Trannies and minorities: the game

>Trannies and minorities: the game
Why do they do this? Why can't we just have games in 201X that aren't political and agenda driven?

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Because we live in a society

How is that political?

ummm sweetie respect the artist's decisions ok? don't be an art nazi.

The answer is always Jews

Game had like 1 tranny

Kill yourselves


stay mad kike

no ones forcing you to buy it

>It's the ubisoft makes a game that looks political but it really isn't thread.
Why does Yea Forums fall for this every damn time?

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>kill yourself
For not being mad over nothing?

because the people making the games are fucking losers from reddit and the marketing departments also push the diversity shit too
and guess what, the game sold like total dogshit and they lost out

For accepting abominations

>and guess what, the game sold like total dogshit and they lost out
It was pretty embarrassing to be around for those first few months after release and see shills (both on Yea Forums and elsewhere) try really hard to push the "good parts" of the game so hard, like DEAD SEC and... Huh, it was always DEAD SEC.

Where do you live where every person you see when you go outside is perfect?

I'm legitimately disgusted at the idea that there are some people, who call themselves Europeans, who look at this and are okay with it. It's like being okay with micro-transactions. But it's not surprising attitude they hold, just look at the state of western games in general. They only have themselves to blame.

If the game sold badly then why is it getting a sequel?

are you legitimately asking?

Nah nigger, I'm just asking for teh lulz. Of course Im asking, retard.

>Yea Forums user makes obvious bait post's for (you)'s. retarded, whiteknight, moralfag redditors give him the (you)'s he so desperately craves.
Why does neo-Yea Forums fall for this every damn time?

>tfw the trans character broke my egg

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please don't call me names user and it's Ubisoft they'll shit these games out no matter how they sell so you can expect at least seven of these

Never said people have to be perfect but trannies are an abomination and will never be accepted as normal.

fair enough

The game sold 20% as many copies in its first week as the first game did. The CEO of Ubisoft commented on "poor" pre-order sales. Why is it getting a sequel? My best guess is Ubishit is lazy and quickly running out of ideas for new games so they're just going to rehash their current series as much as possible, a la Assassin's Creed, because they have a complete lack of creative talent and instead have a bunch of cuck porn watching, self-hating white males in their 30's employed in upper management who are pushing for pic related plus a fucking raghead and a couple other token retards because they're more focused on 'muh progression' then actually creating an enjoyable experience.

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Money Money Money we're all pretty whores sucking on the that cock just to save pennies form that dank shit slap me in the face bitch I want more I sucky sucky sucky Steam® Subscription sell it at the Epic Store Fuck you FBICIA Jannietrannies you aint knockin at this cracka's door

Not even worth pirating. If you support companies that push for mentally ill faggots in games, you most likely are one yourself.

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Wrench is the only good thing come out of that game

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Most trannies are omega males that turned to homosexuality instead of going after real women. Computer nerds are predominantly shy males. Therefore probably like 60% of all devs are trannies so we get them in the games


whats an egg

Why is this not allowable in a game where the whole plot is related to politics? That's like bashing deus ex for politics.

One is preachy, the other isn't.

How is it preachy? It's not even out.

Because we debunked your post?

Reminder that anyone who tells you black people existing in a game is "political" is a white supremacist.

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This is a real title, and it is meant to be emblamatic of a real article

I would be absolutely emberassed to have the label "journalist" in the year 2019

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Good thing nobody says that then

Why are whitoid males oh so fragile?

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>game has tranny || faggot characters
>you can kill them
Bibisoft clearly didn't think it through while making Watch Dogs.

Don't buy then you retard lmao

Because it's done for diversity points. And you SJWs yourselves prefer when characters are "organically" are gay, black or whatever so fuck off with your dishonesty.

Based shitposter randomly picking a side and spamming obnoxious shit before switching to spam the other side's obnoxious shit

Honestly it's no worse than that period between 2007-2013 where every protaginist had be some gruff, bald, white middle-aged man with a neck as thick as a tree stump who could only communicate in grunts. Eventually the AAA industry will find new trends to chase after.

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>immediately stops posting

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Imagine crying about non-white people existing, lmao change your diaper

you're right, and that combined with potential lootbox crackdowns, i can't see current gaming trends having very long to go

hopefully the next one is playing as brown lolis

It’s only political and agenda based when it’s the minorities hurr durr