Steam Sale Last Day

Rate, hate, share, recommend

>$1 in steam wallet left
What are some good games that only cost under a dollar?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Action platformer:




Strategy: (Tropico 4)


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still looking for a multiplayer game with a healthy aussie community

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Should I get Valkyria Chronicles 4 at 66% off?

Anything good for killing tons of enemies/grinding that's not a rougelike?

>last day
>july 9

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Doom or Prey?

I'd say Prey

which genre do you prefer

So far I have bought:

Baba is (You)
Wings of Vi
Full Metal Furies

I kind of want to buy one more Big ($20-30 instead of $10 indie) game.

Right now I'm thinking of:
Lobotomy Corporation
Marble it up

Banished + Kingdoms and Castles

Any strong thoughts on any of these in terms of longevity? I want something that will last until the next sale.

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>Last day
b-but we got two days left

Banished is super cozy.

>Hitman 2 Gold
>Rain World
>Dishonored 2
>I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream
>The Age of Decadence
>Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons
>To The Moon
>Sleeping Dogs
>STALKER shadow of chernobyl & clear sky

is stellaris fun? that's a BIG discount

>The grand prix event thingy ends two days before the sale does

But... why?

Hey again. We're nearing the final stretch so if you're still on the hunt for Mecha games, know there's something /m/ for everyone! As usual, here's 13 lesser known gems on sale you may enjoy; a lot of which have gotten recent updates:

>Hardcore Mecha ($16.99)
It's a 2D platformer shoot-em-up that has finally received a long awaited translation and release. Sadly a lot of the sizable cast is behind backer codes you have to use to unlock the mechs. That are only usable in vs multiplayer. The promised modes that are missing are coming according to devs at least, but despite the hiccups it's still pretty great.

>Zone of the Enders the 2nd Runner: MARS ($14.99)
Yes, ZoE is actually on Steam. It's a 4k port that offers a good blend of melee and ranged combat in a tight story driven chuuni package. Also has barebones VR support for a cockpit view. The game has general audio problems such as it totally dropping out at times and a bad english VO with no Japanese option. The controls can be a pain, but if you want a nostalgia trip it's decent.

>Project Nimbus ($14.99)
A stylish high speed anime influenced mecha game with some minor elements of bullet hell. Very fast and frantic, but the lack of customization options is something of a downer. The game originally launched 5 years ago, but the devs still provide updates from time to time. pic related

>Brigador ($12.99)
A hotline miami type affair of explosive violence and solid world building with mechs and other vehicles you use to blow up enemies and the environment to your advantage. The gameplay is good, but the lore is what makes it. Aiming can be a pain in the ass sometimes.

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How healthy do you want?

That's the event, dumbfuck. Check the actual store page.

>Garrison: Archangel ($11.99)
Basically the unintentional unofficial spiritual successor to Custom Robo. It boasts quite a wide selection of customization options and tech to learn. It's an early access game however and the online multiplayer is regrettably somewhat buggy and empty as a result. The offline gameplay takes some getting used to, but it shines in duels once it clicks. The team is very active and apparently working on a story mode for more single player content. Also its got a free demo (a little outdated for what's in the game now though).

>War Tech Fighters ($9.99)
It's a slightly more simplistic version of Project Nimbus with a bit more focus on melee elements more or less. Customization is sort of lacking here too, but for a grand scale mech warfare game with some great graphics you could do a lot worse. Devs are still decently active with QOL updates.

>The Astro Saga ($9.49)
A collection of 5, yes FIVE shoot-em-ups and shoot-em-up platformer hybrids if you're looking for an arcade styled game fix this season. They're simple and quick if you want to pick something up and blitz through a game every now and then for fun. Overall a pretty nice deal, just be warned not all of them have controller support.

>Break Arts II ($8.99)
If you wanted to mix robots and racing, then this is the game for you. Featuring some outstanding eurobeat like music and ultra high customization means you're in for a pretty unique and challenging experience. Just be forewarned that customization can be a bit overwhelming and you'll need to meticulously fine tune for the best results. Online is sort of dead sadly... pic related

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at least a full server or two during the day

The last two days are for results and encore sales where the most-bought get extra spotlight

anyone knows if they'll do the final draw before the discounts end, I want to blow all of my tokens on CP2077

>big discount
It's still fucking expensive dude

>Damascus Gear Operation Tokyo & Osaka ($7.49/$13.19)
A diablo-like mecha game with decent customization in it and a passable story. Combat can be kind of repetitive and at it's core it's a pretty simple game despite its customization options. Has a sequel now with some notable improvements if you want to spend a bit more.

>Into the Breach ($7.49)
A turn based strategy game with a mech theme from the team that brought you FTL. Has some upgrade and customization options that can lead to interesting strategies. Protip: Don't mess up. pic related

>Override Mech City Brawl ($7.49)
If you've got some friends and loved the old Godzilla party brawlers this is one to look into; but you might have problems with finding players online.

>Mecha Ace ($3.89)
A text based adventure; game dev simulator Yea Forums's favorite. A somewhat linear story with a few branches and a skill system, but your choices have more impact than mass effect at least. If you're a fan of old school text adventures it may be worth a look. It's got a free demo as well and what looks to be a VR focused tie-in in development.

>KO Mech ($0.49)
A simple platformer type game with the gimmick of flinging enemies into one another. Somewhat short, but pretty addictive. Also it's made by someone who shitposts on Yea Forums and for half a buck it's worth selling a few cards and picking up for the absurdly good cost to entertainment ratio. No reason not to get it at this price. Character can be hard to see at times however and some may find the controls odd.

[Metal Wolf Chaos releases on Aug 6, 2019]

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Sure. You can even pirate the DLC for the steam version.

Are there any cheap VNs that aren't porn? Zero Escape and Higurashi are still priced too high.

thanks for this post i've been lamenting the lack of good mecha content, but reading this reminded me that i literally bought project nimbus years ago and forgot about it

nice one retard

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Including workdays? Was going to rec RS2

the N*rdshits at paradox even stopped 75% discounts on their DLC

Get umineko, all four question arcs for 15 bucks is a pretty solid price for how long they are.

Yes. If you're not going to be playing online though, you should buy just the base game and pirate the DLC.

>he fell for such obvious bait

back to redit

You should probably aim higher in life than being an idiot to try and get attention.

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do you mean during work hours? cos I don't mind a game that's a little dead when everyone's busy but has players at night

>bought brigador
>having fun
>corvid units are irritating because how many of the little suicidal shits are just chugging around in tiny barely-armored exosuits or on motorcycles

>can't handle the bantz

Is it really that good?

>they are billions
>dusk + amid evil bundle

played TAB all day, shit is unforgiving

why can't i redeem more than 40 points now???

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is the current race (day 12) the last one or is the final one tomorrow?
this whole event is a clusterfuck

Absolutely. I read a lot of stuff and few things have sucked me in as hard as Umineko has.

>mfw I picked Cockatiel

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Everlasting Summer. You don't even have to pay.

I want a game that'll last but isn't too expensive or mindless grinding.
Any recs?

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>got shit on for pretty much the entire event besides the first few days
>now we're coming back in strong for the final day to at least get a podium finish

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I need a nice spreadsheet simulator that isn't paradox game

>caring about the event
please go back

Well Paradox games aren't spreadsheet simulators so now I don't know what you want
Especially the modern ones are just casual arcadey games

>Charnel house trilogy
PointNclick horror
2D roguelite
Space 3D roguelite
>Gigantic army
2D arcade Mecha action platformer


Any obscure shit worth picking up? I already have 1410 games so I'm looking for the most hidden of hidden gems

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only fun in co-op, not good in solo.

recommend me a fun multiplayer shooter that feels sorta realistic but also runs on toaster (Thinkpad laptop, Intel HD 4000). I would get Ravenfield but it seems that it's dead multiplayer-wise.

I played a couple of hours of this, do weapons ever get better? There wasn't any point in using anything but the shotgun so far

What are some good rip-and-tear games that aren't Doom?

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Witcher 3

Witcher 3 is like the only game I have on GOG. Regional pricing was cheaper 4 years ago.

what game is that in your pic

Is Party Hard any good or not?

Vermintide 2


No the dev is an absolute cunt.


How does that manifest? I bought the game and liked it and never had any dealings with the dev

There are 60 something weapons total

just queue a multiplayer game, autismo-man

Almost never used the shotgun myself, on my first run I had some long range sniper like gun and something that shoots two crisscrossing beams like something out of R-type.
I used different weapons and setups every run depending on what I found.

>Plan to buy A Plague Tale because it looks interesting and nice
Well, maybe next time bros.

Same, but because there was a discount if you already owned 1 and 2
I dunno HOW obscure i have to get since you own so many games but I'll just pick random shit I've never seen anyone talk about
Aarklash Legacy
Inquisitor (not Inquisitor Martyr, the game just called Inquisitor)
Hegemony Rome
Quantum Replica
Space Hulk Ascension
King Arthur: The Roleplaying Wargame


Withholding DLC and patches from the gog version because he is "scared of piracy"

To give you an idea of his attitude.

Good game but really one you should pirate.

It's not fun playing solo MP

I bought Wuppo, Little Big Adventures, and Rain World. I did good.

>Little Big Adventures
Do those work in Win 7?

It's an acquired taste. I recommend to try it first.

Haven't tried it but I bought the enhanced edition, so it should be?

mirin' them numbers
And I've seen old games sold on Steam with loads of "doesn't work on modern machines" reviews
Don't see any like those on LBA 1 and 2 though. Put them in my cart, thanks user

if it's DotEmu version, it works fine.

>good game

I enjoyed the first one, but found moving a bit slow.
It was fun for about 2 hours noodling around with it. As I said it is worth a pirate.

Rate my haul

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A bit unrelated but here's a piece of shit AMD reward of Division 2 + World War Z for anyone who has recent Ryzen processor or stuff like that.


The blank is a number between 0-9.

borderlands is the best loot shooter and its on sale, buy it

Assuming that you're planning to play those, you can drop everything except Shenzhen and Baba because those game will last you for a long time.

I'm already 22 hours into Baba.

2 hours?
That's hardly even worth a pirating.

>this game looks interesting
>scroll down
>see bad review
>instantly put off

Any recommendations for a game it feels good to be a mage or psyker? Already gone through Dragon's dogma, Mass Effect, Skyrim and Kingdom of amalur and would definitely prefer a more action based game over turn based or RTWP but give me all you got.

Dark Souls 1
Witcher 1

Borderlands 2 is 97% off. Should I get it?

I only read bad reviews, but competely disregard them if someone complains about difficulty.

Only reading negative reviews is genius. I look at their pros and cons and decide based on that whether the cons will make me not like the ga,e


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right here *unzis gifts*

Thanks for the recommendations. I thought witcher 1 was more focused on alchemy and swordplay from the bit I remember playing of it before? Also forgot to mention I've already gone through the dark souls series. Got to admit underrail looks a little intimidating for me to get a build off the ground but both it and ELEX seem like they might scratch that itch

is Surviving Mars actually good if you like survival management games like Frostpunk/This War of Mine? I've read that they have updated the game for the better

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get Don't Starve or DST, there alright autism projects and maybe the half-life anthoigly

reminder you can get it, kingdom come deliverance and a bunch of mystery games for 12 bucks from the humble monthly

I usually hate roguelikes but FUCK Crypt of the Necrodancer is good.

well maybe because it isn't rougelike, not even rougelikelike
it's rougelikelikelike at best

Well I don't know what the fuck it is then, that's what people call it. Maybe it's not shit enough to be a roguelike then.

Strangely enough, I love roguelites but I can't get into necrodancer.
Necrodancer is closer to an actual roguelike of old than every other similar game that came out in the last decade.

Finished it?
Do you want to play online? If not, pirate it

Well it always depends on your definition of it feeling "good" to be a mage. Personally, I love it in RPGs when mages just become completely ridiculous in the context of that combat system, and Witcher 1 is like that. It doesn't have big flashy spells that fill the screen, but a single Igni (fire sign) will shut down everyone around you to scream while being on fire and unable to fight back
>underrail looks a little intimidating for me to get a build off the ground
The beauty of psi builds in Underrail is that they require very little investment. Build in Underrail in general aren't as hard as people make them out to be, it's just retards going "durrrr gotta be a jack of all trades hurrrrr"
You only need to invest in the main psi skills and everything else is window dressing. For example, you can also go full stealth at the same time so you always get the first turn in combat
Also the indie thread on /vg/ is always helpful about build questions

I never played those old star wars rpgs, which one should i get?
also, is the stardew valley worth buying?

Any decent online games with a big/growing populations?

Do you mean KotOR? Get 1 and 2 both
>also, is the stardew valley worth buying?

Kotor is really good If you can deal with all the crashes and bugs.

Anyone here owns and played Kingdom Come Deliverance? I pirated it a while back and had to quit due to dumb bugs and AI behavior, did they fix these things? Because it's pretty cheap right now and I'm willing to shell out for it.

If you decide to get it, you can get it on Humble Monthly bundle.

>is the stardew valley worth buying?

different guy here, why would I sign up for a monthly service just to get one game slightly cheaper?

yay or nay?

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It's great, I played it at release and didn't encounter too many bugs but I heard most have been squashed since.

its fun

Good point, I guess by good I meant a similar definition to yours but also having a distinctive magical flair to their combat style that sets them apart from a spell using weapon user(ie: Dragon's dogma sorcerer's casting system or Kingdom of amalur's magical weapons supplementing your spells). Thanks for the advice, I'll definitely give Underrail a shot.

You can pay for a single month and then quit. Plus you get a few extra games on top of that

hehe butthole

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I kind of want to get Baba, but I feel that it's going to show up in a bundle sooner or later.

sure, why not

What? Necrodancer obeys every roguelike rule, aside from the traditional randomly generated levels and permadeath tropes. Turn-based, grid-based, combat involves bumping into enemies. It's way more roguelike than Isaac. It's also excellent.

i know that feel.

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>bought nothing this whole sale
feels sad being a poorfag

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Aurora 4x

get a job nigger.

Touhou Luna Nights is pretty good and unique metroidvania. Better than Bloodstained but shorter

The game is shit, nothing relaxing about it whatsoever. Sound design is shit, graphics are shit interactions are shit combat is shit if that's your gig then get it but i'm telling you it's not half the game the steam reviews would tell you

I can either buy one more big-ish game, or I can buy two slightly smaller games. In terms of big games, I am looking at Nioh, Valkyria Chronicles 4, Divinity Original Sin 2 and Pathfinder. For the slightly smaller games I am looking at Battle Chasers, Synthetic, Stramworld Dig 2, Vaporum and Mary Skelter. Any opinions on these would be welcome.

those games are vastly fucking different

I never bought anything on steam besides mhw. I only ever played f2p games or pirated. I couldn't use this sale bc my points were capped at 100 per day despite the fact i had almost 100k points because of my achievements.

Get a big game, those small games you listed are average at best.
Nioh, DivOS2 or Pathfinder, I only played 2 of these and didn't like Nioh but all 3 are considered great by different people and will keep you busy for a while

Before pulling the trigger on your cart, check my pastebin. I have keys for games I've seen a lot of people looking to buy; I've traded with several anons in the past few days, and even though it won't due any good to have any of them vouch on Yea Forums, they've all left comments showing that I'm not a scammer. So if there's something here you want to trade for, let me know.

I also have Kingdom Come Deliverance and Warhammer Mechanicus that aren't in the paste yet.



>didn't like Nioh
you retarded son?

Pirating trash doesn't make you cool, Ivan.

I don't own a single game

What are "must play" games and good games to play online currently on sale?

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what are u looking for?

>bought one game
>it wasnt even on sale

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Didn't buy a single thing. Don't support this nuSteam no flash sale reddit mascot game garbage. Barely anything good over 50% off.

I was hoping Valve fixed the event, so I could get a $5 voucher and grab myself a $15-20 game.
They didn't, so I haven't bought anything.

Good job, Gaben.

>tfw hare
i dont even

I have Sleeping Dogs base game but haven't play it. Should I play the base game, or buy the Definitive Edition for $2?

>Gothic Universe Edition
>Grim Fandango
>I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream
>Jet Set Radio
>King of Dragon Pass
>Odallus: The Dark Call
>Return to Castle Wolfenstein
>The Room 1 & 2
>Sam & Max Hit the Road
>The Talos Principle
Really happy with this haul

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What did you want?

>Bought BallisticNG, Tekken 7, Garrys Mod
>Refunded them all on same day
>Under 2 hours and 2 weeks
>Only got BallisticNG refunded
What the hell?

>only 1 salty fag
very disappointing

Whats the best online game on sale?

Very generic with uninteresting story and characters, poor level design and enemy variety, itemization is a mess.
I'll stop there because many people liked it but these are my thoughts.

Definitive Edition just implements most of the DLC into the base game, instead of giving you a bunch of boosts right at the start.

It is cheap though, so why not?

Why did you refund Ballisticng?

If you like Gothic, you should give other Piranha Bytes games a try (especially Risen 1 and ELEX)
They're amazing at making open worlds filled with shit that's actually worth exploring

Realised I wouldn't have the time needed to get good

Thanks, user

How is it an issue? It doesn't have a single-player mode or campaign?

I bought Darkwood but I'm easily spooked

>scroll through library
>there's shit on there I don't even remember having
haha time to buy more games though!

Because I want to get good. It's refunded now anyway

You should answer his question about the SP mode anyway, user is clearly trying to find out stuff about the game

any reason not to get these?

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So, I just spent some cash but my maximum did not increase. What gives?

kingdom come
ye i know this key all shit

how the fuck do you use cash on Steam?

>last day
I thought it was till the 9th?

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read the thread nigger

grand prix ends at 7, sale at 9

Cheers user, I gave Risen 1 a try years ago but don't know why I didn't go through with it, Gothic is probably next on my play list so depending how it goes I might retry it

Is Way of the Samurai good?
Which is better: 3 or 4?
And do I need any DLCs to have fun?

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How is surviving Mars?

Steam cards

Bought a flight stick, thinking of getting:
>Elite Dangerous
Is it worth paying double to get the Horizons content? Is it mandatory for online?
>X-Plane 11

If you do that, you spend the cash on Steam cards, not on Steam
And more importantly, obviously your maximum doesn't increase if you spend cash on gift cards without buying a game

Wow, thanks user, I just used it. I guess I'm lucky I bought this RX 580 when I did.

>63 tokens left

can you do anything with tokens under 100?

thanks love.

That's stupid. Hate steam.

Just buy something for 37 cents you cheapskate. Then you can buy another badge level.

what a waste. south park is cringey unfunny shit.

how the fuck do you even get 15k tokens?

>steam community market having aids
what the fuck I want to sell to get free games

ballisticNG or Redout?

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is there any comfy base building (maybe survival) that doesnt seem empty because youre alone in it?

also any hidden rpg gems that arent in the top like 20 pages because ive scavanged around but didnt find much

buy more games goy

How confusing.
I still have cap space left, do I need play today before 10am pdt and try and fill it or can I keep earning after?
>At the end of the Grand Prix on July 7, 2019 @ 10 am PDT, the Pit Stop will be open to everyone and you'll be able to spend any leftover tokens you've earned through your purchases on Steam, without having to participate in the actual Grand Prix.
Or do I not even need to play at all?

berate this cart please

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Thief: Gold and 2 if you don't already have them
Master Spy

Which is the best Stronghold game? Is Stronghold 2 good?

Is base Civ VI alright or do I need dlc/expansions to make it decent?

Is Assassins Creed Odyssey worth the price?

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I've got Stellaris I could trade for something cheaper.Add me and we'll discuss.

how do you not already own all these apart from AoT

I'm in the same boat.

Someone recommend me $0.49 gems just so I can get a level.

if you get borderlands 2 make sure to claim the separate free dlc

remember to get the free dlc for borderlands 2. i'm not going to look at the specific prices, but presequel is trash and if you can get 1+2 cheaper than with presequel, do that.

It does have a sp campaign and they are giving it a post launch update which will include more maps and shit.

mostly from previously being very poor, but now i've got that sweet student finance money

I already gave you an answer about Stronghold.
Buy Stronghold HD and Stronghold crusader HD.
Do not touch 3D shit, maybe with exception for Stronghold 2 but it didn't age well.

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Just buy Half Life 2 with episodes + Portal 1/2.
You're never going to play the other stuff in the valve pack.

4 is better seeing as 3 never got the Japanese update and I can't marry the dojo waifu. So fuck 3 and get 4. No you don't need the resource dlc's but story dlc's will improve the game

How do the max points work? If I buy a 5 dollar game, how many max points am I going to get?

but doesn't buying it get me the proof of purchase in tf2?

i can't speak for redout but most of what i've heard is ballisticng is far better
game is fantastic, pretty much wipeout on pc with uncapped framerate with support for custom tracks, ships and even custom sound packs so you can add in the entire wipeout ost if you want or something else
we've been having threads here on Yea Forums lately for multiplayer lobbies and it's a lot of fun, plus we're getting a free dlc at the end of the month with some new stuff and upping the lobby player cap from 8 to 16 players

What's the difference between Stronghold and Stronghold Crusader?

ye added

>presequel is trash
fucking how? oxygen was a fun mechanic

Why do you care about shitty hat in tf2...

First game worth playing just for Campaign alone.
Second adds more units and has more overall missions but campaign is meh

because the whole game was worse designed than 2 with a worse story/comedy.

>steam sale last day

It says right in your pic that it'll be up until July 09.

That is $4.99

actually, could i maybe also get recommendations for more cheap shit that's worth playing?

berate THIS *unzips dick*

Good choice with the complete pack as long as it has some of the more classic games and you haven't played them yet, Borderlands is trash of the highest variety so I pity you spending shekels on it, Terraria is meh, AoT2 could be cool but I'd rather just pirate it, and GTAV is all right for what it is.

So, buy only GTAV and the Valve thing, pirate the rest - don't be a retard.

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Horizon isn't mandatory but it adds good stuff.
Keep in mind Elite Dangerous is aimed more at space enthusiasts than ace pilots.


Does using the community market give coins?

Who cares buy this underrated gem l


plz respond

Wait, how did TB have a quote on that when
>Release Date: Dec 10, 2018
wtf? He was already long dead.

M8 this game is a steal for $15, like hollow knight

How do you know about this gay world game, user?

has anyone here actually won a game?
I joined team Corgi at the start before I knew things got crazy.
at first I thought I had an okay shot at winning but then I realized my chances would be astronomically low if everyone is on team Corgi.
I can only hope I get something from the finale

it was in early access for a while

Or I wait till next sale and its $10 or $7.5

Still haven't FUCKING WON ANYTHING!!!! I'm losing hope bros.

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Steam is down

I won both Cyberpunk 2077 and Koikatsu Party

yakuza is kino

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how do you even win shit

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But user, isn't piracy illegal?!

>like Soýlow Knight
buying buying buying buying!!!!

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how are the little big adventure games?

Yeah yeah, very funny - but don't be a full retard and pay for AoT2 full price, just don't do it.

I pirated 2, it was fine, not worth paying for.

i didn't win shit either and pig was supposed to be low-pop team
probably all ended up in the hands of ru and chink bot accounts, as always

>last day

>no https
yeah nah ur a cunt

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I bought Everspace too because it was cheap. That's more arcadey right? I just need some good games that use a stick, I just have FSX steam edition, HAWX and Ace Combat 7.

>Finished it?
Think I'm halfway through.

Interested but looks like a meh l4d to me.
Have played that stuff, looking for something different.
I have bl1/2 didn't like the first one and only got the second cheap because people said it was good, still didn't like it.


Wasted my points on meaningless badge levels when I could have saved for something tangible, the discount.

I've been 20 bucks overdrawn for the past 3 weeks. And payday isn't until Thursday.

When do the sales end?

I have $16 left. Tell me what games I like.

If you're looking for shooters, I don't have issues getting games in Bad company 2. As long as you also have the vietnam DLC.

you should be able to figure it out

is tomorrow the last day or is the last day today?

is reading hard for ya

Is Disgaea 5 good? I remember playing the first two a long time ago

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200% Mixed Juice is only for huge fans of OJverse

King of Dragon Pass on steam is a shitty mobile port. Refund and get the original on gog.

Mechanically, it's the best one. Story wise, it's pretty good, but you can tell certain characters got more love than others from the writers.

>caring about some retarded faggot """critic"""
fuck off zoomer

It says startdate-Jul9, does that mean it ends at 10am pst jul 9 or runs through jul9 till 10am pst jul 10?

is katana zero another meme game or legit fun?

Muse Dash is pretty cute and fun, but Master difficulty is way too brutal for me.

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I rec divinity: original sin 2

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I care if he can review games after he's dead.

why not 1

Good but short and story is unfinished

I never played it so dunno if it's good

A lot of things are over 50% off. You just own them already.

Never played Disgaea but I hate classic JRPG "take turns to click on enemy" combat.
In trailer it doesn't look like that, but I need confirmation

It's a turn-based tactics RPG

Should I get Half Life 2? Not really into shooters but it seems like a part of history.

On the surface, it plays like Fire Emblem or Final Fantasy Tactics. It's got some cool stuff thrown in, like creating your own party of people by hiring them whenever you want. You can also hire enemy monsters into your team.

At it's core, however, it's not about strategy, but rather who's stronger. It's a grind fest, and it's on purpose. There are mechanics like reincarnation that make your base stats stronger, but start you from level one again. There are other mechanics that make it crazy easy to level back up, but the fact of the matter is that a bulk of the game is character building, stat planning, and grinding. There is a FUCK TON of content, but most of it is post-game.

Personally, it's one of my favourite series, but it's not for everyone. If you don't like tactical RPG grinding, then I'm not sure you're gonna love it as much as I do.

zoomer? get the valve complete

I don't wan't trash I won't play in my library, I have 300+ games already. And no, not zoomer, just really not my genre.

I found 1 kind of weird and clunky and didn't enjoy the story.

>tactical RPG grinding

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Yes. It requires a certain level of autism. If you don't possess it, don't do it.

Steins gate + steins gate 0 bundle?

What are some good horror games?

what about that one by the spicy wolf guy? world end?

Np dude. Nobody wanted to buy it and none of my friends wanted the games even if it was free.

That thing you just made up simply called "grinding". Tactical or RPG has nothing to do with it.
And the worse part of it is "it's not about strategy, but rather who's stronger".

Aarklash: Legacy - hero based tactical rts at 90% off
Valdis Story - metroidvania - 65% off

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Seconding Aarklash. Suprisingly good game if you don't care for the story.

>Aarklash: Legacy

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I assume many people bounce off it becaue it looks like fucking LoL but for me it's the near perfection of RTwP

hl2/ep1/ep2 are worth a buy/play through
get portal if you somehow haven't and if you like it get portal 2 for more

god i miss when pics like this were actually accurate
rip flash sales

this shit is golden

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Alien Isolation.
It's not on sale, but I'll trade it at a discount for games of my choosing of a lesser value.

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Got 2,22€ left, so far I bought Wuppo, KOTOR 2 and Sleeping Dogs.
Any recommendations?

Penumbra. Get it, the whole series are 90% off.

Hypnospace Outlaw, Brigador, or something else?

I basically need to spend ÂŁ7 to get my ÂŁ5 discount. HALP

p.s. I'm one of the BallisticNG shills. Get it.

How's Luna Nights?

Need a cheap game under 80 cents.

Anything I should get?

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How hard is it to ask for recommendation?
"Hello my name is user and I like A,B,C genres and X,Y,Z games, recommend me something".
Fucking degenerates

"not worth spending time to be good at the game"
"it takes hours to understand the game enough to beat it in harder than easy"
>mfw the game is a rts with pause, how bad can the guy be?

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The Room

why the fuck is borderlands twice as expensive as borderlands 2

Is this worth it? I never played it because I didn't like the DLC structure, but $5 for everything? Sounds kind of appealing. Any one play this still or any reason I shouldn't get it now?

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I said TRPG to explain what it plays like on the surface. Maybe you so possess the autism, after all.

Because they just put out the remaster and it's a good game.

what surviving mars DLC are essential?

because you have to buy all the DLC along with it
unless you're talking about The Handsome Collection which is somehow massively cheaper

Borderlands 1 is incredibly boring. And yes I played with a friend. Still boring

It's the reason I am reluctant about the sequels. Are they worth it?

Art, controls, music,bosses, unique mechanics are good but I heard it's like 8 hours long, didn't finish it myself yet.

borderlands 2 is cool fuck the rest

the gameplay is really nice, especially with friends, but you have to play on mute or abide the obnoxious, reddit-tier "humor" though.

Can anyone tell me something about Lust for Darkness? It looks interesting, but I don't want to be tricked by the call of my dick. Also how much of erotic/porn stuff is there?

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New to PC gaming.what are some essentials I should get,I'm also pretty flexible on genres also.Also any recommendations for any games set in space like rpg,life,strategy or ship building related or even historical is also good.

Farm Simulator

any good comfy fantasy rpgs? where its not just kill kill kill

I've not played it but probably not a lot, as in everything you see in the trailer is probably the extent of it.


Is Pillars of Eternity any good? I liked Divinity: OS2, but wished the story took itself more seriously and wasn't too fond of the armour system.

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The only good part of the game is graphics.
For porn play monster girl island: prologue for free instead

pathetic attempt

PoE is the opposite of Div:OS2
combat is absolute no-fun-allowed dogshit and I literally can't remember a single thing about it's story.

Well fug. Thanks, user.

Fatal Bullet is unironically an excellent looter shooter with high mobility, a lot of aggressive enemies and a good amount of grind if you want to get to above Level 100 and challenge higher difficulties.
The first batch of DLC is nothing special and splits up a tiny side story into three parts, but the most recent one, Dissonance added a good bit of endgame content and actually continues the main story.

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It's good but it starts out really slow and you're given a ton of exposition when you'd rather play, but then you're given too much gameplay when you'd rather have some more context, then it finally clicks and it's great.
2 is also absolutely worth playing, beats 1 in almost every way possible but I wouldn't play it first as the story is a continuation of the first and the MC is the same, with some of your choices being imported from your PoE1 save.

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Obviously EDF

The combat is truly awful like said
Story is bad and characters are cringy as fuck
Everything you see Yea Forums shit on PoE2 is true to some extent

I think Tyranny might be better but I haven't played any of thee modern cRPGs

Any 'spy' type of games you guys can recommend me?

Does Wizardry 8 hold up? I want to play something similar to Legend of Grimrock.

What are you interested in, the setting or particular gameplay? Alpha Protocol and Invisible, Inc are both good games.

Divinity Original Sin 2.

Thanks for the recs! Wrack and Riff Racer look great

>look at Pathfinder: Kingmaker
>battle system is real time
>when it's based on a turn based tabletop game
What the fuck?

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Any good action rpg with complex character progress and at least somewhat non-linear story like in a classic rpgs? Of course beside the obvious ones like new Fallouts, TES, games from piranha bytes and Bioware. I like the more complex rpgs, but I found out that isometric tactical combat really isn't for me.

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Alpha Protocol probably has the best choices & consequences anyone has ever seen outside of actual p&p sessions

Ah yeah, great game. I already played it tho, but nice taste.

Nevermind, found the game I was looking for.
Heat Signature

Try Two Worlds and Two Worlds 2. They have some really great and shitty things mixed in equal measure. Pretty enjoyable if you can stomach a really flawed game.

-Had fun with Sudeki

-Been playing Hedon off and on, really solid game, it's not a doom wad like people think it is, it only uses the GZDoom engine.
There was a shareware version a few years ago, but it wasn't anywhere near the full game the steam version is.

Beyond that, you do a lot more searching for things than you do in other doom-style shooters, in one level I had to find ore to smelt a key to progress through the level.

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It's kind of hard if you don't like isometric combat
Witcher 2 has the entire game's story split into two branches based on a decision
Vampyr might not seem like a proper RPG but it has a very interesting mechanic where you can either suck everyone's blood dry which will give you worse story outcomes or you can try and keep them alive and actually help the district in exchange for you personally being weaker in combat

I would definitely not start with 1, it's like an even more empty Oblivion with no fun to be had in sidequests at all

I got TPS and everything else I missed for $6 so why not

r8 & h8

I think Ass Creed is too expensive...and idk if I need the expansions or DLC for Civ 6 to make it playable...
Already bought Hand of Fate 2, Enter the Gungeon and Cities Skyline

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Give me opinions. I'm almost sold on the premise but it looks way too shitty.

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AssCreed would be too expensive even if it only cost a cent
It's standard shitty Ubisoft open world, pirate this shit if you wanna play it

Opinion? Whats good? Whats bad? AM I missing something? Im new to gaming

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Is there actually anything worth buying that's cheap and that I can't pirate for the same experience
Games with multiplayer or steam workshop stuff I guess
Only thing I've bought so far was scribblenauts and it was pretty lame

Wizardry 8 stands the test of fucking time.
But Wiz has more complex turn based encounters, not a Dungeon Master/Grimrock style thing which are real time.

fuck asscreed and fuck ubishit.

Is Rocksmith worth it? I want to learn the guitar but apparently I need to buy a cable that costs 40 bucks where I am

Binding of Isaac
Cave Story+
Frozen Synapse
Hotline Miami
Metro 2033
Papers, Please!
Rise of Nations: Extended Edition
Risk of Rain
World of Goo

is Outward worth it?

>paying $20 for Skyrim
>an almost 10 year old game

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Im asking you lol

Nope. Way too expensive for what it is even with a discount. I'd pay 15 bucks max for it.

Toss Civilization, Friday the 13th and Outward.

Is this good, negroids?

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>Arkham Trilogy
>Dying Light
>Pillars of Eternity 1 or 2
>Original Sin 2
I can't decide. Don't know how Arkham Knight is gonna run on my specs

if insurgency isn't dead, yeah, pretty solid choices

So which version is actually good, because it feels like every other one is being called the worst and to not buy.

>It's kind of hard if you don't like isometric combat
Not that I dislike every isometric combat, just the more tactic ones with active pause instead of turns like in Baldure's Gates or DAO. This said I don't expected there will be a lot of isometric rpgs with action oriented combat that will also fulfill my other criteria. In the end I might be ok with tactic isometric combat if I don't have to micromanage shit too much. Turn base rpgs are also cool.

I've got civ 6 i could trade you. steam info

if arkham knight runs like ass just refund. you won't be able to use the money this sale though

Get civ V instead of VI, drop friday and skyrim.
Not sure about borderlands and outward.

Age of Decadence has loads of non-linearity, it's basically a CYOA

i have no idea how trading works, i only have a handful steam games

Add me and we'll talk.

so basically just leave witcher for sure? haha

For space specifically:
Kerbal Space Program
Universe Sandbox
>RPG/Space Opera
Mass Effect 1/2 (pretend 3 doesn't exist)
Sins of a Solar Empire
Star Wars: Empire at War
>Grand Strategy
AI War 2
Europa Universalis IV
>Kind of silly

There is only 4.1 on Steam

Thoughts about this offer? Lately I have a thing for late 90's/early 2000's shooter. I replayed shit like Sin, Unreal, MoH:AA ect.

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Anno 1404 + Tropico 4 or Cities Skylines? I have never played any city builders. CS looks too complex for me, but I've heard it's fairly easy to learn. Is it?


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whats ur name

>gets btfo
>"haha back to plebit you n00b!!!! xD"
neck yourself

witcher 3 and Civ V are good, yes

>Binding of Isaac
What's the draw of this game, other than that it looks like an early newgrounds title?

Even with discount this looks like a fucking ripoff

seconding this

It has perhaps the worst AI of any Paradox game, I'm not even exaggerating

I would go for Cities Skylines in this case. BUT:
>I have never played any city builders.

Get Simcity 4

Hah I can see how it would seem that way if you really have never played any city builders. You end up with these giant bustling cities but all you need to do as a player is lay down some roads and then draw in districts that grow automatically, it's not complex at all
I'd definitely go for Anno + Tropico though, Tropico is a chill city builder and Anno is more of a production line simulator. More bang for your buck with the former two IMO

it's a horrendous piece of shit game that has no endgoal and is just to feed your ego.

Niche taste, but good taste.

Binding of Isaacs item interaction system

The draw is the fun builds you can get and beating the hardest bosses at the end
You start out as a dude just shooting tears in a direction but then you might find an item that turns your tears into a beam or into giant tears and then you find an item that makes them home in on enemies and then you find an item that also spawns flies that attack enemies whenever you kill one and soon your entire screen is filled with shit that is attacking enemies
Have you never played a roguelite before?

Is Oxygen Not Included any good?

Should I get this?

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R8 me Yea Forumsros

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Only if you like survival, suffering and sadness. Probably a good run if you have any shred of humanity in you.

Fuck no man that shit is worse than a mobile game
Its really boring and no fun to play

0 out of a billion

found it fun, apparently release is also this month? after being delayed in may so maybe there will be a price increase

as fun as the gameplay is, the story was really mediocre

and it gets frustrating until you find out how to break the game and win every mission before the enemy can even do anything

Don't buy early access games.


Heat Signature is a fun game well worth the 5 bucks

I've got Cities Skylines, if you're interested in a trade.

>3,551 In-Game

How do some of you guys by this many games? Are yall rich

Sacred Gold, is a fun german Diablo 2 clone. Avoid the sequels.

Yeah it's really easy to get into, it looks nice, the music is fun,
and the base game is crazy cheap too, for 40+ songs.

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looking good

yeah, we be ballin' as the old blackoids say

>save up 20 every month
>suddenly have ~120 at summer sale or winter sale


if youre rich why are you on Yea Forums and playing video games. arent rich people travelling around the world, buying expensive clothes and flexing on the gram?

theres a big difference between being rich and being not-poor

Easy, by not being 12 years old so we
- had lots of time to buy games
- experienced flash and daily sales when there were actually good discounts
- have more than 10 bucks to our name

idk, i personally just feel bad about spending that much money on video games (thats why i usually just watch them on youtube)

im always thinking: wow with that 50€ i couldve bought clothes, food etc.

I only buy games during the summer sales on steam and on GoG. I don't buy recently released games so even something like $120, the cost of two AAA titles, can get me 10+ games

>wow with that 50€ i couldve bought clothes, food etc
You're worried about your regular spending on food? How fucking poor are you exactly?

Because they're not rich they're retards with a normal salary with nothing normal to spend it on so they waste it on le video game

If you liked Papers Please you will like this game even though it's gameplay is nothing like it

To each his own lifestyle

I wear same two pairs of jeans for several years. And why would you care for food unless you are actually starving?

so far..

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into the breach is one of the best tactical games ever made. i hated on it but then i played it and its one of my fav games ever made... i got 25 hours out of it wihtout even forcing myself to play it......

Don't purchase sugary drinks or beer for a month (just drink water). You'll feel better and will have saved easily 40+ dollars

>(thats why i usually just watch them on youtube

Any game recs for a man with hemorrhoids?

>No Man's Sky
Wasn't it terrible flop?

Cuphead or Darkest Dungeon
Your ass will be clenched so tightly you won't get hemorrhoids again

This. Drop ice cream and soft drinks. Be healthier. Live longer. Save money for vidya.

Watching people play games is nothing like playing them, even for shit like VNs. I don't get this meme.

Man, do you trade games for Steam cards?

I keep thinking of hardcore mecha, pirate copy doesn't have dual sticks patch and crashed a couple times already. Steam page has another patch as well right now that says it fixed a bunch of more. Did it crash for anyone else or is it just me? How long is the single player? Got a pretty good feeling I won't care about multiplayer unless its some amazing coop stuff or something like that, pvp with these kinda controls seems like salt central and I got enough fighting games for that.

apparently it's good now or something according to the latest reviews, i like a calm wandering about game so i think i will like it.

It's the culmination of shitty open worlds started by Skyrim and Ubisoft, where the only selling point is "look how giant our world is wow" even though everything is completely fucking empty
So of course underageb&s are eating it up now after a few patches

Should I get Town of Salem and Nuclear Throne?

>drop ice cream
Fuck off. Ice cream and vidya are the only two things I still care about.

Can I ask for a game bros

>Live longer
This is Yea Forums, nobody wants that here.

You get hemorroids from clenching your ass user.

>and vidya
t. guy who watched vidya on youtube
yeah you can

turtle bro here... did not win anything and i doubt i will today.

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What are some good games where you can just mindlessly grind while barely paying attention? Is Disgaea 2 good?

want to get one last thing around the $5 mark
was thinking some sort of roguelite i can play on and off but still dump a good amount of hours in or a nice rpg or action-adventure
thoughts on monolith, heat signature, little big adventure?
i've already played stuff like nuclear throne, boi (mostly the original and not the remake) risk of rain 1 and 2, hollow knight to name some

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MFW the games I like that are on sale I've already bought.

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>Skyrim is fucking empty
I know shitting on skyrim is Yea Forums's favorite sport but come on now.
TES games and similar are the exact opposite to the Ubisoft open world games, they're filled with actual content and stories rather than collectibles.

No. Begging is against the rules.

Witcher 3 :(

Yes that is how probability works, good job you retarded fucking frogposter


Grim Dawn
Path of Exile
But only after putting some effort into them first

Thanks, I don't have Torchlight 2, is that worth checking out?

Didn't finish the campaign myself but I heard It's like 3-4 hours long

so wait, a random user who contributed to the winning team in the grand prix is selected to win a free bideo game? Just literally any random out of anyone who boosted the team at all?

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You're thinking of Morrowind
"Oh look there's lots of icons on my map so all these linear draugr dungeons must be content" does not count as a non empty world


>be me
>own the worst toaster in years
>wins a game that wont run on breadcrumbs
how do i avoid this? what games do most anons own that runs on bread?

P-projecto zomboid...

>Last day
I thought it went until the 9th?

Can someone recommend me games?
I like PC available games like Kenshi, Dark Souls series, Dead Space series, Resident Evil IV (no other resident evil though), FPS like Doom, Quake, NuDoom and Halo CE, Minecraft, Kenshi, Castlevania/Bloodstained, and Morrowind

Wishlist pixelshit.

That's pretty shitty, oh well.

>wins a game
Jesus fucking christ. You avoid it by doing absolutely nothing differently, because you won't win
If you're still fucking stupid enough to hold out hope, at least read up on how they select the games to gift to the winner

Indie puzzle games (typically) have very little hardware requirements.
Baba is You, for example.

>PC available games

Quick anons! What are some "Must-have" games for under 15? I dont have a super powerful PC but I don't mind turning down settings.

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any of you faggots with humble bundles want to trade something for hellblade?

Terraria or Stardew Valley

I don't get it either. Watching is NOTHING like actually playing it. I tried to watch a couple of idiots playing through a game. One was some 20 year old making idiotic faces and saying "guys" every ten seconds with shitty music in the background. The other was a dude who was terrible at the game, constantly running right past obvious loot and collectables and kept saying how much he "loved you guys."

The only "YouTuber" I watch is FightinCowboy - not his entire videos but just when I get stuck on something. He seems to play the same games I do.

>he thinks i "stll" have hope
i only joined the race on thursday idgaf if i win or not. just want games that run on bread.

Just scan the thread. This post, for example:

Get Deathtrap or Mad Max

Can I have Hellblade for steam cards please

Games that are available on PC. I didn't list any console exclusives cuz those games don't exist on PC and aren't part of the Steam sale due to obvious reasons
Btw recommend me games


Do the games bought in the steam sale also work on my Nintendo Switch?

>He seems to play the same games I do
The only youtube videogame guy I'm subscribed to always tests out new indie games and I only found him because he kept popping up on like 5 games whose gameplay I looked up when I wanted to find out whether to buy them

>Steam sale thread
>sup guys I like PC games recommend me some PC games that are in the Steam sale
Are you 14 year old or just a consolenigger? How fucking dumb are you?

I'm not aware of any game that when bought on Steam would grant you a free copy on other console.


I thought Portal 2 did that, but it was the other way around, buying the console version came with a free Steam key.

no, because I want hellblade, not the other way around. I'll give anyone willing anything they want from this list

About as dumb as your mother user

Nah nigga, you're just stupid af
>Steam sale thread
>thinks he explicitly needs to say console games are excluded

You can get that Hellblade soon if you promote the CIV VI game

rate my haul
>Dead Cells

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Good choice/10 and Good choice/10

Dead Cells grows old fast.

that other dude couldn't trade kcd for several hours so i don't know. But if anyone wants to trade their code for Hellblade for stuff like Civilization 6, tomb raider,owlboy,crusader kinds 2,etc. I'm willing, Hell I'll give you more than one game for it.

get farther, casual

im about twenty hours in, still enjoying it
all I can say is FUCK the broadsword, and FUCK knifethrowers

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Highly dislike deadcells, don't know why.
Maybe it's because it was made by frogs

What do I buy to get the full Warhammer II experience
What route to take when buying the additional content? Is there a deluxe edition with everything in it?

I'm sitting on 14k points, how do I raise my cap?

someone make a new thread

Buy something.

buy shit,do the 4 things on the list if you already haven't

Buy a $10 game before 12:00

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this one isn't even at bump limit, faggot.

Did you do special tasks?

Samurai Shodown V Special.
Infinitely better than the arcade release with good netcode and old enough to not attract FGC faggotry.

Rising Storm 2 has a very active Australian community and the aussies are probably the most fun to play with since they listen and aren’t retards

it is now

Alright I'm done with all my summer event stuff.
I bought just one game - The Council.
I was gonna trade Alien Isolation for some games but there were no takers.

Was thinking about Vampyr as well but decided my 1) My backlog was too huge 2) We're getting a lot of game releases soon like Man of Medan, Bloodlines 2, Cyberpunk that I might as well wait.


Okay Yea Forums my last pickup is going to be dragons dogma and either

A hat in time or Okami HD.

Recently got a 4k TV im playing all my platformers on so let me hear it which one is gonna look nicer or is just in general the better game.