>It may look like I'm 8 years old, but I'm actually over 1000. Tee-hee!
Why is this allowed?
>It may look like I'm 8 years old, but I'm actually over 1000. Tee-hee!
Why is this allowed?
Other urls found in this thread:
because her company is dying
Fuck off and just enjoy it you closet pedo.
That isnt what an 8 year old looks like. Thats a grown woman.
why does the idea of a petite woman make roasties, their orbiters and australia so assblasted?
I like how no ones bring attention to the literal 2 year old that talks about her libido.
So people with a loli and a GILF fetish can experience their fetishes at the same time
Because she's over 1000 years old. Also she looks more like a 14 year old than an 8 year old, but that's hardly better.
>I'm actually over 1000
She's 400~something, though.
What kind of 8 years olds do you know user?
I don't know why you would say that about Etna though, if you consider the game's artstyle she's always looked like a really flat unshapely adult. Desco here actually looks like a child
Imagine being a moralfag over fictional characters
you divide by 100 and you get their real age
she's like 14
I helped my cousin change into her PJs when she was like 6 (she's 15 now...)
>disgaea 4
>let's give the extra story dlc to the most hated character
Because it's funny.
Also this. Hanako is more like 8. Etna and Flonne are pettan 14~15 year olds. Laharl is the equivalent of 12 or 13.
Netherlands is worse. They fucking killed Allthefallen!
Kusukabe 2020
That's 1400something. Meanwhile, this is mid twenties. It's ecchi comedy.
Fuck the Dutch. Why didn't you stop this, Dutchanons?
We only did it to promote large milkers. We want to stop the faggot culture that you amerilards created from spreading here.
But she doesn't look 8, she looks 13-14
You'll be glad to know that the best and cutest girl is 13 years old and looks 13. Maybe 12. 10 at the youngest.
Desco literally is a child in canon. Since she's not a natural demon and was manmade just two years before the events of the game, she's literally 2 years old.
Also fun fact, she's 88cm tall not counting the tentacles. 160cm with them (typically).
because fuck you
Desco is one of the best and most adorable loli character ever created
Because my dick demands it.
This guy gets it.
Look how fucking flat she is, goddamn that's hot
I allowed it because it is sexy
also her english VA really did a great fucking job
Because it is right and natural to be attracted to young girls.
>certain combination of 1 and 0s are illegal
I much prefer the first one.
too bad she's saddled with a shit character
God Marona is so sexy
Digitally stored photographs of real world children getting dicked are 0's and 1's and are illegal, yes.
You'll understand when you turn like 500.
Of course that's it
>tfw no Vassal gf
Because it's sexy and it isn't real.
Good. Then maybe you incels will play a real game like TLoU or BoTW.
I want to fuck Laharl
t. pedophiles
>I'm 100000000 years old!
>Always acts like a 50 IQ generic moeblob shit
god I wish that was me
>At the end she goes with Etna for adventures
>This gets forgotten
what do you mean by first one?
no idea, it is hotter if they are actually 8
most b&c post ITT
The alternative is becoming gay
this one?
>Draws grown woman with a flat chest
>Calls it a loli
What the fuck were they thinking with this?
all the dicks over the years in her head destroyed all the brain cells
what about the people who are like 30 but look 13 because of some disorder? would you deny them love? why are you so heartless?
Why are 75% of nanashi's doujins about lolis that are actually like 80 and talk like grandmas? Because Japanese people are sick, that's why.
>real game
As opposed to white men who actually rape kids?
I mean, she is a demon.
Now as a rule, I don't complain about people being retarded but this immortal with a childs body thing is fucking stupid and exists because japan needed an excuse for pedophilia in their media.
Stop being a faggot, call it what it is and either enjoy it or don't.
45% of black girls would like a word with you.
>grown woman
Define 'grown' 'adult', because Etna looks like she's in her early teens. Solidly JC range. If you played Disgaea, she's clearly not that much older than Laharl, and you'd have to be totally off your rocker to think he's an adult.
I'm beginning to think Tornado Tatsumaki has severely warped more than a few anons' perceptions of what a flat chested adult is. As an actual fan of pettanko, this causes me great distress.
But i hate Ubisoft copy-paste game.
>an excuse
Are you literally fucking retarded?
>Define 'grown'
Having a petite body and wearing your hair in pigtails doesn't make you a teen. Life isn't ,like one of your barely legal teen sights.
I like characters like this one
>Implying it isn't
>Implying thats the important bit of my post
Here's a free (You), don't spend it all in one place user
I prefer these kind of characters
Imagine if the towels slipped haha.
People actually think Etna isn't supposed to look like a young teenager? Truly bizarre. I can only imagine you've deluded yourselves, but I can't fathom why.
Always good to see a fellow man of culture.
Because lolis are extremely sexually atractive.
Here's your necromancer.
same reason we have most trope characters. Some people like it. I like blind swordsmen, and rough cowboys. Should we stop making those types of characters because some guys got a stick up their ass? Hell no. If you don't like the character, don't support it. There's millions of other things you can consume.
Should've whored herself for money
God imagine depositing your semen inside them, allowing your adult sperm to swim inside in an effort to fertilize their still developing egg cells?
that sounds wonderful
You think hookin' pays better than Chroma work? If that's true, Walnut should have attacked more prostitutes than Jack the Ripper.
Do NOT sexualize my daughter, thank you.
I'd pay pretty money for a high quality loli like Marona
>certain combinations of body movements are illegal
But why?
I'd obliterate my shoulder if it meant Marona could smile.
I don't think you quite appreciate how small 88cm is even.
People say IMAGINE about Megumin and she's 145cm. Fuka here is 155cm, so not much taller than Megumin. Now look how tiny Desco is.
I'd gladly let Marona bind my soul and make me her battle thrall.
I was wondering what happened with that, tried going to the booru a few days ago and it fucking disappeared.
Of course. How else would one fend off the literal sub-human refuse that would enact violence upon, and disparage this angel?
Early on, I expected I'd have to kill Cauldron at some point. Instead he makes Marona his daughteru and will gladly mangle anyone that so much as gives her a mean look. What an odd twist.
>Why are 75% of nanashi's doujins about lolis that are actually like 80 and talk like grandmas?
Because lolibaba is fucking patrician and so is 774, fuck you.
>tfw Ash can watch Marona take a bath
Can't wait to become a ghost
The odd part is, they said it got taken down over some recent law, but the only change in laws regarding loli in the Netherlands I could find dates back to 2011.
Etna, Laharl and Flonne have 100x age multipliers. Laharl is the equivalent of 13, Etna is 14, and Flonne is the equivalent of a 15 year old, both mentally and physically. Their ingame ages are 1300, 1400, 1500-something.
Because its good
And Vyers is supposedly 2600something, if I recall.
>People actually think Etna isn't supposed to look like a young teenager?
She's not that far off, but she looks like a late bloomer. Remember that "teenager" covers 10-19, not just 15-18. It's conceivable for a 14 year old to look like Etna.
Also keep in mind that the character designer was a huge Keio Flying Squadron fan. Had a blog with HUNDREDS of fanart.
>Also keep in mind that the character designer was a huge Keio Flying Squadron fan. Had a blog with HUNDREDS of fanart.
This is the only one I can find right now, but it was a stupid huge archive with years worth of stuff from 99-2002. I actually knew of him before Disgaea came out, was surprised it was by the same guy.
Yeah, that's why I specified young teenager. Etna doesn't look like a flat adult, unless one considers middle schoolers to be mature grown adults. Which I think is odd. So anons calling her a tallflat or pettan adult weirds me out.
>Remember that "teenager" covers 10-19
Are you retarded?
I figured he was counting the "tween" ages. Some people do that.
Why are 8 year old cunnies so squishy?
>They didn't make it permanent
> The didn't make it so that fem laharl would try each different female monster clothes.
>No succubus laharl
>No Felyne Laharl
>No Kitsune Laharl
>No Alraune Laharl
>No rule 63 of all the other monster classes
Truly the darkest of times...
Anyone else prefer oppai loli?
>is literally 3 years old
>has a bombshell of a body
Why is this allowed, fellow nonpedo bros?
No. Shit usually ignores all good body sense in favor of XBOX HUEG TITTIES, and while I get why some people go crazy for that it's usually not for me.
I'll never approve of her being shipped with Ky. Never.
Shut up Sol.
>Why is this allowed?
Because pedos can jack off without remorse
Same with Marie "I may look like an underage and I have my face censored when I get hit, but I'm an adult" Rose
It's the ultimate female power fantasy. Where men get off with looking buff and fit, women get off with looking young.
sorry, in my native language the word means "age in the tens", meaning 10 to 19.
>I have my face censored when I get hit
If the breast sizes are in moderation sure, but too often they look more like actual deformed midgets with gross fake tits than cute early bloomers.
Go home Testament, you're drunk.
How do we save Nippon Ichi lads?
Can we have a loli thread without sexualization?
What use is a word like that? 13-19 is prime fuckability.
Make them competent.
I self insert as Laharl though.
That's like asking if we could have a Yea Forums thread without food analogies
A loli thread without sexualization is like a pizza without any toppings.
We can't have *any* thread without sexualization. No exceptions means no exceptions, user. You have your weekly bible study for that.
Because she isn't real.
You just reminded me of that Batman episode with the 35 year old actor that looks like she's 5 and she has crippling depression because she will never be able to have a family
I wanted to like her game but it really wasn't fun
You're the exception, not the rule.
>implying Etna ever talk like that
OP is a fag
Wait aren't they the people publishing sakuna of rice and ruin? If so I hope it comes out before they go under
Why shouldn't it be?
Mary Dahl. She could make so much money doing porn. Shame she's such a neurotic lunatic.
Fuka is great, your argument is invalid
>food analogy analogy
I could see her doing it mockingly, a few seconds before going back to smug ball busting
that's because they were taken without consent user, cheese pizza is actually legal in a lot of parts of the world if the parents consent to it/there is no sexuality going on
When there is sexuality going on, it falls under pornography laws
While she was insane all she wanted was to live a normal life I doubt she would do porn no matter the pay out.
wtf, why would he aim a shotgun like that, it's meant to be pointed, not shoulder aimed
That doesn't change the fact that it is a certain combinations of 1's and 0's and it's illegal.
Etna could pull off being 11-12. There are plenty of girls that start to develop their breasts around then, and figures generally start even earlier.
His shoulder was itchy and he didn't want to put down the gun to scratch it.
it's not a shotgun dummy
I'm not exactly certain how elephant guns "should" be held, I only know it's not like that
>What use is a word like that?
It's used when you call someone in their tens, twenties, thirties, etc, by only changing the number in the front.
How the FUCK does someone buy Disgaea without looking like a paedo? I went to the local shop to buy Disgaea 1 for the PS4 cause I saw online that they had it. I scoured the shop but couldn't find it, ended up having to ask, they had it below the counter. They also asked my phone number for warranty, and I gave it cause it didn't even click at the time. Am I on a list now or am I just being paranoid?
>How the FUCK does someone buy Disgaea without looking like a paedo?
Get in shape and bathe before entering the store. Alternatively pirate/order online.
those tiny yet existent boobs and defined hips are not those of any 8 year old.
not pedo.
once it shows signs of sexual development it leaves the clear illegality, and gets muddy with the question of age of consent, and as you stated, she is clearly over that, so if she chooses to dress like a cheap floozy, there is no scandal here.
you westacucks misunderstand that shit. you are absolutely naive and impressionable. its not an excuse for loli shit, its just such a fiction. according to your sjw standards every chibi characters have to be underage. think about it.
You begin by Chad walking into Gamestop wearing an I
Nice. Who dat?
>be aspiring manga artists
>have started reading manga from a well known japanese mangaka who stream his process
>the art is great and there's plenty to learn so I start saving that shit
>every single fucking chapter is filled to the brim with fanservice and more specifically the loli kind
that's it, that's the turning point. It's only a matter of time now for me to be outed as a pedo and shame my family and everyone who has ever been in contact with me
How did Luca end up with such a good VA?
Lolis in these types of games always sound like shit and are over the top.
But little girls is a protest song about the media promoting pedophilia.
Something about walls and hardening
She needed an adult voice
>blasting Oingo Boingo's "Little Girls" from a shoulder mounted boombox.
Nice one. I need to rewatch their Halloween DVD.
That pic wasn't "created by Vhea" tho, it's from one of the Yui Haga cg collections. I, er, studied those so often that when I re-played Disgaea (now knowing the mechanics), I couldn't help but see every character profile in that style.
>those tiny yet existent boobs and defined hips are not those of any 8 year old
wait a sec how do you know what they look like...
That's the fun thing about art: It speaks to different people in as many different ways.
Please draw us some loli lewds before you flame out into your death spiral of shame and self loathing.
The D1 trio are obviously teenage-equivalent, they're just petite (relative to most of the adult female humanoid demons who are titty monsters).
The age/100 convention is pretty obvious
Yeah, Flonne has tits in most artwork as well. Small ones, but she's not flat as a board.
Laharl has great taste
>ywn be Lucas bed
why even live
did she have little bears on her PJs?
They're retarded. 3d renders was never allowed there and I'm pretty sure that's the main reason it got taken down. Good riddance.
> lolis that are actually like 80 and talk like grandmas
you mean literal perfection ?
Heh, I know it's Yui Haga. I studied those sets as well.
Because the power of CUTE AND FUNNY.
The man with no taste
Because unlike communism, we do not censor anything.... right?
>88 cm tall
we're reaching levels of imagine that shouldn't even be possible
Loli is considered creepy and society doesn't like it but its not banned. There has never been an anti loli operation by the police.
The Netherlands is a hub for real CP hosting ain't nobody got time for anime weirdos.
Son of a bitch
Lolibaba- besto loli
>Maria and Kid Emeralda
Truly cultured.
One of the famous dudes of the VN industry got literally banned from the internet for importing a loli onahole.
>is literally 5 years old
pshh... nothin personal kid
>lewding xenokino
how dare you
Let's be fair: It lewded itself with that siscon Dan and the implied cousin fucking and Billy selling his twink boypuss
No longer so flat
>Why are 75% of nanashi's doujins about lolis that are actually like 80 and talk like grandmas?
Because lolibabas are the best?
what kind of reeeach are you going to expain this with user, also billy didn't sell himself, he only said that he was so broke that he was about to do it, but then he found the church or something, also literally everyone was disgusted at that moment, relax user.
Is Disgaea 5 worth getting at 40% off?
hell yeah.
why would something not be allowed? are you for censorship and thought policing, you fucking communist? why even ask the question like that? why use that fucking meme question instead of forming your own sentence, you slobbering troglodyte ? have you ever had an original thought in that fuckthick skull of yours?
fuck you. fuck you forever. i hope your family dies from spider bites and your grandma's house burns to cinders. fuck you.
do ya like da grindan game?
You mean peak performance women? You may not like it, but you know it to be true.
calling them "loli" automatically sexualizes them
To some it means lack of sex appeal.
>It lewded itself
this, you could do a checklist of fetishes with Emerada alone
First cousins, user.
>he was about to
Exactly. The subject was broached. And anyway, the implications of what the Ethos were up to was creepier anyway. Some of those lines had no shortage of sinister innuendo and I'm not talking about making -Wels-
Oh poor user, you really shouldn't look it up on sad panda. Those thots get DESTROYED by hordes of older fat men.
Majorita from Disgaea 5
Xenogears hardly has any good material actually. At least Momo got some good doujins.
>do ya like da grindan game?
Etna's game came out in 2003, so she is actually 16 years old.
user what the fuck were you thinking when you played the game? Marg's companion sister, i forgot her name, only said that they should marry once, and only to tease her iirc. You're supposed to think about all the philosophical shit going not incestuous shipping among 16 bit characters tf user
What if I want the opposite, someone that looks like an adult but is actually very much a child inside?
Obvious lolicon pandering.
>"she's actually a 1000 years old dragon"
Yeah, totally.
Should companies like Nintendo come clean and introduce romanceable JS or JCs?
This just feels like taking advantage of a mentally retarded person.
My brain is telling me they already did in FE, but I can't remember why or with who.
That's actual, literal pedophilia, way worse than the other way around.
Definitely, that's a great deal
What about the Ethos' priests and bishops fucking kids? I'm not saying that's all the game was, but you appear to be attempting to downplay some things. It can be both, you know. Philosophical and featuring kinky undertones.
Because I'd lick her entire body and then I'd impregnate her.
>What if I want the opposite, someone that looks like an adult but is actually very much a child inside?
Try looking in the mirror.
Makes me sad
he won't see someone that looks like an adult that's for sure
I wish it was Fa or Myrrh
This thread could use more visual examples.
the book that coined the term was about a man wanted to fuck a little girl
Anybody knows the name of the doujin where a father finds out his wife cheated on him so he begins to have sex with their daughter secretly and then they start doing it right in front of her in the living room while the daughter scolds the mom for cheating on him.
Isn't her mind that of a woman anyway
It could. Many more.
And not everyone uses it that way. Meanings change.
ethos shit is meant to be creepy, not arousing, it may be because I replayed the game recently that I remember the undertones, but that fei and elly fucking scene was enough kink for a 1998 game
>Talking to a girl for a while while playing D&D with friends of friends digitally
>Eventually meet up for a date
>Girl is very cute, but looks super young
>They had mentioned starting college as a past event and I had guessed 22 at one point and they said it was about right
>Get food
>Ask her if she'd like some sake
>She gets really quiet and says that she can't have any, but I should have some if I want
>Notice she's wearing braces
>Later she says she noticed I gave her a look right then and explains that she swears she's 19
>We had an otherwise fun date and talked about games and manga
I don't know what to do because I don't want to go to jail or get weird looks in public. I'm afraid she's like actually 16 or something.Thank you for reading my blog.
>That's actual, literal pedophilia
By definition it isn't pedophilia at all
Sayonara user, see you in a bit
Lolis are inherently sexual, because they have a vagina.
You have two little sisters in Fates, for one thing. They don't technically have ages but it should be obvious to anyone.
Anime adaptation soon
You want to fuck literal retards and that's worse.
I still wanna know what Id was even going to do with Emeralda.
Explain your dilemma to her then card her.
Hope it isn't a school ID card she shows you
About this great advertisement deal mister Hiro...
Witnessed. Godspeed, hero.
The royal navy's flower.
Elise is 100% underaged, I think Sakura is a few years older though.
What anime would this semen demon be from?
What are some games where cute girls molest other cute girls?
when? I don't recall that, I think you might be talking about bishop stone, but i do have a shit memory
No but you'd still get slapped in cuffs if you fucked a girl who was mentally that behind the rest of everyone else. Would be seen as taking advantage of a mentally disabled person.
because the law just say age and no proportions
so its fine, doesn't matter how salty one is. Thayt is how its work
Not overly ripe nor preserved, the appearance of the second digit upon the maiden's age personifies a peaking moment.
brb calling Gamestop
God I want to date JCs
bunny succubus, ??? years old
Dizzy isn't not human, she's a slave race made for war. Gears develop to adulthood quickly to get them combat ready as soon as possible. Pic related is her 5 year old son.
When Id pops up in Zeboim. He says Emeralda is his and demands we give her back, I think? Been many many years but it was something like that. He fights a bit and then fucks off.
Watch her anime
>Look this up to see if its true
>Click first video I see youtu.be
>Click forward a random amount of time, land on 13:19
>listen for 3 seconds
>close tab
Gross dude, what's wrong with you.
Is this 3DCG?
I coulda sworn you could court a 14 year old in Azure Dreams.
I want a cute JS that doesn't take any of it seriously.
Both need anal sex.
Jesus christ my ears.
what's wrong with YOU??
that's one of the most adorable things you could ever hear
Remember user, it's only a good thread if your image folder gets bigger by the end of it.
>It's okay because she's actually--
>nipple chafing
This is truly a blessed thread.
>fate side story
all of my red flags. Why should I watch this?
This better not be porn
Or if it is she better fuck somebody other than her son, incest is degenerate.
So should the mentally retarded just not be allowed to get laid.
Because fate side stories are always better than the tryhard mainline ones.
We also need drawings of actual children to compare them to
Ufotable should have never made Fate popular
no, not really. Prisma Illya is garbage too.
You can kinda date the little girls in RF2
I just can't get into Prillya. Too overtly slutty perhaps.
And you need a couple years in a jail cell
>It may look like I'm 8 years old, but I'm actually 8
i want to marry her
You don't need much for a legendary doujin. Just one girl and an artist worth his salt.
God dayum
I refuse to support the gacha industry in any way
>normal person:
that's a cute 8 year old looking girl, I'd love to give her headpats.
>actual pedos:
protip: They don't sexualize these underage girls, you're just getting aroused by them you fucking pedonigger fuck you.
Here is some actual non-vampiric children
For the millions of sperm I murdered beating it to lolis
RF3 had Monica proclaiming that you can marry her if you won't marry Shara, but the game didn't walk the walk.
I need to look this up,
what a weird looking 3DS.
Hm, I think I might need a larger sample size
Part 3 is a lot less fanservice oriented than the first two parts at least.
Why do people always say that small anime girls like this "look like" they're 8 or whatever?
It is almost universally bullshit; 8 year olds do not look like that. No actual 8 year old in the history of humanity has looked like these anime drawings. Whoever looks at this kinda anime shit and says that real life children look like these fictional characters designed with developmentally asynchronous physical features and sexual characteristics is deluded beyond help.
To call anything but the most egregious of lolicon pornography "an accurate depiction of a real child" necessitates your definition of "child" to be as lax as "she's short with small tits".
My final pick was Raven, but only because Monica wasn't marriageable.
>sophisticated man of taste
>that's a cute 8 year old looking girl, I'd love to give her headpats, and as my hand lingers on her head on the final pat, firmly but gently guide her head downward and show her my Pokemon cards
>be me, a lolicon
>sees this
>notice lolis like the 3DS
No wonder I liked the 3DS too.
Here's your delicious lamb chop, Monica. No biting, now!
>Pokemon cards
are you still living in the 90s or what? Girls like mobile games these days
>big eyes and head in proportion to the body
>no curves
You can do all the mental gymnastics you want but you’re still a gross pedophile.
why are you trying to reason with pedophiles? you are wasting your time.
Ah, so that's how it is now. Very nice.
I like it, but I also like lolis and F/SN.
It's just culture shock.
Japanese women look like 14-15 for 40 or so years, after which they suddenly become 60+ within a single year. That's just how it works for first world Asians.
You are simply ignorant about that matter.
But if I don't speak to my own colleagues, who will?
Because fuck conservatives who hate fun
It's hot and legal.
because she doesn't look like she's 8 years old ya dingus
>short, flat chested adult women don't exist
The only thing that's truly bizarre is that you lack imagination which just furthers your intolerance of fantasy.
She's literally the exact opposite of the 10,000 year old vampire loli trope. Physically and mentally in GGX she was around 19 and now she's gonna stay in her mid 20s forever from Xrd onward.
You are describing anime. You're describing a hypersexualized ideal based on Asian cultural and sense foci. Bug eyed big headed short girls with no waist to speak of.
You can do all the mental gymnastics you want, anime girls don't look like human beings because realism is not a fundamental quality of the art form.
You can't, as proof of your claim, produce a picure of a real life child that resembles an anime drawing in proportion and physiological development; because real life children DON'T LOOK LIKE ANIME GIRLS.
That statement has nothing to do with anything.
You're supposed to "imagine" Etna looks like a flat adult when she clearly doesn't. That's what user meant.
Why would you want to take 3D pictures of a 2D world?
She is a flat adult though.
She's not a human being, remember.
I like your style, user.
Is Tokiko actually a 1000 year old succubus?
>not a virgin
>comes to your apartment every day to get fucked
>can take an adult dick
>sucks dick like an expert
>ruthlessly chomps you when you don't perform well
She's the demon equivalent of 14 years old in that setting. It's simple. Come on user, put 2 and 2 together. You're not actually that obtuse.
forgot pic
Some people look 14 when they're 20, but it's still legal to fuck them.
Disingenuous tactic used by liberals in the hopes Japanese artists misinterpret their personal vendettas as a generalized consensus from the west, ultimately resulting in toned-down (AKA "globalized") character designs across the board.
She's more like 11-12 from her measurements.
She's not equivalent to a 14 year old by any metric that dictates whether it's ethical or not to give her the dick as a human. To demons, that would be different, but as far as any human being is concerned she's a flat adult and can consent.
how do you play this game correctly?
>you may look 8 year old but you're actually 8 year old AND you're my daughter!
That's not how liberalism works. I'm a liberal.
It seems to be primarily authoritarian or religious conservatives and new age social justice progressives who peddle this 'fear of the other for our children' garbage.
Didnt steam screw up and hand out disgaea 5 for free.
just as planned.
I hope you're okay with her regularly having to birth new tentacle packs.
Yes this is canon
14 is prime breeding age
It the Internet. If he's not, I am
>She's not a human being
I said looks like. And we see other adults in that game, like Maderas, Lamington, and Vyers. Etna is clearly young compared to them, much closer to Laharl or even Aramis.
No argument there.
I feel like we're arguing very different points here, user. What I said never had anything to do with fictional AOC. Ethics have no place in the discussion of this fictional cartoon character. It'd be fine if you wanted to sexualize 5 hundred year old Etna. It's just a drawing.
Oh no
Unlike retards and Australians, reasonable people realize that having a flat chest doesn't make you a child
Apologize to all the flat-chested women in the world