Requesting a drawing of Atlanta (or whatever she's called) from Last Origin having *accidental* wardrobe malfunctions...

Requesting a drawing of Atlanta (or whatever she's called) from Last Origin having *accidental* wardrobe malfunctions. Both nipple slip and pussy slip if possible.

* There are currently two drawings tagged "Atlanta" on the booru, but the artist behind insisted that this incomplete drawing must not be considered to be a delivery, while in Atlanta *deliverately* exposes lower half of her body.

Attached: Atlanta.png (1000x1000, 426K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I meant to post this on the draw thread, but something went wrong. Mods, please delete this thread.

Designs like this are the reason video games and anime will never be taken seriously. Don't get me wrong, I like all that stuff ans big anime tiddies but shit like this is just ridiculous. Why even play the game if it's just gonna be a fap bait?


>look up the game she's from
Every time

Attached: 1457879873390.jpg (250x194, 27K)

delete your own post fag

based and redpilled


>baited by gachashit
Looks like it's working

pretty based for showing us this, don't worry I'll s**e

No shit. Anime and games are for children and manchildren. Anime is literally capeshit.

How embarrassing

>imagine being this user

Attached: 59671829_766107517116552_8574074476071747584_n.jpg (480x387, 20K)

i see a nipple

best thread on Yea Forums right now.
OP do you actually use the reply form instead of QR? that's the only way I can imagine this happening. Are you an oldfag or just retarded?

>Are you an oldfag
But wouldn't an oldfag know about noko?
So only one option left.

She's cute and I would like to insert my penis into her, if you know what I mean.

I can't. Every time I try, a message that reads "Something Wnet wrong." turns up.


Are you posting from incognito?
Just let it die naturally.

What’s up with that, really? I also posted a thread on wrong board recently, and it was exactly the same, it couldn’t be deleted because I got the same message every time I tried. If there’s some time limit to it, I dunno what it could be, because it didn’t work right after posting and it also didn’t work later on.

I thought you can't delete the OP/your own threads anymore since quite some time now?
Anyway, let it die.

Okay, let's sage this!
Options: sage


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Janny! clean up on aisle 9!

Attached: 1562372642083.jpg (474x335, 22K)






>Anyway, let it die
Let it die, Let it Die
Can't hold it anymore
Let it die, Let it Die
Yea Forums won't stop bumping shit

Attached: e6e.png (332x389, 203K)


We bully drawfag/beggingfag/requestfag now i guess

Attached: fznjjhp0wroru1ygxk1a.png (1272x790, 159K)

god I love gachashit art

Attached: 1562361657326.jpg (860x1214, 332K)

How did they get away with this?

Attached: 39134-455312521.png (1000x1000, 466K)

what game

Good. Wanting to be taken seriously gave us modern Naughty Dog.

But is anyone going to draw his request?

Attached: 1518658514655.jpg (465x695, 27K)


Where are her panties?

Yea Forums Drawfag only draw overrated popular shit(FE, Persona, FGO, etc) so my guess is nobody will draw OP request

Attached: 1519328210699.png (758x731, 101K)

In my face

Holy shit that, that character model looks fucking great.

Checking out the game, it's in KR only? And the story seems to be a huge rip-off of GFL, it's basically word for word the same premise. Might check it out when it's in English though, that's some interesting character models. About as subtle as a brick to the face.

Attached: Dl3U24hUwAARopT.jpg large.jpg (749x747, 55K)


i see a napple

Is there a gallery of the damaged unit artworks anywhere?

Attached: 8bd4065b1151cc07110e3615ab069a69.png (2048x2048, 1.46M)

Thats the only thing those gatcha games had, fanservice
Waste of good designs that sadly dont fit on console games anymore thanks to the new puritan wave

why's her name Atlanta?
is this game naming bitches based off cities?

Weak bait

cucky the clown

it's probably Atalanta. greek mythological woman

The absolute state of OP

There was a situation years back where some fag was trying to keep his thread at the top of a board (/p/? Yea Forums? It was a medium-speed board) by deleting his own posts to slow the inevitable bump limit. This began to annoy people because it left holes in various conversations that were actually good. Soon they started to post a lot to get rid of him. He retaliated by joining in, then deleting those posts too. Once people realised this, they accelerated to thwart his efforts.
However, he had another side to his plan. He began to create threads outside of the main one to bump off older threads and keep his on the board, then deleted them too. People realised this as well, and began creating their own. After a day of struggle, the faggot's thread finally got pushed off by everyone else's spam.
It pissed off the mods enough to severely limit what people can delete nowadays.

Epic thread

Attached: 1562488678201.jpg (640x640, 79K)

What? Why go that far to have your shitty thread on an anonymous image board where 90% of the content is shitposting?


sadly only shitty gacha can get away with this

that normie reaction pic is amazing

>Why even play the game
Neo-Yea Forums everyone.

Stop being such a beggar and pay someone to do it.

You couldn't tell just by looking at it? They all have this weird gacha-vibe you can see from a mile away.

lmao what a fucking retard

Cringe request

Attached: 1530581113421.jpg (250x250, 16K)

It's the average drawthread request

something about her left arm seems off

I dont get it

>Designs like this are the reason video games and anime will never be taken seriously
Why should it be taken seriously.

Attached: league_of_maiden.jpg (1917x1077, 285K)

Still disgusting and this request should be post on /h/ or Yea Forums

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I refuse to play a game that has unattractive females in it.

I like this kind of clothing. Let me post a few I have.

Attached: approprate_attires.jpg (1100x1635, 777K)

>will never be taken seriously
what a loss!

Attached: 1561452432963.png (2550x2100, 1.69M)

Attached: laughing_loli.jpg (1166x2219, 579K)

Can't wait how many westernerfag gonna go fucking apeshit and get triggred by this

holy fuck i can't i'm literally shaking right now

Welp, I am out. Any contribution, or tag would be appreciate.

Pic unrelated.

Attached: 1561528106237.jpg (1100x1000, 281K)