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>pokemon go characters
>pokemon creatures
God I hate old people

Why do boomers hate Pokemon GO so much? I really don't get it.

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It was a fad, but they were completely out of the loop so they presumed it must be completely retarded since they don't understand it.

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Smartphones = bad. That mentality is not as bad now as it was a few years ago, but they literally thought youre looking at a glowing rectangle and shut off your brain to the real world, becoming a drooling retard whenever you look at it. Completly ignoring that people read stuff, watch movies, browse the internet, chat with friends or whatever on their phone, the same things people have been doing for the past decades on their tv/computer/house telephone.

League Of Legends

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>work in construction
>some contractors are removing some asbestos from the building i'm working at and i give them a hand
>put some traffic cones up and tape off the area where people shouldn't walk because of the toxic dust
>there's also signs
>stand on one corner of the street and guide people across the road so they avoid it
>old fuck who looks 100 walks right past me and towards the demolition area
>go to him and tell him not to go that way because people are working there
>he looks at me, then continues walking that way without saying anything
>walks around the cones, under the tape barrier and directly past the workers with their full body suits and masks on carrying asbestos sheets
>they're just looking at him puzzled about what the fuck he's doing and he ignores them too

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Sure would fucking suck if a pokemon character like Hilda was hiding under your bed and raped you in the middle of the night.

pretty metal way to an hero

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That old fuck lived through the generation that put asbestos in clothing and kid's toys, he probably doesn't give a fuck

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The real version

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I'm glad people like that edit. I think its the most popular ctrl alt delt edit thats not loss related.

imagine spending your free time writing this unfunny shit

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>they literally thought youre looking at a glowing rectangle and shut off your brain to the real world, becoming a drooling retard whenever you look at it.

That's true though, you little cunt.

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>being this jealous of the greatest generation
legitimately that classic image
"I feel bad for you"
"I don't think about you at all"
Fuck you

Once while on the bus, some Boomer hobo stared at me while I was checking my email on my phone and he just kept staring until he said "All he cares about is his PHONE!" in a gruff voice.

I thankfully got off a stop soon after

fuck this thread, what happened

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As I get older, I started doing this too. Like putting "the" in front of things. The pokemon, instead of just saying pokemon. And the reason for this is, the things you care about are just one among many. They don't matter in the larger scheme of things. Like, pokemon are just one kind of creature, or one kind of character. They're not important enough to really care about, beyond the category or information they belong in.

The greatest generation is the one that fought in WW2 though

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Why am I still here? I should have moved on by now.

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Feminism/multiculturalism isn't preventing you from finding your own race. You're just too lazy to find a girl. Or too lazy to make the relationship work.

And so. Merlin brought a ticket to a Colorful Pastorale concert and then proceeded to harass said group.

The End. The Moral: Don't fuck with Weebs

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I'm glad it's over

Needs a "fetch them all" pails of water edit.

>"I don't think about you at all"

Yeah thats the problem dumbfuck. Hurry up and die.

can't handle the truth?

please stop posting

fallacy of composition

>this guy get paid to draw the same joke

fallacy of not sucking the chemicals out of my big fat dingus

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they are plumbers

boomers aren't depleting the world's resources, the current generation is. There 3 times as many people in the world right now as there were in 1950. Even if ALL of us individually used half as many resources as an individual boomer, that's not enough. And it won't be, because populations continue to grow. My country's population is 30% greater than when I was born.

The problem isn't that they're leaving nothing for future generations, it's that they created too many generations.

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That sounds like dimentia, probably should have contacted the police and asked if anybody was missing.

The problem is were dumb and fucked.

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They can do the plumbing then, people are bound to shit on that wall.

That's the joke, trump is just that stupid

Why is he telling Luigi? Did he invite Luigi to join him at the White House, refuse to tell him why and then made him wait outside while he went to talk to the President?

He walks around the street everyday scanning the ground with his eyes picking up old cigarette butts. He's not even homeless, just a cheap old fuck with nothing better to do.

put me in the screencap /r/Yea Forums

Kill yourself

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Is that actually an idol show? I have been thinking about watching it but I won't watch idolshit.


Luigi doesn't speak english.


>when you have a room temperature IQ but you still manage to discover nihilism

Nope, it's a pure SOL on a small town and it's surprisingly decent until the last 2 episodes

>nobody does anything to incentivize NOT shitting out babies 24/7
>most developed nations even encourage people to do it by dishing out more gibs to poor households with children

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The joke is that Mario used to be a carpenter, before he was a plumber.

Gotta keep the economy rolling, even if it means rolling it right off a cliff.

The joke is your sex life
because there is no joke

Yeah that's why so many Western countries are facing ageing populations and lower population growth

You fucking twat

2012? That seems awfully late for video game scare mongering.

you fucked up with this last post, the text should have been in the image with that 9gag font

Might give it a watch then.

Raped by a crummy Hilda?? I want to be raped by Nessa!!

acquire intercourse

Lol ok boomer

>most developed nations even encourage people to do it by dishing out more gibs to poor households with children
Yes, the shitty amount of social care that one receives from having a baby, is certainly incentive to have one. Because that's what women really look forward to. Shitting out babies, and barely getting by, living in relative squalor.

>Yeah that's why so many Western countries are facing ageing populations and lower population growth
That correlates to education and very likely being spoiled by technology with instant gratification and negligible patience. That still doesn't mean that other user was wrong.

Hey Arthur now that Merlin's gone...

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the worst lol thread i have seen this year

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I kind of liked that king Arthur thing
What movie is it from?

gib souse

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Is that why illegals can shit out a bunch of kids and be able to support them until they're 18, even though they work out in the fields for less than minimum wage?

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Greatest generation is the one before boomers user. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone you're retarded.

cute fishes


It pretty much kept going until we transitioned directly to the present insanity. Somewhere in the 2012-14 window.

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going back to the future in a petrol truck is a horrible idea

It's not about IQ. it's just the fact that new information matters less and less as you get older. When you're a kid, everything is new and exciting. So you care desperately about fucking pokemon of all things. But by the time you're my age(I'm 33), you'll discover there's a new piece of child's entertainment. Called Blokepon, with such popular characters as Blikathu. And it won't matter to you, because why the fuck would it? You'll just store it away as some creatures your nephews are really into.

>How was Thanos the bad guy again?

anyone got the clown version?

Have sex

Fuck me, kids are so fucking useless and lazy these days, AM I RIGHT?!

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>the greatest
>I don't think of you at all
Boomers did literally nothing and now complain 24/7 about dem evil millennials.

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Are you talking about Mexicans? The same people where the age of consent is 12, and they regularly pop out kids by the time they're 18, no matter which side of the border they're on?

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Absolute unit, he made you look like a beta.

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Plot twist: Most of those articles were written by clickbaiting gen X """journalists""".

>It's time I introduced you to my stand :「S U P E R B U S」

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>why are millennials killing their bosses?

This is a good one, I hope to become like the dude some day, even if he is 8 years younger than me.

That's right.
That's why we must import niggers. Lots and lots of them.

>using a sample size of one planet as a justification for killing innocent people throughout the entire universe

>Shilly shally
Very questionable choices by this translator.


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>Boomers did literally nothing and now complain 24/7 about dem evil millennials
Millennials on Yea Forums do the same but with Zoomers

Actually, that does sound pretty on-brand.

Is this an edit?


Status: roasted[/spoiled]

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Stop with this manga shit, post more water comics

what relation is the egg on toast?

Fuck off, post more manga

Water comics? He should be posting more pokemon creatures!

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I hope a girl could notice me as good as she did for him

> doesn't know what the greatest generation was

Embarrassing zoomer



My man, it is literally impossible to keep growing the population forever to keep increasing the GDP. We're going to run out of space at some point and saving every dumbass farting out 20 kids in Africa isn't helping. A smaller and stable population should be better than this continuous nonsense.

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Should've grabbed him, pussy.

cope harder boomer
technology is a good thing

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I was afraid it was going this way.
Another story about a weak boy being fawned over by an assertive girl. How pathetic.

Avocado toast or some variation probably the meme that boomers say if kids would stop buying useless shit like that then they would be able to afford a home

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She definitely wants the dick herself.

The kid could have just said "Pokemon," but then it wouldn't have been quite as blatantly obvious that it's Pokemom Go the cartoonist is bitching about. Fucking boomers, man.

Are they fuck?

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Try to be best
‘Cause you're only a man
And a man's gotta learn to take it
Try to believe
Though the going gets rough
That you gotta hang tough to make it

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i sure love playing world of warcraft on my console

And what would you have preferred?

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And here I thought I did nothing with my life. Look at all the things I accomplished!

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What said basically some Aussie real estate mogul said the millenials couldn't afford homes because they were spending all their money on avocado toast and that became a sort of "let them eat cake"

not funny didnt laugh

History repeats itself
Try and you'll succeed
Never doubt that you're the one
And you can have your dreams!

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video game scaremongering will always come back as long as there are boomer cartoonists and people that want to divert blame

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>I started reading it right to left

god help me


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Constantly overachieving in the field of shitposting.

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Is it still shitposting if you believe it though?

Gamers rose up!

Anything other then "femboy gets told how girly he is, and gets verbally abused, while miraculously having sex somehow"


It's not that we can't afford to buy a home, rather it's incredibly stupid to invest money we don't have into something that fluctuates in value so greatly.

Millennials also don't buy new cars because the value drops by like 50% as soon as you drive it off the lot.


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I guarantee you the cunt who started it doesn't believe it.

Boomers have had this narrative since smartphones came around that they cause kids to stay inside and not socialize, and used this as yet another way to feel smugly superior to "millenials." But then Pokemon Go came along, and was a smartphone app that caused kids to go outside and socialize. Consequently, boomers' heads exploded trying to process this and come up with some excuse to hate it anyway (they're still looking at a screen! It doesn't count! pedophiles could use it etc etc).

That's not how it happened at all, he improves himself and then they get together at the end. Maybe read the whole thing first, it's one chapter.

Is this going to lead to some fucked up guro shit?

Honestly funny. Thanks dude

no its comfy

Pretty good.


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He'll be fine

cuck porn

Same difference. It still revolves around Mr sensitive femboy being doted over.

most of the absurd population is from china and africa, the real failing of the boomers was to leave the subhumans to their own devices

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Cool story bro, now hear me out.
I was in a subway, Moscow, Russia, and some old boomer looked at my phone, saw English language and said (in Russian, ofc): "You know why it is in English? Because Russia is the colony of England! Read it up on the Internet".
Those boomers, man.


Ummm grandma I went to the library today and do to the funding cuts by your generation there are only 300 books in it

It's not the same thing if he earned her love in the end.

so thats why shitposters call themselves Boomers here

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>going to the library

Let's proceed to the main course, shall we.

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Here comes the back hug

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He knows he's gonna die in a year or two anyway. What's the asbestos gonna do, kill him?

the weak should fear the strong

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Why has no one ever pointed out that Dobson is using windows 98 in this pic? I thought he's a mac guy.

>Millenials killing vacation
Gee, maybe if they didn't have to work 60 hours a week to make ends meet, they could afford to take one. But someone came along and ruined that by devaluing labor.
>B-But muh investment in resort real estate


Yesterday I ate a few onions and could barely get any sleep because I was farting all night. Never again.

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Can't wait for the doujin end where he bends her over right then and there

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>send request
every time

That's the good stuff

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>Adds as a friend?


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She just knows eeeeeverything about him, before he sent the love letter. Which clearly indicates that she has been paying attention to him. And the only reason she's helping him, is because he likes him. The whole "be more assertive" angle, is really just to get him to pay attention to her instead. She doesn't really care about him being the cool baseball jock. She just wants his attention period. That's why she looks frustrated when he ditches her after class here. What the comic is really about, is him becoming stronger due to the attention that she gives him.


Here comes the rape

>Arms around her neck
I don't think that's what she meant, bro

that's not plumbing, that's just cleanup.
It'd be like saying that you should call the electrician to clean up a bunch of wires that fell out of a box at the warehouse.

>Hey bro, you seem thirsty, have some water and remember to stay hydrated at all times
How would you react?

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I wish I could have bullied Dobson in school.

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More like a big mac guy lmao

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He'll expose other people to it if it's all over his clothes though

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Ask him to go drink Alpine water from the source

My man!

Jesus fuck have sex.

What do fat blad trannies like Dobbo do when they have no chance at passing?

>I want
This nigga didn't even check his work.
Probably the most important line in the whole thing, and he fucked it up.

>What do fat blad trannies like Dobbo do when they have no chance at passing?
They dress up anyways


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>writing out a screencap from a tv show
is this one of those crossposting reddit grandpas I've heard about?
neck yourself


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I assume this was just a one off? It was cute.

And then they Had Sex™


Η δουλεία των μαύρων

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Is China in a perpetual state of being g directed by Micheal Bay?

They conveyed their feelings in 1 chapter rather than taking 300, of course it's a one off.

> Revenge unsuccessful
The one that impregnates the other first wins

>start episode 1
>instantly see idols
Are you trying to pull one over on me

Is there any more? Good comic btw

Lemme know if I'm missing anything
>dark souls 3
>mario kart
>super mario 64

What Game

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Who's the artist?

The crosshairs are from portal

I fucking love these.

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>not editing dobson to look like a dehydrated husk

go back to bed grandpa

So...we truly a society...

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I expected porn and I was still pleasantly surprised.

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I don't get it

I believe that's the pubg compass at the top

fucking lost again

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Wholesome as fuck

I guess the idea is that gay men raise weak kids too afraid to cross a street?

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Why are meme boomers so comfy but real boomers suck

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According to him all of that is a lie and all his "bully" did was telling him he'd be a better artist than him and trying to one up him. Probably a scorned friendship.

Also its the reason he hates link as a blonde.And blonde guys in general.

My library card gives me access to multiple sources of digital books, ebooks and films.

The gay boyscouts gave that boy's ass a pounding and now he cant walk right

He should be harrassing a pail of water!

because real boomers complain about millennials and you are one so you get mad.
Meme boomers complain about zoomers and you can project your own failures on to them

Meme boomers depict the aging gen Xers.

Our local library used to be able to do inter library loans on all sorts of things but they slashed the budget and now its adult fiction only.

The library I went to as a kid even had games. I got to borrow Sim City 2000 from there.

I didn't mind if they did this shit then didn't make a fuss when it destroyed their bodies. Instead from experience they go on and complain incessantly about their medical issues.


>a furry angel princess assists shaved Luigi's aim so he can hit a decorated Mario with his squirt gun full of ketchup

>lives out the rest of his life as comedic relief less relevant than Magnifico


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>her hand going for his dick by instinct

Best kind of slut

someone should edit this to be about pokemon

Meme boomers are aimed at people in their late twenties to thirties while real boomers are in their mid fifties.

*ebooks and audiobooks

I thought that at first too but I think cause of the 21st century sign it’s actually the woman is leading the scouts into the future. I think it’s actually positive.

*gets dozens of people sick*

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>implying anyone in their late 20s-30's looks or acts like the meme boomer wojack


The once warm feeling I get from seeing this kind of stuff before is replaced by the feeling of dirty and cold loneliness akin to an asphalt surface on a raining day.

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Same. Thanks grandma. Let me just read all 3 copies of twilight on the library shelf. Oh? It's my fault the library is like this?

B-but that's what my father and my fathers father always did! You can't blame me for this!
>Goes out and does it the next time

But your library doesn't carry 200 Years Together, Myth of the 20th Century, The Culture of Critique, or other naughty books you can only read online, Boomer-san.

Roads? Where we going we don’t need roads.

You mean a furry angel princess with a tacky ass tattoo

Should've walked up behind him and forced the ladle into his face before pretending like it was an accidental side affect of trying to take it from him, then call over an employee

Gen X are in their mid 50s now. Boomers are in their 70s.


>we can't trust any of the witnesses, throw them all out
if I didn't know better I'd say that was an actual quote from one of the games

Look at that snouth, it's a faggot furfag

lol this is a funny picture

>dies to rice farmers

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Literally every single console war poster has to buy his gaming platforms on his allowance, there's literally no other reason to participate in this shit otherwise

Oh, I get it, it's because they're Mexicans.

>generation wars
Absolutely fucking pathetic, all of you.

>the fault is NEVER mine, the fault is always someone else's
>it's all [not-my-generation]'s fault!
>it's all [not-my-race]'s fault!
>it's all [not-my-country]'s fault!
>it's all [not-my-religion]'s fault!
>it's all [not-my-football-team]'s fault!
>it's all [not-my-vidya-publisher]'s fault!

Fucking grow up.

But mermaids live Underwater and their pussies are wet. I get both Women and Water in the same package, it's like that Miley Cyrus song.


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May or bust fgt

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Don't forget you're here forever.

Fuck this guy. He doesn't even look that old, he has no excuse.

Yeah dude it's totally my fault education costs so much more than it used to

he looks jewish

meme boomers are just the "truckin and grillin and enjoyin the simple things n life" side of the stereotype, not the "I'm donating my inheritance to aids research, just earn your own money sonny" side of it

I'm still mad about the hannah montana movie, I went to the cinema expecting a fun comedy like the show and got a shitty drama instead.

Boomers are the kids of that generation.

Based "Everyone but me is stupid" strawman-poster

>I'm donating my inheritance to aids research, just earn your own money sonny
There's literally nothing wrong with this. Wealth inheritance is a huge problem that benefits nobody but the fags who are born on easy street.

Have sex, millennialtards

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Haha sure man, thanks.

>t. older lady magapede

The idea of knowing that something pure like this can never exist in our world. Even if you do manage to find yourself in a relationship, it's just a shallow dependency of one another coated by a fleeting fancy in a facade of affection.

It's all just a game of people pretending to be who they are not to one another and so on. The cruel part is that they are not lying to you, nor you are lying to them to them out of spite. It's just how the whole thing works.

I've been in and out of this joke for almost a decade and a half now and I'm just so goddamn tired.

Blog end.

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Leaving the fact aside that Aids research is some of the shittiest charities you could pick, you don't have claim to that money either. I hope your parents leave you with nothing, maybe some debt on top

>collectively growing out of degenerate behaviors the boomers started
>this is bad somehow
I wonder who could be behind this post?

yes, here's the original

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So? The smartphone gives you access to pretty much ALL books and movies and you dont even need to leave the house.

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Well I blame YOU then.

I mean almost every shooter was obsessed with FPS video games.


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>expected to get a gf/wife like this due to my aggressive nature
>instead get a mewling obedient girl that has apologizes over anything and everything

life is funny

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Found the Indian

Who is Amigara and why are they blaming him?

>baww I got a girlfriend

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Literally anything is better than handing your fortune over to your next of kin so they can have a excellent chance of growing up to be spoiled, uneducated, worthless faggots who contribute nothing to society.
And I'm not talking about a couple thousand/tens of thousands of bucks. You can coast off that. I'm talking about hundreds of thousands and up.

>Wealth inheritance is a huge problem
get fucked commie. working hard to give your children a good life is the goal of every parent

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*You can't coast off that.

delet this

this except unironically

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Dont talk about mark hamill tike that

Tits are bad, because millions of people have done the latter just so they could look at the former.

>due to my aggressive nature
>obedient girl that has apologizes over anything
She's just scared that you might chimp out and beat her up, idiot.

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This is my hole. It was made for me

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>Nice of the President to invite us over for a job, Gay Luigi?

Yeah whatever lol, I'm sure you'd totally commit to your principle if your parents inheritance was involved

>pete, that's not my leg

he fathered those ratchet chicks & those fags who lick the ice cream & spit in the Listerine bottles at grocery stores. all of them should burn like the heretics they are.

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>working hard to give your children a good life is the goal of every parent
Sure, but having them inherit a fortune they didn't work for is being a shitty parent. They won't appreciate you for it, they'll just become spoiled rich assholes who'll never have to work a day in their lives.

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thread theme


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Just because you want your parents money doesn't make it right.

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what are some facebook boomer tier games?

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Someone please tell me who this artist is.


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oh yeah, forgot about them

You're basing your opinions on inheriting money on some shitty TV tropes. Again, I hope your parents go out of their way to leave you with nothing

With the old man?

Are you stupid?

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Seething poorfag.

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This is how you do a one-shot.

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Yeah, because giving somebody all the money they could need in life is conducive towards them being a hardworking member of society. Of course there are outliers, but you are in denial if you think someone who merely inherits millions is going to feel the need to be a productive member of society, especially if they acquire it at a young age.
You're taking this way too personally by attacking me directly over it, but you don't have to worry, I'll be fine. I have my own money that I've earned.

Manlets when will they learn?

>that one guy who ruins LOL threads with a shitty manga


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On AVERAGE? What the fuck why are these numbers so high? I could see 5-6 but 11 is ridiculous. There's got to be a significant portion of the population who only ever has sex with one person, the person they marry, or has like one failed relationship and one successful one.

These numbers have to be wrong. The greatest generation had fucking war. Prostitutes, long times spent with exotic women in lands far from your family. Even with the low life expectancy, the people who actually responded to surveys should have fucked hella babes.


(literal) boomers are so hilarious

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If anything I'm the guy who could leave someone with a nice fat inheritance, but nice assumption.

wasn't this guy basically bullied into changing his whole ideologically
then he became THE bike cuck...
the math checks out

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Boomers invented the internet, bucko.
So maybe you should learn some respect, you think it's so easy but you never did anything with your life lol.

Boomers hate anything that distract kids from listening to their stupid war stories

Well you have this idea that inheriting money turns every person into Jake Paul, I can't help you with that if you can't get that meme out of your head, but telling your kids "pull yourself up by the bootstraps, you aint getting nothing sonny" and pissing your money into some vague charity for the offline equivalent of upvotes is absolutely shitty behavior. And people have the right to their own money so there's absolutley nothing immoral about passing it on to your own family, and you kinda sound like you think it is.

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He hasn't done anything of note since

the classic

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this is correct though.
I love how retarded zoomer kekistanis are so fucking attached to the cancer that is social media that they feel fucking disenfranchised if they get banned.

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asbestos work should be quarantined inside a tent

>kids these days won’t die for the glory of israel, I don’t understand it

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Here you go sonny, now mow my lawn.

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It's probably all thrown off by people with hundreds of partners.


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You're strawmanning. I didn't say I'd leave them with nothing, just not so much money that they can coast off of it. I'd take individual situations into account and distribute accordingly, with the remainder going to whatever I deemed a worthy cause.
My beef is with the people who leave their entire fortune with their kids to keep it in the family and they end up being a family of entitled assholes who feel better than everybody else despite never going through any sort of hardship or working for any significant period of time in their lives.

>Just cast a wide-net and be willing to work non-ideal jobs, you're just starting out so you can't be picky yet
I don't even know anymore, I think I'll join the military and hope I get shot.
At least if I die in duty boomers won't be able to call me lazy anymore.

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No he changed it because of the response to the bike comic.

where the fuck did the pokemon go water meme come from

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What an awfully long winded way to say they're helping dodge a bullet.

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That is about signing up before Israel was a thing.

My beef is with average old boomers buying into the "dog eat dog world" shit where they think that passing on money through the family is the equivalent of giving your kids cheat codes for an online game, instead of just looking out for the people you should look out for first and foremost most.
I don't like spoilt rich kids either but its literally their money. Imagine how shitty it'd feel if your parents were loaded yet never gave you anything or did anything with their money to help you either. Its more important that those rich parents teach their kids humility and work ethic instead of just pissing money away because "the world ends with me so I may aswell get some upvotes before I go"

you sound like a bitch who's simply trying to cope

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Fucking autism

Oh I'll bust alright

See this is why you tie girls up at night.

I'll show you PvP bitch get me everytime

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then is then and now is now

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I worked in retail for a few years. Boomers were the only one consistently giving me shit, you can guarentee any boomer is going to be trouble. Yet they're the ones saying millennials are disrespectful and so on. God I hate old people.

Aw shit.

I remember him going through a "Im being bullied for my opinions" phase before the the bikecuckining too

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doesn't he do this in the one where his gf turns into a zombie

here we GO
pokemon go


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Title: Henshin Ganbou
Author: Isin Nisio

Mario has always treated luigi like shit

I can't believe fast food workers want $15 minimum wage when they're whole way of thinking gets fucked up when I tell them to exclude a fucking snack wrap without cheese.

The ones that deserve a $15 mimimum wage are maintenance workers. Not fast food workers whos brains shut down the moment they are told something slightly different.

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I always thought this comic was kind of lame. All that build up for little pay off.

Who is Mario speaking to? Does Luigi have short term memory loss?

There's a reason why they're called BABY Boomers.

the driver lived and opened a bakery

I don't get this
am I supposed to be mad about it

You faggots literally expect your boomers to inherit something to you? Fuck what a loser.
If not himself, then he has naught

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My father unironically believes this, except he thinks watching tv (like documentaries) is better than using a computer to do reasearch

Imagine being this fat

Instead they'll just call you stupid but not in public


That's Ito for you.

If you're ordering "snack wraps" from fucking McDonalds you deserve to wait 20 minutes.

fuck off back to r*ddit

luigi wasn't at the meeting between mario and trump, he is however driving and will be taking mario on a double dash. Mario is simply recounting his meeting with the president to his trusted brother as one does.

Why do I fucking like mean bully girls so much? Pic related.

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That's a shame.

>this is my hole!
>it was made for me!


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>Isin Nisio
Oh shit, this was written by the Bakemonogatari guy?


>Not good at wall
Don't know if I should agree or not. On one hand both legendary walls in britain and rome still stand to this day but they're also really shit and didn't help them survive.

You're acting like these kids grew up in a slum while their rich parents drank martinis and laughed while sunbathing on the Bahamas as they donated all their money to charity instead. That doesn't happen. Rich kids grow up with far greater opportunities than others. At the very least, they're rich for 18 years.
My grandparents and parents understood the value of money, and that simply giving it to people did not earn their trust or love, and was certainly not an adequate way of teaching them anything, let alone respect, humility, empathy, and least of all work ethic.
To give an example Yea Forums might understand a bit better, take patreon for example. All the money being thrown at these content creators yet their projects drag on for ages, many of them never being finished. Creators don't have to do more than the bare minimum to coast off of all the money they're raking in. They work hard at the start to build up a base of patrons, and then once they have enough, the updates slow and the project drags for as long as they can get away with. Money is not a productive motivator unless you don't have any.



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Because boomers had everything handed to them on a plate and decided that life should be more miserable for the generations that followed them. When a boomer sees someone younger than them not miserable, it confuses and angers them

>lol dude, I'mma contrarian lmao!
>lol due, just call something fast food and not have it be fast at all. I still want $15/hour tho!
Let me just do the complete opposite of my job rolf!
I guarantee I'm skinnier than both of you. Plus, it wasn't for me to consume.

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#metoo why can't we all be 100% water is there some kind of surgery I can get so I can be who I always wanted to be

bretty gud

This is going nowhere.
In my opinion the money shouldn't be freely given to impulsive adolescents, but it should be there if they ever need it in emergencies or if it'd give them new opportunities, like helping with rent or a car so they can work at a certain job etc.
When it comes to inheritance we're already talking about established adults getting money from their elderly parents, and not little kids who'd just buy more toys. Keep the money in the family but use it wisely.
Also don't give it to fucking aids research when bugchasing is still a thing

highly underrated

Love this ending

I can see the mayonnaise running down your cheeks

I spent all my money on water but it's not enough I need more, more water I can't get enough.

Boomers are the ones in power and fighting to keep things going the way they are because it makes money

No. Thanos' ideology comes from the extremely flawed capitalist view that resources and space are scarce which is bullshit. We have tons of food in storage that could feed the world over and still have leftovers to store away. You just have a small number of people controlling the food. The dairy industry for example purposefully dumps milk that's been processed and ready to sell just to keep the supply at a level they can make a profit off of. There's also loads of room around the for people to live. I'm Canadian and have you seen how much open land we have? Second largest country but a population of 30+ million that's mostly congregated to the older areas that were first settled and B.C.

No you can't bitch

>greastest generation

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It's not your money. You are not entitled to anything, zoomer. They can blow it all in f/go gacha if they wish. Calling them retard is fine however.

>There 3 times as many people in the world right now as there were in 1950
And that's because of boomers.

When did your life become such a mess?

then stop crying you fat bitch

>It's not your money.
not what I said, but sorry your parents hate you lmao


Not fat at all you dumb ape

Stop jiggling

In high school when my parents forced me to move to a retirement area

Well, good night, son.

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>not what I said,
Explain this part then:
>In my opinion the money shouldn't be freely given to impulsive adolescents, but it should be there if they ever need it in emergencies or if it'd give them new opportunities, like helping with rent or a car so they can work at a certain job etc.
Why should they help you? Go take a debt.

The quintessential vanilla experience.

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stop being a dumb ape

H-he's fast!

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Just gotta bulk up a bit

Because my family doesn't hate me, but keep on rephrasing what I actually said like I wouldn't notice
>Go take a debt.

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jiggle jiggle

correlation is not causation dumb nigger. Of course people who want to
kill people are going to like games that let you do the same; doesn't mean they killed because of those games.

The problem is who is in control of that money? What failsafe is there to ensure it's used only for absolute necessities and not just to get off on easy street? You think people are going to be working hard at their job when they could just invest their fortune and sit on their asses all day instead? Do you honestly think it's fine that millionares/billionares just pass their fortunes on to their heirs, who will then pass that fortune on to their heirs?

That's a point I overlooked. It's really not anyone's money but the one who earned it. Nobody else is owed anything. To anyone else, it's charity. You hand it out if you think they deserve it and will act responsibly with it, that's all there really is to it.

oooh oooh ahhh ahhh


Do boomers honestly see this as a bad thing? Can we fucking just kill all of them already. Jesus fucking christ shit like this makes me livid.

overconsumption has nothing to do with overpopulation. the developed world consumes roughly 50% of the world's resources despite having roughly 15% of the world's population. if you look at consumption trends, they largely peaked in the west in the 70's, when the boomers came of age.

you seem like you're trying to sound intelligent but dont know how


many of the old design stores of mcd and competition always have a number of stock items preproduced. if bigmacs run out, new bigmacs are made. people order bigmacs, then cheeseburgers, then you order your wraps.
Incase new bigmacs and cheeseburgers need be made, they'll be done and after that your special oder gets done (order of succession based on who ordered first)
basically, since you wont have a stock item, you will have to wait till one batch of bigmacs (4 pieces) and one batch of cheeseburgers (8 pieces) are done, before they start your shit
expand or reduce this example by amount of customers.

There is a reason if it takes longer, most of the time. dont just assume everyone is retarded. sometimes you are the one being retarded.
they still shouldnt earn 15 bucks an hour

Stuff like this reignites my love for vanilla romance

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Still shouldn't take twenty minutes when I saw other people walk away with snack wraps.

What are you talking about?
By your thirties you should have sex with at least 15 different girls

Your fat ass isn't a priority, piggy

>The problem is who is in control of that money?
Same logic applies to charities so whatever my dude
You're applying absolute scrutiny to any form of inheritance in families and always assume the worst case scenario, but when it comes to charities, which are proven again and again to be scams in 90% of the cases, you're hardly sceptical at all. I am still saying that there's certain things to avoid when keeping money inside the family, while you treat it as inherently wrong and unjust

>Do you honestly think it's fine that millionares/billionares just pass their fortunes on to their heirs, who will then pass that fortune on to their heirs?
>It's really not anyone's money but the one who earned it.
So which one is it now? If the guy with the money chooses to use his money to guarantee his offspring a better life its bad, but when he pisses it away into random "charities" its "good because thats his money and his decision"?

well their snack wraps were standard stock edition and were preproduced. They have a long queue of shit to do, and if you order special shit youre gonna be on the bottom of that list man. thats just how it is.

sometimes I just want to go to the ocean and swim as deep as i can just to absorb as much water as i possibly can, but i live in a landlocked state.

At least I can obtain food unlike you and your starving tribe.

What letter does your last name start with?

its semen not mayonnaise you fucking faggot