Who here is playing Squad anons?
Who here is playing Squad anons?
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Battlefield 2 squad and commander system was the absolute pinnacle. Why have we gone backwards from that system?
Squad is what Battlefield would be if Dice doubled down on the strength of the franchise instead of going for a console port after 2142
Noone because ArmA 3 already does everything and better on a much much larger scale.
>inb4 muh performance muh shitty engine optimization
Arma 3 can be great but I can't be bothered to stay in a community with a 50+gb modpack, that only plays once a week at a specific time, and usually its just co-op fighting braindead AI.
Squad has better performance, better gunplay, better gamemodes and a better public community. Arma 3s public servers are absolute garbage and playing it as an actual milsim or tactical shooter requires a much bigger time investment.
I too love Altis Life and KotH
which map?
which faction?
which class?
Squad is more fun
>playing crazy agressive medic
>always running headlong into danger and barely escaping by the skin of my teeth to save one more life
>reviving a guy once
>all of a sudden hear two enemy soldiers right on top of me
>wild panic fire ensues, one guy drops
>both go for our pistols
>somehow both miss almost every shot at point blank
>he goes behind a tree to reload
>rush in with my knife and shank him
>calmly walk back to my wounded bro covered in enemy blood and revive him
People still play these games like call of duty so realism is questionable.
Just so much more to do in Arma 2, i dont like how small the maps in Squad are, but some of them look comfy.
For me, it's the Russian Ground Forces
2700 people playing "Squad"
It's a dead fucking game.
it's 4:20 in the fucking morning and 2.7k people is hardly "dead"
Thanks for the free bump user
The total landmass in Squad is well over 150 squarekilometers, so compareable to Arma maps.
Sure, for a sandbox like Arma those huge maps are ideal, but in a round based game they are overkill. There is a reason most costum missions focus on specific towns or landmarks.
It peaked under 5k, on a Saturday. That's like one WoW server's worth of players, in the entire game. It's a dead fucking game.
>make a thread about squad, insurgency, rising storm or arma
>immediate fills will retards arguing about squad, insurgency, rising storm or arma
Does this not run like shit unlike Arma?
I have a 2600k and 480
>comparing an tactical PC exclusive FPS to the most popular game in existence
fuck off already you dumb shit poster
>community is just as toxic if not worse than ArmA
>UE4 is dogshit for milsim and suffers graphically at the expense of performance/resources which is STILL not all that great after years of EA
>arcadey as fuck gamemodes on small maps that induce repetitive chokepointed circlejerks/camping
>HAVE to have a mic
>HAVE to have a somewhat capable leader(s) who knows what the fuck to do and where to go with map knowledge or else your entire team will get curbstomped and lose fast
Damn, that's epic bro I did the same thing in Borderlands and battlefield games before so cool and realistic
Medic, since i can't shoot very well at long range i feel is the only way i can be useful for the squad.
oh no wonder you compared it to WoW, it's all you play on the channel you shill in your trip. Downvoting all your videos now
That should be perfectly fine, I'm running the game on medium settings at 1080p, on a gtx 1050 and can mostly sustain 40-60 frames, you should be better off.
>can find full servers in europe, america, and oceania at any given time on any day of the week
>"It's dead"
based retard
Arma3 is such a fucking shitfest
It's great if you want to role play some soldierstuff but if you actually want a GAME to play with tactics and maneuvering it's fucking horrible
an example
>On patrol with a convoy
>sudden enemy ambush
>Try to get into a vehicle while under fire
>Have to start scrolling through the fucking menu to get into the vehicle because the quick prompt doesn't show up for whatever reason
>Instead of picking the option to get into the vehicle I accidentally scroll down one option and click reload because it's conveniently there in the scroll menu too
>The guy starts to reload while under fire
>Die because you can't interrupt this
Everything in the game is so fucking clunky and from Arma 2 days, you have to queue up actions because the game engine doesn't allow you to be quick and efficient and you have to scroll through menus
It's just awful
"Tactical" my fucking dick cheese that shit's a buzzword to sell shit to special snowflakes.
One hacker running aimbot / ESP would kill the game. Bunch of roleplaying dadgamers who take their "millitary RP" way too fucking seriously play this fucking shit.
It's "dead" because you aren't going to generate revenue off it. Why are you playing video games if you aren't going to profit?
I don't have a mic will I still enjoy it?
>miclet scum
Go back to playing your tranny mmos
I bought it flthe other day, and I have it installed but I've never launched it. Give me the quick rundown, bros.
>HAVE to have a mic
and thats a good thing
>HAVE to have a somewhat capable leader(s)
and thats a good thing, wouldn't want a game with no depth would you?
what would you know you blizzard cock suck? See
All you play is WoW and other shit like Will to Live Online so you have no right to judge, lmao. Nice ratings btw faggot
*see =
>it's dead because you aren't going to generate profit off it
>an fps
Are you seriously this fucking retarded?
Nevermind, saw your youtube.
There are Squad youtubers with 6 digit subscriber counts, while you are begging for mordhau on your 77 subscriber youtube channel. I hope you are trolling and not actually this pathetic.
likely not, many squadleaders kick players with no mic
>40vs40 PVP
>1-4 squarekilometer sized maps
>big focus on different squad classes, team communication and player build spawnpoints
>all spawnpoints are build by the teams themselves, require logistic vehicles to supply ammo or else you run out
>capture points are basically a tug of war which have to be taken in a specific order, meaning that combat isn't spread out too much but the large maps offer plenty of randomized objectives and flanking possibilities
Go play, join a squad and try to follow your squadlead. You'll learn from there.
Does anyone still play Arma 2? I've made numerous attempts at A3 but I can't get into it for some reason.
Yeah, I played Will to Live Online, and look at what a waste of time that fucking was. That game's deader than shit. Avoid games that are inevitable to die. You think anyone in your entire fucking town plays "Squad?" Fuck no. 5k players is SMALL. That's like one high school worth of people.
Mordehau's already dead.
You zoomer cucks have no fucking idea how fast games die when populations stagnate. Back in the day games like Diablo 2 were sitting on 150k+ players constantly. You think a game with 50k players is "thriving" you're fucking wrong.
I don't play shit games
>You think anyone in your entire fucking town plays Squad?
Why the fuck would I care if anyone in MY TOWN plays Squad? Why are you being so autistically specific?
Will to Live Online is a scam tier mmo and if you even took the time to play it I doubt you can even afford a game like Squad. Go back to not wasting your time playing WoW and shilling your dead youtube channel on Yea Forums, roflmao
Absolute brainlet of a post.
>if you actually want a GAME to play with tactics and maneuvering it's fucking horrible
fucking hilarious m8 way-to-go on that one ez oust
>muh clunky menus
>Have to start scrolling through the fucking menu to get into the vehicle because the quick prompt doesn't show up for whatever reason
lol just tap spacebar brainlet, also the prompt ALWAYS shows up no matter what so you are wrong with that or have HUD disabled
I like how you cherrypicked the most inane bullshit excuse to try and downplay A3, if you got killed trying to get BACK into a vehicle while under fire then you are a tip-top retard and don't know how to play the sim.
>Mordehau's already dead.
imagine thinking any game that doesn't pull MMO numbers is dead
go join the army and play VBS3 if you are such a tuff guy with your military sims. I prefer fun
>wouldn't want a game with no depth would you?
Funny cause that's exactly what Squad is.
>Squad is what Battlefield would be if Dice doubled down on the strength of the franchise instead of going for a console port after 2142
Battlefield was and will always be an arcade shooter, you really thought DICE will make it as "realistic" as PR/Squad? lol.
>t. literal autistic RP faggot who doesnt even play multiplayer matches
I thought you need competent squadleaders for Squad to be good?
How is a game with playerbuild spawnpoints and persistent ammo mechanics lacking depth? Have you actually played it?
Shooting braindead AI in your Arma 3 co-op missions with your discord butt-buddies isn't depth.
I played it for the astronomical trolling potential. Too bad camping noob zones killed the game from 10k down to 1k, then devs forcing PvP rules to prevent (basically just me) from fucking over entire servers brought the game to ruin.
The fact is if you aren't playing a game for social or monetary reasons you're a consumerist AKA a blue pilled beta.
Did you see it dip from 50k? People stopped playing cause it's a dead game. The game was in development for years and released just months ago.
This nigger is top 500 overwatch.
Bet his ass didnt play WOW in 20O4 when the fuck it came out
I played god damn melee and played some of the top players in the game and i won against them.
Your a fucking pretentious faggot and your not going to fucking gain any followers by being shitty to them.
What are you gunna do play fucking new games that come out like everg other fucking asshole.
Play games you fucking like cuz you like them not because it will get you views.
This is all fucking stupid cuz ww3 will happen and your bitch ass is not gunna make youtube videos.
If you were really cool youd be q badass that makes the dead games shine.
Swole what do you mean dull.
Get the fuck out of here with 12 year old buzz words
If I wanted to talk with people I would go outside.
>SwoleBenji still posts here shilling his dead youtube channel
The absolute state, he must be working retail again now that youtube is gone.
>I played it for the astronomical trolling potential
Lmao is that why you run your Youtube channel too? And you're telling other people not to waste their time? This is fucking gold.
>The fact is if you aren't playing a game for social or monetary reasons you're a consumerist AKA a blue pilled beta.
bro I can see your Youtube channel you're not fooling anyone, you don't make any money playing this nobody gives a fuck about you hahahaha
>Did you see it dip from 50k? People stopped playing cause it's a dead game.
Woa you mean a newly released game didn't maintain every single person who played it on release on a consistent basis? That's NEVER happened before!
What do you mean "youtube is gone" ?
I've been so bored I should go back to retail. Ain't shit to play.
>muh fun
the only thing you squad babbies parrot about since you can't come up with anything else to delude yourselves away from the shitty fast-paced arcade experience before you eventually get bored of having a shit team then log-off for the night lol.
Whats your education? Whats your work experience? You are trying to make a living with a youtube channel, with no personality whatsoever and call anyone else blue pilled?
Jesus Christ, get a real job.
How does it feel that you need to GET attention to play games and you cant enjoy them for what they are.
When he doesn't get the attention he acts like a baby. When his project fails he will go back to being a consumerist person who is slaving away playing games to get green pieces of paper to be like every other person on planet earth.
If you aren't having why do you play Arma ? Are you just too scared to go after your real military calling?
The whole point of the channel is to BTFO girl gamer streamers in classic WoW. I do plenty of copy/paste shill shit on a different channel for money. I literally just copy "how to make money" videos, find royalty free footage / images, and change the script / revoice it and upload. Ad partners LOVE entrepreneur content and it pays the most besides Youtube kids shit.
No education / retail management 13+ years fired for following a shoplifter to his car to write his plate, only cause he called corporate on me. Did it hundreds of times to scumbags.
FUCK "real" jobs this is the internet age why would anyone want to wagie in a cagie slavie?
I like how Squaddies can never retort properly and instead turn to shitflinging and delusional projection, never change :)))
I learned my lesson about letting Yea Forums shill me shitty games after buying this.
Play foxhole
Your still in a cage numbnuts. The only way to get out of it is death or spiritual studying.
Not enough people.
But what are some trolling methods in that game?
i just opened the game after finishing my wolf et matches
>The whole point of the channel is to BTFO girl gamer streamers in classic WoW
Dude every time you post I cringe a little more
> I do plenty of copy/paste shill shit on a different channel for money
Then why are you shilling your supposed alternate account on Yea Forums? Do you think anyone will actually believe you?
Sorry my images triggered you so much ;)
You would figure it out quickly its like WoW but a isometric shooting game.
You can block highways so other players can't do tasks.
Steal things from clans so they cant do big events after grinding 40 hours
I can post images unrepresentative of gameplay too :)))
luckily Squad is actually a competitive PVP game instead of a screenshot editor and co-op larping sim.
>Then why are you shilling your supposed alternate account on Yea Forums? Do you think anyone will actually believe you?
just ignore him, he'll go back to posting non stop on reddit after this thread dies
i play it from time to time, in between rising storm 2 and insurgency sandstorm
Toe sucking beta male orbiter that donates to Pokimane detected.
I mean if it had more people I'd probably play it.
I get way better reactions from redditards.
>played a bit of arma 2 once
>retarded menus and jank in general
>played a bit of squad
>unforgivable loading times
>enjoyed rs2 vietnam and insurgency
>currently enjoying hell let loose
Omaha beach map later this month.
How does this game run on my laptop? I only play RO2
>Intel i5 6200u
>Nvidia 930m
>8GB ram
what the fuck? is it any better then 940mx or whatever it is
no chance
I think you should give it a shot. If you can be a big time streamer you alone could push the game into prime time. Its isometric planetside the devs create so much beautiful shit every couple of months huge design changes. They redid towns and the world and they did it again.
Added cranes and shippinf containers and flatbed trucks to transport things.
They are nuts.
Rising storm 1 ro2 is way better than rs2.
Hell let loose is like rs1 ro2
Day of defeat is arcade but super fucking fun
it's tad bit worse
well that's unfortunate, I wish there's demo or benchmark or something.
keep that retard away please
imagine utterly dedicating your life to seeing the "reactions" of people you will never be able to actually see or even know anything about. That combined with your abysmal youtube channel and the fact you legitimately seem autistic makes me actually feel bad for you.
Holy shit did she go do porn right after saying goodbye to him?
Its a good thing this happened
It's not great looking game but it's really badly optimized, so no chance.
the fuck is wrong with her face
is it stuck like that
I don't know i think he will be nice in foxhole i trust him. He's talking smack but look the other way
>luckily Squad is actually a competitive PVP game(lol)
And how is ArmA not...?
instead of a screenshot editor
more like a fully built mission/map editor... oh wait squad doesn't even have that feature, ouch.
>co-op larping sim
Squad isn't this aswell? Does it even have an option for highly modular/moddable A.I.? oh no it doesn't, ouch again.
What mod for the DDR shit?
Day of defeat is super fucking dead.
The Global Mobilization DLC my man. Also some mods have some DDR stuff aswell.
So is there a game that combines the aspects of hell let loose with something very quick shotty like cs 1.6 day of defeat source say in a town?
>Global Mobilization DLC
>giving money to boh*mia
Almost worth it desu, i'll just stick to RHS
I miss that game. Id pay for a remake same gameplay but 2019 graphics.
Not saying downgrade like source I want 1 for 1 gunplay
>giving money to boh*mia
I hear you man BIS is fucking horrific when it comes to DLC and marketing practices and one should ALWAYS wait till sales to buy or just pirate it all if you enjoy only SP/mission editing/sandbox stuff.
I don't because its extremly boring to sit in place for 20minutes nothing happens, then suddenly you get a headshot and have to walk 10 mins to a point while having terrible graphic/optimalisation and fog.
I don't because it's not the BF2 Project Reality which to this day is superior to this pile of shit.
play rising storm 2
looks pretty shopped
>sitting on a point for 20 minutes
never happens unless you are retarded and wait on uncontested flags
>walking 10 minutes to get back into a fight
never happens unless you‘re retarded and spawn in main
I swear people who complain about Squad being too slow paced must be brain damaged, the spawn systems throws you right back into combat with a half decent team
They only watch karmakuts youtube or play on free weekends and judge the experience by that
Thats why they stopped doing free weekends. Too much influx of idiots at once breaks the game mechanics.
Is there a server Yea Forums plays on? I've been playing with randoms mostly. But it always feels kinda meh with people just not talking and staying silent or running off.
Plenty of people on servers still. Everything from Evo red to domi and random coop missions..also dayz if you are into that.
>They only watch karmakuts youtube or play on free weekends and judge the experience by that
I'm pretty sure those two things are more than enough to judge the shallow and monotonous experience that is squad, it's also hilarious that veterans and the like actively hate and discourage the newbies when the game desperately needs more exposure/population through free weekends
>Thats why they stopped doing free weekends
oh no lol
DayZ Mod is still alive?
>more than enough to judge the shallow and monotonous experience that is squad
The game is literally to complex to be enjoyable because spawn systems don't work with inexperienced players, how is that shallow lmao
>hilarious that veterans and the like actively hate and discourage the newbies
I have never seen that happen.
You're retarded as fuck
>The game is literally to complex to be enjoyable
Good job taking a two sentence post out of context
based retard
Not even the same user you were arguing with, i just wanted to point out that you were fucking stupid.
The game is too complex to be enjoyable with people who don't understand the game mechanics, thus they haven't done free weekends in a long time.
Is this phrase better for your brainlet grey mush?
>Is this phrase better
The game is also shit btw
Good, stay far away brainlet
I play a ton of Insurgency with my brother. Should we also get this?
Is it fast enough to be fun but slow enough to feel like operating?
I've already sadly had the experience of playing squad.
It's full of subhuman USMC larper autists like every other m*lsim trash heap on the steam store.
Thankfully it has a robust and enjoyable teamkilling system with full mic support.
It definitely leans closer to Arma than Insurgency, but with more consistent gamemodes and thus more organization on public servers.
>currently enjoying hell let loose
Is it not shit?
I didn't like ARMA or Squad.
Nobody LARPs in squad unless you are dumb enough to confuse talking on the mic with roleplaying. Roleplay communities are mocked by almost everyone in Squad, which is why they shut themselves away from others in 1 life mode mods.
Again, stay far, far away.
Co-op vs Bots too?
Literally every cretin on squad acts like they are in the army or scream when explosions happen and shit.
There is nothing more satisfying than throwing a grenade into your entire squad as they are all bunched up though so it makes it worth enduring.
It has a lower playercount just a few month than any other compareable game and will not keep a siginifcant playerbase for long.
It's clunkier than Arma, worse gunplay than Arma, the least content out of all these games, its pretty garbage beyond the half decent graphics.
Are the bongs in it yet?
Who else thinks 'Squad' was a poor choice of naming for this game?
have been for a while
meh. Too much LARPing and autism.
RS2 is way more fun.
>modern warfare
Will I hate this shit if I'm playing solo? I don't ever play games with friends.
RS2 is for smoothbrains who can't read a fucking map. Also huecity sucks dick.
Yes. Squad is no fun without friends.
Probably. You only get a rifle if you don't join a squad and most squadleaders kick people who don't play together, you can make friends ingame tho
Well fuck that then. Shame.
>RS2 is for smoothbrains who can't read a fucking map
he says whilst defending dumbed down arma for retards
>same squad screenshots
>same webms
these threads hit rock bottom lol
>thinking reading a map is hard
>thinking he's smarter than everyone else for being able to read a map
Is this peak autism?
I don't play arma because it runs at 10 fucking fps
>It's clunkier than Arma, worse gunplay than Arma, the least content out of all these games, its pretty garbage beyond the half decent graphics.
i just don't know what to say, this post is full retard
>thinking reading a map is hard
where did I say this you mouthbreather
the fact that rs2 players cannot do something this simple is why they're retards
it has few maps
runs like shit
bad gunplay
is clunky
how is that wrong? Its dropping players faster than Post Scriptum
>The game is literally to complex to be enjoyable because spawn systems don't work with inexperienced players, how is that shallow lmao
My post was about the OVERALL experience of squad don't just cherrypick and move goalposts about players and spawn systems
>I have never seen that happen
Well you must be fucking blind, deaf and dumb then (steam forums, in-game chat, VOIP prove you wrong multiple times over)
>Nobody LARPs in squad
My god you're fucking retarded or just a dev shilling for more players prolly the latter
How is he wrong then refute him on his points instead of being a crybaby faggot user.
I'll play again when they bring back insta death and remove the retarded "ask for medic" sound effect.
I haven't played in a squad that actually used their mics and didn't just run around the map randomly with no plan for months now.
Its just fucking battlefield children playing it now, its a shame cause it used to be such a good game.
But they can, it's really not hard. In fact you need some map reading skill to effectively play RS2.
I jus think people who play RS2 instead of Squad don't feel like travelling across a map for 5 minutes with nothing in it before getting into a firefight with the possiblilty of getting shot in the face and having to travel that same distance all over again.
>inb4 b-but you can spawn on your SL
Not if your SL is a retard and constantly gets shot in the face as well.
Why u mad tho?
>runs like shit
implying arma doesn't
>is clunky
and arma isn't?
I like arma more than squad, but squad is definitely more functional as a game.
Why do Squad threads always cause this much salt?
Shit is full of hackers, ESP babies etcc so fuck that shit
Because it triggers autists when people say their favourite LARP simulator is shit.
jealous arma-autists
I was responding to the Hell Let Loose guy
RS2, Insurgency, Arma 3 and now HLL fanboys need a thread too and thus always cause threadshitting here
How does the most austistic game end up the most popular?
Arma 3 doesn‘t count because its 90% unarmed rp gamemodes like some GMOD shit
>squad is definitely more functional as a game
How so fuckwit? Functional in what regard specifically? A3 can do anything and everything better than Squad can when it comes to non-performance/hardware related functionality specifically the weapon/vehicle/utility/logistical/air AND user functionality. I can name many more but that is already got you btfo.
>barely 3.5 thousands players
Come the fuck on now. None of these games are popular.
But the reason it's most popular in this niche among the other games is because it's the most autistic (apart from ARMA which is why most milsim autists still play that) without being overly complicated.
RS2 is too arcadey for them and Hell Let Loose is unfinished.
>But they can, it's really not hard
Which is why nobody plays supremacy even though it's the superior gamemode in every conceivable way and whenever it does come up everybody sprints into the nearest point to die instantly while the flank is completely empty or why players will run into napalm every fucking time no matter how many times you warn them or why officer communication is nonexistent in every server and most squads just chase kills while baiting their team and ignoring the commander.
imagine being this delusional
Arma 3 still feels like OFP at its core
Stop playing in the free weekends.
Why do people here feel the need to compare it to ArmA when it fill an entirely different niche?
It's midway between BF2 and ArmA and try to be a slow paced, squad centric, realistic shooter.
I play both and I enjoy both of them for different reason.
Welcome to Yea Forums newfag.
That's right you can't even give a proper reply and instead shoot for some off-handed irrelevant opinion to which I say is funny because OFP at it's core is obviously STILL the more successful title than squad kek.
I bought the game at release and played in the beta. Nothing has changed since. RS2 is BF with a different coat of paint. Anybody who actually wants combined arms warfare or teamwork is playing milsims.
Guess I should go back playing vidya instead of wasting my time posting here.
just dont expect anything worthwhile, call people faggots any you'll be fine
Armas gunplay feels like shit
netcode is garbage rubberband shit
public server suck
I know because I played for far too long, with ACE+ACRE mods and I couldn't find groups that wouldn't just shoot braindead AI.
Its fucking boring at this point and you need to kys
>ArmA 3
KEK this is why no one takes armafags seriously. All you fucks do is RP and shoot at some of the worst AI in videogames.
>Armas gunplay feels like shit
subjective and debatable
>yet again he deflects my previous posts with irrelevancies involving personal/user-end issues within the game/community
Just stop playing retard my man and answer the questions of functionality already.
>inb4 yet another deflected braindead response
how do i into squad combat? last few times i tried to play the game i got absolutely demolished no matter what i did, and i always felt useless.
>subjective and debatable
Not him but isn't it as subjective and debatable as calling Squad's gunplay shit?
play RS2 instead
Depends on what he means by gunplay, does Squad have proper and fully modeled ballistics for ALL it's weaponry? Does squad have properly implemented bipods, fixed-gunpods, disassembling of mortar/fixed MG parts? Does squad have infinite custom attachment possibilities with scopes, grips, optics, suppresors, IR, lase- oh wait no PROPER night-ops on Squad huh only dusk? ouch. Prolly many more I can list but i'm tired and abandoning this thread, maybe squadbabies can counter me in the next thread (whenever that will be).
Squad has fixed roles so it works in a PVP environment.
It isn‘t just a co-op dress up sim like Arma. Yes, you can choose optics. Yes, you can build machineguns, mortas, SPGs, ATGMs. You would know this if you weren‘t just shitposting about a game you haven‘t played.
I have over a thousand hours in each and Squad is just more fun.
>inb4 subjective xd
those effects look really good but like, they're almost too good
like they look out of place and the rest of the game looks like ugly flat shit in comparison, it's really weird
okay but how will that help me into squad combat?
It won't you idiot.
then why are you telling me to play RS2 if it won't help me into squad combat??
>Squad has fixed roles so it works in a PVP environment.
Irrelevant to gunplay
>It isn‘t just a co-op dress up sim like Arma
Irrelevant to gunplay
>Yes, you can build machineguns, mortas, SPGs, ATGMs
I know that but can you DISASSEMBLE them AND carry them around on-person and in vehicles? along with the separate ammunition stocks? didn't think so.
>Yes, you can choose optics
1 fixed/optic (with no in-field detaching or multiple use functions i.e. swapping to ironsights/scope lel) through loadout slots kek
>I have over a thousand hours in each and Squad is just more fun
So do I snowflake, good job.
Anything else you wanna bring up and deflect zoomertard or are we done here? Why can't yoube bothered to list any of my other points? Your not making a very good case here and you should reevaluate your replies before you post.
What do you expect they wanted to go for the "cinematic" movie feelz and it ends up being subpar because UE4 looks like complete dogshit with shitty shaders and LOD
Its been maintaining 2k-3k players for 4 years you fags constantly call it dead
I just want to play proper Berzerk or AAS in Arma 2 once again.
Start using hard cover whenever possible - show as little of yourself to the enemy and directions the enemy might be in as possible.
Avoid hillsides, hilltops and open fields as much as possible. If you don't think you could go prone and survive being shot at, it's not a good place to be in.
Stop sprinting when your stamina is at half, avoid letting it go below that at all times. Play it nice and calm.
Always go prone when you can - small target, stable weapon, a very good combination.
does it still run like total dogshit
>literally every blah blah..
Out of 288 hours played I've never dealt with ultra-LARPers on more than one occasion and they were ignored. What do you think of cresting?
It unironically manages to run better than Sandstorm.
>It unironically manages to run better than Sandstorm
That means fuck all since Sandstorm is designed to only run at barely 60 fps if you sport an i9 and dual 2080's and even then it still struggles to load in textures and whatnot properly.
How does that mean fuck-all? So my computer's ability to constantly stay between 120-144 fps in Squad on large maps with 5x the players means nothing? That those fucking idiots at NWI can't get it running past 70 fps when shadows are introduced to more than 5 players? I've been playing it over the weekend and it runs fucking fine, my man. The amount of difference even though the two games are using the same engine is staggering.
>rank missing
was he a recruit or something
I'm not an armyfag but I am pretty sure E-1's don't have any rank insignia.
maps are pretty good (for comparison there's not a single good map in squad)
runs better than squad
gunplay is average, but polish is in the roadmap
vaulting is rough, the rest is okay
most importantly, it's actually fun. it's red orchestra with big maps
Then why doesn't it have players?
>Out of 288 hours blah blah
Every game i play in squad is full of larper subhumans
Thats says more about you than Squad lmao
stay away
I play to grief most days, everyone being a larper autist makes it more fun to grief.
What counts as a larper autist ? Nobody uses ranks or unecesarry military jargon. You'd know this if you actually played.
People reacting to things with screams or yelling like they're actually happening, playing le epik XD meme songs over voice, using military terms like mike mike or clicks etc.
>People reacting to things with screams or yelling like they're actually happening
alright, point taken
>meme songs over voice
how is that larping?
> using military terms like mike mike or clicks etc
the ingame maps are in kilometers or clicks, how is that larping? You want them to put the distances in a calculator each time for braindead americans who only know miles?
the only thing that always stop me from playing arma 3 is that disgusting grass pop-in
it's too fucking close
There's a mod for extended grass range, helps a bit
mic shy autists get mad that they have to talk and be part of a team
Squad is AWFUL. Literal military tards whos entire existence is around getting yelled at 24/7 order to kill poorly equipped sand people with airstrikes, use the game as an outlet of their fantasies.
>phonetic alphabets and kilometres are military terms
What the fuck is wrong with you?
Apparently truck drivers are .mil
Who are you quoting?
he is quoting post No. 469519423 and how the poster of that post said "People using military terms like mike mike[simple phonetic alphabet] or clicks[shortening of kilometers]"
That's the one, i'm not sure if that's what your lookin for but it's worth a shot.
So it's not a direct quote? Ok i see.
Ok, I can do that too bub.
Go back to /jp/ and spam some Touhous, you faggot.
What do you mean by that?
it is a re-phrasing of what was posted, and this particular re-phrasing does not lose any meaning that the first poster meant with his post.
tl;dr stop being a faggot or fuck off
>4 terrorists stand right in front of you
>doesn't kill them
but it does though, the original poster does not claim that kilometers or phonetic alphabets are the issue, but the use of clicks or mike mike when the autist in question can just say kilometers or millimeters instead of larping like a military animal.
The only ones who complain about >quotes being used for something else than direct quotes these days are the 2hou spamming autists of /jp/. Or maybe you just picked up the habit for some reason, thought it was common and you're just a newfag?
i probably the only oldfag in here that played the fist ro then dh then piled up 400+ hrs in ro2
the community gets more and more retarded, following the game design changes.
>half the time the team misses a TL
>TL doesn't undestand that arty goes behind the obj to prevent tks
>SLs cant stay alive for 2 seconds near a cap to allow spawns
>vc squad tunnels are always placed right next to the cap so they always get destroyed by the cobra or arty
>people still don't understand that the 2 teams have different running animations, (1 hand vs 2 hand holding the rifle)
>braindead idiots don't understand what a ticket count is
>cant figure out how to stay alive inside the cap
>cant fathom the idea of retreating and your cap with arty to kill enemies and play time
i sperg out way too much over it.
also tripwire can't fucking code or has lost the 1 good coder they had ages ago, they went from developing a game out of a mod to not being able to create more than 2 maps per year and being unable to fix a glitch present in 2 games (the jumping dead body from underground dating back to ro2)
how retarded are you
A "klick" rolls off the tongue far more fluently than a "kilometre" so you might as well whine about any slang term usage, and there's actual benefit to phonetic alphabets being used, considering the amount of noise and chatter you can find in an ordinary Squad game, especially as a squad leader. This is why phonetic alphabets exist in the first place. You can mistake an "em" for an "en" or even an "el", but it's much harder to mistake a mike for a november for a lima. If you're against clear communications in a game designed around teamwork and continuous communication just because you're afraid of sounding like a roleplayer, I don't know what to tell you.
RP:ing, not larping. It's not live-action, you pillock.
Not as retarded as you apparently
>RP:ing, not larping.
both are cancer, it is irrelevant.
>no u
literally watch the 2 webms again, and delete your posts out of shame, retard
your first mistake is assuming that people, in any competitive team-based setting, will communicate without trying to shorten their communication. click is a shortening of ki-lo-me-ter, and shortens it by 3 syllables as illustrated.
your second mistake is assuming that people, in any competitive team-based setting, will communicate without trying to eliminate confusion from the communication. if i recall correctly, Mike Mike and similar "military jargon" is used to call squares on the map that are labeled with letters of the alphabet. in this case, the call out is for grid square MM. saying Mike Mike is way better than saying eMeM because english alphabet is shitty and eM sounds like eN, and to eliminate this confusion, people use proper nouns starting with a letter M (in this case, the name Mike) to differentiate it from the letter N, which is replaced with another proper noun, this time one that starts with N(like the name of a month, November).
tl;dr all the "military larping" is a logical conclusion any normal people will arrive at when they need efficient communication.
And mistaking clear communications for roleplaying is more retarded than being a roleplayer. What kind of a moron hears phonetic alphabets and thinks it's supposed to be about roleplaying as a military member?
>Not even ARMA 3
Try again.
Explain it to me then, go on. I already know your reply but go ahead.
Its obviously Takistan in the Arma 3 engine retard, I haven't played that game in two years and can see that.
>1 guy doing something remotely interesting
>2 guys watching him
>1 guy pretending to do something useful
>you taking a screenshot of this
yep sounds like SQUAD. Total shit.
>playing squ*d when arma exists
the ayy lmao "mil sim" with fake guns and fake planes and fake tanks that is mainly used as a second life rip-off?
It's obviously not, because that's not how scopes work in ARMA 3.
Try again.
>playing a game for the trolling potential
checks out
No, ARMA 3, the game with all the fucking content covering every theater of war you could ever want.
If a game never has downtime its total shit and for ADHD retards
They're two entirely different kinds of games. Arma is a sim-lite and Squad's a proper FPS. You'd play (modded) Arma to get the most realistic experience you can and Squad to get a team-based shooter with some slight realism.
Post it on /int/ if you want your precious upvotes.
there's none of that on the arma 3 dvd disc or via dlc, try again
>They're two entirely different kinds of games
true, squad is shit and arma is decent
They love a more Insurgency-oriented, RO2 action-packed, battlefield-esque fast paced sim LITE experience AKA casualized shit
>dvd disc
What year do you think it is gramps, do you need someone to check your wallet for an emmergency phone number to render assistance?
i'm afraid of the autism. Squad is simple, arcade-y milsim-y shooter you can pick up and play and not worry about fucking up or being a retard, and from what i heard of Arma, it's very much serious business where you'll get banned from the server for not knowing the "march forward kinda slowly but not really" key from the "march forward but actually very slowly" key, half an hour before combat even thinks about being started.
I prefer Squad because it's far more casual and gamey. Arma might be great with a good community and long prep-times, but I can't be bothered with putting in the effort and I don't want to join a community of any kind, so Squad's better.
When was the last time you played a half decent TVT?
Public Arma servers are absolute garbage AND EVERY SINGLE COMMUNITY IS LARPING COOP RETARDs
There is nothing more casual than fighting AI in Arma 3, its a glorified teamspeak hangout.
mmm dannin
Arma is better if you're autistic, maybe. Squad is somewhere between Arma and BF in terms of fun elements of gameplay and trying too hard to be a sim.
nice post homo zoomer(known as faggot)
my point is unobjectionable and factual
whatever you consider arma to be after you download independent mods not made by the official devs doesn't matter.
it's as much of a "milsim with every theater of war" as a larping social hangout game
>fun elements of gameplay
Picked it up during the sale but it's hard to get into because of all the new people that team kill and leave when they don't know how to get into vehicles or something.This has happened to me every game.
>it's dead
just like you should be, tripfag. kys
So you agree Arma 3 is nothing more than a social chatroom for autists?
>nice post homo zoomer(known as faggot)
>content that's in the game isn't in the game because I said so.
Alzheimer's really is a bitch.
>Its obviously Takistan in the Arma 3 engine retard, I haven't played that game in two years and can see that.
Are you fucking retarded, or merely fucking retarded?
grenadier gang
You'll just have to wait for the sale to end and for some time to pass. This tends to happen during every sale, but gets better over a couple weeks. Retards either drop it out of disinterest or are put off by being treated as the retards they are.
You're unlikelier to find newbie-friendly SLs right now as well. Normally most people will be willing to teach you and not care about you fucking things up, but during the sales there's so many noobs it feels like you're trying to lead a bunch of kindergarteners, so a lot of people just get pissed off.
The other WEBM doesn't have bloom out of the ass, there is no PIP mods for arma 2
based retard
suck my cock you little bitch
my naked bouncing boobies in skyrim sure as hell weren't there at release and the devs sure as hell didn't code them in via update or dlc.
stuffing feathers up your ass doesn't make you a turkey
You heard wrong because there are hardcore milsim groups and then there are casual more laidback groups, don't let people fearmonger you with that trivial and fictitious bullshit ain't nobody gonna get yelled at or expelled for fucking up a key press my dude cmon now.
Sooo you played ArmA 3 TVT on public servers fighting retarded AI without using TS?
>there is no PIP mods for arma 2
No user, you are the based retard.
>Sooo you played ArmA 3 TVT on public servers fighting retarded AI without using TS?
Is this your brain on autism?
>Arma public servers are garbage
>PVP is the only interesting aspect of the game
>No dedicated groups play PVP regularely because Arma babies have no reaction time and need forgiving AI not to interfere with their deliberate convoy driving, formation building and other LARP bullshit.
Do you need everything broken down to you or did your Arma drill seargent second captain of buttfucking take every personal thought out of your brain?
>You heard wrong because there are hardcore milsim groups and then there are casual more laidback groups,
Are there casual laidback groups that still play the game seriously and as well as possible? Just without autism?
>posts traps
like clockwork
>Is there a server Yea Forums plays on?
Why in the world would you want that?
Read my post again retard, I don't play Arma
arma 3 blows this piece of shit early access trash out of the water. when you consider the price of squad, you get next to nothing in content for smoother controls.
>14 maps with a total landmass of >150 squarekilometers
>5 factions each with a full array of weapons and vehicles
>next to nothing
based retard
Of course, just check out the steam forums and find a group recruiting or post a thread detailing what your looking for and before you know it your in-game.
>I don't play Arma
Ousted, fucking stupid idiot neck urself already.
That is less than nothing compared to ARMA.
Just because I don't play anymore doesn't mean I don't know what a boring fucking snorefest it is Have fun operating tactically against some fucking AI standing in a field like the badly coded shit they are, real cool gameplay LOL
RO2 is my favourite but only the original Stalingrad. Rising Storm has shit maps and all the new ones have too many automatic weapons.
>No helicopters
>No jets
>No boats
>No HALO insertions
Squad is an even playing field. The only time you are under threat in Arma is if the AI shoot you through foliage again LMAO
>Squad is an even playing field.
Technically. In reality the average player is a complete fucking toddler and you might as well be playing against the Arma AI. I don't understand how a game like Squad can attract such bad players.
If pub servers aren't too challenging anymore you can start playing clan matches, it feels like a very different game again.
>same webms in every squad thread
Is it legit a shill or just a lone autist?
I love ww2 and want this real bad, but are there enough people playing this?
Pub servers have never been any sort of challenge. They're all just a turkeyshoot.
In what way are clan matches better? Meta and teamwork between squads, sure, but how would the players' general gamesense and use of cover improve?
I tried SQUAD last free weekend its meh. Might get it if it leaves EA
Even in Australia I can find full local servers, also there are some fucking great WW2 mods for ARMA 3 with massive dynamic maps if you want a more chilled PvE game with logistics, base building, town capturing/fortifying etc
>but how would the players' general gamesense and use of cover improve?
You know how noobs complain about "getting shot from nowhere" or "getting sniped from a kilometer away"? Thats how I felt the first few times I played clan matches again. It's just a lot, much better players focused on a single server
>Even in
Australia has the best mil-sim community in the world. It's in no way a case of "even in".
Are you talking about the Iron Front module that was exported to Arma 3? I played one of those evo invasion servers but it closed down. I should check the servers more. And I'll definitely have to buy post scriptum.
>Thats how I felt the first few times I played clan matches again
Tells me you're not someone I want to listen to when it comes to opinions of players' proficiency.
It also has a fucking tiny population completely isolated from playing vidya with the rest of the world, so if we can cobble together the players for a niche game within a niche genre the fuck is the rest of the worlds excuse.
Also, learn to use the internet.
What's with you and thinking it's always the AI people fight against? (btw there are are multiple mods that fix the AI and can be customized ezpz but the fact that your 1,000hr ass wouldn't know that means your a casual scrub) You should also know that there's multiple PvP and PvPvE based campaigns and scenarios that support 70-140 players right? Course not.
>1000+ hours isn't enough to have an opinion on Arma
shoulda joined the military then, but you are a fat ugly roleplayer so of course you don't
Atleast I don't consider myself the best at every game I try user, have some humility
And I have a realistic outlook on life. good on both of us.
True enough the Aussies know how to have some mean n clean OPs, always fun times.
Fuck, misread that as "I have some humility".
I won't, I prefer realism.
>Are you talking about the Iron Front module that was exported to Arma 3?
Yeah IFA3 forms the core of it, I also like to run Faces of War, Geist and a few other misc mods along with it.
There's always a few great WW2 Liberation servers for ARMA 3 floating around, or you can just host your own locally and solo it up with zeus.
And Post Scriptum is pretty great, it's not as polished as Squad, but i've spent a lot more time in PS than Squad because the core of what's there feels a lot better and WW2 in general just translates to vidya better I think, there's a natural balance to the weapons that makes for great gameplay.
>he thinks his dinky 1khrs holds any water through his highly opinionated shitposting
top laff m8, thanks. Also nice ad hominem it really accentuates your level of blissfully retarded ignorance lol
>1.5k is not enough
>literally two full months, 24/7
>"n-noooo no ,you need to have spend a full year infront of the PC in Arma to have an opinion that is valid
kys neckbeard, unironically you are wasting your life
Have sex
>plays a single game for 1k hours
>the other guy is the loser
You'll never touch this
>says the subhuman who plays games for thousands of hours
so uh, videogames?
Maybe this was when he came back and she did it with some random on camera MOMENTS BEFORE.
Squad is like escape from tarkov in that both games have massive potential but everyone who plays them is a retard and the devs don't give a shit about the game at all
Squad is great, but after playing VR shooters I just can't go back to click shooters. I hope next arma has VR support.
>in squad, its a bug
>in Project Reality, its a feature
leave my thread boomer
OWI has NO idea what to do. Their coders are incompetent, their map designers are entry level, gaining no experience and any criticism is 'toxicity'.
They've gone through 3 game designers. They're a terrible company!
Look how hard they try to defend their shitty game.
>Pls don't look at these bugs reported on Reddit, they never happen plssss buy our game!!
Deviation does not exist in Squad you absolutely numbskull.
You don't even know how to shill your own game LMFAO
Who are you quoting?
bandage was bugged for fucking YEARS. stupid monkey devs
Project Reality is never coming back and Squad killed it
Good thing that webm is not from v14
Squad has the sloppiest shooting "feel" ive played in an FPS.
The devs are complete cocksuckers too, a relatively new player to the game wouldn't know that though.
My problem with Squad is that the game never seems to focus out of a single cap point. The entire server always fights for the same point. The movement feels awkward, you can't pick up kits from dead people, and the game performance is atrocious, I don't know what it is about UE4, but it just fucking sucks ass. I prefer PR. The shooting and gfx are not as good as squad, but nearly everything else is better.
good thing i didn't say it was.
Squad shill back at it again, the same webms, the same screenshots, the same full-scale shilling of this shitty game.
Then why does nobody actually play PR if everyone coming in Squad thread raves about it?
You REALLY think I care about Project Reality?
Someone couldn't possibly dislike this shittily managed, poorly optimized, pathetic amounts of bugs, terribly contrived arcade milsim type game, with horrible direction of teamwork?
I love proving you pathetic mongrels wrong. It is from v14.
>test build footage
how sad can you get
Probably because they don't know about PR, and squad is newer. Which is a shame since PR is totally free, for much more content.
>tfw no more Kokan and Hookers
test build?
how dense can you get
squad threads are pathetic. created by the same shill every time so slutposter can come in and shitpost about PR all over again. no one gives a shit about squad itself, the thread is just a boiling pit of shit. imagine actually playing with community like this.
rent free
do you have dreams about OWI?
I have dreams of their company burning to the ground for being so terrible.
you're a lolcow, what the hell is that facebook pic.
are you serious?