Why was pic related so good while FFXV was such a shitshow?

Why was pic related so good while FFXV was such a shitshow?

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If I liked Sentinels of the Starry Sky how much would I like this one?

Tales of Beseria is much more enjoyable than FFXV. That game just isn't very fun.

completely different people in charge
DQ still has its original daddy around
FF is a whore

I love Dragon Quest IX. IX and XI (and the first game) are the only ones I've played so far.

The only thing better about Starry Skies is the infinite endgame dungeon grind.

I think just about everything else in DQXI is better. Enjoy

You can easily tell FFXV's development process was fucking mess. It was much more ambitious than an "Dragon Quest in HD" but everything in the game was just put together so poorly.

You mean why was DQ11 such a shitshow while XV was so good? DQ11 didn't even fucking have voice acting when it launched and is still adding main story content and finally adding a JP dub after 2 whole years. XV finished its nain story at launch and had multiple voice dubs, and any extra story was just bonus sidestory.

Attached: ardyn.jpg (1919x1080, 382K)


Thanks user. I'll pick it up as soon as I beat Beseria.


DQXI always maintains the same formula because the autistic japs would chuck a fit if anything changed at all, but FF has always been about trying new things which sometimes fail.



>XV fail
>XIV success
>XIII fail
>XII success
>XI success
>X fail
>IX success

you aren't wrong.

i see Yea Forums is still living in an alternate reality where X wasn't the most beloved final fantasy just behind VII

>X fail
By what stretch of the fucking imagination?

He's here

final fantasy is like the dumbass guy in of mice and men. square is dragging him around still, but you know as well as i that he needed to be put down long ago

dude 9 was way better this game has like 0 skill tree shit it was like the best part of 9 and its totally shit in this game i have no idea why anybody likes this game its fucking trash

and in terms of sales
>7 success
>8 success
>9 fail compared to other FF but still sold better than any DQ
>10 success
>11 success
>12 success
>13 success
>14 success
>15 success

Meanwhile DQ spend a decade in handhelds, being a success only because of its small budget despite selling like shit and DQ11 didn't even manage to hit 5 million sales. Even fucking kh1,2 and 3 hit 5 million sales. DQ is boring trash, with shitty boring stories and safe combat.

FF is better and will always be better and more successful.

XIV was a massive failure and money sink when it first released.

i will take safe but reliable over the retarded "throw shit at a wall" approach that final fantasy has.

XV was a huge success it sold better than any other FF

sold faster, not better than any other ff, no reason to lie xv-kun


FF is a prime steak dinner at a fancy restaurant, DQ is mac n cheese in a microwave at your dingy apartment.


This and based, also DQ11 took longer to actually make than XV did too and sold less than half of it.

no, final fantasy is a pretentious hipster joint that purposely feeds you shit, and you thank them because it is premium shit that others just "dont understand".

>food analogy
>comparative analogy at that

No Tabata to ruin it.

Selling better = selling faster
And XV is at 9m sold after 2 years 6 months, it took FF7 5 years to hit 9m and FF8 took 4 years to hit 8.1m, and 7 and 8 have the benefit of being released way more on more platforms and for 20 years

either way XV is either 2nd or 3rd highest selling FF total but the best selling FF overall since its outpacing both 7 and 8.

8s total atm is 8.8~, could be more or less, 7 is at 12m, most of that was bagain bin sales and heavily discounted, majority of XV was full price, while only like 500k was at half price or lower.

XV - July 2012 to November 2016 + 2.5 years of dlc (still unfinished)

DQ11 - sometime in 2013 to July of 2017 + a rerelease with bonus content, released as a full game

XV is rushed trash Barry

I'm cashing in my You's and heading to the You Store for some Youey's. Thanks guys.

7 and 10 have sold more copies than XV

Should I get this on ps4 or wait for switch?

Also what can you do in it?
Any house buying, dating, marriage, farming, jobs, ect you know, time wasting kind of stuff to do when you wanna take a break from the main story?

>newer game sold faster than older ones so it's better
>not because it's an established franchise and has a lot of mainstream appeal at this point

No FF is prime steak dinner at a fancy restaurant that requires an expert chef to cook it to perfection, DQ is your safe mac n cheese in your microwave at your dingy apartment.


He saved the game

clearly havent played a final fantasy game in the new millenium. noted

literally destroyed it fuck you bazztek

XV on Luminous from July 2013 til it released Nov 2016, finished the story since launch, none of the DLC are the main game or story, theyre side stories. XV was on Luminous for 3 years 4 months by the time it released and finished its story with the definitive ending its had since launch.

DQ11 had been on UE4 for 4 years by the time it released and it had no voice acting or orchestral music when it launched, it took 1 year to get western release and a western dub and a 2nd year to add to the actual main story plus adding Japanese dub and orchestral music. DQ11 was literally unfinished since launch. DQ11 is rushed trash and Horii confirned he was still writing the script weeks before the game launched in Japan which they only could do because it had no voice acting

Read again, and no 10 hasn't

10+10-2 combined is 14m confirmed by SE, 10-2 is 6m making 10 8m
Also again XV sold 9m in under 3 years, it took 7 5 years to hit 9m

XV sold better than 13 and 12 and any FF
9 didn't beat 8 or 7, 12 didn't beat 10 or 8 or 7, XV did beat them in timespan sales comparison

Yeah clearly you havnt

>Also again XV sold 9m in under 3 years, it took 7 5 years to hit 9m
>older game sold slower so it's worse
You have absolutely no idea of what you're saying

Literally saved it, made it best selling FF and made it an actual game fuck you KH shill

Are you illiterate? I'm saying XV is selling better than 7 because it objectively is when you compare sales timespans, I didn't say it was a better game than 7.

Selling better literally means nothing when you don't even bother to add context.
You're literally making it sound like FFXV sold better because it was better than FFVII when you didn't even consider the state Square was in at these two points.

Selling better means everything and it means you're wrong.


It hasn't changed its formula and has been the same game for years
Final Fantasy was always changing things up each game which was fine until around the ps2 era where things started going downhill


because Dragon Quest is a love project co-owned by all its 3 creators, while Final Fantasy is shovelware piece of shit ever since the creator left (FF9)

>Selling better means everything and it means you're wrong
No it doesn't, Barry.

I liked FF12

Attached: f05297b26f2bb790e34d0cbd0fb51c3c.jpg (470x400, 62K)

i can see from your pic you liked it for the game itself and not for other reasons.

>majority of XV was full price

I liked it for the game itself, the artwork, incredible graphics for it's generation, the music, partially the story, it's open world design, and also the combat system (which I think more FF games should utilise).

My main gripe with it is that it was fucking long and dragged on and many sections were really long, and also the endless side quests and hunts and optional stuff to do really kills any long term interest to finish that stuff.

I don't care if you think I have shit taste, it's my third favourite mainline FF (after 7 and 9, not counting Tactics as a mainline FF) and I've played 4,5,6,7,8,9,10,12, 15 (and a bit of 14 )

Small/medium budget = Soul
Huge budget = Soulless

FFVII - older, thus a smaller fanbase and sony having a console was new at that time, furthermore sqauresoft wasn't that mainstream
FFXV - square is practically an AAA game company, FF titles are very mainstream, sells on the FF name