Stop Normalizing Nazism

>be me
>Proud American citizen
>Respect the law, salute the flag, have a gun for self defense and value my rights
>Buy one of these videogames these kids are talking about, this one called battlefield 2 allows me to play as the Allies, and will allow me to play my own part of this wonderful country's army.
>Get in a lobby
>ohshitno.png as my eyes show me the truth
>I am enlisted in the german army.
>I know the truth now. My life up to that point has been a lie, the american values are bullshit, the jews are the masterminds of the world, Pepe the frog is not so bad and i think Tifa's boobs should have been bigger and started the Third Reich

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literally the most jewish video i have ever seen in my life.

hitler killed more europeans than the bubonic plague

want to know my opinion?
>click on video
>never post or associate yourself with said video ever again
it's the same shit like any other spammed crap like "muh Etika" and TotalShitstain.

The more afraid of nazis you are the more appealing they are to the people who identify as such.


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literal lies
6 million at most died in holocaust
25-30 million died in 13'th century

video games didn't turn me into a nazi
jewish behavior did

>You didn't ask for this, you didn't choose this

I bought a shooter knowing full well that one of the playable sides in it is nazi germany, so I did choose it.


These are the same people who would whine about violence in video games in the 90s.

>Proud American Citizen
I thought leftists are into the America/Western Values bad, Is it really okay for us to play games where we're westerners killing desert people?

Battlefield V all ready fixed this with puttign black women in the wermacht

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>here's the link to this thing i hate so you can give it views, attention, and ad revenue

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>''be me''
>can't greentext properly
go back to r*ddit nerd

That link should be an automatic ban if posted.

He clearly meant in the war not the holocaust you dipshit.

>buy game with nazis as potential players
>"uh wow I didn't ask for this?"

What the fuck?

I played this as a kid and I grew up and shot up a synagogue, still think playing as Nazi is okay? thats just for fun? I'm in prison now, but its not too late for you anons, don't play as Nazi in games.

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>Playing WWII shooter
>Choose Axis side
>Have to wait 5x as long because I made the wrong choice
>Have to watch a short film about how nazis are bad before the match starts
>While I'm waiting the internet runs out
>Have to wait months while they make more internet

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>jews are only your enemies if you're a nazi
I've yet to understand anything in regards to the jews

Its an strawman

We never said that playing as a Nazi turns you into a Nazi. That’s not how that works. That’s not how any of this works. However, there is plenty of research about how art & media can shift people’s perspectives.

>6 million at most died in holocaust
no one died in the holocaust

>implying every person who fought on the german side was a card-carrying nazi
>implying the majority who fought on the german side were even doing it willingly (cf. werhmacht draftees)
Americans just need to butt out of European history

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>try watching the video
>a minute in and I run out of internet
>I have to use my backup internet reserves to post here about it


My love of history made me a nazi, and video games helped me discover we are more mainstream than anyone would like to admit.

kill yourself

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Hitler is perhaps the least responsible for WW2 out of any major player in the first half of the 20th century.

>american values are bullshit
This is unironically correct.

This trope does usually annoy me

>Nazi soldier depicted in movie
>almost always they eat babies and paint their houses in blood of their enemies

Just bothers me in general when movies paint any army with a few traits

>fight for their homeland
>fight for their homeland

All this bullshit about "fighting the evil nazis" is a post-modern fantasy invented by rootless cosmopolitan liberals who have never felt nationalism in their lives

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>6 million at most died in holocaust
lmao, he actually believes it

>We never said that playing violent videogames turns you into a violent person. That’s not how that works. That’s not how any of this works. However, there is plenty of research about how art & media can MAKE YOU SHOOT UP A SCHOOL

Fuck off and go back to wherever you came from

>rootless cosmopolitan liberals

Just say its user, it's the kikes.

More like "here's me pretending to hate my video to stir controversy and get more views money".

I keep hearing about white genocide and jewish people seem to be indifferent and unconcerned. These jewish supremacists need to buy gassed to learn a bit of humility.

It's about time Extra Retards got unanimously shat on, they're failed mobile developers LARPing as fucking master game designers

>>fight for their homeland

When has Germany ever threatened the US?

Every time they say something to the effect of "heh we asked our friend who is an insider" (every episode) I chuckle

>Hey folks, so this one seems to have struck a nerve. We encourage discussion about the topic, and there is some fair criticism of the video out there. However, I wanted to address some of the comments that seemed to have misunderstood some aspects of the video.
>1) We never said that playing as a Nazi turns you into a Nazi. That’s not how that works. That’s not how any of this works. However, there is plenty of research about how art & media can shift people’s perspectives. This is not a good or bad thing, this is just a natural effect of culture. Please look up the Overton Window
>So no. Playing a nazi doesn’t magically transform you into a nazi. No one is saying that.
>2) We never said that games should NEVER let you play as Nazis or terrorists for that matter. If you need the exact time stamp, it’s at 4:47 . There’s a lot of potential for some really interesting or impactful games that put the players in the boots of people or in control of systems that have done incredible harm. But it can’t be done thoughtlessly or just as a skin on top of mechanics, devoid of context.
>3) For those saying that it’s just a game and we shouldn’t think too hard about it, I feel like perhaps it might be important to introduce ourselves. Hi, we’re Extra Credits! Our tag line, for a very long time, was “Because Games Matter” It’s something we fundamentally believe and if you don’t, that’s okay! But then our content might not be for you, cause thinking hard about games is kind of our schtick.

thanks for linking it i havent disliked it yet

>4) Our writing staff is the same, and we’ve always talked about politics in games and our other videos. If this comes as a surprise to you, or you think there’s been a large shift in our thinking, I’d invite you to take a look at some of our older episodes. We live in a time where neo-nazis exist and they've seemed to have increasingly found a home in gaming communities. This isn’t something we can turn a blind eye anymore, and it’s important to consider what we as game designers can do to try and make things better.
>As said, there have been some very valid critiques of the video that we greatly appreciate. Most important to us is to start talking about these topics and to have conversations about design. For those of you who have kept civil in the comments, thank you.

The Allies and USSR killed more Germans than Germans killed of them retard. Even the Soviet Union killed more russians than the Germans