Hat went wrong?
Hat went wrong?
The hat got more limp.
nothing. her hat looks a bit over sized looking but it matches the overall design.
>Vanillaware hasn't made a new game in 6 years
>Zero footage of 13 Sentinels in years
Is it dead?
there is NOTHING wrong with big floppy hats
Personally I prefer firm small hats over big, but floppy ones
Wrong. If a witch's hat isn't pointy then what's the fucking point?
Fuck off with that shit. Give me that towering erect goodness, flop niggers can go home.
They turned a loli into an old hag
Yea, the hat is kinda big isn't it
nothing, voluptuous girls > flat girls
if you're going to design a flat girl, at least make her a trap
Hat looks fine to me.
"SJWs dislike it so it's automatically good"
Whenever something goes wrong It's always the brainless shit-flinging apes aka politucs
I'm more of a cuteandfunnyfag myself but they made her design more in line with her background as a life-offering, healing mommy with big tits and hips to symbolize it. That's neat and consistent with the other designs so i have no issues with it.
For once, everything went right.
>if you're going to design a flat girl, at least make her a trap
user, your gay is showing...
Hood and Mantle > Witch Hat
Prove me wrong.
>arguing over literal hats
Wow summer really is here. Or is it just the state of zoomer-filled neo-Yea Forums??
>literal hags
Wow, heckin rude dude
Maybe if its sides are floppy, but if the point itself then its a bad wizard hat
>These replies
>Yet if it were pic related Yea Forums would scream bloody murder like the SJWs they are
Developer vision be damned if it goes against DAE PEENIS
>Both awkward parodies of the human form
>uhhhh but tiddies tho
both suck but at least the old design has a charm to it
go back to wearing your beanies zoom zoom
real men are talking right now
It's objectively good though. Everyone wishes they were that skeleton.
Hat went right, actually.
I bet her hair smells nice
>All these hat fags arguing about small or floppy hats.
You all miss the point Big floppy hats are nothing, if you don't have cute boots. 98 may have a smaller hat, but her boots are 10x cuter. Meanwhile 13 is all hat and no boots. She looks imbalanced.
Why did they give her man hands in 2013 Yea Forums?
Is she the Shovel Witch?
Left: soul
Right: soulless
Too bad she uses a broom. Which is objectively worse than a staff.
Bro we're talking about hats.
>Developer vision be damned if it goes against DAE PEENIS
This but unironically
It comes out this year in Japan.
That right hat is way better it didn't go wrong.
>Too bad she uses a broom. Which is objectively worse than a staff.
How do I delete some else's post?
Hear me out lads. Cute girls wearing gatsby caps.
Left: realistic proportions.
Right: WTF
Brooms are for flying. Far superior than the needlessly large staff. She probably uses a staff because she needs help walking with such shoddy shoes.
>i cast fist
>such shoddy shoes
>he says as if high-heeled boots aren't fucking garbage too
I am tired of these jokes about my giant hand
The first such incident occurred in 1956 when...
>i cast fist
High heels make her legs sexy.
High heels make you taller, and tall people are taken more seriously by society
Shut the fuck up Yea Forums. None of you fags will ever be /fa/.
The last guy and the third from the right look like chads
>all those metrosexual fucbois
>board about fashion is comprised entirely of metrosexual fuccbois
>literal dick-neck
No, the hat is ok
>I have fixed it so 1998 doesn't have to be jealous of 2013's superior style anymore.
You're welcome anons.
Best post in the thread
All I see is improvement
What are you talking about? She's still a loli
>muh realism
>reee titties
putting my vote in for big floppy hats.
Any idea when this trend started to draw females with these absurd proportions?
I tried
me on the right
Change The Child to Vincent Adultman
Chaz is the best.
About 32,000 years ago.
why did you post the picture thats missing one of the members?
Because I don't care.
it's all about designs and aesthetics, it's not censorship if it looks better
it IS censorship if it looks worse, cutting your nose to spite your face is very obvious in design
I did it in MSPaint fool
If your pants show your shins as a guy you need to be executed
>but women like that look
nigger fuck what women like, they only like kpop aesthetic as a fad right now, a lot of them like drag queen shit too, that doesn't mean you should be out picking up females in a fucking dress
You are really young and stupid my friend.
they look like they shoot up schools
why i was not aware that dragon's crown also had a big tiddy shopkeeper
Game is packed full of big titties
I will always love artstyles where everything is exaggerated
it seems that there's very little of her in terms of fanart and such, tho
>handheld version fucking cancelled
I HATE this!
A shame really.
Can you even be fa without being fit?
There are plenty of ways to be fashionable with any body type, it's just that /fa/ doesn't seem to consider that
You don't need to be /fa/ if you're already /fit/.
Who's the one on the left?
God has it been that long?
What the fuck, did he rape all those orcs?
>not keeping the fat ass
Faggots belong on the cross
First one is superior. The second one has retarded proportions and dosen't even resemble human.
t. dicklet
Yes, if your face is good. Look at those skinny models with good faces and hair.
>First one is superior. The second one has retarded proportions and dosen't even resemble human.
>Translation: I love giant man hands, flat chests and hate fun.
Can anyone make that edit? Flat but with huge ass
change extendo to "copy that"
Don't know but SK 7EVEN is sort of in a similar situation and you know what happened.
Judging by Vanillaware's previous record and the high school setting, you can bet your ass that it's gonna get SNOY'd.
"people" who don't like big tits and asses on skinny girls are subhumans, it's the result of genetic failure. sorry bud
Have abstinence
>flat chest
You should leave your basement from time to time weeb to see how women look like
>how women look like
>loli art
>I'm the weeb
Ok, lol
Handheld is for fags
Your sexual orientation
>flat chest
Yeah, you are weeb.
This, flat chest + big ass is the patrician pair
sorry you live in a country with washboards user. maybe if you actually looked at some women if they talked to you or even went outside you'd realize most of them aren't 4 feet tall with short legs and gorilla mitts
>dosen't even resemble human
It does if you haven't got cognitive impairment.
>adult women are hags because they're older/more physically matured than the literal children I want to fuck
ropes are pretty cheap right now friend
>m-muh smaller is better
Why do dicklets always use this cope for everything?
>still has tits showing
>legs showing
I think this is what you are looking for
>smaller is better
Why basements queers lack basic reading comprehension?
No, it dosesn't look at her head and body proportion for example. Retard.
Would some censorship ease some troubled SJW hearts about this proportion issue?
What is with the breast hate nowadays? Puritaniaism? SJW influence?
I'd argue being a dicklet is also a mentality, some people are way too scared of big tits but cream and spam about big asses, also
>not wanting titfucks
I can only imagine having such non-patrician taste
Pedofags creaming over loli who hate anyone over 6 years old and ugly flat-chested fat chicks with a ton of insecurities.
t. dicklet
Dicklet copes
>no argument
>name calling instead
What a retard haha
>no argument
>name calling instead
>no u
Seriously you retard and queer.
>no argument
>name calling instead
I bet you also like Raita and Shadaman art style. Talk about shit taste.
Cope more dicklet
>no argument
>name calling instead
>21 year old artstyle doesn't look that old
What's happening?
Are we hitting the cultural stability now?
Left = 7 years old
Right =12 years old
Not one you're replying to but I like Shad's pip-girls and mom-dog series.
His pinups suck ass though.
>can't talk about anything other than dicks
>don't know how women look like and think OP image is realistic
Queer confirmed
>no argument
>baseless insults instead
Find a woman
>fining woman
Oh lordy
4 inches is not enough to please a woman, user.
>no argument
>baseless insults instead
Have fun
you two should marry eachother
Forget the dumb meme hat and Shadman tier proportions... where the fuck are her nipples?
Raita's pretty good, has variance in body types, though I don't really care for shadman. Stick to your pedo hentai while posting "MUH AGE OF CONSENT 13 IN JIPPYJAPPY" on any post calling subhumans like you out. Lolifags are absolute genetic and social failures, never forget.
Absolutely based AND redpilled
>No, it dosesn't look at her head and body proportion for example
She has a human head, torso and limbs in the exact configuration of a regular human.
Anyone who's not a dumb fuck like yourself will be able to instantly recognise it as being a stylised human.
>4 inches is not enough to please a woman, user.
How queer like you would know anything about women?
>If I put infant head on muscular adult man torso I will get proper looking human
What a retard, holy shit.
>Raita's pretty good
>no argument
>gives up
I will
Pretty simply ESL-kun, I'm not a dicklet like you. Keep deluding yourself with your
>m-muh smaller is fine! s-size dont matter!
>no argument
>is gay
Good have a nice day
>fining women
based, thots pay the toll
I'm not dicklet, you are queer.
>m-muh smaller is fine! s-size dont matter!
But this isn't what I said queer. I said completely wrong proportion are bad not smaller tits. Why queers can't even read and also stutter like mentally ill? They think of dicks all the time instead?
We get it, you're scared of big tits and asses man. Seems to me I only ever notice pedofags whining about "MUH REALISM, MUH BODY PROPORTIONS" and if you translate that over into their personal "tastes" it's even more disgusting honestly. I take solace in the fact that lolicon autistics won't ever breed.
>no argument
>baseless insults instead
You're not supposed to let it loop back, you have failed the shitpost chain
>you're scared of big tits and asses man
Not really, but you like dicks though.
Tits and ass too big.
The weeb is strong with this one
>muscular adult man torso
So this is the power of brain damage.
And who said anything about 'proper looking'?
It's only simple mouth breathers like yourself who think fictional characters must hew to realism.
>you don't like people looking like aliens so you like lolis
What retard mean by this?
>Thinks he has an opinion
Me no comprende espaol arriba arriba fuck off to the other side of the wall
>no argument
>is correct
>And who said anything about 'proper looking'?
I said from beginning you failed abortion because no human looks like that. Hahahaha what a retarded queer.
Being able to admire a good cock is a sign of chadhood, no need to be insecure about your prick user I'm sure you'll be accepted somewhere like India
>no argument again
Queer got BTFO
Just say you're a fag and you don't like hetero shit.
People would seriously respect you more than all this 'muh proportion' dodge. The loli on the left has just as many "proportion issues". They may even be worse because I'm not sure she's meant to be stylized, lol.
Your ESL is showing, why not go to a website made by your people instead?
This is awesome. The sexiest part isn't even the edits made on the body, but those bedroom eyes and that devious, captivating smile.
>Being able to admire a good cock is a sign of chadhood
No, it's a sign you are a faggot. Probably this is the reason why you don't like women body proportions.
spic btfo, go get run over by a drug cartel vehicle you dirty little monkey
>ESLfag trying to be a cheerleader
cringe, no one needs your body odor here raphael
How so? I like nicely drawn women characters. You are retard man.
Your retardation is showing, why not go to a website made by your people instead?
It's okay man, anyone with half a brain realizes that people who prefer flat chests are secretly gay because they're the closest in appearance to a man's chest. Also, women evolved to have curves in the right places to attract men and rear children, so the fact you don't like that proves you're the result of genetic failure. If you think otherwise then you REALLY need to take your meds schizo because you won't find any little girls in real life with wide hips and asses like in your pedobait anime.
There are clear proportional issues in the first one as well (hands are huge, hip bones are up really high so she's got either really long thighs or a weird torso, she'd also be missing some ribs at this point). But regardless, we know it's just style. The fags complaining about number 2 are just the same losers that freak out over a (fake) woman who has boobs larger than their moobs, or the fantasy children they want to fuck.
>user is so insecure about dicks thanks to his chode
Poor user, I too would be scared of big tits and ass if I were born inadequate. They'll have surgeries to help your issue in the future I'm sure
>still no argument
Why it's so easy to defeat queers in every discussion?
>Your retardation is showing, why not go to a website made by your people instead?
Where do you think we are?
>The face on his fucking belt
>flat chests
But I never said I like them. You must be some failed queer abortion man.
>ESLfag has to try even harder now that he was rejected by his lover
Truly a 4channelian tragedy
>muh realism
If you can't recognise it as a stylised human, you really are a mouthbreathing simpleton.
Oh, and here's a cartoon cat you can't recognise as a cat because of your brain problems.
Please at least take cock out of your mouth and see how women look like. Even queers know that.
The most "alien" thing is thinking women with no tits is common or attractive, unless you live in a malnourished shithole country the average woman has some noticeable tits, and the better countries have ones with more sizeable knockers for the average. Your fantasies of a "delicious flat chest" woman wont come true here, better to try and meet your waifus on the other side of the rope user.
>Only showing the very exaggerated busty characters with huge asses
And then you see how he draws the characters with flatter tits and asses and you realize proportions aren't the issue, it's just their style to draw their buxom characters like this. But we all know that's lost on the morons like you who complain about MUH PROPORTIONS.
>if some character dosen't have fucked proportion it somehow magically remove tits from them
What queers mean by this?
Still better being rejected by woman than being queer user.
Please at least pretend you're not an ESLfag, you're making the few ones with taste out there look bad.
The one constantly bringing up cocks is trying to call people gay, interesting. Also, it's okay to say "faggot" on here friend, this isn't twitter
netflix version?
He do this in every hentai, you idiot. You are shit eater if you think this looks attractive.
>Still better being rejected by woman than being queer user.
Ouch, he admits it too. Don't worry dickletESLanon, you'll find love someday.
Nope, it's you who started with "dicklet". You are queer user.
Thanks, too bad you won't queer :^)
>zero footage
>has a playable demo
>even announced their next game
The whole point of being fit is so that you don't need clothes to look good in the first place
It's totally not "fucked proportions" though when we have "MUH THICC LOLIS". Keep deluding yourself into thinking you're going to magically meet some brat with a big ass who doesn't yell out to their parents or nearby cops and wants to fuck you lmao
very roughly paraphrasing what another user said previously
>necromancers are typically old grouchy fellas
>ie. generals commanding the undead
>Mommy milkies embraces the skeleton (ie. loving) and has a very DUDE FERTILE LMAO body shape
>ie. kinda like giving life back to the dead, birthing/rebirthing the dead
if you look good, you'll look good in anything
if you look like shit, you'll look like shit in anything
expensive clothes are just a scam
but handholding is comfy
>It's totally not "fucked proportions
They are, but how the hell queer who never had sex with a woman could know this? Stop looking at cocks all the time and move out from your shit filled parents basement.
I'm not the user saying "dicklet" and "ESL" but it's still funny nonetheless how touched you seem over it, and actually proves he's right because you can't seem to keep track of who is who. I can only imagine being so new that you think everyone who disagrees with you is samefagging.
not really, you can look slightly less shitter in something. Like transcending from 3/10 to 3.5/10
You're the shit eater for literally not even getting the point. LIke I said, the issue isn't proportion, it's the exaggeration that some people have an issue with. The point was that he draws them this way intentionally knowing that anyway, it's his style. With how many people that like his style, it seems that it's certainly more attractive than girls with giant knuckledraggers like you're into, faggot. If you want true realism start fapping to IRL porn, dumbfuck.
my dick didnt tho
Sure, you are not, queer.
Just give us a sequel to Odin Sphere
>the issue isn't proportion
But it is, only queer can think this looks good, I don't give a fuck if he does this on purpose or not. Anime girls can have great bodies without looking like retarded aliens, you autistic ape.
boobs got so big that she couldn't wear heels anymore due to the risk of tipping over
"still massive" in that pic, more like they made her basically flat from how high her top got moved upwards.
she's still lolicon. just ask jason.
>"R-remember guise, it's only okay to exaggerate curvy parts (only the booty!) of women's bodies on our DFC thicc loli goddesses like Kanna from Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid, upvote this so everyone can see it!!!"
I'm so glad these failures won't ever touch a fertile woman and will instead get jailed and then subsequently beaten and assraped in jail for attempting something on a child.
Adult women look fine with big tits and asses, the most alien looking thing is the imaginary pear shaped washboards you low test closet pedophiles jack off to.
For the third time, his flatter characters literally don't have the same look you're complaining about you moron.
>"Only queer can think this looks good
What queer male is attracted to big tits and asses on women? I don't know which you need to work more on: your English, or your logic.
>Anime girls can have great bodies without looking like retarded aliens
Because you're only into women with a certain range of ass and breast size(which is apparently fairly small), and ones that can put their socks on when standing up straight with their feet on the ground, I don't think your opinion on body aesthetics is worth listening too.
>Adult women look fine with big tits and asses
They don't look fine with small heads, child torso, broken spine and saggy cow tits made out of gum, in fact such women don't exist.
>big asses are fine
Are you nigger?
>can only see one loincloth amidst 5 orcs.
o shit.
>What queer male is attracted to big tits and asses on women?
Queer have no knowledge of woman's body.
>he think big tits and ass are main problem here
>worth listening too
Yet you reply to me, you monkey queer.
Just gonna say that "queer" as a word has actual definitions you can look up, and only in a comparatively short time in its history was used as a insult referring to homosexual men.
Now carry on with your /alter/-tier argument about raita.
Take this anti-lolicon medicine
>Hasn't pointed out the issue with the flatter characters like I said
You keep calling others apes and monkey, but you're the only one into women with arms that reach the ground, faggot.
just like "gay" and "faggot"
She hasn't taken the tiny boy's virginity yet.
What faggot? She has long legs, big tits and a big ass fitting of an adult, her torso is almost the same length as her thigh which is pretty anatomically correct and her head is fine, probably only looks small to you because of that big hat she has on. Also
>"cow tits"
You instantly outed yourself as a pedophile, congrats schizo
Old nigga necromancers, especially if they are skelly liches will always he more classic and cool.
I like her design but still, I would rather most necromancers be the way they are usually depicted.
It's not about flat or not flat you fucking inbreed mongoloid. I have nothing against D-cups but overall retarded body proportions, including hip, head, ass etc. What the fuck is your problem? No one fucked you in the ass today?
And tons of other words that change context for different things for different reasons, usually due to the uneducated.
That being said, I don't think the guy that brought it into this argument had that kind of nuance, otherwise he wouldn't have bothered continuing to argue once he brought up his complaints with the proportions.
>her torso is almost the same length as her thigh which is pretty anatomically correct and her head is fine
Have you ever looked at another person, troglodyte?
sexual frustration/deprivation
If incorrect proportions are an issue then why are you even complaining this much about anime women? Show me some examples of an artist that you're actually into for comparison or you're just being a retard at this point.
Also I didn't know that apes like you were into tits and ass. But it makes sense that you're so obsessed with gay buttsex because some of you ape species are into that.
This is the most autistic argument about boobs I have seen on this entire site, please euthanize yourselves
yes, do you? Show me a woman who looks like OP picture autsimo because my sides are moving on their own.
>If incorrect proportions are an issue then why are you even complaining this much about anime women?
Because there are some artists (in fact most) that are closer to proper body proportion which I already said. My god, what the fuck is your problem ape?
ThisBut the delays are still kind of concerning seeing as how Vanillaware hasn't really taken this long to produce a game.
Wouldn't it just be Gwendolyn and Oswald fucking and repopulating the world?
Have you even seen ANY porn with girls with naturally big tits? I was pointing out that other parts of her anatomy are completely fine, and though very large breasts aren't that common they certainly aren't rare or "unrealistic" like you smooth brained spergs delude yourself into thinking. Google "boobpedia natural" and you'll easily see a few that are pretty close to tits that big, like this
This. I wish there were a way for hats to remain firm and pointy no matter how large they got. I guess you could use hats made of synthetic material, but I find that ones made of natural fibres feel better.
She has a normal sized ass as well as proper torso length, unlike OP image. You made a complete laughing stock of yourself again ape. Go back to sucking cocks, because at arguing and logic you are a total failure.
Like I said, post some artists if you're so confident in that assertion. Otherwise you're probably full of shit, and talking about artists that draw from a reference of a human body without any style, and just slap some cartoon eyes on it. If the point is to jerk off to a simplified and prettier-than-life depiction of women, and not just an actual woman's body, why are you complaining so much? When it comes to stylistic vs. realism in games and anime, realism is very much in the minority. The only thing most people care about is that it looks like a human. The exaggeration is the point of the fantasy for them.
Why are anti tits fags such mouth breathing retards?
>anime girls having eyes the size of baseballs is fine and doesn't get mentioned in the "anatomically correct/proportions" argument
>anime girls having big boobs isn't "proper body proportions"
You really need to pull the trigger one day my guy
>asian old hag
Basically every artist, including Toryiama.
>repeat for like 20 times that big tits alone are not problem there
>inbreed monkey semen eater still cling to "muh big tits" argument
You are the reason why abortion should be legal at any age, I swear.
Not to mention, her tits are fake and filled with gum, just like your brain.
>arguing that the POV blatantly showing off her ass is anatomically incorrect instead of looking at the character's full design
Her torso is fine, and there's another page on boobpedia of girls with big asses too and plenty of them with big tits. Dilate.
No, her torso is too fucking small, are you retarded?
If you think Hitomi is fake you have literally never seen breasts in your life, fake or otherwise. Take the cock out of your mouth.
nah those tits are real
fake ones don't sag like that
Now I know you're completely batshit. He draws so many characters with body types completely unrealistic(especially by your own standards) that you're just being completely idiotic. Neck yourself, loser.
Cope harder tranny, and go back to discord while you're at it faggot.
Compared to OP image his body proportion are realistic as fuck. I never said it's full realism you queer abomination. Stop replying to me if you lack basic reading comprehension 7yr old toddler is capable of.
>queer thinks the torso and head size looks even close to similar
How much more (You) do you want to have?
>using the artist that regularly draws "aliens" and other characters heavily stylized when referencing "proportions"
My God I was memeing about the schizo shit but it's actually true, did you miss a dose faggot?
This looks much closer to female body proportion than OP's image. Way to shoot at your own foot queer, holy shit. Do you like getting BTFO so much as cocks in your ass?
Top of the shoulders to the top of the hip bones is very close to the length of her thighs here. You don't know what a torso is, moron. Not to mention that having every character be "evenly proportioned" is also unrealistic.
The only good ones are the far left one and far right one.
Too memey
Look, you fucking cretin, take off your semen filled gay diaper and get out from your basement to see how humans look like before replying to me.
oh shit you're a retard.
It's hopeless to argue logic with a mentally ill person who thinks an open wound in their crotch means they have the female reproductive organ.
God that measuring is so fucking off you fucking retard.
Anatomy autists are worse than footfags.
Ah yes, the short green girl with eyes as big as her mouth, pencil thin thighs and calves the same thickness as her arms looks "much closer" to real women proportions than a skewed perspective image explicitly drawn to show off the character's ass. Seriously, what shit are you on right now? Fucking subhuman.
nice selfie
>no arguments
>name calling
As expected from queer.
>body proportion is off
>hurr your measuring if off
Your brain cells are off retard.
If this is bait, it is pretty good. If you are serious, you are even more retarded than I had suspected.
Oversized wizard hats are the fuckin shit
>smaller torso compared to legs
>head is wider than her torso
>more realistic than artists drawing heads smaller than the torso
You're an absolute retard.
>I never said full realism
Yet you were complaining when it wasn't close to realistic, and then you settle for artists with very simplified, unrealistic, and stylized designs. Get back to me when you actually read the shit you spew out, and are capable of recognizing which shapes are larger than others for things that aren't tits and asses. Faggots like you are the exact people that shouldn't be critical of art because you contradict yourself.
You're literally measuring from her mouth to the bottom of her tits, not even close to the whole torso you god damn idiot.
>no u
Of course it is retard. OP image also have oversized eyes, but I was complaining about body you failed abortion.
No, it's to he hips you fucking cretin. Hahahaha, oh god.
Point still stands about the thin arms and legs. Big eyes because anime style is understandable, big tits are realistic and proportionate no matter how hard you cry and her ingame sprite is much more anatomically correct than anything Toriyama has drawn fagboi.
>no oversized tits, no oversized ass, torso actually bigger even though girl is teen instead adult woman
You shoot at your foot again queer. What did I told you about getting out of your basement?
It obviously isn't bait because this faggot is still replying to posts instead of just planting the bait and watching the destruction from afar, he genuinely is an autist who probably missed his hugbox session.
Oversized ass and tiny short torso and head are unrealistic user. No women have legs 2-3 times longer than her body, it looks retarded, except for gay cocks lovers like you.
>places line to measure her thigh on the middle of her back, measures her thigh down TO THE BOTTOM OF HER FOOT
I literally laughed my ass off at this shit. You are seriously no creative, and you are even further from an actual critic. You have no right to criticize any art with your understanding. You should've picked an image with her standing up straight because this pose isn't similar to the one on the left, and getting an accurate measurement of her torso compared to her thigh would be difficult, especially for your simian sensibilities. Seethe more, faggot.
>being queer who don't even know how women looks like
>call anyone faggot or retarded
>all these sorceressfags
Make way for the actual goddess
has it ever occurred to you that it is the geometry lined up with her breasts and hips because she is bending downward?
Can you call it trolling at the point where he's like 60% of the replies in this thread? He's clearly sperging out
>neck is middle of the back
You are probably even more retarded than proportions I'm talking about. Neck yourself.
>implying they aren't both goddesses
No need for this division.
she's also crouching a little which means her legs are even longer, idiot. I was generous actually.
No fucking shit the entire leg is longer retard, I said "thigh" but your broken English ass probably can't understand that. Thighs and torsos are pretty similar in length, but I guarantee you can't even look at a real woman IRL to verify without sweating and popping a boner, let alone even looking them in the eye you troglodyte. Also, this seems to be your ideal girl.
Seeing this idiocy on the front page made me want to give (you) a reply and to call you the biggest retard on Yea Forums till the next guy that shows up.
Why are you measuring the whole leg.
The torso is about the length of the hip to the knee.
If you measure them properly you'll see they're roughly the same length.
> big tits isn't realistic
> real women cannot have big tits
Truth, brother
It's started to get boring but oh well. Enjoy queer.
>wider than her torso
Now that you mention it though, her head is also literally as big as her torso, so that's also wrong by your standards.
>no oversized tits/ass
And there's what I was saying as well, you don't like women with tits or asses larger than this(which you denied). Showing that you're, yet again, a lying moron.
>girl is teen instead of adult woman
She's 16 at her earliest depiction, which is almost always past the development of adult body for women. Adult body size isn't reliant on being 20 or older. You don't even know the simplest shit about these characters, let alone women's bodies. I'm certain you're the one who hasn't been out of your mom's basement, because you apparently weren't at school to take biology so you would know that most 16 year old women have finished growing. Seethe harder.
Patrician choice is wizard hat with large brim and small crown
She filled out nicely.
I hope the lot of you never have kids
>He still isn't measuring the thigh
It's kind of sad how retarded you are.
One day they will remaster Dragon's Crown for the Switch and I don't ever need to boot my PS4 up during parties again as all my couch multiplayer will then be on my Switch.
>If I project something maybe it will be true
It's time to stop posting queer, seriously.
A true downy until the end.
She grew up into a beautiful woman
Play the game bro, it's worth your time
Makes sense to me. If I were a skeleton, I'd prefer my necromancer to be able to provide me with an abundance of milk. Gotta think about that calcium.
>She's 16 at her earliest depiction, which is almost always past the development of adult body for women. Adult body size isn't reliant on being 20 or older.
I love how queers talk about women body, holy shit.
Realism fags really are the worst that prioritize realism over style in a work of fiction.
>thigh should have twice length of the body and whole leg 4 times
True autistic queer ape, my salute to you.
>The torso is about the length of the hip to the knee.
Just read this, holy shit. Gold
You know less about women than your supposed queer. Like I said, seethe harder.
They only whine about "realism" until they're all circlejerking over the newest loli characters with actually unreleastic sized hips and asses. Personally I don't give a fuck if you like big tits or small tits, but I don't see people who like big tits going to posts of artwork of smaller girl characters whining like the faggots who screech "COWTITS, REALISM" all the time do.
>not only queer but also ESL
Left: some witch girl
Right: eldritch monstrosity from the deepest pit of the unending abyss
don't even (You) me
Blatant faggotry don't deserve a (you)
she had tits to start off with, so she was never a loli
but yes, she definitely got uglier
This entire thread is people trying to explain to some ESL subhuman basement dweller how human bodies look and that girls can have big tits, I'm laughing my fucking ass off how delusional he is honestly.
You don't know what you're talking about
You're the one projecting your incorrect image of a thigh onto me. Come back when you learn the difference between a thigh and the entire leg, because apparently you also missed the anatomy lesson when you stayed home.
Maybe op is 1. a manlet that hates long legs. And 2. Is so autistic that he can't wrap his head around stylistic choices
Apparently according to some ESL queer ape autists ass should be 2 times wider than torso and whole leg 4 times longer. We got it Jimmy.
>Shopkeeper isn't in this
Why must we suffer
>measuring leg isn't measuring thigh also
>queer thinks thigh have a similar length to torse
breasts are a part of the lolicon fantasy, as we all know
please speak english
Seems like you're also projecting your ESL onto others now too. Guess you got pissed after hearing that the whole thread LMAO
>You know less about women than your supposed queer.
What does ESL queer ape mean by this?
I'm fine with an eldritch horror
please get out from your basement
Right? And he's trying to say others are ESL lol
>What does ESL queer ape mean by this?
Could somebody translate this sentence into English?
Turkish oil wrestled them into submission
It's not even the proportions, I can't stop mimicking his belt when he's striking a pose for the entirety of the conversation.
Do it again for the hand on the loli.
You know how they deal with anorexic girls and chalk outlines right? I'm starting to think ESLs, leftists and other assorted faggots need to be shown things like that.
It's that whole "can't see pictures within the mind/NPC" meme stuff.
Please PLEASE use Google and you will see how damaged your smooth brain is. THIS is a thigh and they do have similar lengths to torsos, just slightly longer. You seriously must've failed biology in high school or didn't even have a high school considering your English is so poor and you probably live in a 3rd world shithole.
Why? You are ESL, you won't understand that.
>and they do have similar lengths to torsos, just slightly longer
So you are a trully autistic queer ape. Ok.
I am fine with more legs that can trigger that autist. My theory that OP has thighs shorter than his torso is slowly adding up.
God, I want an onee-san to pamper me.
No wonder your ESL is suffering, you missed that class in school too.
>measuring leg isn't measuring thigh also
Because we were only talking about the thigh's length relative to the torso from the beginning, moron.
>queer thinks thigh have a similar length to torse
I don't know about torse, but they're close in length to a torso. Make sure you don't miss the short bus come August so you can catch your ESL classes.
queers, you dumb nigger, queers
it's not a name you fucking retard
will we ever get a vanillaware thread that isn't about tits and muh proportions? I'd rather like you to just post the foodporn...
>Because we were only talking about the thigh's length relative to the torso from the beginning, moron.
No, you autistic queer ape. We were talking about overall proportion since hour. Thigh-torso proportion is also fucked so again you made laughingstock of yourself.
At this point we can just call this thread "Yea Forums tries to teach a spic that a thigh is part of a leg"
because you never played it, dummy
Here's a drawing from the NCBI hopefully simple enough for you to understand.
More like, queers shouldn't talk about women body proportion and thinking that ass should be 2 times wider than other body parts.
Here's one simple enough for you to understand, lol.
Maybe if we post more skeletons, OP will start understanding anatomy.
Yeah I agree, the left looks like a malnourished chimpanzee with those oversized floor scrapers. What are you getting at?
>wait 6 years
>it's a VN
The proportions you incorrectly measured were the torso and the thigh, moron. You know-- the one where you measured her thigh as the length from her hips to the ground?
>tfw no Elf thigh porn
Thanks user for the chuckle, fucking hilarious
The right is actually proportional, but fags attack it and ignore loli shit because they're fags, which is what the entire thread is agreeing on except for the trannies.
I think she stopped drawing porn.
Growth spurt
>won't get to play as big tittied sensei
>I have a big boner
Latest thing was released last winter so I don't think that's the case, pretty sure she's expressed interest in keeping the serialization and the doujins going separately.
I doubt it, Pochi just has been busy with other projects. Admittedly, the LN she draws for is not that great so I hope she uses it just as a jumping off point.
>That one girl with spats
presumably she was helping a little with the anime as a consultant or something
Probably on hold desu. She's part of a series that's being animated right now, so she probably doesn't have time, along with woroking on her SFW version of the series.
I've really liked bigger tits for a while but I have to say with shit like that and NieR I've come to like legs a lot more as well
Thighs and hips are glorious, user. You just haven't seen enough of them.
I will never not die laughing whenever this is posted.
Something about that last panel.
Exaggerated artstyles are great.
I don't think that you understand what censorship is
It's not "a bad change"
Lmao I think the ESL kid followed my advice and decided to actually catch his short bus for summer school. I hope he studies anatomy today.
left is cute and right looks like a whore
what, you saying you wouldn't rape an orc?
>dragons crown still not on PC
what is this trash
Yea Forums loser boys jerking off to a character and going "NO SHE'S SYMBOLIC YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND I'M APPRECIATING ART" is so fucking pathetic lmfao ajhfjdfjhfjhfjsjhfsjhfsjhfsjhfs how do you people live
that's 3 syllables
"dye late" works better
You mean this one? No, he's still in.
Dude, stop replying.
They're trolling and you're biting.
Or just dumb and stubborn. Either way, don't give them the time of day.
It is worth emulating at this point. I was playing with it on parsec with some buddies and it worked fine.
They are correctly measured, if you think this is even close to resembling human anatomy then you are a truly autistic queer ape.
Left: genuine pedo
Right: Virile and for masculine men
Old meme and don't have Photoshop installed anymore but I had to.
>ass 5 times bigger than head
>ESL queer thinks this looks sexy and realistic
My sides
I came here to post this.
>at least C sized tits and teen
He's american
We get you prefer little girls because you're a closet pedo, now PLEASE go back to RA
Shadman is hit and miss, but when he hits he hits HARD. Raita is hit and miss too, but when he misses he misses SO BADLY. Raikou is such a hot fucking design but leave it to Raita to draw her so fucking badly.
Anything less than D cup isn't a woman.
>you prefer little girls
How so? Because I'm not queer like you? I know you are retarded but you have to use argumentation if you want a proper reply.
I prefer the shorter hair but I'd be lying if I said Right wasn't an improvement
>that comment
>coupled with that username
Underrated post.
You did not measure correctly. You placed a line from her hips to the ground, not just her thigh.
I honestly have no idea what people see in the loli bodytype.
her thigh is 2 times longer than her body, look for fuck's sake
Left isn't loli, but you don't get it because you're not a pedo.
Big tits are justice.
they probably had to censor a shit ton of stuff because of sony which has delayed the release
Wtf is this image haha.
>saying "oversized tits and ass" when talking about a drawing that's perspective is skewed to make them look bigger
>whines about "MUH PROPORTIONS AND REALISM" even when shown multiple real world examples of women with bodies like her
>doesn't understand basic anatomy and comparisons
>can't speak English
>says they don't have an issue with big tits and then shortly after says they have a problem with big tits earlier in the thread
>is the true "queer" because they don't prefer women with shapely asses and breasts
I've said it before but you really are a genetic failure because of this. We've evolved as a species to desire big tits and wide hips with a nice ass not only for sex but for birthing and raising children, something which your pedophile ass won't have the chance to do when you get your skull stomped in behind bars soon.
The hardcover artbook is going to be maximum comfy.
>2013, Exposing her ankles
By the gods, what a wretched little harlot, I hope none of you find this attractive.
The magic always turn you into a thot
>Entire leg is highlighted
I swear to god that I will start drawing porn because of these characters, just want to fulfill my fantasies
>refers me to said post where he measures incorrectly
user, we're talking about the thigh-- specifically the femur. I've included a very simple reference image for you to understand(you won't).
>going to be
what do you mean? a re-release?
Has anyone made that loli Sorcereress with huge ass-edit yet?
Obviously you're retarded and couldn't tell from context clues that I was talking about the line you used to measure her thigh. More problems of an ESL.
Me see big boob me get angry
>complain about lack of anatomy knowledge when thinking that ass is 2 times wider than whole body
>complain about English speak when he's ESL
>even when shown multiple real-world examples of women with bodies like her
Show me single women with legs 4 times longer than her whole body and oversized ass.
>e've evolved as a species to desire big tits and wide hips with a nice ass
We've evolved to like natural proportions over completely retarded cartoonish proportions that don't exist. But how came failed abortions could even comprehend that? Calling people who don't share your autistic tastes and retarded knowledge about human anatomy pedophiles won't help you queer. Neck yourself and your parents so they won't reproduce again.
Honestly lolifags need to be added to the list of people who need to COPE, it shouldn't be just discord trannies and SJWs
I need the copypasta of this, because GOD DAMN i want big milkies
>fact that entire leg is highlighted dosen't make her thigh longer than shoudl be
What does queer ape mean by this again?
>we're talking about the thigh
No, we are talking about overall proportions, what the fuck is wrong with your obsession with thigh?
> Age: 15
> Age: 30
You keep trying to turn the ESL thing back on others, but it's not working. When you say shit like
>English speak
you out yourself every time, moron.
>no u
What a retarded queer. Hey, your mom also has 2-meter wide ass?
Did he fuck them?
>English speak
You are ESL though, also no arguments. How long are you willing to get BTFO?
>than your supposed
>also no arguments
Dude, just stop and go find a forum in your native tongue, sparing us from your autism.
Typical that you're always moving the goalpost. First it was about how her thighs aren't anatomically correct in length, now it's about how her ass is too wide. You still don't understand the word "thigh". "Natural" is just another term for "realism", those pics of real girls with big tits are "natural" tits because they didn't have plastic surgery dumbass. There's a few countries where the average tit size is much larger than the rest of the world's so would you consider them "cartoony" as well? There's plenty of video and photographic evidence too that those girls with bodies like her's exist, it's a shame you're too insecure, scared and gay to accept that reality over your own that your schizo brain made up.
"Like wtf dude, those legs are 4 times longer than body" -OP
>have to search in google for "longest legs in the world" to find abomination
>even with this failed because they are 1.5- 2.0 longer than body at best
I'll take it as "yes, I can't find it, I was retarded".
No, when we were saying you measured the thigh wrong, we were talking about the thigh, moron. You linked me back to your shitty measurement of the entire leg, when we said we need to compare the just the thigh(femur) vs. the torso for a specific proportion. It ended up being turned into a thigh vs. torso length discussion, but you obviously don't even know what a thigh is, so obviously you wouldn't know correct proportions. We've been giving you a single example of a comparable proportion, and you literally can't even understand what a fucking thigh is. You can't just say "That's not what we were talking about!" when that's what your last 20 replies have been replying to, moron.
Seriously, you need to neck yourself man. This kind of stupidity should not be present in the gene pool.
>English speak
This is too perfect, it HAS to be bait
It's you who reply to me constantly ESL ape.
> First it was about how her thighs aren't anatomically correct in length
No, at first it was her proportions are completely fucked in multiple places and it's still my point. Learn English you fucking oaf. How much longer I have to babysit you?
>talk constantly how her whole proportion are fucked
Holy fuck your brain broke completely? What's wrong with you?
It isn't, sadly. He can't speak English, and he doesn't know what a thigh is.
So you admit you failed at this example? Ok, queer.
>English speak
fuckin lol, this guy is a joke
You don't even know how woman looks like mate. How can you still reply?
>It's you who reply to me constantly ESL ape.
Replies would be grammatically correct in this instance you (I am just paraphrasing you here) ESL ape.
Is this the picture that Dobson literally traced without giving credits and even had the audacity to complain it was hard for him to draw?
>tfw i'm a beaner but i don't complain about unrealistic proportions (even though the entire game is 1000% exaggerated, y'all niggers focus all your anger on Sorceress yet the meales are hyper muscular hyper sweaty bara men) and i'd still fuck Sorceress senseless
Feels good to not be a faggot
>no u
>still replying
So how's your 2 meter wide ass girlfriend again? Or you mistook her with nigger maybe?
kys fagtron
I am asking if you can string together a coherent English sentence, or do I need to dumb down my question even further so you can understand it?
Your grammar is horrendous man, just stop acting like you're fluent in English. What is your native language? We've already proved with her ingame sprite that her proportions are much more "realistic" than the loli version which has horrendously large, ugly hands and short legs. It's also unfair to compare left vs right because it's not even the same pose. When presented with a pose closer to the left one you still keep insisting it's disproportionate and the main reason being is because she has big tits with a big ass and a skinny waste, on a stylized character no less. It's genuinely funny how you think Toriyama's art is more "proportionate" aka "realistic" or "natural" than this with his super skinny limbs, big heads and short legs. Absolutely delusional.
Ok a few things.
One, I hope someone has the melt down by that "journalist" who got so scared he was getting a boner from this game that he started calling the big tiddy witch lady a design to appeal to lolicons.
Two, I hope you guys realize that in your grand discussion about anatomy and proportion that you're being sure to reference real world adult females rather than just random skeleton you're finding in google images.
Male and female proportions differ in many different ways. One way people often overlook is that male and female thigh and shins have different length/proportions.
Just like everyone forgets that male and female ring and index fingers have different lengths (a male has longer ring finger and a female has longer index finger as the growth here is somehow determined by testosterone and estrogen).
What do you shit genetics have to do with anything in your post? Are you proud of being a subhuman?
Based and tiddypilled spic
It's not about realism it's about ridiculous mistakes. For example, no one will complain about the pic you posted as it's clear it's intentional and comes to convey a message. But in op's pic it's quite obvious there's no real reason to give her gorilla arms and it was an embarrassing mistake.
If anything it's the shoes that bother me.
>We've already proved with her ingame sprite that her proportions are much more "realistic
Where? You posted some Russian chick with unusual long legs, and she dosen't resemble character at all which I proved. I also measured how her proportions are fucked up and only answer from you was name calling. You still don't know how woman looks like and still confirmed yourself queer.
>no reply
So you did fail? Glad we agree.
Get back here with those goalposts you are trying to walk away with, I am talking about your horrible grammar. It is truly astounding that you think that your English is somehow comparable to the average user on this site.
If I had a copy, I would do it.
On the contrary, i wish i didn't share the same genepool with the retard in this thread.
>400 posts about this guy
gay guy here
you people are a joke
Buy more artbooks and shit, Kuwatani deserves more money and argue less over wrong facts about a drawing.
I see I need to dumb down my question. Puedes hablar ingles? Is that better?
This is the worst thread ive seen in a while
>His bitching about proportions is met with a reply to show that there are decent proportions aside from the intentionally exaggerated breasts and ass, which should be ignored because they were intentionally made to be exaggerated
>Keeps ignoring that he's wrong about the proportion of thigh vs. torso that people were pointing out, because he doesn't even know what a thigh is
>Says artists that draw heads wider than the torso is more anatomically correct, when they previously said they also thought incorrectly sized heads were bad
>When replying to others showing him the proportions for the height of her features is correct by comparing the length of the torso to the thigh and others, he intentionally measures the entire leg(and then some) compared to the torso in a pose that isn't similar to the standing one on the left whatsoever, because he doesn't understand poses or perspective
>We've been trying to explain to him what a thigh is for over an hour
>He can't even spell thigh correctly
We're done here.
He has, only genetic abomination can think this looks realistic and attractive. This is what I'm saying from the beginning and he proved my point.
Multiple people have posted not only real life girls with big tits, asses, long legs etc. along with anatomy images and they're still deluding themself into thinking the left is more anatomically correct with those gorilla hands and short legs. Yeah male and female proportions differ but the fact remains that you can easily compare the length of someone's thigh to their torso and they're similar in length, with the thigh usually being slightly longer by a couple inches. Doesn't help that it's painfully obvious English isn't their native language because they're misunderstanding "thigh" as the entire leg and have demonstrated that with the comparisons they drew themself. Also, pretty sure someone already posted that fag from kotaku or wherever saying Sorceress appeals to lolicons.
>it was intentionally, so somehow doesn't look like shit and unrealistic as hell
>somehowe her thigh is not fucked like other parts of her body
>saying that someone makes art more realistic means he's anatomically correct
>still going with thigh autism for no reason like a broken record
Yes, we're done. Go back to your nigger's ass.
>You don't even know how woman looks like
What are you even on about, loser? We've already established that this was a stylized representation of a woman two hours ago and are talking about specific proportions. Stop trying to come off as another person when we can all tell its you because you can't speak English.
Here's her ingame sprite that I posted earlier, but we all know you're blind and delusional and seeing big milky tits gets your blood boiling so you'll probably ignore it, again.
Take comfort in the fact you don't samefag like him at least.
>We've already established that this was a stylized representation of a woman two hours ago
No, you were saying this looks realistic and I should like it, this is why I'm laughing at you.
>inb4 I was only pretending
I think you are really this retarded because how long you drag this.
>trying to act like somebody else
ESL-kun, your bad English really does stick out like a sore thumb.
>it's that ESL queer ape again
Holy shit, you are here 24/7
Waifufags hijacked the entire Japanese industry and turned it to shit.
the big milk
I guess you got "ESL queer ape" down to muscle memory, or is the only phrase that you know in English.
High heels were a poor choice for adventuring.
Completely unrealistic and unethical.
Too bad you don't know even that, as well as human beings, looks like. Too much life in mom's basement eh?
>far left
>polished dress shoes with no socks
This is the reason Yea Forums is extremely terrible in the /fa/ department, this isn't noticeable until the fags go out into public.
*ankle socks
Still a terrible fashion design.
>it was intentionally, so somehow doesn't look like shit and unrealistic as hell
That's subjective, but obviously what I expect from a loli poster. The whole point with me saying it was done "intentionally" is that it would obviously violate "realistic" because they chose to violate realism
>I didn't mean realistic as in anatomically correct!
What do you guys mean by her tits/ass aren't realistic then? People have already posted replies showing real women with comparably huge tits/ass in response. When drawing the proportions for a character, it's based off of anatomy.
Seriously, what did you even mean then, moron? You were saying the size of their tits and asses and the proportions were wrong, so that's what we assumed you were talking about. So when we point out that the exact same things aren't "realistic" by that standard in another artist's style, you can't say, "That's not what we were talking about!". You're just mad that I'm not letting you change what you said previously to fit your current argument.
>somehowe her thigh
>still going with thigh autism for no reason like a broken record
Because nearly three hours later, you apparently don't know that a femur isn't measured along with the pelvis, knee, and leg bone. Go back to ESL class.
Fake, natural, all about the end goals. Right lighting and angle and fake is just as good as natural.
>Too bad you don't know even that, as well as human beings, looks like.
It truly is fascinating that with your rudimentary comprehension of the English language, you try to construct an insult. Go back to watching your English movies and try again later. Maybe you will have a better grasp on English and be able to converse with us properly.
Take it to the Dimmadome!
Literally listening to the soundtrack right now, too. I hope this vn comes soon
Stop posting lolicon fantasies.
>he's still replying
Holy shit hahaha
>That's subjective,
No shit! Really? So what's your problem if I didn't like it? Your butthole exploded?
>loli poster
Wut? How am I loli poster, queer? I already asked you before and you failed at answer.
>People have already posted replies showing real women with comparably huge tits/ass in response.
I will probably repeat this about 10th time but well... No one posted woman with legs 4 times longer than a body, ass 2 times wider than a body, head 5 times smaller than ass. Hey, queer, how much time do I have to repeat the same for you? 10 times is not enough?
>says the guy who lives in the basement and doesn't even interact with women to know how they look
The irony is strong.
>Yfw all the shit on them is futa stuff
>No, you were saying this looks realistic and I should like it
Recently we've been trying to point out that you don't measure the femur with the knee and leg, idiot. Also, nobody told you that you had to like the Sorceress design or Raita's art. They just said you were an idiot if you thought certain features(huge breasts/ass) weren't real, and then showed you actual examples of them IRL. Then they said it was stylized, yet then showed you that the proportions were close to real life for the Sorceress design. I don't care if you laugh at me, because that's just a few extra breaths to take you out of this world faster.
>inb4 I was only pretending
The only one pretending here is you, user. Pretending that you were never arguing about anatomy or proportions, just "realism" which can only be interpreted as anatomy when talking about the body of a character.
>I think you are really this retarded because how long you drag this.
Yet again, stop skipping your ESL classes. But I bet you can't even argue a cogent point in your native tongue anyway.
Jesus, where did they take this pic, Jeffrey Epstein's island?
You keep posting these lolicon fantasies and I think Schreier would have something to say about it.
Yes. You can look stylish while looking average. It shows you put in some for your clothing choices and can read clothing sizes.
Beef cake fit and trimmed just makes everything +2 because you actually look like you earned that confidence aura ozzing out of you.
/fa/ fat fuck just gets a pass and amazes people that crumbs aren't all over your body.
>All these beta orbiters arguing over fictional tits
And then you say Yea Forumssetera is not real...
Both are great, now actual SJWs would be screeching anyway
Too few porn of her.
Are you implying there are other ways to deliver justice to orcs?
>Recently we've been trying to point out that you don't measure the femur with the knee and leg, idiot
No, I'm constantly talking about overall fucked proportion, I don't care what are you arguing with yourself retard. Just because you failed at argument moving goalposts won't help you autistic semen eating donkey.
>nobody said you have to like it
>hurr u dicklet, u pedo
You must be really sad abortion if other people opinions hurt you so much.
>proportion were close to real life
But they aren't you queer, I already proved this multiple times.
>retending that you were never arguing about anatomy or proportions
But I did, and you got btfo.
>stop skipping your ESL clases
You can't stop skipping sucking niggers cocks so you are last person to educate someone.
Shotacon perversion, obviously.
Shad is hit or miss, not a complete asshole, and easy enough to filter.
>he's still replying
The irony of then replying back to me, again.
>So what's your problem if I didn't like it?
I never had a problem with you not liking it. If you said you were just not into big tits/ass I wouldn't have gave a shit. It's when you started mentioning "realism" and proportions got brought up that a few of us had to point out how retarded you are. That didn't mean we were trying to force you to like it or anything, we just think you're a dumbass.
>No one posted woman with legs 4 times longer than a body, ass 2 times wider than a body, head 5 times smaller than ass
That's because the proportions you're using from that picture can't possibly be correct because you suck at measuring the proportions of a character in that perspective and pose. That's why I said it's not comparable between the two images, because they're not both standing up straight. Her head is going to be drawn smaller because to get the perspective they wanted for that drawing(ass closer to put emphasis on it) they had to draw her head smaller, and also made her bend over. That's exactly why you can't compare the two accurately. Nobody replied with a woman with your measurements because you measured them incorrectly, and on a picture that isn't comparable to a standing pose.
>all these trannies ITT seething over a character's design
Look up what the term, "irony" is first before you use it in such a bastardized way.
This beaner/chink (kinda hard to tell) probably actually thinks they're trolling by just spamming "QUEER NIGGER SEMEN BASEMENT BTFO". Pretty obvious they've never seen a woman outside of their home either, it's honestly pretty pathetic to watch at this point but it was amusing at first though.
>hurr u dicklet, u pedo
Not the guy saying dicklet or calling people pedo in this thread
>I proved the proportions were wrong, and you got btfo
No you didn't. You did a piss poor job of measuring, they were incorrect, and the image was too hard for you to measure since you're an amateur. You've btfo of yourself by showing your shitty measurements.
>Gets touchy over mentioning the ESL classes
At least we know without a doubt that you're mad about it now.
>Stop skipping sucking niggers cocks
Evidence that you're not attending from that negative statement there. You just said I don't suck nigger dick. But the obsession you have with others sucking nigger dick kind of shows your personal tastes now.