ITT: the best games of their respective series
ITT: the best games of their respective series
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That would be Yoshi's Island
that hardly counts as being the same series user
What fucking series even is this? There's only one Super Mario Sunshine.
I prefer SMB3 and maybe the Galaxy games and Odyssey too. Sunshine is great, though.
What about Mario Galaxy?
That's more arguable, IMO.
I'd dsefinetely say Yoshi's island is a Yoshi's game, not a Mario game; but if Galaxy counts depends on if OP means "Sandbox 3d mario games" as a series, or "3d mario games" as a seriess.
Mario you big dumb mongoloid
Galaxy 2 is better
3D mario.
Whats the best 2D mario?
Subrosia and the animal buddy shit cripple my interest in replaying Seasons.
Mania is close but pic related is still king
Yeah they are pretty shit aspects, I'll give you that.
Basically any of the GB/GBC zelda games are the best imo
Is Mario Tennis also the same series, you donut?
Sunshine is still a platformer, and very obviously in the same lineage as Mario 64 and Odyssey despite the various differences between them.
Mario Odyssey
Majora's Mask
Smash Ultimate
Metroid Prime 1
Halo 2
Burnout Revenge
Mass Effect 1
Fatal Frame 3
Cod mw2
Edgeworth Investigations 1
Pokemon GSC
Shadow of the Colossus
Resident Evil 4
Sonic Adventure 2 Battle
Akibas trip 2
fallout 3
Splinter cell chaos theory
Hitman TM 1 (2016)
Fable 3
Dead Rising 2
Yakuza 0
AssCreed 2
Mario Party 2-7
Gundam Journey to Jaburo
DB Xenoverse 2
Wwf No Mercy
I feel like Nintendo said Galaxy was a different series at some point, so i don't know if that's true.
They made a distinction between "course clear" 3D games like Galaxy, 3D Land, and 3D World, and the more sandbox-y games like 64, Sunshine, and Odyssey. Galaxy 1 in particular actually has some overlap between the two, though.
>3D collectathon mario: 64, Sunshine, Odyssey
>3D Linear Mario: 3D Land, 3D World
The galaxy games are a weird hybrid, with Galaxy 1 being more open and Galaxy 2 being more linear.
t. played all of them in release order
Prove me wrong.
Yakuza 0 didn't hold my interest. Maybe I played it too soon after Yakuza 1 and 2 (the PS2 versions), but it just felt like more of the same but within the context of a pointless prequel. None of the three have a particularly good story, but the fun of the first two Yakuza games' stories stems largely from discovering the setting alongside Kiryu, who has to come to grips with how things have changed in his absence. A prequel pretty much takes all that away, and while I haven't played them I imagine the other sequels after Yakuza 2 have a similar issue.
no zombies. world at wardo is better,
Zombies was the start of the cancer, and CoD4's maps were the absolute comfiest.
>t. sniper camping in the barn on Overgrown
Smoother combat, best scenarios, best soundtrack, nice weapon variety, some mistakes here and there but overall the best one.
Good campaign with good replayability because of arcade, fun Horde mode and best multiplayer
Prove me wrong motherfuckers.
i sincerely hope this is a joke, user.
A part of me still prefers the multiplayer of Gears 1 due to the higher skillcap, though I did autistically play these games as a teenager so my experience is biased. Retro lancer was just too good at slowing people down in Gears 3 too imo, but wallbouncing was hella fun.
I'd say Super Mario World is the best though Sunshine is good too
Ricky the Kangaroo is a miracle of the universe you Philistines
Blops1 was the whole package.
>Not 64
Contrarian detected.
>Fable 3
Oh dear
>Super Mario World
>Mario Kart 64
>Kingdom Hearts
>Sonic Adventure
>GTA San Andreas
>New Vegas
>Mario Party 3
>Budokai 2
>Play this through like 3 bosses
>Get to the part where the headless guy gives you free shit
>Get bored, take a break
>Never come back to it
Is there something wrong with me? I really just can't get into "roll around in this pattern and attack but never get hit" over and over.
based. sunshine is garbage