Immune to bomb arrows despite the entire dungeon relying on them

>immune to bomb arrows despite the entire dungeon relying on them
>"lol just go wack his shield even though it doesn't work on any other enemy"
>piss easy once you realize this

So we can all agree this boss fight was fucking stupid right?

Attached: bullshit.jpg (1280x720, 139K)

It took me an embarassingly long time to figure out you're supposed to use the metal rods to damage him.

Better get gud at parrying and perfect dodging, son.

all of these bosses were stupid

You don't even need the rods, or what said. You can just block his attack and then break his shield down. It's fucking retarded, what is game design even?

>use the rods
How, when he's always a mile away from you?

All of them were stupid and laughable

all the bosses suck in this game its pretty sad.

>use metal rods to damage him
>he falls
>lol jk lightning
It's like they figured being annoying as shit was akin to difficulty.


No really, I'm on phase two right now and it's fucking horseshit. He's never close enough to hit with a rod.

The worst part of this game is the way they deiced to go with dungeons and shrines none of the Divine Beasts or shrines have an interesting or unquie theme which is like the best part of zelda imo. and bosses they are all the same boring floaty monster not even mini bosses. its lame af

yeah idk what the other guy is talking about I tired to do that too but just resorted to beating to a pulp.

Are you aware you can use the D-Pad buttons to change the range of whatever you're holding with the magnet?

>lol just go wack his shield even though it doesn't work on any other enemy
Yeah, that's bullshit. Games really shouldn't reward players being stupid.

Yes you fucking idiot, the range doesn't span the entire camel.

I'm not the idiot who can't beat the boss.

just pick up one of the fucking rods near him holy shit how are you actually this tarded

>conflicting game design is the player's fault
Nice bait you got a (you)

Breath of the Wild is best played like Skyrim; completely ignoring the main questline and just exploring.

The boss was shit, but the only stupid one is OP