplay, interesting characters. Tlou is just walking dead the game
I get the impression that TLoU devs think they've got it all figured out, and they can just crank out fun and engaging games on an assembly line without putting any thought into it while they focus on their emotionally manipulative story.
They're absolutely wrong, but that's the impression I've always got
>thirty years of the same games over and over
Thats as shallow of a concept of videogames as you can have. If they keep using the same franchises its because the medium allows for it. Characters and stories are such a secondary matter in videogames you can keep using the same ones if you're smart about it and know to recognise what a new game is beyond new assets, new stories and new characters. If naughty dog doesnt keep making jack and daxter its because their perception of their franchises is too grounded as to truly experiment with them. If Zelda and mario keep being relevant after 30 years while almost everything else perishing in the way, theres something that does work besides brand loyalty.
The Uncharted series it's among the best in it's genre, with Uncrated 4 being at least top five TPS ever in terms of pure gameplay.
I play them to complete different franchises. Fun comes with it.
You forgot those FMV games from the 90s for PC.
console war faggotry was segas whole advertising campaign for like, 8 years.
>and they can just crank out fun and engaging games on an assembly line
They can if they wanted to. ULL is a great game made under a year.
>console shooter
>best in genre
Imagine being so delusional
>even fucking e-celebs and lets players are expressing fatigue with cinematic video games
>sonyfags insist that everything is perfectly fine and will just keep shilling them because as long as their favorite corporation is making money they're happy
Tehn watch the Grounded video about the game to see that gameplay it's as big a focus as their characters and stories for them.
>even fucking e-celebs and lets players are expressing fatigue with cinematic video games
E-celebs like Etika?
I unironically like cinematic movie games like Detroit
The best TPS franchises are Max Payne, Vanquish and Uncharted. Feel free to name one better.
nah if we was still alive he would just hype up that shit like he does with everything
Refute this.
I like to torture myself with Getting Over It.
This generation Sony released four goty contenders that sold over ten million each. Two of them just last year. What fucking fatigue are you talking about? Do you think TLOU2 it's going to flop?
All of those are popular game series that sell well enough to warrant sequels, that's the same reason COD and FIFA always do well despite always being more of the same game. Stop ignoring titles that aren't from Nintendo's most popular IP's and play something like Xenoblade
I think the only "movie game" I enjoyed was Asuras Wrath and the funny thing is THAT was considered a huge movie game at the time. Now I don't have the patience to sit through Red Dead 2 because the it takes so god dam long to play the game.
Vanquish is the only valid one in the list, solely because it got a PC release.
Vanquish is trash
Asura was fucking amazing, if only the developers knew how to make fun and engaging gameplay
Max Payne it's on pc as well. Still waiting for those games better than Uncharted.
T. never got good
There is nothing to be good at.
Not him but I kind of agree with him. Dont get me wrong, they probably put a lot of effort in Gameplay too, its just that their priorities are sort of fucked up. They’re skillful devs so they can pull out decent shit that looks amazing but i really dont like the direction they took in the ps3 era with uncharted and then even less with TLOU and the way the talk about crash and Jack and daxter with some disdain.
Never insult RE4 like that ever again
I don't generally play TPS, but it's definitely a big enough genre for literally every single PC release ever to push your shitty stickfag "tps" out of top five.
Whatever disease has wrecked Hollywood, wether it was political correctness, nepotism or even a surge of pedophiles in power positions, it has also now affected (mostly western) videogames.
But where it took Hollywood 40 years to go from dream factory to social engineering station videogames are managing to get there in less than a decade.
True I mean shit
Zelda Nercodancer was different yet still felt like Zelda with secrets puzzles
Just felt like Upscaled NES Zelda with a groove check
>H-haha g-get gud!
As always Yea Forumsirgins must fellate Kamiya and Mikami's flacid cocks, Mikami hasn't made a trully great game since RE4
If your goal is just finishing you aren't playing Vanquish right. Go for high score and maximum style.
>That is why TLOU stuff will never actually succeed
Wasn't it in the top 3 fastest selling games of its gen?
To make these fucking cutscenes and scripted segments theyre using more filmmaking techniquie than even game design. Of course in their mind its an artisitic blending of the two, which is why these devs are so dumb.
So it's a controls issue? If Uncharted 4 got ported to Pc would you be willing to admit it's quality?
Nah, you're just a fanboy shill. I bet you also thought that Hyrule Warriors was better than the Samurai/Dynasty Warriors games.
>Go for high score and maximum style.
We still talking about vanquish?
Fun is for children. Children play nintendo. Adults play real simulations.
Yes, via WP:
Within seven days of its release, The Last of Us sold over 1.3 million units, becoming the biggest video game launch of 2013 at the time.[92] Three weeks after its release, the game sold over 3.4 million units, and was deemed the biggest launch of an original game since 2011's L.A. Noire[93] and the fastest-selling PlayStation 3 game of 2013 at the time.[94] The game became the best-selling digital release on PlayStation Store for PlayStation 3, though numerical sales figures were not disclosed; this record was later beaten by Grand Theft Auto V.[95] The Last of Us ultimately became the tenth best-selling game of 2013.[96] By August 2014, the game had sold eight million copies: seven million on PlayStation 3 and one million on PlayStation 4.[97] By April 2018, the game sold 17 million copies across both consoles.[98] It is the third best-selling PlayStation 3 game of all time.[97] In the United Kingdom, the game remained atop the charts for six consecutive weeks, matching records set by multi-platform titles.[c] Within 48 hours of its release, The Last of Us generated more than the £3 million earned by Man of Steel in the same period.[100] The game also topped the charts in the United States,[101] France,[102] Ireland,[103] Italy,[104] the Netherlands,[105] Sweden,[106] Finland,[106] Norway,[106] Denmark,[106] Spain,[107] and Japan.[108]
Again with this stupid shit. Do you honestly believe that the people playing God of War or TLOU are not having fun?
>Adults play real simulations.
That would make Germans the most adults there are.
based cr1tikal
Aren't they?
I play PlayStation games because they are fun. Nintendo games are too casual for me.
Maybe. Or it might fall flat on its face like oh so many shooter PC ports do.
You're on some seriously good shit if you think TLoU reflects reality in any way
Racing sims are fun
Which game is a better zombieland survival simulator.
I fucking wish.
They're raising a eco-terrorist generation of green-party voting deluded fucktard children.
In the next 10-15 years Germany will stop being an industrial nation because this propaganda keeps being pushed by a lost generation that will realize too late we should have focused on nuclear/thorium energy instead of wind and solar.
Why would I play something that isn't fun, also I jpe TLOS2 bombs, first game was shit
Fun isn't an objective quality of the game.
It's not even a subjective feeling.
It is a choice.
I can't wait till more kids grow up and start bombing oil companies and killing workers. Gonna be so neat.
Then read a book or watch a movie you pseudo intellectual faggot.
aside from when they're having flamewars about futa/shemale
But Nintendo doesn’t make fun games either. It’s all casual party games and kiddy shit. If you want fun, go play anything from 5th gen and before.
Have sex
Those are completely different experiences. Reading or watching a story has nothing in common with playing the story yourself.
Human do fight the same way. The way I meant was that the Firefly's, Police, and mercenaries all have the same fighting style. Yeah there are people who throw grenades while others don't, I get that, but there isn't much variety even in the Human loadouts either.
A lot of the critiques in this video echo some of the problems I have with the game, mainly being enemy AI.
Late to this thread but TLOU's biggest flaw is that because the game sets an artificial cap on how much ammo you can carry by limiting drops when you hit a (low) threshold, the best way to play the game is to shotgun bounce around like gears of war and grab ammo as you go.
It really took all gen for TLOU2 huh?
How to beat tlou on hardestest difficulty?
>One guy represent all Sony
Sony exclusives are as much kino as Nintendo, cope and dilate
Already did, then how to do it? Bet u cant, bet you arent woMAN enough.
I'll probably watch last of us part II on youtube or twitch with my bros and make fun of it.