What do you want to see from Horizon 2 on PS5?

What do you want to see from Horizon 2 on PS5?

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A new face for her or another protag that doesn't look like a monster

Let me ride those hawk robots and the big dinos. Improve melee combat it is pure shit now. Better weapons. Only having bow as a standard option is just stupid. I like picking up weapons from enemies after blowing them off but most of the time you can't. The rpg system is complete shit. Why do you get a lootbox as a reward? Hzd and Gow would do a lot better if they removed the items and armor aspect just have costumes and different weapon skills. More robots would be nice. Maybe add a mech suit and don't let the game stay in a tribal setting it gets stale fast. The writing should improve. Make some memorable characters. So far they are all equally shit in the game. That is actually quite impressive.

i want to see her fat cock

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Fun. They forgot to code it in 90% of the first one.

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>It's a "potato tries to look cute" episode

Such a shame.

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fix her ugly dyke face

Tropical islands and surfing

ok she almost looks cute here. almost.

>that nose
>those ears
Considering what they had to work with the final product doesn't seem that bad anymore.

I want to be able to ride the flying machines just like you could ride some of the land ones

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an actual game instead of another movie

Look at this dweeb trying so hard to fit in lads

bright lights hide her ugly-ass creatura face

thot portrait photography 101

i want to be able to ride this bitch

>people in this thread with shit taste
aloy is queen fuck you losers

It not releasing

More roboanimals
More hacks for said animals
I should be able to ride everything that can hold my weight, whether it would make a good mount or not.

Better melee combat

>New location set in a different state
>New protag who isn't a descendant of a scientist behind the rebirth project
>Climbing uses tools rather than set paths like Uncharted
>Being able to use human enemy guns during fights with them
>New robots to fight
>Less crafting bullshit

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i just want them to round her face a bit, change her hairstyle to something more feminine, remove the abs and add curves, and allow her to wear clothes that show lots of skin

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Riding a Thunderjaws should be a late unlock at the least. It's already a very easy game.

Getting cancelled so Ape Escape 4 is made

2 things.
1. Let me free climb shit like in assassins creed or BOTW.
2. Let me mount larger robots. Even if you can only do it for a short time like in Monster Hunters.

More stains between the legs. Ovulation cycles. Realistic free bleeding

1. Hair style customization
2. Better armor customization (not just a full fucking outfit)
3. Better combat vs Humans or just better melee options.

All I want. Don’t want meme shit like “le climb anywhere!” which just means they need to pad out the map with pointless shit like Korok Seeds
