>Amazing gameplay
>amazing artstyle
>amazing story
>the MC is the most unlikeable character in the game
Why do game devs do this
Is the mc unlikeable to the player or to other characters in the game world? If unlikeable in the game world then based, fuck playing as a normalfag
You're an unlikable person and they want to make it easy for you to identify with the protagonist.
for me its normaly that the mc is the most unintresting character on the game but people still love them cause they wanna be fucked or stepped on by them
>amazing gamplay
>amazing music
>amazing world
>garbage characters
>horrid story
Name anything worse than this
I still find it funny that to this day 99% of people still don't realize that was a right-wing game with an MC who was intentionally an unlikable onions boy. All it took was one fake image of a random dude claiming it was the dev and everyone assumed it was a sincere cuck game.
Shit music or gameplay.
Fire Emblem Fates. Awakening barely escapes but it has worse music.
Name eight games that do this
>great gameplay
>good art
>atmosphere with potential
>game uses the most soulless, out of place, generic trailer music
The issue is not that the character is a shit. It's that he's a shit who continues to be a shit but a good thing happens to him and the game acts like this changed his personality. The resolution of the game is that he is going to try to improve himself. The plot hook of the game is that he is going to try to improve himself. He goes from point A, to point A but for real this time I promise guys :)
The game's "character development" is the essence of Californian social degeneracy. It doesn't matter if you surround yourself with people who emotionally depend on you, you can still be a shit person despite this, and that's what the MC remains at the end of the game.
I'm not denying that it's shit. I just find it funny how it's hated on here for all of the wrong reasons.
And that's why we love Drakengard. Also, it's a good idea for a new thread.
How is YIIK a right-wing game?
It sets out to make leftists look bad is what user is getting at.
Try beating the first week.
Assuming you're correct and not retarded, what difference would it make if YIIK posited right-wing viewpoints?
The combat is still tedious, the writing is still awful, the acting is still embarrassing, and the main protagonist is still insufferable.
Even if that was the case, one of the biggest no nos in storytelling is making an unlikeable protagonist.
Like shit, there's nothing wrong with having a flawed character or even a villain as a protag, but if they're ridiculously annoying to read/watch and don't ever grow from it no one will want to go on the journey with that character.
99% of people are smart enough to not endure something thats not fun to play, has bad writing and is incredibly up its own ass at every moment.
>carring about story when gameplay and everything else is amazing
Found a faggot
Xenoblade 2 fuck rex