Official 9.0 logo

Attached: awakenings.png (876x430, 612K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Who gives a shit about retail anymore? There's literally nothing they can do now to save this dumpster fire of an MMO.

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This really isn't worth someone risking their job, it's sad.
Then again this is Blizzard. If someone's gonna get fired anyway they might as well make a reason.

are they awakening from the coma they've been in for the last 9 years

It looks so bad that it could be true

>blue/orange everywhere
>generic name
>boring design
>shitty tribal font

why is this happening to my favorite franchise

I can't wait for a whole expansion of terribly cringeworthy dragon voice acting. Holy shit, 4.3 made me want to strangle people.


Attached: zzz.gif (480x360, 72K)

Wake up, Aniki...

To force you to grow some taste

>More blue and orange azerite shit after bfa's shit show
I'd actually be impressed if they had the balls not to drop everything associated with bfa in the next expansion.

That logo looks like it was designed by someone who is 10.

Apparently a shit ton of Cataclysm and Legion lore meshed together to make this new expansion. Which I'm okay with.

>Call the next expansion "Awakenings"
>Continue to drag out the "old gods are the antiheroes, open your third eye" plot for another 5 expansions
I thought we were getting awakened in Cata and then I thought we were getting awakened in BFA REEEEEEEEE

Attached: blizzmerchant.jpg (230x220, 11K)

Imagine making a photoshop WoW logo like a million people before just to shitpost on Yea Forums

Ofc people like you are okay with this. Otherwise this dumpster fire wouldn't be allowed to continue.

Not blurry enough
Res too high
Too well framed

>all is lost the new big bad is too powerful to defeat
>Jaina says theres away to buy some more time
>she casts a spell and suddenly everything is black
>finally you being to see a dim light
>its starting to become clear..could it be?
>its the vanilla log in screen
and thats how "retail" as it currently is ends and blizz goes to to introduce BC and wrath but fixes all the bad parts and finally a new expansion thats picks up from wrath that doesn't cater to loud faggots and they actually make a good game.

Who cares what it's called am I gonna be able to log in more than once a week to do some shit with my bros or is it gonna be single player still? Give me some decent group content in the overworld rather than the only content worth doing being raids. Also eliminate M+ or eliminate the third party shit making it unjoinable if you start a week late and don't have a score higher than the key can give you.

Make it Chromie who does the time twisting shit and you've got a deal. We now start from classic and spend our time fixing all the mistakes we made along the way.

Blizzard would only do something like this if they didn't suck.
You'd have to purge Blizz of the generic progressive-cancer types that tend to ruin these kinds of games with their incompetence and split it from activision to accomplish anything. Bring along a few of the old devs, too.

This should be how WoW2 starts.

i can't believe this game is still going, really hits me in the feels when i remember playing this almost 15 years ago.

>but fixes all the bad parts

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Don't kid yourself, it's going to be the same bullshit skinner box under a new coat of paint.

The remaining playerbase that Blizzard has been catering to since ~late Wrath is the group of people that raidlog, collect some useless pets/mounts and then does a few dailies or world quests before logging out. It's literally no effort since the retards will always pay and justify it by "just checking stuff out and making their decision"

Fire Ion Hozzikostas and stop pandering to world first raiders.

Make competitive arena the meme that it is by forcing stat templates so elite PVP fags can have their 'balanced' PVP, and start reworking the old world, first removing all the cataclysm shit, introducing dynamic world events for leveling, and PVP objectives for guilds to capture and hold.

>retards will always pay and justify it by "just checking stuff out and making their decision"
How do you propose people should make their own opinion on video games if they don't play them

They should have learned by now that WOW is going to be shit.

The only time to ever 'try' it is during the prepatch when the previous expansion is free and all timegates are removed

He didn't say what the retards should do. He just stated that the retards will continue to fork over cash and time just like they always did and justify their suck cost with some excuse.

And if that's what they want to open their wallets for so be it. But it doesn't mean we can't criticize them for being the cancer that killed the game we loved.

Attached: 2d4.png (560x407, 12K)

Another fucking expansion?

Deal , we can also add in some flashbacks with jokes that shit all over all the horrible decisions blizz has made over the past what, 12 years.

what's the install size of wow now with all the xpacks?? its gonna be like 100+gb

Attached: Awakenings2.png (681x343, 414K)

So you rather BfA lore continue then? Is that what you prefer? And you're upset with what I'm okay with? Really?


That shitpost on Yea Forums about the dragons has really gotten out of hand, hasn't it?

Sounds like you just want Guild Wars 2.0

Which shitpost?

>lmao I took an old shitty fake leak and made a logo, see it is real LMAO

Attached: 1561664665608.png (446x525, 324K)

mentally ill

>March 2019
>one post

damn man must be legit

Who the fuck cares? They killed any interest i could have in this game, nothing can bring me back now

>cataclysm + legion
>im okay with this
Blizzdrones are too deep into this shit to go back

At least guild wars got something right

Yeah, if there are any two expansions that need to be mashed together, it's Mists of Pandaria + Warlords of Draenor.

thats just mists

If its the wod environments and nothing else from that expansion then im game

Wow, should have called it WOW: Revalations for such a boring name.

No it didn't.

>he prefers the world to be always barren except 2 zones

are we 'bout to go back in time again?

I have zero hype and zero fucks to give.

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>No source

I hate Blizzard as much as the next person, but actually look shit up before you react to it, retards

>Fire Ion Hozzikostas and stop pandering to world first raiders.
Fire him isnt going to fix the game, the dev who created this game already long gone, all they left are bunch of tranny and blue hair feminist who suck at their job.
They should just release the final expansion and end this game once and for all, before they make themself look even worse.

Attached: Pathetic Blizzard.jpg (1920x1080, 329K)

If they were pandering to world first raiders still the skill pruning would never have occurred. Reminder that they actually listened to the raiders for MoP and while you can argue the quality of the expansion overall there's no denying it was the golden age for class design.

15 years was a pretty good run, user

>old gods are eldritch cthulus becomes old gods are just edgy misunderstood sasukes and the Titans are the REAL bad guys because FUCK YOU DAD


If they did that they'd have to make a new game. It's easier to keep shitting out new xpacs and "reimaginings" of WC3 instead of WC4 and WOW2

MoP class design wasnt even exactly golden age, was a improvement of cata from the old talent tree. overall content for MoP was good other than the never ending dailies.
They cant even shit out a proper xpacs without shitting it even single time.
God i'm so pissed til now, why did i even invest so much time on wow when i should have quit this game end of legion.

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People that still play WoW and talk shit to the Blizzard team are the modern day heroes.

>when i should have quit this game end of legion.
Sorry i mean WoD

I always do that before i quited wow last year after the blizzcon shit they deliver



Oh wow. I dont care.. at all. Fuck blizzard and fuck wow

May aswell call it "WORLD OF WARCRAFT ORIGINS" or something as generic at this point

kek your photshop skills are garbage, you didn't even align the Awaekenings font on the same angle as the main logo, you can still A is farther away than S

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How dumb would you have to be to pay for another wow expansion

>Jaina says there's a way to buy some more time
Why not the Golden boy ximself while we're at it?
Oh my fucking lord...

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Hey look one of those threads

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This, but unironically

Retail is but a hollow shell of the massively popular game that it used to be, and every new expansion just fucks it in some new way to make it even more unrecognizable.

Classic can't come soon enough.

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How people still feed those thread is beyond me
It's the same shit every two years

Because retail now attracts kiddies with short attention spans that play the game for

This. Its remarkable that the game is still in the state it is.

>pandering to world first raiders.
They just made catch up gear that every dribbling retard can get better than Mythic raiding pieces, when the raid isn't even out yet. The game has HC-level gear thrown at you for doing random shit. How is this pandering to the high end, exactly?

It could be a "leak" to try to get people talking about wow instead of xiv