What do you want to see from Horizon 2 on PS5?
What do you want to see from Horizon 2 on PS5?
A new face for her or another protag that doesn't look like a monster
Let me ride those hawk robots and the big dinos. Improve melee combat it is pure shit now. Better weapons. Only having bow as a standard option is just stupid. I like picking up weapons from enemies after blowing them off but most of the time you can't. The rpg system is complete shit. Why do you get a lootbox as a reward? Hzd and Gow would do a lot better if they removed the items and armor aspect just have costumes and different weapon skills. More robots would be nice. Maybe add a mech suit and don't let the game stay in a tribal setting it gets stale fast. The writing should improve. Make some memorable characters. So far they are all equally shit in the game. That is actually quite impressive.
i want to see her fat cock
Fun. They forgot to code it in 90% of the first one.
>It's a "potato tries to look cute" episode
Such a shame.
fix her ugly dyke face
Tropical islands and surfing
ok she almost looks cute here. almost.
>that nose
>those ears
Considering what they had to work with the final product doesn't seem that bad anymore.
I want to be able to ride the flying machines just like you could ride some of the land ones
an actual game instead of another movie
Look at this dweeb trying so hard to fit in lads
bright lights hide her ugly-ass creatura face
thot portrait photography 101
i want to be able to ride this bitch
>people in this thread with shit taste
aloy is queen fuck you losers
It not releasing
More roboanimals
More hacks for said animals
I should be able to ride everything that can hold my weight, whether it would make a good mount or not.
Better melee combat
>New location set in a different state
>New protag who isn't a descendant of a scientist behind the rebirth project
>Climbing uses tools rather than set paths like Uncharted
>Being able to use human enemy guns during fights with them
>New robots to fight
>Less crafting bullshit
i just want them to round her face a bit, change her hairstyle to something more feminine, remove the abs and add curves, and allow her to wear clothes that show lots of skin
Riding a Thunderjaws should be a late unlock at the least. It's already a very easy game.
Getting cancelled so Ape Escape 4 is made
2 things.
1. Let me free climb shit like in assassins creed or BOTW.
2. Let me mount larger robots. Even if you can only do it for a short time like in Monster Hunters.
More stains between the legs. Ovulation cycles. Realistic free bleeding
1. Hair style customization
2. Better armor customization (not just a full fucking outfit)
3. Better combat vs Humans or just better melee options.
All I want. Don’t want meme shit like “le climb anywhere!” which just means they need to pad out the map with pointless shit like Korok Seeds