

Attached: teamfight_tactics.6.jpg (1200x800, 232K)

its fun

I find Underlords more fun, I love stacking attack speed and don't remember having that in TFT.

Still waiting for mobile.

it's alright
obviously it's here to stay considering they're already selling skins exclusive to TFT while in beta, but i would've prefered Nexus Blitz as a permanent game mode instead

There's a synergy similar to trolls (but worse) in TFT for attack speed, but you can stack multiple attack speed items on characters unlike in Underlords. There's an item that stacks attack speed on hit infinitely.

Yeah but also the design looks soulless and bad, heroes simply don't have any interesting spells. LoL's design works only in the MOBA, its simply complete shit outside of it.

Boring RNG, illusion of tactics and strategy

I'm not really into it, but all of my friends will religiously play it for months while refusing to play anything else until they completely dropping it.

I can't believe I'm saying this but I'm enjoying this. Remember tiananmen square though.

Hexagon grid is fucking stupid and you have to download League. If I could pass any harder I'd get $200.

i like it more then the others

the item combinations add an extra layer of depth

I mean, yeah, sure. That's completely different and unrelated to whether or not TFT lets you stack attack speed though.

tft looks nice and i like the the way it works
underlords looks like a cheap mobile game which is weird considering valve made it but it's 2019 so i can't expect too much from them

>season pass


Waiting for the cartoony autochess to be made for PC to see which one I prefer. I hated Underlord and I'm okay with TFT, but I still go back to the original autochess on Dota 2 and play the cartoony one on mobile when I'm away.


I played autochess for a while now, and I thought I hated the dota 2 custom game.

..Until this game came out. The balancing is fucked, the versatility is half that of the other two autochess games and its bugged to shit. Characters walking out of bound, mechanics going one pattern one time then another a different time.

I actually hate playing it. I know that it's in beta but it's built on their REALLY REALLY SHITTY client so it's going to be spaghetti'd to all hell permanently.

I'll wait until underlords is out and probably play that permanently.

I wish it was on a separate client because downloading league after those 3 years of massive addiction is a slippery slope towards playing autistically all the way to diamond again

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>underlords looks like a cheap mobile game
while being a cheap mobile game

Underlord is out it's on steam for free, I don't think you will like it either. The item system was changed to guaranteed but still RNG and they included global items which rubs me the wrong way. They also changed how druids race does.

I like the graphics of tft but the mechanics of underlords are more fun

at least it has the illusion unlike league.

dont worry the game is extremelly high paced and early game focused nowadays.
you burn out twice as fast if not even faster. you will remember why you quit reall fast.

It's good but the shared draft phase sucks

i made the mistake of giving the new season a try and already went from silver IV to platinum II
once i hit diamond i'll quit
i swear
i really swear
i think

Quite literally Riot wins again

based, nexus blitz was awesome

Shitty version of underlords. UI's trash, items are too OP and ai is fucking trash. How hard is it to program your ai to move towards the only enemy on the screen even if all melee spots are taken?

I tried doing that to the chingchongs in Company of Heroes 2. I had hoped that saying illegal lines would get their internets plugged, nope, didn't work :(.