So, how do we fix WRPGS?

So, how do we fix WRPGS?

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We gas everyone who makes "MY RPG GENRE IS BETTER THAN YOURS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" threads

We can start by fixing this thread.

>How do we fix RPG's?

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Why are white boys so sexy?

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buy European games

Just let Japanese devs work on WRPG IPs. There's no possible way to fix them, since Western devs are incapable of making good games

by giving me the source of that cropped picture you posted


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Guys, guys, stay on topic

Dude, look at the filename, idiot, I didn't make it.
Use yandex or something

First you gotta tell me what's wrong with WRPGs in the first place.
And no, "they suck" is not an acceptable answer.

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Be willing to forgo voice acting. With that burden removed, create lots of interesting dialogue and branching plots that would be too cost-prohibitive to voice act.

Abandon RTWP forever.

Don't be afraid to have stories about good/heroic people saving the world instead of cynical Game of Thrones nihilism.

Make them anime there fixed.

idk but I think the western industry obsession with having photo-realistic graphics does not make games inherently better, and that if most AAA developers put half as much effort into the content of a game than its visuals there'd probably be a lot more great RPGS being released than the usual 1 good one in every 5 mediocre ones.

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by removing 50% of npc dialog because i couldnt be assed to hear the entire backstory of some fucking nobody that ill never see after 5 min for the millionth time

I was going to type something up, but basically this. Good going, user.

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If you are not photorealistic and not 100% voiced most people won't buy your game

Low budget anime games made a compromise, where main characters have tons and tons of voiced lines, but side characters are unvoiced - so you have to hire less voice actors
But with photorealistic games, it would be very jarring

Cute girls
Good romance mechanics and options
DnD class system

based fuck weebs

The best option is to either voice no one or, if you really want voices, do just do the generic "hmm" "what" "i see" one lines that are only loosely linked to the actual dialogue.

>If you are not photorealistic and not 100% voiced most people won't buy your game
Well, I said that was the way to fix them, not the way to make them the most profitable.

>Low budget anime games made a compromise, where main characters have tons and tons of voiced lines, but side characters are unvoiced - so you have to hire less voice actors
>But with photorealistic games, it would be very jarring
I find that jarring in any game, to be honest. I'd rather they not voice act anything if they're not going to voice act everything.

>But with photorealistic games, it would be very jarring
Worked fine when Capcom pulled that a bunch in their old console games. I don't remember people complaining about it in Dead Rising 1 or 2. Unless that doesn't count as photorealistic.

By making RPGs and not action games with RPG elements.

>DnD class system
Only if it's 4e.

We're talking RPGs not korean MMOs.

Your right in that most Normal fags that only play the first few hours of an RPG would abandon it quickly if its not pretty enough, but OP asked for how to improve WRPGs, and simply focusing more on the game and less on the bullshit is one of the soloutions that many would be happy for.

The sort of people who actually care about voice and photorealism are not the sort of people that an RPG should be made to appeal to.

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by killing all the sjws and kikes in the video game industry

We make them turn based and redpilled like JRPGs
We let modders fix them like Bethesda games

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sauce of this cute girl????



God I wish I was Nat

Actual RPGs are for nerds and virgins, submit to your story driven action game overlords.

It looks like Asanagi so i'm sure she gets murdered in the next panel

Jannies be seethin'

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>pro-drpg post gets deleted
That shit should have stayed in the 80s

Victim Girls 17

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