What gaming 'news' sources aren't complete shit?

A very long time ago, I used to be a regular at Kotaku, thinking there wasn't anything that remarkable about it beyond just relaying gaming news and having the odd interesting article every once in a while. Then I started to smell the shit seeping through the cracks with the bizarre fixation on things that had nothing to do with games, so I never touched that place again.
Went and looked around for something suitable that could let me know when things were happening, that wasn't (becoming) a propaganda machine for the moronic, and came upon pic related. By this point I only gave a fuck about PC so figured that this would be perfect, as it didn't have any blatant overtones of anything but news and interesting PC gaming things.
Fast forward to the last couple months and, the same kind of shit I noticed with Kotaku is rearing it's ugly head between the cracks of RPS. Well fuck.
>Why do you even "need" a gaming site?
It's not a "need", the problem is between adblock and being a neet, I truly don't have any idea what's going on in the world of gaming, or many things at large, beyond the major announcements that seem to trickle down through the likes of here, and even at that there's things I find out about way later than I used to. And no, Yea Forums is not a suitable place to find out about everything alone, as what I give a shit about and what anons posting give a shit about don't completely line up, plus given the fickle nature of threads, this is hardly the best place to catch up with 'current events'.
tl:dr; Read the title.

Attached: rpslogorec.png (620x264, 7K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>last couple months
Walker and Grayson buttfucked RPS years ago.
Siliconera for nip news. There's some western indie rags, GetIndieGaming or the like. Kind of fags though, you know what kind of games they concentrate on covering.

Best to call them what they are: gaming tabloids.

OneAngryGamer is unironically based and redpilled.

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>Walker and Grayson buttfucked RPS years ago.
Guess it wasn't until late that it became hyper blatant what their MO was to anyone not actively looking for it. Shame, I quite liked RPS.
Used to go to Siliconera all the time in the past, have no idea why it fell off my radar. As for GetIndieGaming, I go to their site, and literaly the first five posts are top tens and the next thing is a Gone Home review. Not leaving a good impression.
At this point they pretty much are. Problem being though, where the hell am I supposed to get my god damn gaming news if seemingly all these places would rather write hit pieces on their crusade over whatever they think is "problematic" this week than have genuinely objective game reviews?

Unironically PC Gamer, if you read the Britbong side of it. Because it's a magazine it's not as clickbaity.

>Not leaving a good impression.
Yeah, they were just the first rag that came to mind. Haven't followed them in a year and I guess they've completely given up. They used to do these mega-coverage posts.

RPG Codex is decent for rpgs. Their news side, the forums for fags who insist that Akalabeth was where they started. It's fun to watch them hate everything inXile puts out though, because that's the correct stance.

Niche gamer and Exclusively games are pretty good


This is the best one.
Prove me wrong.

I made this image when it became a sjw cesspool
They even changed their logo and motto later

Attached: RPS-2013.png (219x118, 24K)

At this point? I don't really know of any sites that aren't completely worthless dogshit
Every time I've thought I've found one worth a damn they release a hit piece on something for not fitting into their agenda or some stupid shit like that
Nowadays I get just get my news from my friends and random dickheads on the internet
YouTubers are probably your best bet as they have to keep up to date to stay relevant and tend to pull from a variety of sources anyway

As much as I like it not being the likes of Kotaku, I don't particularly care for going hard in the opposite direction. Just want something that can be genuinely objective, assuming this post wasn't just made for the shitpost.
Had a quick look, I despise their website layout but the actual articles themselves seem pretty decent. If there's some userscript that'd make navigating it less of a pain then that may be a winner.
Shame I'm not really one for RPGs, though thanks for the suggestion.
Niche gamer seems to slant towards being weeby rather than news generally, but that's perfectly fine, looks like a pretty good contender.
Exclusively games at first look has a few too many "Top #" articles for my liking, but seems pretty nice otherwise, also looking like a good contender.

Oneangrygamer if you SJW narratives, they are basically the exact opposite and cover all the gaming news.


>hate sjw narratives

When they changed their layout, it was so bad that to this day I have a userscript to restore their layout back to what it was. I mean going from black and dark colors to blaring white and a light greenish blue? The hell were they thinking? Guess I'll be able to save the microscopic amount of disc space that script took now. Though I never payed attention to whatever their motto was, what was it and what did they change it to?
Youtube is certainly a fork for gaming news, but the kind of info presented in a video and the kind conveyed through text each have their strengths enough that I wouldn't want to rely on one or the other.
Also, I have no local friends, and even if I did their interests and mine don't line up enough to say fuck it to news sources entirely.
>As much as I like it not being the likes of Kotaku, I don't particularly care for going hard in the opposite direction. Just want something that can be genuinely objective.

Just go read OneAngryGamer and stop being a fence-sitting faggot


Are these the guys who do the E3 PC Gaming Show? I went to their website, scrolled down and found their article called "The best space games on PC". Since it's one of the few genres that I'm knowledgable about I decided to check it out to see if they did a good job.
Unfortunately it is full of mediocre games from maybe the last decade. Including TIE fighter in there was the right call, but it's missing so many good space games. Funnily enough, people in the comments called them out on it as well.

Gematsu literally just reports news. No reviews, no opinions. Its focused more on jap games bit they still report on western stuff.

Also where the fuck is their RSS link? Do people visit websites to read their articles these days?

Is it just me or is the layout kinda broken? Layout seems to be kinda all over the place. First impressions otherwise don't seem that ba-
>Asking me to log into their site to read their reviews
Really liking their no bullshit layout. Must be a pain in the ass to find older articles, but for a day to day news catch up, seems about perfect. Though it does feel like they're catering to phones rather than PCs.
Seems functionally identical to Siliconera, but otherwise seems perfectly fine. I guess if one of them goes out for some reason, te other will be there to fill its place.

why dont reactionaries like this ever adress the real problem (industry centered in california, parts of it beeing less than 30% white)
but instead they regurgitate these whiny beta male narratives of muh anti essjayydoublejeeou. how long can you go on with this before your mongrell brain starts to see the patterns that drive this change ? it is incomprehesible to me but the average gamer dude is an 80iq insectoid mongrel.

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Thanks everybody for the suggestions. It'd be nice if this wasn't necessary, but I guess that's the point the culture around these gaming sites has degraded to. Good night.