It's a double boss fight

>it's a double boss fight

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Other urls found in this thread:

Slaanesh worshipers?

Hey! I'm not that kind of guy!

What would their run cycles look like?

I'm more interested in what the Nick Fury looking dude is doing.

>Look brother.... more prey.
>Yes sister, I see. Perhaps this subject will provide us with more research...
>[The Xan Twins: 1000/1000hp]

Like a boston dynamics energizer bunny on crack

Question time sweet cheeks, what's the name of our boss?

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>killing one sends the other into a frenzy and they gain the slain partner's abilities

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like a couple of faggots trying to exercise for the first time

They probably float

Attached: 1562491117251.png (562x636, 834K)

>Boss is from /fa/

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Those are just flesh colored boots the one on the left is wearing, right?


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>Hey hey people!

Yes. It's just retarded fashion.

Attached: OH NO.gif (360x270, 1.98M)

>We live in an era where you're just supposed to let people like this walk around

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Are the feet on the girl(?) real or what?

Oh user...

They're actually just heavily modified stilettos/heels.

>Sseth here.
>I will be covering Dante's Inferno


Get your brownshirt user, be the change you want to see

Take out the female first as she has less hit points

>that man behind them

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holy shit I'mso wiered out right now by these two individuals omg aaaaaa!

This is why anime should never become real

Attached: nope.png (720x857, 407K)

White people...

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They look so friendly without all the shit over their face


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Who's that pokemon creature?

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>after beating the final boss you have to beat the true mastermind that all along was in disguise as a regular npc

What the unholy fuck...

That's actually pretty impressive. Some Beksinsky shit.

why do resist mixing in sensible brown genes again?


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Who the fuck is this ugly freak?
Oh, and cute couple in the foreground.


Attached: blame.jpg (350x225, 28K)

Holy shit I thought he was wearing sunglasses

This is why anime should become real.

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Nick Fury is calling in S.H.I.E.L.D. as we speak

kek, that niggas face

Name a better one

Attached: Agni_&_Rudra_the_Firestorm.jpg (600x476, 78K)

>Och! It's the deviiil

Time to shave that neckbeard and put on a tailored suit user

What do you think that black scottish cyclops is thinking?

How long until we see people modifying their body to resemble their fursona roam the earth?

Oh sweet summer child.

Why are you people so obsessed with making things normal?

I fuckin' knew the guys in the background were part of the shoot

Because degenerate shit is insulting to the ones who came before us.

There's basically no time period where dressing like this wouldn't happen.
You people severely underestimate how weird people got in history.

Attached: b5f.jpg (500x491, 28K)

This. Behave motherfuckers, what happened with keeping your shit in private?

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Dead can't feel insulted you silly goose.

Attached: Silver_and_Gold.jpg (640x640, 29K)

Which inspired which? Obviously Blame! is a lot older than these guys, but was there a similar fashion movement running around at the time of writing. What is wrong with wh*toids?

Stop playing video games and jerking off then.

Because anons are shutins, people flaunting pictures that are obviously meant to provoke makes user think it's the end of the world


Attached: curly codpiece.jpg (670x870, 153K)

Hey, it's Mike Stoklasa.

How many lolis have you jerked off to today?

stout shako for two refined

Insulting who?

Attached: file.jpg (640x488, 74K)

Shut up fucking normie

>t. brainlet who can't into art

Fuck boomers. Kill them all and see the world get exponentially better.

Thanks to the election we have plenty of boomers posting here

American "culture"

Oh fuck...

Attached: 1555241864460.jpg (380x380, 83K)

I do it at my home where nobody sees me, what now?

fucking got me

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what's the message here?

you days are numbered, Cammy fucks

>"Why, yes, all of this actually happen, why do you ask?"

Why are those nosferatu violating the mascarade like that ?

>artists are considered degenerates now
Can you literal boomers please get off this site.

Where is the water edit

Allow me to hang them atop a bbq, yeah?

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What does this post mean?

>vtmbros in the thread right now

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Guys look how tough I am! Guys look!

hmm...what do all these nossies have in common...

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Calm down, they're just wearing a shitton of makeup and props. Whoever did it did a pretty great job though.

Why do we let aliens live on our planet for free?

So Jay what do you think of these two freaks?

based based based based

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Maybe xi identifies as The Predator

I think it looks impressive. It looks so terrifying and real. Truly a kafkaesqueian work of art.

>and then one day, for no reason at all, people voted Hitler into power.

I'm most confused about the thing he's dangling there. What is that?

>this post again
how many times do people got to repeat that hitler took presidency by force? go and be triggered somewhere else storm wiener.