Name a game harder than Puyo Puyo. You literally can't. I doubt any of you are good at this game.
Name a game harder than Puyo Puyo. You literally can't. I doubt any of you are good at this game
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cool joke thread op
Looks easy enough compared to Puyo Puyo.
sure thing, 2-button kid.
Yes because more buttons equals a harder game.
that is correct. ülaying the piano is more difficult than playing beatmania in the same way that beatmania is more difficult than playing puyo. deal with it
It just sounds like your bad at Puyo and this is your way of dealing with it.
you have not posted any evidence that puyo puyo is difficult in any way whatsoever, there is absolutely nothing to discuss here.
this low effort thread doesn't deserve any serious replies
enjoy your 2 button game
I don't have to post why, just play the game and see.
not even the hardest arcade rhythm game
>I don't have to post why
yes, you do. burden of proof lies with the one that made a retarded claim.
this thread is entirely pointless, literally prove me wrong tier garbage.
Ok then, your simplistic guitar hero game in which you just have to learn a pattern and it only last for 1 minute 20 and your done compared to Puyo with completely random patterns and bosses who have entirely different skills and the game never ends.
Sit down kiddo.
Your post is stupid.
Your post is even stupider.
I'm not that guy, but that video is literally being played with the "Random" modifier.
the amount of time you have per required action is a lot longer in puyo puyo . you are mistaking rng for difficulty.
but at least now there is something to talk about.
how exactly is puyo more difficult than tetris grandmasters, which features similar rng as puyo?
>Your post is stupid.
>Your post is even stupider.
first week on Yea Forums?
Because you can have characters like Suketoudara who can come in and just instantly kill your run within 2 turns if your not set up games in advance.
>avoidable noobtrap equals difficulty
any competitive multiplayer game requires more effort than that. unlike your cpu opponents, actual human players are less predictable as they can learn and adapt on the fly.
Puyo Puyo also has multiplayer so it has hard as shit single player AND multilplayer. Maybe you should try playing the games before you speak about them, you're just embarrassing yourself at this point.
Cleopatra Fortune
Simple matrix mathematics in which one single formation results in a clear screen.
Lol for neet ass niggas.
"Random" arrangement sorts are not hard and can be performed by children.
Fission mailed.
you were talking about a cpu boss in the post i replied to, i got the impression that you thought cpu opponents and rng are difficult, i merely pointed out that any old multiplayer is more difficult than that specific noobtrap you mentioned. you are taking my comment out of context.
since now you're talking about multiplayer, how many opponents do you fight at once in puyo and how many team members do you have to take into consideration?
i highly doubt the amount of variables per match is any higher than in a simple competitive team game, but feel free to educate me.
Need a hand moving those goalposts? And it depends on the version of Puyo Puyo, it can be from 2-4 players.
Puyo is one of the more challenging puzzle games, but puzzle games are hardly the most difficult genre.
>Name a game harder than Puyo Puyo
Chess. Thread over.
What do you mean with this post?
How do I get to level 30 in Puyo Puyo to fight the witch?
I don't know about any modern Puyo Puyo but
>playing PP2 on SNES
>already pretty challenging
>go to hardest difficulty
>extremely difficult, clearing without deaths/savestates is balls-to-the-wall hard
>discover that in order to get the true ending I have to not only do that, but also manipulate the scoring in such a way that I barely go under the required amount to get to the next tier up, then sprint huge points on the next match
I never completed it.
This needs to be wordfiltered for fucks sake.
>in which you just have to learn a pattern
>what is random modifier