Have sex

>have sex
is this facebook?

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what does dilate even mean?

99% threads Twitter posts
Average user age 14
Constant stream of anime trash self projecting estrogen levels or faggotry

I'd say this is more discord for pussies

have sex and dilate, incel tranny.

spread your asshole

It's a mistranslation of Dial Eight

something trannies do when they're not raiding Yea Forums

>Constant stream of anime trash self projecting estrogen levels or faggotry
In my times new fags used to hide their level of new faggotry, i guess not anymore.

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Does anyone know if you can still buy that girl's bath water? Yes i'm unironically looking to buy

When will Yea Forums users who are behind the times stop saying such a slur?

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at least facebook has some degree of moderation.
when trannies get their dick lobbed off, they gotta use a plastic dildo to put into the wound hole, so the """vagina""" doesn't close up. basically purposely reopening a wound

Yea Forums and 99% of Yea Forums has become reddit, twitter and tumblr's shitpost battleground because newfags stupidly gave Yea Forums the image of being a troll haven a decade ago.
Nobody actually wants to discuss things or produce original content. It's become a place 15 year old phoneposters fresh off the boat from the 2016 election come to "troll people epic style" and repost the same content and buzzwords over and over again like a redditer.
They've turned an imageboard into an image aggregate website..

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Coping hard

based buzzword poster


when your pupils expands to allow more light in

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To be honest i think the same it's like all boards turned in to Yea Forums 3.0 but wiht political memes


This. I am literally from reddit and all I come to do here is shitpost, derail and make Yea Forumstards lose faith in their board. Lmaaao incels!!

A neovagina is basically like a really big piercing. If you leave it on its own it will eventually close up. So trannies have to put a borosilicate glass rod in there quite often to keep it wide open.