How to design a support character:
>create an interesting thematic for the character that is experienced visually and through their gameplay
>give them unique, impactful utility abilities and tools
>allow for interactivity and responsibility between the supporter and supportee
>make them a heal bot
>make the character le typical support slut
>make them a packmule for team items/etc.
Any questions?
How to design a support character:
Other urls found in this thread:
Also put in don't:
>Make a character of a different role with one or two interactions and call it a support
We don't really need more pyke "Supports"
Just look at DotA, its superior in every way other than having stiff movement and kind of souless graphics and design in general. There are so many amazing hero designs that we lolbabs can't even dream of having here.
woah shit
Dude, thresh was a bad design support. When he was released he was a pick or ban because he just outshined all of the other supports, it was one of the beginnings of the "satisfying to play" philosophy of the champ design team that eventually ruined league with the power scaling.
>Have healing.
It's as simple as that, healing and tanking are shit archaic mechanics from the era of 300 ping tab-targeting in fights against AI so braindead, we might as well make a single most durable character taking all aggro a "feature".
DotA has it right with supports being essentially CC characters. Healing is for faggots and canadians.
It's quite simple.
Look at how Dota 2 designs it supports.
Look at how HOTS designs it supports.
Copy Dota. Don't copy HOTS but Abathur is still pretty cool it has to be said.
You have disgraced our family, son.
morello spotted
Best DotA supports are Crystal Maiden, Jakiro and Rubick
Debate me
SMITE has a lot of these nonhealbot supports. Supports are more aggressive and capable of killing opposition more often than Moba-average in SMITE.
He outshined everyone else because Thresh is really well designed. He is everything a support character should be. The fact that older characters weren't as well-designed is not a fault with the design of Thresh.
those are some nice quintuple repeating digits user
this, remove turn mechanics and speed up animtions and it would be gota
no, he actually could make a difference as a support, thats why he was good. chara like braum are also well designed
HOTS may be trash but lost vinings is some of the most fun shit. Unless the enemy valeera or that bitch with a sniper rifle see you.
>How to design a support character
like this
Mentioning Rubick is cheating. He's like the gold standard character all these ASSFAGGOTS should look up to.
Most kino supports are earth spirit, phoenix, and dazzle.
Crystal Maiden's abilities other than dealing damage have been raped by Valve. Design-wise they have no fucking idea what they're doing.
a character than can steall all the carry's kills and carry the team of course
quints are facts
lolbabies forever and eternally btfo'ed
They have better porn though.
I wish there was a game with Riot's sense of not giving a fuck and just pandering to players with waifus but with Icefrog's endless design autism.
Just give the support a fuckton of CC. That way you get the most annoying to play against Pubstomper characters in the game. Pic related.
Him sobek and the chick with weapon switching were the only reason I played anything other than rama
You should try Kuzenbo:
You get thorns-effect in your kit. So if you build two other thorns items you get 3 types of thorns stacked on top of each other and you can melt glass cannons in seconds. Nowadays people know that so they panic and try to run away from you, which is tough since your cooldowns are so low you can just spam all your other abilities and chase them throughout the map ad infinitum. Superfun pubstomp god.
Chen is more known for his deathball shenanigans and neutral creep usage.
Ever since the ulti change Dazzle has had an extra layer of fun to him because of the cooldown reduction mechanic.
Warlock is more recognized by his teamfight potential than the babysitting heal he has.
Yes. Omni is probably the only true healbot in the game and he's an absolute fucking chad. Other notable mentions are Oracle a healbot hero brainlets can't use and Io the hero Yuumi should have been.
Damn son.
Well you've convinced to go back to playing just need to decide between buying gold since I bought the hero pack during beta on Xbox or starting new on steam.
You can merge accounts in SMITE, not sure if it means you get the god pack in PC too but that should be the case. SMITE has cross-play these days, although xbox players tend to fall rather low in the matchmaking rating since PC players keep destroying them.
Jormungandr is pretty strong right now, he's a tank-damage hybrid. His biggest damage sources are conditional combos but he's also very safe to play because his ult basically makes him immune to everything while at the same time he can travel half the map with it. (His ult is you turn into a fuckhuge snake and you get 3 damaging AoE jumps with the snake.)
All supports could make actual difference. Thresh´s problem was his kit was way too overloaded with cc, while having a free long range dash for an ally, all while being a tank. If you play him right he has pretty much no weakness, and all the other supports had weaknesses. Let´s compare, Leona for example. Leona had 1 long range stun on her ult, but if she wanted to immobilize carry further she had to go all in. Her whole kit without ult drops a 1.5 secs of cc, of which the 0.5 is root, not to mention the fact that she HAS to go in the enemy´s team for it to take place. Now Thresh, his first ability alone beats her whole ultless kit. His Q stuns for 1.5, and he can fucking choose if he goes in or not. His W is an utility tool that beats all shields and heals, because it´s a long range free dash, no heals or shields can beat legitimate safety. His E is an Aoe displacement with a slow, and finally his fucking ult slows you for 99 per cent for two fucking seconds, and has 5 charges, fun for the whole family. So let´s see, Leona´s whole kit with ult can disable one guy + slow team for 1,5 + 1,5, 3 seconds for the one guy, 1,5 seconds for the team, she also has no utility. Thresh´s whole kit with ult can disable one guy for 3,5 to 4,5 seconds for the one guy, 2 to 3 seconds for the team. Another example, Lulu´s Polymorph is quite strong when you put it on the carry, 2 seconds disable, however it can just be QSS´d. Hell, even Blitzcrank´s sole purpose of his Q can be QSS´d and then dashed/flashed, but you can´t do this with Thresh, because he can still come to you and give you the o´l displacement. This is the epitome of Mary Sue champ design that is populated within League right now, and ultimately the thing that killed it.
Sounds hot.
Supports in smite just roll over the opponents. Characters like bacchus are flagships for the core problems of that game. No consequences and too much CC.
leonas the counter to thresh though so yeah. hes overloded but not mary sue, mary sue is like neeko and shit, nd ill be honest yasuo, kalista, vayne, thresh, are all fun as hell to play. shit like leona and whatnot works but its boring as hell
support designs in dota are definitely the best but jesus fuck playing the support role in that game makes me want to fucking kill myself
no wonder there are barely any healsluts in dota you can't ERP while supporting in that game
People had forgotten how to play vs bacchus. Now he's fallen off when people realize they can just focus and quickly kill him if he wastes his jump. Supports have fallen off in the meta as well, they still pubstomp because majority of casuals don't ever play support and thus never learn how to play against them, but in ranked and competitive a lot of Warriors are kinda broken right now. Arthur, Erlang Shen, Achilles, Bellona, all the high pressure frontline tanks are kings right now to a point they often replace supports completely.
I'll check out that account merge thanks again for the info and tips my man.
That´s the thing, League wasn´t about "interesting gameplay" and "flashy plays" before season 3. Then the E-sports became massive thanks to the fucker named faker and his fucking team of whose name i can´t remember and it all went downhill, back in Season 3 Yasuo was the Neeko.
I agree that warriors are once again top dog, but thats a symptom of the "high damage tank" trend the game cant let go of. The only true supports are khepri and sylvanus, all the others have bloated numbers and kits.
>power creep is good design
i mean, sure.
just tell me when they have reached the pwoer creep plateauo with all of the champs in 10 years so i can jump back in
I recently got back into Dota. Valve fucked so many of my supports. Especially io. He feels like trash to play now. Why did they fuck him so FUCKING hard into the ground? You can't even drain your hp/mp anymore with E and you can no longer strategically toggle it. Fuck valve so much. Also why the fuck did they change how spirits work? Did they realize having precision of 3 buttons for it was too fucking much for all the twitch baited low IQ retards flooding the game so they just threw it all in one and made it objectively worse in the name of simplicity?
No problem, hopefully you dont have to buy the god pack a second time!
Its actually a symptom of forced late game. While supports and tanks generally have a pretty high initial damage numbers on their abilities early on, they suck ass peelers and tanks and often they get killed the most by junglers. But because almost all Conquest games go to late game these days, you still need someone to stand in Tower/Phoenix fire to push forward. At the same time Warriors are better than Supports in the early to mid-game and can play super aggressive with junglers so they're slowly replacing supports as Dive comps become more popular, Warriors can tank those towers and phoenixes too.
I want lux to steal all my kills and make me go 2/5/17 54
>want to enjoy supporting in a multiplayer game
>devs gotta make me do a bunch of irrevelant combo shit and fight a quarter as effectively as the other people designed to actually fight
>can't just heal and actually take burdens off of them to improve their capabilities
fuck off
Release thresh was pick or ban because his E passive was attached to his Q so you could level it first for both poke AND low-cooldown engage, his W was a locket on a much lower cooldown that could be thrown, and his ult walls damaged everywhere, letting you flay them into massive burst. Literally the only thing he didn't have was healing, which was mitigated by his W and buying locket anyway. He was power creeped, that's why he outshined.
>Leona a counter
Only if thresh himself had shit positioning, because his flag fucks her engages unless she stuns him specifically with her ult. Meanwhile thresh could engage, disengage, help ganks, and shield everyone.
That´s what i was saying man, it´s a good design, way too fucking good
Remove supports all together
Remove everyone but assassins really