What are we expecting from the SRGG info reveal on the 10th of this month? Will Ichiban's first game be the ichiban saikou?
Yakuza thread
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I really hope the enemy AI is alright. That's the biggest issue with most of this series really.
>Yakuza thread is dead when other americans are sleeping
Why is Europe so cucked? Do they not like high testosterone series?
Americans are trained by CoD and AssCreed consumption to willing lap up the same game rereleased constantly like good consumers. They latch onto Yakuza easily because of this.
Have they announced a release date for the Yakuza 3-5 remasters for the west yet?
Yeah, current date is February 2021 and it'll be a bundle. Cost not yet disclosed
>What are we expecting from the SRGG info reveal on the 10th of this month?
Check out this sweet merch for 2 hours, we'll talk about the game at TGS.
It's best to not expect anything from Japanese company streams.
Playing judgment now, having issues getting into it like I get into a proper Yakuza
It isn't a high testosterone series at all, it's very literally generic j-drama plots but with buff dudes (considered gay in Japan) with a mostly female audience. In the one western fan event the series had most of the people were overweight neckbeards and mentally deranged women, go figure.
>Why yes, I do quite enjoy the Yakuza series. How did you know?
Yakuza is great but when a local overweight, neckbeard, tranny played it I wanted to vomit
>The Three Color Straight requirement.
It's pretty insane how the easy table cheats more than the hard table. I saw a ridiculous amount of double riichis and people hoarding exactly what I needed to get it for about two hours before I just switched over to the hard table and got it onthe first match. You don't even need to open your hand or anything and the easy table seems to know exactly what you have in your hand at all times. Definitely the hardest mahjong requirement in the series so far, all doubles in 4 is easier I'd say and Full Straights hold no candle to either of those.
>What are we expecting from the SRGG info reveal on the 10th of this month?
A great game if Judgment is anything to go by
The main character is LITERALLY a double-cucked virgin who raises other men's children every chance he gets.
I hope you are shitting me. I can't wait 1.5 more years.
Now I realize Mahjong is hardly the most annoying completion list entry.
Congratulations. Seriously, once you learn what kind of hand should attempt to go for it it becomes a pretty rote hand. The ippatsu is really your major problem in the games it's required more than anything else.
He's taking the piss, we have no date for the remasters getting localized. We might hear something either in three days or at TGS but who knows at this point.
Can someone who knows John Yakuza irl tell him to remove baseball from judgement completely and just give me the fucking baseball vr play pass already? Trying to get these home runs has been the hardiest thing I've ever tried to do in my entire life.
>Go to the friendship on the right side of the building where the QR code is.
>Spend 23k and get the most lenient and easiest baseball in the entire series.
How are you having trouble? There's only like nine pitches and the hardest ones are only found in the final difficulties while the easy ones almost never appear so if you see something middle-left for example chances are it's going middle-right or bottom-right.
Can you learn mahjong from Yakuza? To a level where you could technically play with actual japanese oyajis and not just AI?
(I've never tried it in the games yet so I don't know if it's a game where the AI would be exploitable / what works is not applicable to real human opponents)
No you stupid fucking weeb
>guys I'm learning japanese from watching anime! japan... here I come!
Didn't you hear, you're not allowed to make that criticism in these threads anymore. Even though that was one thing pretty much everyone agreed on needing improvement back before these threads become so cancerous and reddit-tier hugbox-y.
Well, it has the game rules written in-game, although the formatting is kinda poor. But for the most part, yes, you can learn the basics. But a quick reading on the topic on wikipedia or something would teach you better.
But I already know Japanese
In real life you'd have them playing 1000 point hands just to troll you while the game only does that very rarely, you can fold unlike in Yakuza if you think you have an awful hand, the AI only reads your hand to a basic extent whereas in real life they'll be looking at both your discards and anything you've opened, you'd have to calculate all the yaku manually, you'd have to know when an open Tsumo count and when it doesn't, you won't know the tiles left in play if you want to call riichi, etc.
I remember one guy saying he started going to his local Chinatown and befriending some old lady who he played mahjong with and she always fleeced him for a couple dollars because it's a way different experience even if you have somewhat of a clue of what you're doing.
>Spend 23k and get the most lenient and easiest baseball in the entire series.
you can buy stuff from him? he gave me the gloves ages ago and every time i try talking to him now he just tells me to piss off
You need to beat a couple more stages, I did two or three more challenge courses and one more home run course and he offered to sell the next item which works like the blue bat from K2. You can literally miss a ball by like half a square, have it actually miss to the point the ball has almost hit you, and press X and it still registers the hit as a home run, it's ridiculously easy.
Bong here, i have played the series since 2007, it's just these threads have not really gone anywhere worth posting in since the days of "KUZEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE"
Fuck off
If you don't like Yakuza why are you even here?
Swedes here, I love Yakuza because it remind me a lot of when I was in Japan.
Now I needed to get /fit/ and start wearing stylish clothes.
Same map. Same shitty combat. Same fucking game we've been playing for over 10 years. What's there to talk about?
Answer me, seriously, what "discussion" do you want? There's nothing to say. Until they release an ACTUALLY new game then there's no discussion to be had. People who are sick of this shit will say they're sick of this shit and the autistic fanboys who refuse to hear criticism or allow others to express it will say they're wrong (without explaining why) and insist that we all swallow the same shit again and again until SEGA goes out of business or the sun explodes. These threads are the only thing which are bigger wastes of time than the games themselves.
I ask you again: what do you want to "discuss"?
just picked this up today
what am I in for? never played 3 before. About to start later, after I finish kiwami2
It's shit. People have said it was shit ever since it came out.
A shit game with an improved framerate is still shit.
Have fun.
Early in the morning isn't exactly peak posting time, retardo.
>have fun
you would fucking hate that wouldn't you?
No you don't. All weebs say this and yet they still don't go to 5ch to post. Because they don't actually know japanese.
It's got a slow start (You don't really get to properly wander around until after the whole intro at the orphanage in chapter 2) and it'll have you returning to the orphanage several times just to hang out with the kids throughout the story to each give them some time so you grow to like them. It's also got a great final boss fight and final gauntlet. Keep in mind it's the beach episode of the series so it's more laid back, but as long as you understand that it should be fine. Ryukyu is also a great city, love that place, just a shame we never got to visit.
If you're having problems with the combat where enemies block forever you'll need to learn how to fight like how Kenzan expected you to which is to stop attacking completely, back away for one or two steps while lock on, and as soon as you see them move begin another combo. It's one of those games where the back is basically mandatory for most enemies.
Never got to visit it again, rather. Hiroshima from 6 gives sort of the same feel as it but Hiroshima is even more laid back than Okinawa.
Nope. Go ahead. Have fun. I can't wait for your posts about how it "wasn't that bad"
You should thank me for keeping your expectations low. Would you actually rather I told you it was INCREDIBLY GOOD when literally everyone has been posting about how it's the worst one (until 6) for years?
don't you need a nip ip to post there?
not if you buy a pass
I played a bit on PS2 but the pacing was all over the place. Are the remakes on PC fun?
The games are structured exactly like the PS2 versions so if you thought the pacing was off that's not fixes. It's got different gameplay (Especially in 2's case), there's more content, and Kiwami 1 has some new cutscenes to flesh out Nishiki so there's also that. They're fun but you kind of know what you're getting into and whether or not you like that is up to you.
>I can't wait for your posts
no doubt. Im sure you live for this shit.
I really wanna get into this series, so am I right in thinking to start with 0, then Kiwami 1 and 2?
Enjoy 3, user. It's incredibly good. Maybe the best.
Finally got around to playing Kiwami 2 and beating it. I really forgot how short the first few games are compared to the others.
Either 0 or PS2 1. Both have their pros and cons, mostly from the gameplay side of things with how you'd be jumping around various engines and levels of polish.
Play 0 and drop the series there. Yakuza is the series of diminishing returns. Kiwami is shit, 3 is shit, 4 and 5 are okay but there is a lot of tedium and story bullshit in them, and then 6 is fucking terrible. It's really not worth playing so many games which are all so long only for so little payoff. They're only really suitable for players who have literally absolutely nothing else in their lives.
You're lucky if you manage to finish even just 0 without getting bored. But remember, the others are all far worse.
You will inevitably start to feel bored. You will walk from pointless conversation to pointless conversation. You will read and read and read while character models stare at each other lifelessly. You will do the same unchallenging fights hundreds of times over where enemies pose no threat. You will stare at cutscenes that play out in the slowest way possible. You'll tell yourself the story has gripped you while trying to ignore how badly written it is.
You will wonder why Yea Forums and various ecelebs hyped up this series, and begin telling yourself that YOU must be wrong, not them. You'll tell yourself it's good just to feel a part of something.
That's what you're in for.
I played it years ago
K1 will be very disappointing after 0. I would personally play 0 and then the original PS2 Yakuza 1, that way the disappointment will be easier to deal with because it's a retro game. K2 is fine though, in some aspects it's inferior to 0 but the city is so much better it felt like an improvement overall. And then you skip 3 because it's shit and you play 4-5-6.
So you already know it's insurmountably good
There he is. Your next line is "it only has one city"
This really is an excellent post.
Thanks. I was actually a little overwhelmed thinking the series was going to take up my whole life. Knowing I can just play 0 and enjoy the peak of the series and then move on to something else is good.
I barely come to these threads anymore because it's nothing but shitposting since Y0 came out in the west.
My favorite fighting style is rush
>peak of the series
It is a PS3 game though. K2 and 6 are PS4 games, so the level of detail is on a different level there.
What do you think of Yagami? I'm liking him so far, but I think that's just because being able to play someone who's genuinely NOT a yakuza is very refreshing. Its been so long since I played Yakuza 5 so I'm all yakuza'd out. I'm not a huge fan of his fighting styles at the moment, though. Is there a trainer in this game? I'm up to the part where ayabe is giving me info on the 100 million yen that went missing. I was hoping there'd be a drunken fist style considering it has a dedicated EX move
I liked him but his JP VA really needs to speak up a bit more. Guy sounds like he's whispering most of his lines unless he's literally shouting. Really liked how conflicted he was during the whole game, he had some pretty good interactions with several characters, he's really cocky, and he's genuinely just a good guy trying to right wrongs and get to the bottom of things. Feels like he took Akiyama as a base but then went a more insecure but at the same time confident route by comparison.
There's no trainer, you find skills from friendships, Side Cases, QR codes and minigames. There's no more styles besides Crane and Tiger, everything's built around those two but crane really needed something like Balance of the Tiger because it makes Tiger worth using way more. Get Flux Fissure if you can, the move is very satisfying and builds up your EX meter pretty well. The extra moves and bonuses really help, I feel like Crane is more underpowered unless you're in EX Mode, then it gets ridiculous with the triangle attacks.
>imagine playing yakuza and not 龍が如く
>imagine posting in japanese on an english language board because you're too scared of posting on a japanese board
I guess I don't have to imagine it
i do post there too, they helped me with 信長online when I had no idea what the fuck i was doing
but I still like Yea Forums too
This is such a retarded post
I guess Mighty No 9 is a better game than Megaman 2 because it came out on the PS4
If these stories are generic J-Dramas can anyone recommend me any actual j-dramas?
They're not generic doramas
I've watched 7-10 currently airing raw dramas (almost over 60 shows/seasons) for the past 2 years and yakuza are not like doramas, whoever said that doesn't watch doramas
watch my boss my hero, it's fun
Thanks. I'll definitely watch it.
I am so spoiled by somehow being able to play these games in 4k 60fps on my older PC that I'm hesitant to play any more on the PS4. The ports of 3-5 and Judge Eyes can't come soon enough.
Please do it's even on youtube with subs and has gakky and nagase tomoya
Eating shit and demanding more of the same is what being a true yakuza fan is all about
Over what?
I like him. hes played more realistic than most yakuza protag, but that's fine. What I'd really love is a Kaito spin-off.
Winner of hostess choices or some pointless shit, and nothing else sadly enough.
I wonder how mentally retarded he has to be to continuously post the same shit multiple times a day for weeks on end in every thread.
Played 4, 5, 0 and the Kiwamis over the last 3 years and while I enjoyed them all quite a lot, I feel a little oversaturated so I didn't get Judgment yet. Should I just wait for PC port? I think I'm fine for another year or two.
Wait if you're burnt out.
Listen to this wise man
>QR codes
I'm 17 hours in, and I don't know anything about this. Did I accidentally mash the x button through a tutorial?
Please stop buying the games for PS4 so they'll port them for PC quicker
I know most of you are impatient and double dip or even worse, buy on PS4 and then pirate on the PC but that only hurts SEGAs view of actual PC players when it's actually the console players that are rotten pirates
There some QR code posters strewn about Kamurocho, you basically use your camera to take a picture of the QR code and it unlocks a skill. There's also a skill you can get from a Side Case I think that lets you buy the ability to have them marked or something for 500 SP. If you just want to know where they all are right now:
Yoshida Batting Center, enter the right door and it's directly to your left on the wall.
On Taihei Blvd where Doc Emoto's Clinic was go a bit to the left and you should see an elevator. If you're reached Wette Kichen you've gone too far. Go up the elevator and before you go through the doors into the room it's on the right wall.
Directly across from the detective agency there's a car and a small alley. Climb over the car and it's on the left wall of the alley assuming you just exited the agency.
Take the Millenium Tower elevator up to the top and it's right by a vending machine, just run around and try and find it.
In the Champion District you know how there's that small area where you fight Komaki in 2? Go to it, face the exit, and take out your drone. Turn to the left with it, fly up, and you should see it in a window. Fly the drone close to it and take a picture.
No reason to play them faster than you feel like. It gets tedious if you don't have a cooldown period of 1 month - 1 year
>do JCC
>enemy never uses their attack with the most stars
>90% they use the same attack as I do even if it's their weakest attack
>90% of the times they win the mashing draw
It's not even RNG at this point. That shit reads your inputs and then mashing mini-game might as well not be in, because it's impossible to win.
>Europe doesn't like high testosterone series
i wonder why...
fuck off, portbegger. I'm playing judgement right now and loving it.
Stick to Just Dance you retard
I played Kiwami 1 first before 0 so the disappointment wasn't that severe. The amount of shit you can do in 0 is just staggering.
user would you like to elaborate
I hope people who designed the car chase sequence in Kiwami are burning in hell for eternity.
Also, there will be an X prompt when the QR code is actually capturable. I took like ten photos of my first QR code before realizing you have to mash your face against it
Italian here, Yea Forums is a shit board so i rarely ever come back here.
I only now realized I'm supposed to declare riichi manually by pressing square. And got my ippatsu immediately after. How fortunate.