Enemies can rob you

>enemies can rob you

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>sage guy just gives naruto and sasuke power
I just got to that part and I get why but it's still fucking lame

>Sakura hesitates to cut Obito's eye out so Madara doesn't get them despite Obito asking her this is for the best

i've never been more disappointed with her than that moment

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just finished this, did anyone find sasuke rebelling at the very very end fucking retarded? like fuck
after all t his bullshit and these god-like people, you decide "Nows my chance to shine :D"

sasuke is a faggot, all uchihas deserve death

>monster has loot besides its own body parts

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why does the world still continue the ninja way thing after this war, knowing the truth
is it because it's the only thing they know

>all uchihas deserve death

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>villain summons god
>they were just a pawn the whole time
What games do this?

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Someone post the Uchihaha compilation.

>high heels
WTF? When did Naruto go to absolute shit?

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It was always absolute shit.

I just watch boruto for the naruto/sasuke fights

Itachi was unironically the only good Uchiha

The only good uchiha is a dead uchiha

So Itachi?

Just like breast cancer is the most treatable form.
who /nsunsg/ here?

Assumedly, some of them never activate the eyes.

First timeskip.

>Macca Beam

End of the Zabuza Arc you mean

Chunin exam is solid at least until the end of prelims.

>when Itachi shows Sasuke the truth after both defeating Kabuto
>Itachs father saying those heart breaking words of being proud of Itachi despite their different viewpoints and that theyre pain will be over swiftly unlike Itachi who will live with that for the rest of his life
>when he tells Sasuke that he does not have to forgive him but that he will always love Sasuke no matter what as Itachis soul ascends to the heavens
Manly tears were shed in those episodes, bros.

Wait, Naruto was good at some point?

Skyward sword i guess

Nah, there was some good shit later on, it was just all retroactively ruined by the way the arcs resolved or by timeskip events.

Kishimoto actively sabotaged himself every week.

I dunno, Ghirahim is very upfront about being a servant to demise from the start


ffiv three times i think

>Enemy presses a switch for you.

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>Main villain was more interesting, stronger and skilled than god
Naruto was a fucking mistake

>enemies flee after robbing you

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Technically Pandora hearts but the villian is testing humanity and is still friends with the mc.

>Androgynous as hell Orochimaru from Bort will never relentlessly milk your cock with it's crazy tongue BJs
>You'll never be injected with all kinds of semen production hastening drugs and aphrodisiacs and become their breeding bull
>As a result you'll never see Orochimaru with a big, pregnant belly that's actually a result of you pumping so much cum into them which eventually results in a baby thanks to SENJU DNA
>You'll never be responsible for the genetically superior shinobi world order with superior physical abilities and Kekkai Alpha-Omegas to everyone else

We need to take back control of our fucking borders

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Sakura is best girl.

That was the author NEEDING the rematch even though it made no sense. But he wrote the ending years ago

>game draws swastikas
Bland as fuck but I chuckled when I saw the subtle swastikas.

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>master of the space time jutsu since te was 14
>can't use it in SoTSP mode
>literally fucking grabs it and uses it one time
>is perfectly fine with using it in SoTSP mode
The plot devices were strong with this series.

Or it could be because Madara absorbed the tree? I don't remember if this was the case

>master of the space time jutsu
can't even go back in time to undo the evil that is madara
obito sucks desu

Was it ever explained how they can just rip eyes like that and put them in their own socket making it work instantly?

>villain summons God
>villain thinks he is gonna get special treatment just to be stepped on like a bug

My favorite version of that trope.

>you can rob enemies

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I unironically think the fighting game did the naruto / obito fight much better.
In the final bit you have naruto repeat a move his dad did, obito counters and thrn naruto just fucking counters that instantly.
Then the exploding knife bit straight after is kino.

Plant nigga's 'body cells' give you insane regeneration so long as you burn chakra for it.
Its still bullshit.

Obito is the Flash of the Naruto universe. Hes not the strongest because of the plot, but his powers are by far the most broken.

>dickwad beckowns forth the big bad dragon
>dragon instantly kills him
>dragon is a total bro and states these people are dicks and he has no connections with him, his only interest is you

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Still salty. Guy should have died, instead we get him as a pathetic cripple. Ninja jesus reincarnation garbage should have never been a thing and Kaguya should have never appeared. What a boring, shitty end villain for such a big series. Madara was perfect and they decide "huuurrrrr backstab cos I can't write a way to properly defeat him"
I hate Kaguya so fucking much with that non-existant personality, boring powers and how she didn't even affect anything or was even memorable.
I hate the last parts of Naruto so fucking much.

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>game has different dubs to choose from
>everything except english and japanese is horrible

Every competent shinobi knows a degree of medical ninjutsu, for eye bois it's enough to sew the stems back into your eyes. Medical ninjutsu literally repairs tissue. It can even re-attach limbs if you're an unconventional user like when Deidara's arms got cut off and sewn back on, or Hidan's head.

Sasuke being able to keep up at all was moronic. He was basically the same dude as at the start of part 2 with some new eyes, while Naruto was on like five levels of legendary turbo chakra.

just a drive by eye grab.