What's really the most realistic shooting game? Where people get scared and scream in agony when they get shot

What's really the most realistic shooting game? Where people get scared and scream in agony when they get shot.

I think such a game would be too gruesome and real for most audiences, even people who think they're "desensitized"

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Other urls found in this thread:


jesus op, why

I just had to. Video games are important to me and this topic needs discussion.

Insurgency Sandstorm is the most gruesome game I've played, people walking through a cleared house double tapping all the wounded and dying enemies while they lie there moaning and rolling around is really fucked up to see

whats the pic from?

search "Murder of Kyle Dinkheller"

This makes my stomach churn, the cop screaming for his life as hes getting killed is bone chilling

Leaked dash cam footage of a Vietnam vet murdering a cop for trying to give him a speeding ticket.

From the thumbnail I thought it was that woman who got killed when a brick fell from a truck through the car's windshield. Haven't even seen that video, probably never will.

it gives me nightmares still years later


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Is that the one where her head explodes, sending brain matter everywhere and the guy is screaming?

Dobt watch it, you dont see whats happening to be fair but just the audio alone is gut wrenching.

All you can see is the window, no brain matter.


ayo that shit fucked me up good. i come from the hood used to wake up to gunshots seen people shot literally in front of me but that was too random it was against the laws of the fucking universe u feel me

Weak soi girlies. LMAO grow a spine zoomies

I'm guessing your mother was a real cunt to you.

It's sad because the cop would be alive today if he didn't try to shoot the vet in the back at the end. The guy spared him and was about to get in his fucking car.

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If this is the case why did old films barely even have swearing or violence? People were really squeamish towards that shit in the 40s and 50s, were those men all soi girly zoomies as you so eloquently put it?

Cringe larp

Do you really think you'd be thinking that as you lie on the ground with wounds inflicted from a guy screaming random obscenities: "Oh I bet he's just walking back to his car to hop in and leave me alone."

>even people who think they're "desensitized"
I consider myself such but the game you described would get to me. I admit that. Now, whether I would play it or not depends on whether I'm shooting for the right reasons or not. If I'm the good guy. If its something among the lines of hatred, it would be a hard pass regardless of the impressive realism.

One time a pig should be trigger-happy and he isn't

No, it'd have to be a fight between two emotionally disinterested parties. Like between two mercenary companies or two cartels. The point is to weigh making money and doing your job (and maybe even making your company proud) against killing others and trying to avoid becoming the poor bugger who's lying in a pool of his own blood.

If it's like, "I am killing these los zetas bastards because they decapitated me mum with a chainsaw while we were on holiday" then it lessens the impact too much.

Oh I'd play the fuck out of that. Someone needs to do it.

>That breathing at the end

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>*guy stops and starts walking away*
>ah yes this is a most excellent opportunity to start shooting this crazy vietnam veteran again while I'm bleeding to death

>I think such a game would be too gruesome and real for most audiences
it already happens in a million games you wannabe cool guy

lmao pathetic

hearing a good scream is satisfying when you kill someone in a game, not terrifying

You're retarded. I want to lock you into a simulation of this exact event 10,000 times over as punishment for being retarded.

Already done in Far Cry 2. The funny thing is Ubisoft completely gimped that in the later games.

>Where people get scared and scream in agony when they get shot.

Also check this one out.
Hearing your enemies scream in fear is a reward, not a deterrent.

blast from the past, this got posted on /f/ pretty often

>american cop
>didnt have a gun to defend himself

Hello Mr Not Important.

He was a complete rookie iirc

You should look into playing the last of us or wait for the sequel because the violence in those games is extremely well done. it's still pretty Hollywood, but honestly it's one of the most brutally violent games I've played thanks to the gore, physics, voice acting, animations, etc.

kane and lynch 2 is pretty gritty, and the two characters have a fairly constant dialogue throughout the game that feels natural and gives the characters life and it isnt "LOL CHEEKY QUIRKY COMMENTS" that every game does these days. they actually sound distressed throughout. I don't recall the enemies crying out in pain though, but I think your character does when shot and downed.
Honestly, Kane and Lynch 2 is a severely underrated third person shooter, and people hated it because it's only 3 hours long, but honestly it was refreshing and I'd spend full price for a short cohesive game than a boring copy pasted open world 40 hour collectathon any day

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Reminder that:ACAB

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Sry I'm not a amerifat prison boy like 50% of your population so i dont hate cops

Oh wow yet another white violent subhuman.

Copfag here.

The real, actual screams of someone injured or dying are truly something to behold, don't let 14 year old edgelords tell you any different.

I rolled up on a really bad car wreck once, a 29 year old chick had been hit head-on by some drunk prick who drifted into her lane. Her car's front end was completely destroyed, and when I walked up to her car she was screaming at the top of her lungs. Her leg was pretty much obliterated and they ended up having to amputate it. It was a real shame, she was a personal trainer and had a great body. I still have no idea how she managed to survive with all the blood loss, the inside of her car looked like a slaughterhouse.

The funny thing is, the memory of her gibbed leg doesn't really bother me, nor does the memory of all the blood or all the chaos. It was her screams. They were primal, awful shrieks that conveyed not only intense pain, but shock and disbelief at the loss of her leg. I'll always feel sadness and pity for her.

Above all else, it's her screams I'll never forget.

Its not bad its just edgy

got sauce?

who cares another roastie down


>he tried to shoot him in the back at the end
Can someone verify if this actually happened or this guy's fucking trolling? I know I'm not watching that shit again

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All I need is the thumbnail

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Ok cletus

it says *graphic* but there was nothing graphic in the video


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just watch it fgt

Jesus Christ

Keksikus Maximus
I'm not American ya hussie

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Fun fact, that video is shown to new recruits in some police departments.


>lose a war
>chimp out and kill a policeman

>While the United States represents about 4.4 percent of the world's population, it houses around 22 percent of the world's prisoners.

My experience certainly supports this (police family), but I think you'd have to be pretty extreme to think all the police deserve to die.

I'm disappointed desu, expected worse
>nothing graphic in the video
and it's on youtube lmao

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Yeah not death, but they're class traitor bastards

It's a good video on why cops shouldn't act so hotheaded. Had he followed protocol and not try to subdue the suspect after a mortal would, he would still be alive. The guy also had marital issues and family problems as well, influencing his clouded judgement.
Just don't be like that cop, user.

There's no such thing as a class traitor. People take actions according to their circumstance. Policing, as well as being policed, is simply a part of being working-class.
Wow, user, you're so hardcore.

This post is embarrassing on many levels.

tldr, no one gives a shit you nigger shut up

You arguing that class does not drive people to act as they do?

I'm not that user. I'm just saying you don't belong here with your room temperature IQ.

>retards don't belong in Yea Forums
THIS post is embarrassing on many levels.
Apply yourself.

this fucking video


*bang bang*

jesus fucking christ guys I just want to talk about video games

>class traitor
holy cringe

no idea why he went down that road
its literally nothing but a dead end
on the bright side though theres a decent italian place nearby
will post pic with timestamp at the spot on that road if there are enough requests

>attempts rebuttal through repeating the insult
>adds generic comment
>adds unnecessary capitalization

find the exact spot where the cop died on jizz on top of it, user

Are you not busy applying for welfare again Varg?
Never worked an honest day in your life, eh


Go read a book.

Get smoked pig

put your dick in a pussy and get a clue, incel

still though there is nothing for miles besides the interstate really close by

>Wow, user, you're so hardcore.
I know, here is a real hardcore video of a man getting his fingers bitten clean off
you might have to cover your eyes user it's super gorey

is this the discussion of fucked up things that make us feel awful but we watch them anyway thread?


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what's going on in this painting?

It's not the gore genius, it's the grief-stricken screaming that gets people
Personally I find gore videos interesting (especially involving explosions), but if there's someone visibly/audibly distraught it puts me off

>the moans

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The king of Mexico is getting executed even though he was given a billion opportunities to escape because he thought a king ought to face the justice of the nation they had tried to rule.

He had a gun, retard. The two exchanged fire. Are you blind?

the last chance of Mexico not becoming what is seen in those videos being snuffed out

that link is staying blue. but upvoted for clarity

>all these absolute newfaggots ITT who don't even know where OP's pic is from

You all have to go back

>the failure king
>capable of saving mexico

Only a redditor would know those redditisms.

lot of em saying how its too much for them lol

reminder the swat dude who shot him go off with it

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That cop is a trigger happy faggot on a power trip, but holy shit the dude is fucking retarded. You really had to pull your pants up at a time like that, when every move you make might be interpreted by the cops as reaching for a weapon? Nothing of value was lost honestly.

he was extremely drunk

You'll grow up and leave your parents place one day. Maybe.

>those cases where the location is known are literally all from latin/south america
>the others are probably as well
And people say we don't need a border.

it was probably reflexive, like how people instantly smack their skin when they feel something crawling on it. you dont think, you just do

It's always like this at funerals. Purely primal, guttural screaming is spooky.

Help bring back my YouTube
Der juden have disrupted me for the last time!

>says the commie

Thats why cops are suppose to be trained to not do that. Since them swatting at the imaginary bug results in someone getting fucking shot. But American cops are just handed big guns with very little training and sent out in the world to go shoot their civilians.

Have you heard of the Lawrence Bittaker tape? There's a long vid on Youtube that has just a small portion of it from NBC archive footage I believe . Did it sound like that?

so what happened to the chink?

>their civilians
ur a retarded uninformed non american talking about america
i dont talk about other countries problems because im as uninformed about ur country as u are to mine

American cops are probably better trained than whatever shithole you come from, and I say that as a non-American. This retarded stereotype needs to die already. Cops are on edge because they deal with nutjobs all the time who actually do reach for their gun, so shit like pulling your pants up at a time when they suspect you are armed is reason enough for them to open fire. This isn't because they're untrained, it's exactly because they are trained and know just how little it takes to reach for a loaded gun and shoot. You should watch some real world situations, there are plenty of body cam videos all over the internet. See a few dozen shootouts with cops and you might not post such retarded shit when you see the kind of scum they have to deal with.

Out of all the fucked up shit i've seen on the internet ranging from shootings to a guy killing himself with a hydraulic press this is the one thing that I recall on nights when I can't sleep. I don't know why it's fucked with me so much.

Not shocking that an American would type like this. Pure 100% American education on display. Bet you were top of your class behind the Asians they bring in to boost American test scores.

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All Criminals Are Black?

>thinks its fine to open fire on people for pulling up their pants
Nice RP tho.

I used to think this too back in the day but in the meantime I've seen much worse shit. Not trying to be edgy here, just saying if that video bothers you very much you should limit your exposure to gory shit on the internet because a lot of it would haunt you much more.

>oh shit hes right ill insult his grammar
kys faggot

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>have multiple cops aiming their rifles at you
>reach behind your back and to your pants

Guy unironically deserved to die. I feel better knowing I'm not sharing oxygen with such a dumb fuck. Hopefully you'll die soon too, retard.

Can you not I still hear that scream in my darkest moments.

Euros will learn the hard way why American cops are quick to shoot. We weren't always like this.

Shitskin, YES

Why would a commie not like the idea of more people living in one building

I've stopped seeking out that stuff. I really only did as a teenager on ogrish or whatever other site had shit like that. As I got older I just don't care to see that shit anymore.

>guy pulled up his pants
>he deserves to die
Yep you're American alright.

>the killer got sentenced to death

>guy killing himself with a hydraulic press
sauce me up user

I saw that probably close to a decade ago. No idea where it is now.

Well when somebody clearly shows how intellectually inferior they are its common practice to laugh at them for their clearly below average IQ.

I just said a guy reaching behind his back while under the suspicion that he has a firearm is reason enough for the cops to shoot him. How are they supposed to know what he's doing when he's pulling such a stupid move? Oh I know, they're supposed to wait for him to pull out a gun, shoot one of them and then take him down! That's what trained cops would do, right? Christ you're stupid.

People scream at funerals?
I understand crying and moaning, but full on screaming?

>cops become more paramilitary and eager to kill
>citizens trust the police more and get their own guns
>cops trust the citizen less and become more paramilitary
>citizens trust the cops even less and get even more guns
And repeat

>I can literally not read

Yup you're retarded alright.

>he doesnt deny it
I love the young people

Depends. Like a mother losing a child, yes you will hear screams of sadness.

Just blacks

I get it mate, you've been brainwashed into complacency to accept that if a cop wants to murder you its in his right to do so. It makes perfect sense that the American government keeps the masses stupid so they make statements like you're making say its completely fine for innocent people to be gunned down by their government sanctioned hitsquads. Im not fool enough to think I could ever break your programming.

This is why the situation is complicated. That one SWAT guy who shot the man in the hotel was obviously a fucking nutcase since he had some edgy phrase carved into his gun and had a history of shit leading up to this, but the level of violent crime here is so bad that criminals will pull out guns in cases like this and murder the cops in a flash. It's a fucked up situation and one of the reasons I want to emigrate somewhere they don't have problems like this.

Another non argument I see, another win for me in this thread. You Americans are so low IQ compared to the rest of civilized society.

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Sorry boys, I'm working at the moment so I can't get back to you as quickly as you spergs would like

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desu killing each other does sound pretty manly

Fuck not that video

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Oop. Responded to the wrong gaffer. That's for the under age faggot

Perhaps it's an american things. Years of being an altar boy and attending a lot of funerals, I never heard anyone scream or break down or some shit, just crying.

Agreed, All Cops Are Based!

Cux deluxe

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All crooks are bald?

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This is the worst fucking video, never watching it again

It's not an American thing.


I seriously get quite horny when I watch videos of normal people getting killed or hearing females screaming in pain.

This post especially makes my dick a full diamond Not being edgy but more curious if anyone is like this?

There was a case in America where someone was abducting females with an accomplice then torturing them in the back of a van. I was reading what happened and nothing made me cum harder then hearing a recording of the girl screaming "OH NO!" when the guy was about to use some pliers on her nipples.

Not sure why this is..

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someone link the fucking video

how often do you get laid? do you have any positivite relationships with women?

I get you. I get squeamish when it's guys but females is either satisfying or arousing.

You don’t wanna see it

Idk what chink youre talking about but the cop got killed by the guy he pulled over who happened to be some deranged Vietnam veteran or something like that.

that one has stuck with me, and now I'm super paranoid anytime I drive behind a construction truck

Get help.

>Oh I know, they're supposed to wait for him to pull out a gun, shoot one of them and then take him down!
This is exactly what should happen. They are paid exactly for this reason. If they don't like it, they can quit, or at the very least go to prison for murdering an unarmed person who makes a mistake.

>he doesn't deny being a commie
Gas yourself.


Die in a fire 4channers

I used to ve unfazed by gore in my teens and early twenties but after around age 23 I slowly stopped seeing to gore threads/videos online too. I mean I can still stomach it but it just makes me sad how people can go through or do horrendous things instead of curiousity.

It's that video. She never says "oh no" though. Just screams. In the transcript she does, but you can't hear it in the available audio.
Also, you might want to see some psychologist or therapist. If you don't have self-control, ya might just go out and experiment and might find blood on your hands.

You need a visit from the FBI

This is the only time you're getting spoonfed.

Was laid once when I was `18 during the end of highschool. I am 25 now and haven't had any other sexual contact since but mainly out of no desire.

I get along on a professional level with the females at my workplace. Hate my sister and mother. Most females my default I generally dislike until I have a reason to like them. I think this is sorta normal though.

This sums is up pretty well. I feel very satisfied when I read about it or hear it.. if it's very realistic or detailed then I get aroused. Happy to hear I am normal.

>thoughts and fantasies are illegal
Go home euroboy.

Look where are you and who youre relating to
Youre not normal, those anons are also fucked up

Sorry you are correct. It was the text which she screams "Oh no oh no". Absolute 10/10 fap material and the thought of this happening to a female makes me so dam happy. I wish this happened more often and was reported in detail.

I don't have the urge to do it myself user I'm not a weirdo freak. I just get off on a whole other level knowing it happens and reading about it.

It doesn't always have to be blood gore and guts though. Even something as simple as beating the shit out of some females does my dick into diamonds.

There are a few videos out there where a gang of African rebels go into villages only to gather up the young females and then force them to strip, expose themselves and often get absolutely destroyed by punches or machetes. 10/10 material.

Relax. I just find it arousing. I have no desire to do this myself.

It's not about the gore. It's the grief in the woman's voice.

>Americans killing Americans
That's literally the only good thing Americans do.

Fuck off faggot hes not hurting anyone. Nothing wrong with having a fetish which isn't typical vanilla shit.
Especially if hes not hurting anyone.

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you are probably shitposting but on the off chance you're not can you please explain exactly how and why you find these things arousing, because I can't understand it

>no desire for sex
>Hate my sister and mother
>Most females my default I generally dislike until I have a reason to like them.
>I seriously get quite horny when I watch videos of normal people getting killed or hearing females screaming in pain.
>Happy to hear I am normal.

This user knows whats up. It's knowing all about knowing how she feels in this exact moment. The feeling of absolute terror which can't be replicated in any other way. This absolute terror can only be expressed when they know they are about to die or they know how much pain is about to be inflicted on them.

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This guy summed it up pretty well.
I find the fact the woman is in extreme levels of terror and in pain to be erotic.

One of the rare occurrences when they can see their easy mode being lifted for a moment.

He's a sociopath

The smell of summer..

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you don't live in america therefore must be a communist
sound logic.

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ok but why is that arousing? do you imagine yourself inflicting that terror, like a kind of arousal from power? do you hate women and are aroused in a kind of hateful sadism? do you have links between things that have happened in your life and this attraction? I want to understand the mechanics of this mental process

link to this video? just to test if I'm normal haha

I agree, All Cops are Beautiful!

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Please stop user, I'm getting hard.

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>13 year olds saying cops shouldn't be aggressive

here's an example of what happens if the cops are too lenient
look how ugly this could be

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Calling police class traitors makes them a commie, not living in a country that isn't America. You fucking retard.

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>Use a Reddit meme

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don't they play this video to aspiring cops in the US?, no wonder why those fuckers are so trigger happy

STALKER with the Red Orchestra death barks installed.


Imagine being europoor and actually thinking this.

>I think such a game would be too gruesome and real for most audiences, even people who think they're "desensitized"

And how would /you/ know, faggot?

>not shooting him the moment he charged
That cop almost ended up being an example of what not to do to trainees.

Why don't they get a shotgun and shoot his foot off?

why didn't they just tase him immediately?
why did the guy who got charged put away his gun?

This is why alcohol should be banned

It's hard to hit a target that small while they're running at you. If they're on drugs then it probably won't stop them anyways.

Won't shotguns basically turn their bodyparts into spam at that range?

the guy just wanted to kill himself, simply as that.
Cops shouldn't be aggressive, they should follow their rules and do their fucking job that they where trained to do. This does not include shooting unarmed civilians

They already their guns out, not enough time to tase I imagine, also unless the taser directly hits the skin or thin clothing its not doing much against a killer.
ps the guy didn't get his throat slit you can actually see the knife on the ground.
Though there were two mistakes commited, the officer not shooting fast enough, and as you said the other guy putting away his gun, it is very easy for us to criticize them on our couches, seeing a guy with a knife irl charging at you saying "im gonna kill you" even if you're equipped is scary af


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Because you are a sociopath

well no shit, that's why I was wondering why in the fuck he put away his weapon
if I'm holding someone at gunpoint and they charge me with a knife they are a fucking dead man

It's like 25 mins to hear maybe around 10 seconds of just barely audible audio.

But my god are those the best 10 seconds you will ever hear,

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What if you just ignore everything the cop says and hold your hands in the air and be completely still?
There's no way the cop can possibly construe that as being dangerous to him. Is there?

You want to incapacitate the guy not turn him into a burrito plus those pellets might bounce off and hit somebody on the process.

Summer hasn't ended since 2016.

I see. I don't really know much about guns outside video games. They should figure out how to do that tesla rifle shit and just taze people from afar.

Having a fucked up fetish isn't something to be proud of. I hope you guys find some peace in your lives because even I can't approve of that.

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You need to be compliant or you are deemed dangerous. Especially in this situation where the swat got a call that there's a confirmed active shooter wielding a rifle inside the building.

i second this

Call me an edgy cunt if you want, I'm not as edgy as this tard , but I've noticed one recurring theme.
In every video of every single disaster, whenever the crisis occurs, women, every single time, unfailingly, just start crying and shrieking. They do nothing but shriek and cry.
Men either mobilize, or wait for other people to tell them what to do. They'll shout, but it'll either be orders, or trying to get people's attention on something.
Women just do like children, and shriek and cry.
Useless bunch of cunts.

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But I don't understand what's dangerous about someone standing still with their arms in the air not moving.

And you don't see why people can find this erotic in anyway what so ever?

Ah yes, the inspiration for "Loli Tomodachi".

Most cops in America are trigger happy and then you get this guy who allowed that nutcase to casually go back to his car for his gun
What was the problem, they only do the shoot first ask later to niggers?

I recall there was some video where cops killed an armed black guy when he was fleeing from the crops in his own neighborhood, after he died his mother and sisters were just shrieking non stop and even blocked the road that an ambulance was supposed to come from as a "protest", crazy shit.

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Women are more emotional than men and can't handle stress as easily, yes.

Only cops get to decide what's dangerous or not, regardless of rationality.

Didn't read the thread but why the fuck people are upset by this?
It's a war veteran who bled for his country (thank him for his service) killing a cop, a fucking PIG, a worthless human being who shoots unarmed civilians (especially racial minorities) on a whim with no threat to him or public safety presented
Fuck cops, ACAB, all this shit bruh

Fucking bootlicking idiot.

now tell me user can you find even the slightest difference from both situations? this guy was reaching for his gun.

*bang bang bang bang*
>MAN DOWN MAN DOWN! SHOTS FIRED SHOTS FIRED! He opened his mouth I thought he was going to bite!

>What's really the most realistic shooting game?
squad: project reality
ofp/arma 2/arma 3
>Where people get scared and scream in agony when they get shot.
Probably postal or something

I'm telling you how procedure works, not what I agree with. Work on your reading comprehension.

invite another murderer when someone's trying to kill you right? or are you telling me you're gonna handle them yourself you badass

It’s based af. Probably the coolest thing about being in the military desu

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You type like an ESL. Stay quiet.

The tension is high. You can see the police hiding in the corner. You got a call that somebody inside the building has heard rifle gunshots. You're not sure if it's real or not. You see two possible suspects. You're not sure if there's another armed guy hiding somewhere. You see the police telling the suspects to crawl to them as they are not completely sure the hallway is safe. The suspects might be hiding a gun in his/her pants so any actions close to reaching for a gun is considered dangerous and possibly hostile. The police is screaming at the guy since his semi compliant.

Impressive trigger discipline by the other cops. Usually suspects get mag dumped by everyone when one cop fires.

>Video games are important to me and this topic needs discussion.

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RO2 comes pretty close.

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>. The suspects might be hiding a gun in his/her pants so any actions close to reaching for a gun is considered dangerous and possibly hostile.
"Any action close to reaching for a gun", which holding your hands in the air is not

What is that? Some hentai based on what happened?

>y-you type like you have bad grammar on an internet forum
seethe more, brainwashed twitter drone