Releases game that teaches genuinely valuable dating advice to men, all while being absolutely hilarious to play

>releases game that teaches genuinely valuable dating advice to men, all while being absolutely hilarious to play
>leaves ProJEWred, Jim Sterling, and S O Y-consuming games bloggers at Kotaku/Polygon absolutely SEETHING
>gets based Dunkey to promote his game for the purpose of charity, all while drawing more attention to his game

Is Richard La Ruina the fucking best?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Oh mah god! based dunkey!

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Keep saying it

Imagine dating people lol

Daily reminder that he was the first victim of Snoy censorship, but none of you weeaboos cared, since it wasn't anime

he's a funny dude. Could be a comedic writer.

Seriously if there are any guys on here struggling with women you really should play this game.

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>>releases game that teaches genuinely valuable dating advice to men, all while being absolutely hilarious to play
The fact that there's people who unironically think this makes your post hilarious to think about, op
You're still a fag though

>start a kickstarter
>spend money on prostitutes
I learned so much

Yeah he's got a good sense of humor and charisma from being a pick-up artist. Too bad he was kind of a dickhead and striked some videos that criticized his game.


Second game had based Mahmoud.

The absolute STATE of Projared

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I wouldn't trust people.
What if they infect you with diseases when you kiss/have sex? That's like a serious crime in my view and it probably happens all the time.

i find it hilarious how jim constantly played that clip where richard calls him a prick in his videos after the second one came out

You can Nintendo face harder than that soldier! Based God Miyamoto will give you no blessing with that kind of low Sony effort. Itoi died because you didn't give him 110% maggot!

keep sayin' it

>releases game that teaches genuinely valuable dating advice to men
Looked like PUA bullshit. The comedy looked alright, though.

A guide isn't going to help you with dating, and if you're going to be a slut then that starts with "Look good, don't look poor and dude confidence lmao".

This, and change your face and body though.

>based Dunkey

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OP here. Just got to thinking of Projared. The absolutely nerve of this sneaky little fuck to shout “sexist!” at every little thing, being king white knight on twitter, all while soliciting nudes from your underage fans. Male feminists are creepy little snakes.

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Shill thread.
How about you explain his advice so that I don't have to purchase a product that isn't going to work.

just b urself lol

Just go watch a playthrough on youtube with no commentary.

Siguelo diciendo.

This you can literally play game through youtube.

Watched a playthrough of it, it's actually pretty funny

he is a master troll while being a good guy
i think he is pretty based.

>target audience are loser gamers
>loser games find it awkward cringy funny
>haha he is based because women irl act like this

based Reddit guy

All of his advice are unrealistic and all the options are fake as fuck, women/men don't interact like this at all.

I play games so I don't have to interact with women. If I wanted to get laid I'd get drunk at a bar and take home some random bitch, can't be that hard

vocels rise up

this. women as easy as drinking alcohol.

keep saying it

And most people here were ok about it surprisingly.

His advice is literally just "don't be a sperg". I honestly don't know how anyone can take offence at any aspect of his game, it's all about being nice and approachable to women.

The real issue is that his advice just straight up doesn't work if you're ugly.

stupid fkn cunt.
even the good advice only works if you are already good looking. also ruina himself said that american or british women are literally not worth the energy since the payoff is so abysmall. he said make money instead and get an easy waifu in eastern europe or some asian country.

There is literally no dating advice for ugly men

>listen to this advice
>invite girl on a date
>conversation is awkward, I'm nervous as fuck, hands sweaty
>h-h-here I go
>brush her hair back, I miss a little and almost put my thumb in her eye
>leave a visible trail of sweat on her face, can see her cringe as I do it
>"y-y-you have cute little earholes"

well they arent supposed to pass on their genes.
same with ugly women but there is always a sucker that they manage to snag and make children with. tragic.

Nah. You just suck as a human being in general.

It's actually really easy to be attractive without an Adonis-like physique, you just have to act confident, wear clothes that fit, and smell nice. That's it.

You can be attractive even if you're ugly

When the fuck is the 3rd game coming out?

>41 replies to a shill thread

Almost as bad as the 1/4 pounder threads

Why would you shill a literal "video" game that you can watch on youtube?

If you work out, get a haircut and wear some nice clothes, any man can elevate themselves to at least a 7/10 (unless you're a burn victim or have some physical abnormality).

Some people are just fucked.

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lol he cant seduce hooker with his money

Want dating advice? A woman has decided if you're a potential mate within 30 seconds.
The same goes for men. All that complex bullshit is 100% cope.

This, women are for faggots, real men die virgin

both of them look like clowns

Aw shit! We sellin self help vidya now?

Mathew Lesko vidya when?

Cheers to you vidya when?

Artificial Academy was great as a realistic dating sim. You just repeat the same inane conversation to a girl every day like she is an NPC and it builds trust over time.

Keep sayin' it.

imagine taking relationship advice from a guy who had to settle for a slavic wife. meanwhile this pudgy 5'8 manlet be like
>lemme do up this budget light yagami real quick so i can fuck my legit smoking hot wife in cosplay

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You really *don't* have to be the guy on the left to get chicks. You really really don't.

I know that's hard to believe when you're 14, you have no actual experience with women, and your attraction is based entirely on what is visually appealing to you, so you have no reason to assume anything other than that being the case for the opposite sex, but it's really not.

This. I'm an ugly 30 year old fuck, and even I can pick up 17 year old girls

get jacked and then rape to your will, how do you think you're ugly ass genetics got to this point

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haha imagine if she killed you in your sleep, just snuffed your life out like a candle haha wouldn't that be a real shame

>my legit smoking hot wife in cosplay
picture unrelated

where did he get the girls?

>A woman has decided if you're a potential mate within 30 seconds
True, but don't forget that a woman's yes can become a no at any time but never the other way around

where and how?

cheese and wine

Not according to my japanese animes

Eastern Europe
Usually tinder or hipster bars. I literally just ask them if they want a drink.
I also want to mention until I was 27 I was a virgin and girls hated me.

Or no one cared enough to 'play' it.

but why pass shit tier facial aesthetic genes on to your children. if they are male they are giga fucked and if they are female they just have it easier to condemn more people to this shit reality like your mother did.

Girls dont go out alone, how do you deal with her friends?

>brush her hair back, I miss a little and almost put my thumb in her eye

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This shit actually works. I used it on my real doll last night and she let me hold her hand on the first date.

stab in the alley, ofc

I really really want east asian gf, that thick hair makes my dik rock hard.

It's funny how up in arms so many people were against incels becoming pick up artists, and now that they become shooters it seems totally fucking fine.

I never had much of a problem with it. It's not for me and anyone with a romantic streak, but you're naive if you don't think most healthy relationships don't start off something like this. Charming your way into someone's bed is totally fucking fine, and the worst case scenario leads to two people at least getting laid.

no user, you don't understand. if you lie to her, you rape her, because she gave consent to the person you prentended to be, and not to you.

PUA is just playing "find the slut". It has less merit than reading tea leaves.

People (women) are just butthurt that game exposes humans as organic machines that can produce a desired response with the correct stimuli. Destroys the egotistical idea that they are a unique special snowflake who's "not like the other girls".

>genuinely valuable dating advice to men
i don't think we played the same game, user

The Arab character was comedy gold desu

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is that stpeach i can't tell because her ass isn't in the photo

>gf wants an open relashionship
>gets mad that youre getting more sex than her and claims youre cheating
Fucking women

you've got mail

"Open relationship" means "I fuck around while looking for someone to replace you while you sit at home waiting however long it takes for you to be replaced". If the pathetic excuse for a man who agrees to an open relationship actually starts getting any pussy on the side it "becomes too real" and drives the bitch insane.

Officially under one year out from wizardry, you can keep the whores.

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I don't think you even need to be so cynical about life to be a pickup artist. You don't need to look at everyone and their social interactions as being the meaningless squelches of meat-robots to accept the fact that getting laid and having a companion feels good.
It might not fulfill you spiritually or even be a lasting satisfaction, but it's a good start. You might have sex with someone a couple times, get sick of them, and want to move on. And you might have sex with someone a couple times and something deeper grows from there.

Plus, once you do finally manage to pull it off regularly (or enough), you stop worrying about the stupid inferiority complex virgins tend to have. I mean, in order to do it, you need to look good, be confident, have money, and ultimately gain SOME control over your life. The way you stop being so hollow about it is by trying to get with women who aren't desperate/need to be led on by a fake romance, or find women who have a similar enough attitude to yourself, of which there are plenty. The Game is about that.

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This guy looks ugly though. Why didnt they get a chad to be in it instead?

>that comic
I wish i had friends

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He looks much better without the beard

>dating 3dpd whores
no thank you

how can you expect others to love you
when you don't even love yourself

literally useless if you're ugly, and also useless if you're attractive because girls will throw themselves at you. someone post the pedo tinder chad, you know the one

>when youre the wii

Every male feminist is a predator, without exception. Feminism is not male-friendly and provides no benefits to men, so any man who claims to be a feminist is just trying to get close to women (and girls, in this creep's case), gain their trust and take advantage of them by acting sympathetic to their cause.

Seems like the trick is to just cold approach as many women as possible and have absolutely no feeling of shame or embarrassment when it fails 90% of the time. Not even shitting on it, I've seen it work for average/below average guys just because they do not get embarrassed. Women "give them a chance" which usually means they're vapid whore but it's a great way to get your dick sucked. Meanwhile you're busy waiting for someone to fall in right next to you and casually have conversations with them.

Of course if you do this while being really ugly you'll be arrested for sexual harassment.

He looked like an average IT virgin with the beard.

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>women became so shit even men are now better women than they are

the pottery

Female feminists are cancer, male feminists are creeps. They both deserve each other.

Holy fucking shit

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His clothes dont fit him and the style is lame as fuck. Whats your point user?

>He looked like an average IT virgin with the beard.
True. But I think he looks decent without the beard. Its funny the difference a beard can make.

I mean they also touched his face up with the cover. Same thing they do for every celebrity on the planet.

Maybe i'd be more inclined to believe you if he surrounded himself with the average girl types, instead of literally pay2behere models.

>What if they infect you with diseases when you kiss/have sex?
This is why I'm going to be forever single. I don't trust people to not have STDs
And if I do end up with someone I'm going to have her test herself before we do anything at all

you are retarded and most likely an incel if you think this game has any actual advice
it's a funny game, but that's it

You have a crazy woman who wants to fuck other men on the side, a pedophile groomer bird-man and a girl who's fetish for skinnyfat let's players caused her to cheat on her husband, get a divorce and move from her home just for his dick. Everybody involved was a piece of shit

i dated a girl once for 2 years. Got bored and dumped her. Haven't been interested in trying again. I like being alone

There are at least 2 different advices for ugly men
>Be filthy fucking rich.
>Stop being so rich (lose weight, hit the gym, get your teeth fixed, etc)







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I know a fat ugly dude who slays pussy like mad.
All he does is be charismatic and outgoing.

Enjoy your cope.

damn, these girls are disgusting.

pretty much this, any attempts at seduction as someone hideous is going to just repulse the target


but are they ugly girls?

>not a S O Y lord
Did you see his XB2 video

Richard isn't very charasmatic
He seems nerdy and kind of creepy

I just wanna know where he picks them up. Is it that easy to bang traps when you look like a daddy?

Attempting to start relationships by having casual sex is a bad idea


Fucking hilarious and based. Why yes I am an autistic child, how could you tell?

And to rebut his position here's an overweight entitled British woman

rundown pls

fucking kek, she should feel worthless because she is

Hit on girls you have never met before in public

Didn't it turn out that he never actually got nudes from minors? I heard that all the accusers changed their story once they were told it was criminal for them to send the photos

get rich

Yeah, people are shitty. Especially women with their jewy personalities.

Holy shit this.


His game was banned from PSN

Slavic women are absolutely beautiful. What's your point?

you're playing on hard not impossible

So you sit at home every night and don't do anything? Those kind of self defeating thoughts will keep you a slave of your own emotions forever.

It also turned out that projared and his wife were in a open relationship she pushed on him. Also that she was a cold emotionless bitch while the bird lady was actually nice to him.

>. if you lie to her, you rape her, because she gave consent to the person you prentended to be, and not to you.

>what is makeup
>what are corsets
>what is the entire hollywood glamour and fashion industry
>what is "not too many user, why"


>blaming the Jews for your small penis

How did he respond to the projared fiasco anyway?

Lol roasties BTFO.

Looks like I hit a nerve.