What are Joker and Ann doing in her room?

What are Joker and Ann doing in her room?

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why does her room look like a clothing store

>has never been in a girl's room before

enough about you and answer the question

but i have, in fact i snuck into her room and spent the night, it didn't look like a store at all.

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well, she is a model.

Because her parents are fashion designers and are never home. so Joker has a free pass to fuck the living daylights outta her anytime he wants

I have been to multiple and none of them are this filled with clothing, Goddamn.

Normal people usually have wardrobes. Even the girls.

Trannies don't count

>has that many clothes
>Only uses one or two different outfits

You seem to have an unhealthy obsession with trannies.

Have you been to a model's bedroom though?

It's healthy so long as they aren't diseased or ugly

>half jap half murrica blonde mutt is a model and her parents are fashion designers yadda yadda
can it with all the retarded clitches

>tissue box

Getting directions on how to get to Futaba's room instead.

No I suppose not

I'm pretty sure most of them don't bother with fashion

to justify this.

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still would

>wearing a jacket like that with those pants

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Kimetsu no Yaiba - 11 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_04.22_[2019.06.16_10.13.33].jpg (1920x1080, 194K)

more importantly why does she have cum drops floating above her head?
what's on her mind?


I love Anne

I love her new outfits.

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>that skeleton bodies and oversized heads
Did they run off from Auschwitz?

I'm happy that Shiho is now a thing in Anne S. Links and holiday events rather than just being shoved into the fridge the whole game.


Well, she gets out of the fridge eventually.

It's basically confirmed that things after January are some kind of ideal world for the PTs. I wouldn't expect much Shiho if I was you.

Discussing fashion because Joker is a huge homosexual who has no interest in Ann

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A bad thread

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They wearing school uniform underneath tho.

She better let her hair down

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Some faggot school uniform, reminds me of scotland

Gotta love the aesthetic of her room. At the same time, she's exposing most of her clothes to dust.

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The side character truly is a Mary Sue, that offers her own cognition of happiness.


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