>Yea Forums now hates Persona 5
What the fuck happened?
>Yea Forums now hates Persona 5
What the fuck happened?
Because Yea Forums generally loves the Persona series, and was massively disappointed with how horrible Persona 5 was. It was advertised as a return to the style of Persona 2 & Nocturne, but instead we got a lazy reskin of Persona 4.
>lazy reskin of Persona 4
If only.
They somehow managed to fuck up the pacing way more than P4 ever could.
It always has been a mediocre game.
Futaba Sakura is my motivation to lose weight and get in shape because she's so pretty
It honestly would have been better if the game's storyline solely centered around school. Just imagine having a different storyline like the Kamoshida arc every month of the game. Basically like a Episodic anime series for the first half of the game only to end up with a overarching plot in the 2nd half of the game. Instead of having the pointless overworld with nothing in it, they should have put all of the effort into making the Shujin Academy as expansive & enjoyable as possible
because Yea Forumsros think that hating good things make them more interesting people
Post pic of you in cute girl clothes
didn't get ported to Switch
>It was advertised as a return to the style of Persona 2 & Nocturne
Where did you get this from? It was pretty clear from the very beginning it was following in 4's footsteps.
It got popular
So did Mario Odyssey, yet Yea Forums still loves that
P5 is not even at what, 3 million sales?
Automata is over 4 and despite some shitposter attempts it's still one of the most well-liked games of 2017 on the board.
Mario wasn't a previously niche series. Neither was Persona t b h since 3, but you get the point.
NieR & BOTW are the most popular games of this gen. Don’t let contrarianism fool you
Didn't come to switch
i love persona 5
I thought it was 20 hours too long and hated the characters. The dungeon design was definitely improved from the old Persona games though, the only really shitty one was the desert palace.
Yea Forums here.
hey can I join this thread?
those quotes aren't real are they?
>those quotes aren't real are they?
yes they are
how can one user's post be so based and so redpilled
They kept trying to advertise it as a return to form by introducing things like the talk system and what not.
There have literally been "What went wrong with BotW?" threads on Yea Forums since E3. This place has run on contrarianism for the better part of a decade now.
Just say you don't like it because it's not on the Switch. Making up these retarded excuses just makes you look even more retarded.
why do retards try and play games at all
Careful user, they hated Jesus when he spoke the truth too.
waifuniggers can't silence the majority anymore that thinks gameplay is the most important thing in a video game
Fuck off console war faggot. Stick to your cuck shed threads.
I think it's just shitposting at this point, no one expected anything other than an improved 4. Shit like adding demons back and guns having a comeback was cool but that's about it.
If anything I wonder what they'll do with 6 and if they're going to keep Igor or not. I'd love to see Phil/Nyarlathotep come back but I doubt it's going to happen.
I really like this neet
go back to your console war general
>comes back as a generic persona with his appearance from SMT
Reach out to the truth user. Nobody except your dumbass unironically thought the game was "a return to the style of Persona 2 & Nocturne"
I don't know you got that just by looking at 5 chairs
I don't hate it wasn't worth 5 years of drip fed trailers and building up expectations.
I guess it's red and black and shit, lust like the cover to Nocturne and the PSP cover of IS.
Can you fuck off? I own your shillstation 4 and a physical copy of p5. No I don’t want it on switch because who actually wants to play a long ass jrpg - which 60% will be text mashing if I want to replay it - on the go. Yes I think the game is majorly flawed and poorly retreads familiar territory from p4 with akechi and morgana.
>aspect ratio
Got me there
aspect raidou?
Not everyone that thought Persona 5's plot was shit wanted it to be like Persona 2 or on Switch
Too bad nobody can come up with a decent argument on why the plot is shit.
I can say for sure that the way they handled Akechi was fucking trash.
See this, what do?
He's pretty much forgeteble desu
Excuse me I need to get up stairs
Ok dangitfag, that’s another series with terrible writing and characters. But I’ll bite your bait anyway:
>Every dungeon and arc after Kamoshida felt like an afterthought
>Due to the social link structure, character development in the social links never apply to the main narrative.
>The okumura arc was fucking awful, Morgana had 0 reason to leave so the game needed to pull a reason out of its ass for him to go, and it was Morgana suddenly taking the team who was CLEARLY fucking around with him seriously.
>Morgana is quickly replaced as the navagator with Makoto for no fucking reason, he was doing a fine enough job and makoto doesn’t really do anything better than he does as the nav.
>Holy shit am I still talking about morgana? I am. His True purpose and “death” are so fucking tacked on at the last second. It’s even worse because he comes back, after the game already did a fake out with ryuji.
>Goro Akechi was obviously the traitor and if you couldn’t tell that you are a retard. He was handled so poorly but still was supposed to be a major part of the story. Yeah sure I got that after his easy ass boss fight where he fucks off forever. The fact that the PTs are so quick to forgive adachi is also fucking awful. This is the man that killed futaba’s mom and Haru’s dad but IT’S OK HE HAD A ROUGH CHILDHOOD. I don’t like adachi much either but it was clearly a rehash of adachi, and adachi was much better than akechi was.
Fuck off console nigger
cringe and blue pilled.
Can't wait for Azukiko's C96 doujin.
Mario is literally more mainstream than the fucking ocean
That fat fuck is worth 50 billion dollars
Is it bad I really wished I could pull an SMT: Apocalypse and just kill them in the end?
Space port was far worse than Dessert Palace
How dare you use Zangetsu for such a shitpost
It got popular.
>implying P3 isn't the edgiest, cringiest, most LITERALLY bluepilled game in all of SMT
I couldn’t get into P3 at all.
I only like P4 Chad thanks to a difficulty mod and Persona Q
>Every dungeon and arc after Kamoshida felt like an afterthought
What does that evne mean ?
>Due to the social link structure, character development in the social links never apply to the main narrative.
Same with P3 and P4
>The okumura arc was fucking awful, Morgana had 0 reason to leave so the game needed to pull a reason out of its ass for him to go, and it was Morgana suddenly taking the team who was CLEARLY fucking around with him seriously.
Pay attention next time, ever since Makoto got in the group he was already feeling a little useless
>Morgana is quickly replaced as the navagator with Makoto for no fucking reason, he was doing a fine enough job and makoto doesn’t really do anything better than he does as the nav.
Just by explaining the stuff to Makoto she already understood a little better than him, Morgana was just smarter than Ryuji, Ann and Yusuke, he needed to go
>Holy shit am I still talking about morgana? I am. His True purpose and “death” are so fucking tacked on at the last second. It’s even worse because he comes back, after the game already did a fake out with ryuji.
I agree
>Goro Akechi was obviously the traitor and if you couldn’t tell that you are a retard. He was handled so poorly but still was supposed to be a major part of the story. Yeah sure I got that after his easy ass boss fight where he fucks off forever. The fact that the PTs are so quick to forgive adachi is also fucking awful. This is the man that killed futaba’s mom and Haru’s dad but IT’S OK HE HAD A ROUGH CHILDHOOD. I don’t like adachi much either but it was clearly a rehash of adachi, and adachi was much better than akechi was.
>The fact that the PTs are so quick to forgive adachi is also fucking awful.
You're retarded
Because they have actually played it now
>main party is pretty meh
>themes are all over the fucking place
>everything about Akechi
The game sold itself on its presentation which unfortunately ended up being the best thing about the game
>switch shills make six million posts daily smugly claiming that Persona 5R is an enhanced switch port (on NO evidence at all) then water that down to smugly constantly claiming they will get a vanilla port
>claim some bestbuy stuff up in it's online catalogue is 100% PROOFS that they're getting a shitch port
>aggressively shout down anyone who points out they have nothing to back their claims on, keep smugly claiming shitch will get a port
>faggot mods even make stickies for their delusions
>as soon as they get smacked in the face with reality that they're not going to get a port, all their smug fake baseless claims disappear out the window and they go back to trying to bash the game and claim it's shit cause they're so sour about not getting a port
They are really the most pathetic niggers on earth
>Every dungeon and arc after Kamoshida felt like an afterthought
nice meme.
>Morgana had 0 reason to leave so the game needed to pull a reason out of its ass for him to go
but it didn't. Morgana felt useless and unwanted because everyone was doing his job even better, it's foreshadowed if you pay attention.
>Morgana is quickly replaced as the navagator with Makoto
She's not the navigator, she can tell enemy weaknesses better than Morgana.
>Goro Akechi was obviously the traitor
No shit you fucking idiot. The game has been out for 3 years and you retards somehow stll think that Akechi being the traitor was the big twist even though the game litteraly spent an hour on why it's not.
>The fact that the PTs are so quick to forgive adachi is also fucking awful
You're a fucking idiot.
He is 100% correct
>themes are all over the fucking place
t. brainlet
I love Anne.
Nice, Anne was my motivation when I lost a bunch of weight.
console wars faggotry is shit all over whether it would be from switchfags or ps4fags
I don't care if you own the game you fucking idiot. I was saying that pretending to be a seething switchfag is better than posting whatever retarded point or argument that is always wrong and proves that you didn't pay attention to the game
because it's not on the switch
If I had my way console warring would be a ban on sight
How am I wrong?
The game is one whole theme, if you did not get that you're dumb
>Bro let’s pretend to be retarded newfags
yeah I too think that this thread devolving into console wars shit is better than what is happening now
>The game is one whole theme
Which is?
I'm not consolewarring, I'm a sonychad and I unironically hope Switch does well and gets lots more great exclusives because it's good for competition, and I'll buy a switch if/when SMT V comes out.
What REALLY pisses me off beyond any consolewar faggotry is when people make absolutely baseless claims like claiming a they are getting a port of a game with 0 evidence to back it up, and keep smugly spamming it and repeating it all over the board again and again and shouting down anyone who logically points out that they have nothing to go on.
This game peaked on the 3rd one
4th was a slightly inferior but more 'fun' version 5th is somewhere inbetween
My gripe with Akechi was that he was handled horribly regardless.
>Wanting me to spoonfeed you
Play the game
>dungeon design
At least P3 and 4 were simple RNG grids. P5 introduces linear dungeons with puzzles and gimmicks which do NOTHING to actually engage or challenge the player.
Yea Forums is now one person. What the fuck happened?
persona has always been absolute dogshit in comparison to mainline smt
no persona game can ever compete with smt3 and smt4, simple as
Popular? Where? Sure on imageboards Persona is well known but back in the real world P5 is still niche.
Smash bros
and yet the post you responded to is literally a consolewar shitpost and your fucking image is a console wars wojack
nobody in this fucking thread that the guy responded to even mentioned switch and by give those idiots attention you just perpetuated it
Where is the Joker x Mishima Shota DLC?
>and by give those idiots attention you just perpetuated it
I don't know what you expected from a bait thread user.
too much apparently
Because everyone knows that the almost overnight switch (pun unintended) between Yea Forums worshipping Persona 5 to bashing Persona 5 and pretending like they gave a shit about Persona 4, is because of the same people who were posting unending smug autistic false claims that the switch was getting a port.
Most sony fanboys don't care if switch get's good games, personally I hope they do. But it's always switch fanboys that try to shit on sony games and tear them down without even playing them. I'm not anti-switch, I'm not against the console, I'm against their insufferable horde of fanboys ruining Yea Forums by constantly attacking sony games without basis, and that's exactly what the poster I was replying to was alluding to.
HNNG i want their cunnys!
>almost overnight switch (pun unintended) between Yea Forums worshipping Persona 5 to bashing Persona 5
Why are we pretending P4 was good again? Did i missed something?
Reminder that P4 was all Chie's fault
>guy responded to even mentioned switch
See I wasn’t even trying to start a console war
One word answer: rehabilitation. It's literally driven into you a hundred times every time you step into the Velvet Room.
Society must be rehabilitated because it currently allows assholes to benefit themselves unjustly at the expense of others.
Assholes need to stop being assholes but they also need to atone for their actions and rehabilitate their lives so they make it right with the people and society they harmed.
P5 is not just about rehabilitation, Persona always takes the neutral route and says that humanity can improve itself without going full chaos and burning everything down.
This is why everyone who thinks they "forgave" Akechi is a fucking delusional retard who didn't play the game. They wanted him to atone for his actions while simultaneously wanting to change society so it doesn't create more people like him.
If you think P5's themes were "all over the place" then you literally unironically have the mental capacity of a snail.
Yea Forums went from "Persona 5 is best game ever and coming to switch thanks for betatesting snoyfags" to "Persona 5 is shit and we never wanted it" within 24 hours.
That was a really sad time. The tendies ruined every Persona thread for 6 months straight.
That said I still ended up dropping P5 after 45 hours. I just couldn't deal with the pacing, hysterical strictness and handholding , I fucking can't.
>P5 is not just about rehabilitation
>didn’t beat the game
Your opinion doesn’t matter
Not him and I did 100% the game myself, but 45 hours is longer than most games period and it's more than enough time to decide whether you think the actual gameplay mechanics are any good or not.
Because it wasn't released on switch
I'm not a big personafaggot but P5 is legitimately one of the worst current gen JRPGs i've played.
I'd say it's around the level of Gust and Compile Hearts kusoge.
This is such a poorly paced (thank you cockblocking faggot cat), braindead (95% of the encounters are just an all-out attack bait), repetitive game with mostly awful dungeon design, idiotic story and extremely repetitive music (seriously, ONE normal combat theme for a 80-100 hours game) i'm legitimately surprised it was getting good ratings and publicity to begin with.
What's the secret? Waifus and dating sim elements? Just play the fucking VNs and like 90% of them have better girls with way more actual content for relationships. Art style? This is probably one of a few areas where the game doesn't suck dick but it's clearly not worth enduring a 100 hours long slog. Music? You barely hear the good tracks in the actual game. Being able to run around the modern Tokyo in JRPG? Just play, i dunno, TWEWY.
P5 is an irredeemable pile of shit.
This is bait
Cry me a river you underage faggot.
Better yet, acquire a better taste in JRPGs.
As expected
got any good JRPG you could recommend me?
>if you like P5 then just play all of these worse things instead!
Brilliant argument
Yeah, it's far too story based. The dungeons just aren't used well enough. It focuses too much on paper-thin relationships with really bad dialogue instead of either some compelling JRPG or SMT gameplay. Also, you can't really do anything interesting in town.
Hate is a strong word. It's got a lot of good features. They just don't outweigh the core issues the game has.
Any Kingdom Hearts game except Re;CoM
Any SMT game
Devil Survivor
Final Fantasy 7
>Just play, i dunno, TWEWY.
But that's shit
People got to terms with the fact that it is just style over substance.
i guess i played any JRPG worth playing. thanks i guess.
>TEWYfag seething over P5
Litterally like clockwork next we need the nierfags and it’s perfect
P5 is so bad that you can take literally any non-Gust, non-Compile Hearts, non-modern Square and their satellites like Tokyo RPG Factory JRPG and they all will end up being better than actual P5.
You do know that user is baiting right?
persona q2 is good.
Why would Nier fans seethe over something that sold less, got less critical acclaim and left literally no impact?
So far i'm only seeing anally devastated P5 fans.
Fuck it, it should've been EO3U instead.
Name one impact that Nier left that wasn't made by 2B's gigantic ass
>Gust and Compile Hearts kusoge.
Stop reading right there.
Where? All I is see is a seething TEWYfag.
You can check on what's entire industry worth of journos has been fellating Automata for and i dare you to find a single mention of ass.
>entire industry worth of journos has been fellating Automata
So, nothing
>complains about repetitive gameplay, idiotic story and extremely repetitive music
>then proceeds to recommend TEWY and any JRPG
Here’s a (You) for effort.
l/pg/ has invaded
And P5 is way less than nothing which makes it a negative, i guess.
Yeah and that nothing made it into Smash Bros
Why wouldn't i recommend something that is objectively better than P5?
You can literally take even niche things like Utawarerumono and they will all end up being more well-paced and coherent than this behemot that feels like it was dragged through a 10 yers long development hell.
Having replayed P3 and P4, all the complaints directly specifically at P5 for being "restrictive" and "handholdy" apply just as much to the previous games. In terms of actual time slots you have as much as the previous games. The only difference is that when P3/4 says you can't do something, they frame it in terms of "you're tired" or "you decided not to" or "you'll be busy later" whereas with P5 you had a cat on your shoulder telling you. That's a difference in presentation, not an actual difference in gameplay. The only other major difference is that P5's mandatory plot scenes were a lot more wordy than P3/4's, which makes them seem worse even though they're not.
It made into several other games without staining itself with smash shit, you mean.
You’re recommending something that has the same problems that’s even worse than P5
You are fucking delusional if even for a moment you think that TWEWY is as badly paced as P "Futaba spends 1.5 months sleeping" 5.
They literally said that 5 would be to 3 and 4 what 3 was to 1 and 2.
If you can't form a coherent argument without resorting to meme-level hyperbole then don't bother.
>Futaba spends 1.5 months sleeping
You’re not supposed to be beat a palace in one day.
They didn’t
Prove it
>You’re not supposed to be beat a palace in one day.
But they are so primitive, so easy, so braindead so you're never forced to leave until story reason, not even withotut investing in the fucking SP Adhesive 3 and you can rock with that garbage since around the second dungeon already.
P5 simply doesn't have any good dungeon diving. It doesn't have good difficulty level either. It's too easy to break, it's too reliant on elemental weakness exploitation and all-outs. What you're left with is a severe downtime with no interesting content or events.
>Futaba spends 1.5 months sleeping
Every time someone complains about this I wonder if they've actually played the game. So fucking what? It's not like the game forces you to do fucking nothing until she wakes up. You can still level your confidants, you can still level your skills, you can still go into Mementos, you can still do literally everything else. The whole big pacing issue with it is...you get text messages a few times until she wakes up? Who gives a shit.
> all the complaints directly specifically at P5 for being "restrictive" and "handholdy" apply just as much to the previous games.
For sure, and (some) people called out those as faults back then as well. They're all insanely railroaded experiences that follow a calendar, if someone is not on board with that they're going to have a bad time. It's all meticulously designed to guide you in exactly the way the devs want you to go.
It would be cool if P6 was more open, or allowed you to sequence break, or even miss larger stuff. But I don't think that's the kind of game they want to make. I still like all 3 of them a lot but I completely understand why it would piss someone off since at times it does feel like they're too afraid to take off your training wheels.
List a non-Atlus JRPG that has good gameplay by your standard.
>inb4 retarded bullshit like Pokemon or 90s JRPGs that everyone's already played before
It got popular.
Plus P5S not being a Switch port pissed people off
>So fucking what? It's not like the game forces you to do fucking nothing until she wakes up
You barely have anything to do. Shallow-ass P5's social simulation hardly counts for gameplay, and on top of that some actually useful confidants are locked at that point of time.
>you can still go into Mementos
Mementos are as shallow and quick to explore as main dungeons before you hit another story wall.
Yeah it’s a little bit on the easy side, but so are most of the Persona games, and honestly outside if SJ:R so are most of the other SMT games that came out in the last 10 years.
>It's too easy to break
Is this your first JRPG? I think most Atlus games if not all of them are like this.
>List a non-Atlus JRPG that has good gameplay by your standard.
Ys series.
>shallow shallow shallow
In your opinion. Why are you playing a Persona game?
>Shallow-ass P5's social simulation hardly counts for gameplay
It does.
You honestly just sound like a nocturnebabby at this point. It’s as if you went into a persona game but didn’t want to play Persona at all.
SMT games are at the very least interesting to break sometimes. A lot of other JRPGs too. Dragon Quest 11 being a recent example.
With P5 it's just all outs on top of all outs.
As i've said, go and play VNs. You will love them.
>"list a JRPG"
>lists an action RPG instead
Awesome, one of those retards
>Why are you playing a Persona game?
Dunno. I've always considered it a very mediocre series starting with painfully boring 1-2.
Why are YOU playing a Persona game?
Sticking labels to other people is the only way you can ward the criticism off. Get a better taste in games.
Ys series has more actual itemization and character development at this point than all Persona games together.
>P5's social simulation hardly counts for gameplay
>thens proceeds to recommend that doesn’t count as video games.
>supposedly hate a series starting from the very beginning
>keep playing them anyway
>complain about them anyway instead of just walking away and not playing them
>be confused when people laugh at you
He did this to insult you
I've tried a game, i didn't like it, i wrote a post about it. What i'm seeing in this thread is a bunch of mentally handicapped retards flailing arond and trying to deflect criticism. Just get back to waifuposting, this suits persona community better.
No he’s just that retarded
>JRPG can't be ARPGs
That’s wierd. What i'm seeing in this thread is a mentally handicapped retard flailing arond and trying to deflect criticism. Just get hang yourself already, it suits you better.
>I've tried "A" game
>despite claiming he's played multiple games
>i didn't like it
>yet he keeps playing more
>i wrote "A" post about it
>yet he keeps flailing aimlessly
Just admit you don't actually have an argument at this point
Yup, one of those retards
Not a single of my points has been adressed in a meaningful manner. Cry me a river, persona baby.
M8 when all you do is complain about obvious shit like a baby, don’t be surprised when people call you at a baby.
Ya don’t like P5, well that’s fine, but most of your “pain points” are things the series is known for, so it’s more of s lack of foresight that those things exist (social links, calendar system, weakness sniping and all out attacks) than anything.
Sticking labels to other people is the only way you can ward the criticism off. Get a better taste in games.
>this whole thread
no one is even bothering to talk about the game anymore
>Not a single of my points
You don't have any
There's nothing to talk about because as a GAME P5 is an utter shit.
Awesome user, you've discovered the ctrl+c function!
Jesus, how old are you tards?
All outs aren't even that good past the midpoint of the game. I guess they're free damage but it becomes suboptimal to go specifically for it, especially against bosses.
>shittalking TWEWY
Not even that autist but you faggots are just as bad.
They have been m8, from multiple posters. If you don’t like Persona for the things that make it Persona that’s not really a valid point.
If you wanted to complain about more valid things like pacing, railroaded segments, weaker arcs and such you could, but instead you just comparing about everything from gameplay to presentation to the social system.
Nobody will take you seriously if all you do is complain about everything.
Sticking labels to other people is the only way you can ward the criticism off. Get a better taste in games.
I remember that back in P3 the actual dungeon exploration occupied its own slot, party members actually got tired and despite how shit the Tartarus was, it was infinitely better paced than P5's exploration.
It is true that most of the problems of P5 stem from belonging to awful series, but P5 itself just gives such an uninspired spin on the whole formula they become even more glaring.
I really expected more maturity from someone who didn’t think it was fair to be called s baby. But nope, here you are calling other people babies.
>Ys is not a Japanese Roleplaying Game
>it was infinitely better paced than P5's exploration.
No it wasn’t
>weaker arcs
There's honestly no arc in P5 that feels like "weaker" arc or "stronger" arc. They are universally shit, even Kamoshida's arc which was obviously given more attention than most later segments.
Explain yourself nigger
>dungeon exploration occupies its own slot.
It does. Max out temperance.
>Characters actually get tired
Nobody liked that mechanic
>Infintely better paced than P5’s exploration.
Wut? In P3 all you need to do is run to the top floor as fast as you can so you can grind the next floor down and teleport back for a free heal.
>The problem with Persona 5 stems from being from an awful series
There it is. Really couldn’t keep it together at the end, could ya?
Ace Combat 0 is my favorite JRPG
Nah I personally didn’t like the bank very much. Or the segments where you have multiple days with just plot things. But those are relatively minor.
BotW is my favorite JRPG
You have to keep in mind just how many groups of people have reason to hate this game
>nintendofags hate it because it didn’t get ported
>smashfags (95% of the board) hate it because it got shoehorned into smash for no apparent reason
>PCfags hate it because never ever (hurr yes emulation, enjoy your vanilla version only with glitches at sub 30 FPS)
>anti-JRPG/animefags hate it because it’s the embodiment of everything they despise in a game
>xenofags hate it because apparently there was some non-existent war between the two games when they came out
>FF15fags hate it because it got so much more love and quality put into it than the broken mess that is FFXV
>nierfags hate it because some people like P5’s soundtrack better
>SMTfags hate it because it’s a Persona game and therefore is continuing to rob attention from the mainline games
>even some personafags hate it because they have some random nitpick with it that ruins the entire game for them
So you see the game just can’t stop being controversial.
>It does. Max out temperance.
Kawakami can only be maxed like 4-5 months after the start of the game.
But it's another shitty thing about P5 since it strips off a lot of basic quality of life then feeds it through the confidants instead of experimenting with the formula in any interesting way.
>Nobody liked that mechanic
Yeah user, why would an actual dungeon crawler mechanic be in dungeon crawler?
An outrageous thought!
>In P3 all you need to do is run to the top floor as fast as you can
And it's still better paced than finishing entire dungeon in a single visit.
You forgot
>normal players hate it because it has a shit gameplay
But it's true doe
Can we go back to how Akechi was just fucking poorly handled in general and he went out like a bitch?
It could be worse.
You could of played the worst JRPG of this gen.
Underdeveloped characrers
Story DLC out of the ass
Unfinished story, even with the DLC
Unnecessary Multiplayer that is Story relevant
Empty Open World
Casual Pandering Hold O to Win "combat"
10 years for this trainwreck
The whole plot is poorly handled and jumps between random social commentaries
Post more SFW Futaba
He wasn’t poorly hamdled and he is a bitch. He fucked up his entire lifelong plan twice because of his big ass mouth.
Akechi going out like a bitch was the best way of handling his character in the context of the game.
You were already proven wrong earlier.
You're absolutely correct about FF15 being shit. It just doesn't excuse the fact P5 was also awful.
Thank fucking god we have DQ11 and Automata
you forgot
>/pol/ hates it because they see Shido as a mockery of Trump
Too bad both of those games are shit
Yea Forums likes things that are niche and fit in with their sekrit klub identity, not realizing that this board is newfag central
when it explodes in popularity, they drop it and move on to some other shit
Yea Forums is hipsters: the board
prove me wrong
At least let him go out like a bitch after pulling one over Shido instead of making him a complete idiot.
I wouldn't call P5 "awful" but it did have some issues.
Like how everything goes at a slow glacial pace from after Futaba wakes up to after the Burger King palace
BOTW is widely loved on this board.
People shitting on persona is not a new thing, it's just more people has actually played it now instead of simply waifufagging.
Stop responding to bait user.
>Burger King palace
God, that place was a shit show.
Nah people hated it before the switch falseflagging because it was kind of underwhelming.
Nintendo games don't count
why am I reminded of Uncle Death?
>after pulling one over Shido
He basically did by letting the PTs go after cognitive Goro spilled Shido's true plans.
>party members actually got tired
That stopped being important after the third or fourth full moon boss lmao
The people who complain about "pacing issues" and the life simulator parts in a Persona game are the same people who complain that Yakuza games are more than half minigames and the combat isn't as deep as Devil May Cry.
You just have horrible shit taste Dragon Shit is so bland and boring it's phyiscally painful
>BOTW is widely loved on this board
You're joking right. We've had what, 2 straight years of shitposting about it now?
>Like how everything goes at a slow glacial pace from after Futaba wakes up to after the Burger King palace
Yeah Haru's arc was painful
P4 had decent pacing, way better than 3 and its predictable story missions. Once every full moon which was basically once every 30 days plus P3's writing was god-awful. P4's characters were mostly fun and a joy to be around while P5 has devolved into shit 40-50 hours into the game. I sunk 55 hours into it and I genuinely don't wanna play anymore because everyone's just babbling the same shit over and over and the 2 kiddies without mothers are constantly seething.
First change of heart and waiting for it to happen: G-guys you think this will work??
Every consecutive change of heart: G-guys you think this will work??
Like fuck off and suck my gonads you stupid faggots, stop texting me all the time and asking me if I wanna go fuck around in dungeons or talk about stupid filler text.
Pretty terrible way to go out, no one even bothers to mention him afterwards
Completely fitting for his character though.
I would rather have him being arrested, have a small mention of his fate and then everyone shilling for him proceed to act like he doesn't even exist.
>I would rather
Nobody cares
No, and NieR is a PS3/XBOX360 game you may be referring to NieR:Automata
It’s just XC2fags seething over the fact that P5 is way more loved
>P4 had decent pacing
It had like 4 months of filler lol
Salty and seething, samefag Soiniggers only prove how well received the game has been. Literal game of the decade material.
Agreed, my brother. Let the fanboys seethe. This glorified VN hallway sim might look flashy, but where's the beef?
No substance. Only weeb pandering.
DQ11 has infinitely more love and care put into the world and battle system compared to P5.
>only weeb pandering
Is this bait? P5 is one of the least weeb pandering jrpgs
not him
>love and care put into the world
good joke. I guess you like hallway worlds.
You forgot that people that had the PS3 got the game delayed in order to wait for the PS4 and that's the reason why P5R is not going to be released in the PS3
Literally the only reason Dragon Quest gets a pass is because they can pull the nostalgia card even though Megami Tensei is only a year younger. By any objective standpoint from someone who doesn't have that perspective, Dragon Quest is casual generic weeb pandering out the ass.
Better than "story mission" after "story mission" that add ZERO to the experience. P4 had some downtime, but that's still better than 3 or 5's garbage.
I never liked it.
Tried to get into it twice, but the slow pacing and mountains of text/cutscenes quickly caused me to lose interest.
Then I replayed FF7 again and realized how much better it is.
>Salty and seething, samefag Soiniggers
Who do you think make up the majority here?
>By any objective standpoint from someone who doesn't have that perspective, Dragon Quest is casual generic weeb pandering out the ass.
By the same objective standpoints P5 is a pile of shit with no redeeming qualities.
>I guess you like hallway worlds
That's Persona 5 in nutshell.
More like the noisy minority.
Also shills.
>xenofags hate it because apparently there was some non-existent war between the two games when they came out
Pretty sure xenofags don't actually care. The whole "war" between them was a one sided thing so while sonyfags couldn't get xeno out of their minds xenofags were just minding their own business.
It hasn't been idorts since about 2013. Most of them migrated to infinity Chan.
If you can't defend the game that you brought up as supposedly good then don't bother bringing it up and stop deflecting.
Case in point.
remove yourself
I like well-designed hallway worlds with actually good combat systems. You know, not all out to win.
The writing was bad.
Deflecting what? You're the one that targeted DQ specifically.
Fuck off sonyfag.
but did he sign up for nintendo creators
>"DQ is a good game"
>"No it's not and here's why"
>"wtf why are you targeting DQ"
You keep embarrassing yourself over and over because you don't actually have any points to make
angry joe is literally a sonyfag though
Imagine seething this much just because you got called out. You XC2fags are fucking obnoxious
What are you even talking about?
I haven't played a xeno game in years, I'm just stating the fact that they didn't care about persona or have this blood fued against it.
>I like well-designed hallway worlds
oxymoron in RPGs. When you only have access to 5% of the world map portion by portion, you know it's a shit game. Dragon Quest used to be better than that.
pc master race version when
>P5 is one of the least weeb pandering jrpgs
Please tell me you weren't being serious. P5 is literally ANIME. It's weeb trash under veneer of class stemming from competent UI and nothing else.
P4 has no glitches when you emulate it and it runs at 60fps if your PC can handle it. I have a shitty Xeon from 2013 and I can get steady 40-50 fps where it matters, in combat and palaces. If you want better stable 30fps with no drops in the city get a better PC or just play the shitty PS version.
>When you only have access to 5% of the world map portion by portion, you know it's a shit game
Know the game without a world map to speak about?
Spoiler: Persona 5
>stylish artstyle that strikes a balance between sensible and over the top
>dialogue, interactions and cutscenes don’t make me cringe
>relatable themes and characters
Yeah you’re full of shit. Any pandering is minimal compared to other JRPGs.
Dude, most of the game is LITERALLY Japanese school simulator. It's about as weeb as you're going to get from a non panty raid game.
>left eye lit up
>dialogue, interactions and cutscenes don’t make me cringe
That's because you're a weeb, dingus. And if you don't believe it here's the proof
>relatable themes and characters
There's absolutely nothing relatable about those characters especially not for someone living in western countries where life is entirely different.
cry me a river animefag, this board is for games
>what is Kawakami?
>what is Futaba?
>what is Caroline and Justine?
>what are most of the female confidants?
Really, dude?
>weeb is thing I don't like
>nevermind that the game is literally set in Japan and the whole thing is blatant Japanese "adults are useless we take everything into our own hands"
They think hating good things is a replacement for a personality
Tell me one game that isn't Stalker that Yea Forums as a collective likes.
SMT>final fantasy>shitsona>dragon quest
It was horribly long and dragged out with the worst story, blandest characters, and most braindead gameplay of the entire series. That being said; it's beautiful, the music is fantstic, and the dungeons are massively improved.
So? It was used effectively as a setting to create a tense environment for characters to cope through and bond together. From there the story built its themes of freeing yourself from the chains of society and fighting back against those who everyone gives power to abuse. There was nothing pandering about it.
As I said, relative to other JRPGs there is very little weeb or otaku pandering. Female characters can be done well and presented in a way that doesn’t make me feel like some gook is treating me like a horny obese loser, and P5 accomplished that. Even characters like Futaba have way more nuance and non-cringe interactions than garbage like, say, the blatant sword waifus in Xenoblade doting over some little faggot that doesn’t deserve them. Or the useless shallow female characters in Dragon Quest.
Toki a shit
New game bad old game good
>It was used effectively as a setting to create a tense environment for characters to cope through and bond together. From there the story built its themes of freeing yourself from the chains of society and fighting back against those who everyone gives power to abuse.
So basically every fucking japanese rebelling story every.
The series is just too formulaic at this point. If you've played the previous games there's hardly anything new to see here. Not to mention the calandar system makes the games 3 times longer than they should be
>worst jrpg
Incase you're not a troll *which you probably are), you must have not played many jrpgs, like 2 if this is the worst. There are 100s that are 100x worse.
If you love Ann so much why are you mispelling her name you pig
Even the hopeless trash like I Am Setsuna has more redeeming qualities than P5.
He said one of the worst this gen, but even then that’s just wrong
>tfw no autistic girlfriend
Why live
I don't know, not counting indies and such it is definitely a contender given how little it improves on previous games.